Florida - Want Welfare? Take a Urinalysis

Could you imagine the real money we'd save if it was required that Corporate executives do this when applying for government grants or contracts? Or even bailouts?



What does that have to do with Florida. If you want to start a policy like this, pick up the phone, dial 911 and pass your suggestion to Obama. Tell him to give GM a piss test

Florida? You posted you wanted it in 50 states..

Maybe you should read your own damned posts.

I wrote "Can you imagine how much money would be saved if all 50 states enacted this ?"

And that reads to you "I want it in all 50 states?"

Perhaps you should learn how to read friend.

And seek some anger management too.
If you're doing Drugs and raising Children,you're not only incredibly stupid but you're also a criminal. If these people do test Positive,arrests on charges of Child Abuse should be pursued. Them not getting their Freebies shouldn't be the only issue. There are most likely some very serious problems in the Home.

You've got a point.

Why is it that you and your conservative brothers and sisters only target the improvished?

The wealthy do all sorts of drugs. Ask Rush Limbaugh.

And they cost society a great deal more. TARP and several other bailouts have proved that.
Just as I noted above the ACLU has filed suit, and the legislatures are already contemplating who to drug test next. Tsk!

"the ACLU of Florida, which has already filed suit against Scott over a measure requiring government employees to undergo random drug testing, disagrees, and may sue over the welfare law as well."

""Governor Scott's new drug testing law is not only an affront to families in need and detrimental to our nation's ongoing economic recovery, it is downright unconstitutional," said Rep. Alcee Hastings. "If Governor Scott wants to drug test recipients of TANF benefits, where does he draw the line? Are families receiving Medicaid, state emergency relief, or educational grants and loans next?"
Florida governor defends measure requiring drug tests for welfare - CNN
What does that have to do with Florida. If you want to start a policy like this, pick up the phone, dial 911 and pass your suggestion to Obama. Tell him to give GM a piss test

Florida? You posted you wanted it in 50 states..

Maybe you should read your own damned posts.

I wrote "Can you imagine how much money would be saved if all 50 states enacted this ?"

And that reads to you "I want it in all 50 states?"

Perhaps you should learn how to read friend.

And seek some anger management too.


Sorry dude...I blow right through consevative word games like butter.

And there's more then enough evidence that big money types are wasted as well.

The schemes they concoct cost us big. Perhaps more then the welfare programs and food stamps.

But it doesn't seem to be a problem with the right wing.
If you're doing Drugs and raising Children,you're not only incredibly stupid but you're also a criminal. If these people do test Positive,arrests on charges of Child Abuse should be pursued. Them not getting their Freebies shouldn't be the only issue. There are most likely some very serious problems in the Home.

You've got a point.

Why is it that you and your conservative brothers and sisters only target the improvished?

The wealthy do all sorts of drugs. Ask Rush Limbaugh.

And they cost society a great deal more. TARP and several other bailouts have proved that.

Limbaugh works and pays his Taxes. His Drug use is his business. As far as TARP goes,i don't support Corporate Welfare either.
So,, in conclusion. Can any liberal summerize for us why the taxpayer should subsidize people who then turn around and spend their money on drugs? I've thought about it and I can't justify it. And, leave off the kids will starve. We feed the kids in school.. TIA..
Florida? You posted you wanted it in 50 states..

Maybe you should read your own damned posts.

I wrote "Can you imagine how much money would be saved if all 50 states enacted this ?"

And that reads to you "I want it in all 50 states?"

Perhaps you should learn how to read friend.

And seek some anger management too.


Sorry dude...I blow right through consevative word games like butter.

And there's more then enough evidence that big money types are wasted as well.

The schemes they concoct cost us big. Perhaps more then the welfare programs and food stamps.

But it doesn't seem to be a problem with the right wing.

I am not playing games -

I wrote the following question - "Can you imagine how much money would be saved if all 50 states enacted this ?"

And you alleged I made a statement, "I want it in all 50 states."

That isn't what I said. I asked a question.

Any idiot should be able to see this.

Well, nearly any idiot.
This is a good point. Where does all that Welfare cash go? Is it really being spent on the children? Drug Abuse is a huge problem with the Entitlement crowd. If they do test Positive,they should probably be arrested and incarcerated for child abuse. Not getting their Freebies should be the least of their problems in my opinion.

Doesn't Ron Paul want to legalize drugs?

Dr. Paul and I don't agree on everything. If you test positive for Drugs,there's a good chance you're neglecting your children. It could be grounds for arrest and incarceration. Drug abuse and raising Children just don't mix well. And i think Florida is well within their rights to require Drug Testing as a qualification for receiving Welfare benefits.

Is Alcohol a drug? Should AA members be entitled to unemployment....food stamps...etc... Theres a good chance that THEY are abusing their children as well.
So,, in conclusion. Can any liberal summerize for us why the taxpayer should subsidize people who then turn around and spend their money on drugs? I've thought about it and I can't justify it. And, leave off the kids will starve. We feed the kids in school.. TIA..

A hypothetical question lacking any evidence in reality. I would doubt anyone would support welfare benefits going to drugs, of course women can whore for drugs and still use the entire check for the kids.

What is interesting is that Florida state assumes the new recipent can pay for the drug test before getting benefits. That escapes logic and it is counter to the purpose of directing funds to the poor. Of course she can whore for money to pay the drug test. She will most likely hook into a druggie who pays the fee in exchange for sex.
If you're doing Drugs and raising Children,you're not only incredibly stupid but you're also a criminal. If these people do test Positive,arrests on charges of Child Abuse should be pursued. Them not getting their Freebies shouldn't be the only issue. There are most likely some very serious problems in the Home.

You've got a point.

Why is it that you and your conservative brothers and sisters only target the improvished?

The wealthy do all sorts of drugs. Ask Rush Limbaugh.

And they cost society a great deal more. TARP and several other bailouts have proved that.

Limbaugh works and pays his Taxes. His Drug use is his business. As far as TARP goes,i don't support Corporate Welfare either.

Well if Limbaugh..or his station..or his show recieved any sort of hand out..from the government..would you want him drug tested?

Yeah..this is a gotcha.:lol:
I wrote "Can you imagine how much money would be saved if all 50 states enacted this ?"

And that reads to you "I want it in all 50 states?"

Perhaps you should learn how to read friend.

And seek some anger management too.


Sorry dude...I blow right through consevative word games like butter.

And there's more then enough evidence that big money types are wasted as well.

The schemes they concoct cost us big. Perhaps more then the welfare programs and food stamps.

But it doesn't seem to be a problem with the right wing.

I am not playing games -

I wrote the following question - "Can you imagine how much money would be saved if all 50 states enacted this ?"

And you alleged I made a statement, "I want it in all 50 states."

That isn't what I said. I asked a question.

Any idiot should be able to see this.

Well, nearly any idiot.

Well lets get down the brass tacks then.

You want this for the wealthy as well?
You are missing the point, It is too easy to beat a drug test. Cocaine is only in the system for a few days, Marijuanna can be masked, Opiates I'm not sure on but the point is paying for drug screening that can be beat in the first place is pointless. The honest ones who actually need welfare are not the one we are after. The ones we are after are the ones who know how to beat the system, they do it all the time.


the hair test show many drugs used months ago.

You're correct, but that test is extremely expensive and takes months before results.

No it doesn't...i know people that have used the shampoo and it works. But they have to wash their hair (all hair...just in case!) the day they're taking the test. Otherwise it wears off or something.
So,, in conclusion. Can any liberal summerize for us why the taxpayer should subsidize people who then turn around and spend their money on drugs? I've thought about it and I can't justify it. And, leave off the kids will starve. We feed the kids in school.. TIA..

A hypothetical question lacking any evidence in reality. I would doubt anyone would support welfare benefits going to drugs, of course women can whore for drugs and still use the entire check for the kids.

What is interesting is that Florida state assumes the new recipent can pay for the drug test before getting benefits. That escapes logic and it is counter to the purpose of directing funds to the poor. Of course she can whore for money to pay the drug test. She will most likely hook into a druggie who pays the fee in exchange for sex.

Excuse me people, you are missing an important piece of the welfare puzzle...people on welfare HAVE ISSUES. That's WHY THEY'RE ON WELFARE. If they were well adjusted, sober, non-dysfunctional people with job skills and moxy, they wouldn't be on welfare.

Welfare exists to protect THEIR KIDS. 85 percent of welfare recipients ARE CHILDREN. The whole point of welfare is to keep the children of the poorest of the poor in this country from starving. And if you make it impossible for people who smoke weed and do drugs to get foodstamps, you are going to have a LOT of starving kids. Not just hungry, not just poor..they will be starving, bloated bellies, the whole 9 yards.

I'm not a proponent of increased government spending. This is INCREASED GOVERNMENT SPENDING meant to target the poorest of the poor who are ALREADY screwed up, and the ones who are going to feel it are the kids. Not the parents, they won't care. It will be the kids who will no longer be able to take mom's ebt card down to the corner grocery when she's been gone for a week, to pick up milk and cereal and hamburger helper.

What do you think that kid will do instead?
So,, in conclusion. Can any liberal summerize for us why the taxpayer should subsidize people who then turn around and spend their money on drugs? I've thought about it and I can't justify it. And, leave off the kids will starve. We feed the kids in school.. TIA..

A hypothetical question lacking any evidence in reality. I would doubt anyone would support welfare benefits going to drugs, of course women can whore for drugs and still use the entire check for the kids.

What is interesting is that Florida state assumes the new recipent can pay for the drug test before getting benefits. That escapes logic and it is counter to the purpose of directing funds to the poor. Of course she can whore for money to pay the drug test. She will most likely hook into a druggie who pays the fee in exchange for sex.

Excuse me people, you are missing an important piece of the welfare puzzle...people on welfare HAVE ISSUES. That's WHY THEY'RE ON WELFARE. If they were well adjusted, sober, non-dysfunctional people with job skills and moxy, they wouldn't be on welfare.

Welfare exists to protect THEIR KIDS. 85 percent of welfare recipients ARE CHILDREN. The whole point of welfare is to keep the children of the poorest of the poor in this country from starving. And if you make it impossible for people who smoke weed and do drugs to get foodstamps, you are going to have a LOT of starving kids. Not just hungry, not just poor..they will be starving, bloated bellies, the whole 9 yards.

I'm not a proponent of increased government spending. This is INCREASED GOVERNMENT SPENDING meant to target the poorest of the poor who are ALREADY screwed up, and the ones who are going to feel it are the kids. Not the parents, they won't care. It will be the kids who will no longer be able to take mom's ebt card down to the corner grocery when she's been gone for a week, to pick up milk and cereal and hamburger helper.

What do you think that kid will do instead?

I actually would be in favor of testing if it was meant to get them help..and not punish them.
Seriously dude?

CAMDEN The owner of a Citgo Food Mart in Deptford Township and two store employees were sentenced Monday to prison terms ranging from 12 to 18 months for defrauding the federal food stamp program of more than $280,000, U.S. Attorney Paul J. Fishman announced.

Mehal Mothon, 48, of Berlin, who owns the Citgo Food Mart on Delsea Drive, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Joseph H. Rodriguez to 18 months in federal prison. Rodriguez sentenced two of Mothon's employees, cousins Palwinder Singh, 30, of Buena Vista, and Lakhwinder Singh, 42, of Cherry Hill, to 15 months and 12 months in prison, respectively.

The trio are to provide $283,350 in restitution, Rodriguez ordered.

The three pleaded guilty in November before Judge Rodriguez to a charge of conspiracy to embezzle from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Supplemental Nutrition and Assistance Program, or "SNAP."

The three admitted to a scheme where they gave SNAP participants cash in exchange for a 50 percent fee from July 2007 to last March.

3 sentenced in food stamp fraud - NJ.com

Damn Republican store owners!

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