Florida's Don't Feel Bad Law.

It’s not a matter of teaching the FACTS of the unpleasant things which have happened in this (and every other) country’s history.

The issue occurs when the curriculum is designed to make specific groups of children (who weren’t even born in the century these events occurred in) feel bad because people who had some characteristic in common with them may have been involved in those events.
Can you show the course syllabus where that is occurring in Florida? If so, I completely support your statement.
Yet is is the right passing a law so the little snowflakes wont feel bad
No, it’s so snowflakes like you can’t just blame whitey for everything and tell the kids that they should feel bad about being white because of something neither they nor their parents had anything to do with. Seems you’re the snowflake here little boy.
You do not think it will pass in Fla?

The Florida bill:

An individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, does not bear responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex. An individual should not be made to feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race,” the bill states.

I am surprised that anyone - even you - would want teachers to make white children feel guilty for being white
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The Florida bill:

An individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, does not bear responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex. An individual should not be made to feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race,” the bill states.

I am surprised that anyone - even you - would want teachers to make white children feel guilty for being white

I do not want want teachers to make white children feel guilty for being white, but they also cannot help it if teaching history does that. And if teaching history does that to a student, then the law is being broken and that history will not be allowed to be taught
I do not want want teachers to make white children feel guilty for being white, but they also cannot help it if teaching history does that.
Black people represent 12% of our history

when wacko lib teachers spend 90% of the class railing against whites and slavery they produce guilt-ridden clueless white lib clones of themselves

which is the goal
Black people represent 12% of our history

when wacko lib teachers spend 90% of the class railing against whites and slavery they produce guilt-ridden clueless white lib clones of themselves

which is the goal

So, now little Jonnie is taught that slavery was a real thing, he goes home and tells mommy and daddy and BOOM school is now sued for teaching about slavery because little Jonnie felt bad that it happened, and will not be allowed to do so any longer.

Little Suzi learns about what we did to native Americans as we expanded westward, she goes home and tells mommy and daddy and BOOM school is now sued for teaching because little Suzi was upset about what we did and will not be allowed to do so any more.
So, now little Jonnie is taught that slavery was a real thing, he goes home and tells mommy and daddy and BOOM school is now sued for teaching about slavery because little Jonnie felt bad that it happened, and will not be allowed to do so any longer.

Little Suzi learns about what we did to native Americans as we expanded westward, she goes home and tells mommy and daddy and BOOM school is now sued for teaching because little Suzi was upset about what we did and will not be allowed to do so any more.
That post is an almost word-for-word repeat of post # 1 that you opened with

we havent made much progress, have we?

unlike you I’m not here to repeat myself so I refer you back to post #25

“An individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, does not bear responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex. An individual should not be made to feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race,” the bill states.

So, not little Jonnie is taught that slavery was a real thing, he goes home and tells mommy and daddy and BOOM school is now sued for teaching about slavery, and will not be allowed to do so any longer.

Little Suzi learns about what we did to native Americans as we expanded westward, she goes home and tells mommy and daddy and BOOM school is now sued for teaching about what we did and will not be allowed to do so any more.
Push back on bullshit is an absolute bitch. This is what happens when Marxists go too far.

“An individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, does not bear responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex. An individual should not be made to feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race,” the bill states.

So, not little Jonnie is taught that slavery was a real thing, he goes home and tells mommy and daddy and BOOM school is now sued for teaching about slavery, and will not be allowed to do so any longer.

Little Suzi learns about what we did to native Americans as we expanded westward, she goes home and tells mommy and daddy and BOOM school is now sued for teaching about what we did and will not be allowed to do so any more.
Such is the authoritarian right.

This is yet another example of conservatives’ fear of – and contempt for – facts and the truth.
The history of the Civil War varies by where you went to school. I grew up in Ohio in the 1950s and 1960s and was taught the Civil War was to free the slaves. To a great extend that was true but there were other factors.

Literally everything about the ACW springs from slavery. Look at the CSA constitutions and declarations if secession.
Black people represent 12% of our history

when wacko lib teachers spend 90% of the class railing against whites and slavery they produce guilt-ridden clueless white lib clones of themselves

which is the goal
The measure is a Republican effort to silence teachers and conceal the truth and facts concerning slavery.

The fact is that for many white students in Florida and other Southern states their ancestors owned enslaved Americans, participated in the lynching of black Americans, and supported segregation laws that discriminated against black Americans.

The lie that teaching these facts makes white students ‘feel bad’ is another example of rightwing revisionist ‘history.’
The fact is that for many white students in Florida and other Southern states their ancestors owned enslaved Americans, participated in the lynching of black Americans, and supported segregation laws that discriminated against black Americans.
I doubt if the descendants of slave owners in florida is very high since the Sunshine State has been a popular destination for carpetbaggers for 150 years

so you argument on that is weak

the fact is that whites ended slavery

and maybe that is bothering blacks and their guilt-ridden lib white patrons

where is the black George Washington on horseback with slave owner bullets flying around him for blacks to create statues of?

He doesent exist in history

so blacks want to shit on everyones history
That post is an almost word-for-word repeat of post # 1 that you opened with

we havent made much progress, have we?

unlike you I’m not here to repeat myself so I refer you back to post #25

That is because I copied and pasted it.

That is what the law will allow.
Such is the authoritarian right.

This is yet another example of conservatives’ fear of – and contempt for – facts and the truth.
No it’s called living in the reality of the present moment and not trying to put the woes of wholesale black irresponsibility in the laps of today’s people due to 150 years ago
Perpetual victims snd blamers are nauseating
Every white personin America is well aware of slavery. It’s yet Another Hoax that we aren’t or won’t and that BLM(ripoff hoax) and schools need to get us up to speed by instilling guilt in children that are 3/4 generations removed from slavery.
I do not want want teachers to make white children feel guilty for being white, but they also cannot help it if teaching history does that. And if teaching history does that to a student, then the law is being broken and that history will not be allowed to be taught
I was taught about it and my daughter too and we thought and think it repugnant. That’s different than guilt and reparation 2022.
The measure is a Republican effort to silence teachers and conceal the truth and facts concerning slavery.

The fact is that for many white students in Florida and other Southern states their ancestors owned enslaved Americans, participated in the lynching of black Americans, and supported segregation laws that discriminated against black Americans.

The lie that teaching these facts makes white students ‘feel bad’ is another example of rightwing revisionist ‘history.’

Really? So what about the white students who's family was still in Europe at the time of US slavery? They should feel guilty too based on the pigmentation of their skin?

The OP doesn't state that it will be illegal to teach US history, only that comments how terrible white people are (were) should be left out of the teachings.
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