Florida Turning Bright Red

Why bother with all this shit? Only a fool would support the criminal two party system. The reality is they are nearly identical parties with only minor differences. Yet Americans divide themselves over this. It’s fucking CRAZY!
Good luck getting rid of it.
To think the dumb commie cucks in this state NEARLY voted in a closet case drug addict.

You lefties are some really dumb assholes.
Meaningless. Many of those registered Democrats were Republicans who switched to vote Democrat in the Florida primaries in March, 2020. Many have just switched back since then.
LOl, I switch back and forth in election years. Started as NPA, went to dem for a primary and back to republican for their primary and have remained republican for the past couple years. I have never voted straight repub or dem and where I live there hasn't been any dems on the down ballot for many years.
Looks like my campaign is working.

COMMIES GTFO of my state.

Those who support freedom and liberty, COME ON DOWN!!
Why bother with all this shit? Only a fool would support the criminal two party system. The reality is they are nearly identical parties with only minor differences. Yet Americans divide themselves over this. It’s fucking CRAZY!
If you're registered as NPA here you cannot vote in a primary.
Trump won Florida by 400,000 votes, and since the election, Republicans are net +300,000 registered voters.

LOl, I switch back and forth in election years. Started as NPA, went to dem for a primary and back to republican for their primary and have remained republican for the past couple years. I have never voted straight repub or dem and where I live there hasn't been any dems on the down ballot for many years.
Many people do that. It's why the OP is meaningless.
Trump won Florida by 400,000 votes, and since the election, Republicans are net +300,000 registered voters.


And many of those Trump votes came from Republicans who switched to Democrat to vote in the Democratic primaries. It's not the gain you think it is.
In 2024, you will see the DEM candidate NOT spend any time in Florida.

Florida is no longer in play for Dims. Congrats.
In 2024, you will see the DEM candidate NOT spend any time in Florida.

Florida is no longer in play for Dims. Congrats.
That's good you believe that. Hopefully, many on the right in Florida believe that. Then fewer will come out on election day to vote Republican; thinking they already have the election wrapped up anyway.
Where you said...

"Only a fool would support the criminal two party system."
Lol. You think that means I believe I can get rid of this corrupt two party system. I don’t know how you can conclude this.

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