Florida's Don't Feel Bad Law.

“An individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, does not bear responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex. An individual should not be made to feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race,” the bill states.

So, not little Jonnie is taught that slavery was a real thing, he goes home and tells mommy and daddy and BOOM school is now sued for teaching about slavery, and will not be allowed to do so any longer.

Little Suzi learns about what we did to native Americans as we expanded westward, she goes home and tells mommy and daddy and BOOM school is now sued for teaching about what we did and will not be allowed to do so any more.
Another example of Liberal stupidity. Should they be taught history? Of Course. To blame people today ? Keep separating people by race and skin color; you’re doing a excellent job 👍
Math ,which requires discipline to master, has now been called racist by the unmotivated and irresponsible excuse makers
Sounds like you’re delusional
The wood cutting will commence in Oct. I expect your ass to be here at dawn.

You can expect all you want, you're no wood cutter that's obvious, it's an all year thing

Now sit down you pathetic old pot head pretender. Lol it's fun ridiculing you .... probably a propane tank outside your shanty
Another example of Liberal stupidity. Should they be taught history? Of Course. To blame people today ? Keep separating people by race and skin color; you’re doing a excellent job 👍

How does one teach slavery or Jim Crow without including race?
I do. Wanna know why? Well hon, one of the many examples I can give you is because you right wingers drooled and fawned all over those proud, freedom loving Canadian truckers that clogged the streets of Ottawa for days. Remember? Freedom loving patriots?...we should do that here. How'd that work out? I always find it fascinating that those of you who trumpet themselves as "real" Americans and "core" Americans aren't a little more aware of how this country is viewed internationally by other peoples. You wonder why (except in certain totalitarian countries) that we are looked upon as way behind the curve..on just about everything.

Spare me your, "well then why don't you move there" speech. You move...if you feel you can't evolve. :)

I am not even remotely bound to what people so wholly unconnected to me think. Nor should you be if you are an adult.

I do note they're eager to take our money and use our military as their defacto one. Isn't that a kick in the head??

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