Florida's Don't Feel Bad Law.

So, now little Jonnie is taught that slavery was a real thing, he goes home and tells mommy and daddy and BOOM school is now sued for teaching about slavery because little Jonnie felt bad that it happened, and will not be allowed to do so any longer.

Little Suzi learns about what we did to native Americans as we expanded westward, she goes home and tells mommy and daddy and BOOM school is now sued for teaching because little Suzi was upset about what we did and will not be allowed to do so any more.

Where in your OP does it say that? I read it twice and no mention of suing people. We went through the same shit when they passed the law about not teaching sex to 5 to 8 year olds.

“An individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, does not bear responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex. An individual should not be made to feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race,” the bill states.

So, not little Jonnie is taught that slavery was a real thing, he goes home and tells mommy and daddy and BOOM school is now sued for teaching about slavery, and will not be allowed to do so any longer.

Little Suzi learns about what we did to native Americans as we expanded westward, she goes home and tells mommy and daddy and BOOM school is now sued for teaching about what we did and will not be allowed to do so any more.
/------/ What a crock of Hillary. Your analogies are completely flawed, and boneheaded. The part of the bill you posted doesn't say those things can't be taught, it says An individual should not be made to feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race,” the bill states.
To put it in simple words so you can follow along, no one can be made to feel bad about things they had nothing to do with.
Prove I am wrong.

Is it not in the text of the law? "Made to feel" is not the same as "student felt bad".

If I explicitly tell students "White people did this and it was terrible and you should feel bad"--students were MADE to feel bad.

If I present it as I always have--factually--students feel how they feel. But were not MADE to feel that way.
/------/ What a crock of Hillary. Your analogies are completely flawed, and boneheaded. The part of the bill you posted doesn't say those things can't be taught, it says An individual should not be made to feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race,” the bill states.
To put it in simple words so you can follow along, no one can be made to feel bad about things they had nothing to do with.

They can be taught as long as they do not make anyone feel guilty. As soon as someone does so, they can no longer be taught.

“An individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, does not bear responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex. An individual should not be made to feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race,” the bill states.

So, not little Jonnie is taught that slavery was a real thing, he goes home and tells mommy and daddy and BOOM school is now sued for teaching about slavery, and will not be allowed to do so any longer.

Little Suzi learns about what we did to native Americans as we expanded westward, she goes home and tells mommy and daddy and BOOM school is now sued for teaching about what we did and will not be allowed to do so any more.
/-----/ "So, not little Jonnie is taught that slavery was a real thing,"
Everyone makes typos, but I have no idea WTF you are trying to say.
Just takes one or two parents to disagree with you and blame you for how their child feels. Then what? You ready to be sued for teaching it the way you always have?

If you go on to read the article you linked it says this:

Note the MSNBC chick wants to talk all the race hustle stuff that is CRT. She's mad they can't now. That's why the law is necessary. Parents can sue for anything--and yes it's a pain. Most of these frivolous lawsuits are soon tossed out.

DeSantis said that CRT is “crap” and pledged to pass legislation giving permission for parents and employees to sue if they are subjected to listening to the theory, according to Vanity Fair.

MSNBC’s Ja’han Jones said the bill is about “prioritizing white hypersensitivity over truthful teachings” and notes that “lessons about America’s racist and sexist past are acceptable only if they don’t offend white people.”

“To me, these new demands for fealty to fragile whiteness sound like a re-up of the Black Codes, laws instituted during and after the Civil War to reinforce white supremacy. In some states, the codes permitted capital punishment against Black people for minor crimes like petty theft, allowed whippings for vagrancy and swearing, and banned Black land ownership. Florida’s particularly harsh codes allowed white people to beat Black workers for ‘disrespect,’ as historian Jerrell H. Shofner wrote in his 1976 essay on the state’s racist laws. Historian Joe M. Richardson wrote that white Floridians passed the codes out of fear that their racist world was crumbling around them,” Ja’han said.

“It seems DeSantis and Florida’s GOP-led legislature are operating with a similar fear. They see the facade of white supremacy—weak as it is—crumbling under the weight of high school lesson plans and workplace trainings. And bills like SB 148 are sad attempts to piece that facade back together…. That’s why—if the white parents complaining about Black authors weren’t enough—it’s clear that the Florida bill is designed to coddle white people, even though it doesn’t mention them specifically,” Ja’han added.

Florida follows six other states that have taken measures to ban critical race theory, according to the World Population Review.
If you go on to read the article you linked it says this:

Note the MSNBC chick wants to talk all the race hustle stuff that is CRT. She's mad they can't now. That's why the law is necessary. Parents can sue for anything--and yes it's a pain. Most of these frivolous lawsuits are soon tossed out.

DeSantis said that CRT is “crap” and pledged to pass legislation giving permission for parents and employees to sue if they are subjected to listening to the theory, according to Vanity Fair.

MSNBC’s Ja’han Jones said the bill is about “prioritizing white hypersensitivity over truthful teachings” and notes that “lessons about America’s racist and sexist past are acceptable only if they don’t offend white people.”

“To me, these new demands for fealty to fragile whiteness sound like a re-up of the Black Codes, laws instituted during and after the Civil War to reinforce white supremacy. In some states, the codes permitted capital punishment against Black people for minor crimes like petty theft, allowed whippings for vagrancy and swearing, and banned Black land ownership. Florida’s particularly harsh codes allowed white people to beat Black workers for ‘disrespect,’ as historian Jerrell H. Shofner wrote in his 1976 essay on the state’s racist laws. Historian Joe M. Richardson wrote that white Floridians passed the codes out of fear that their racist world was crumbling around them,” Ja’han said.

“It seems DeSantis and Florida’s GOP-led legislature are operating with a similar fear. They see the facade of white supremacy—weak as it is—crumbling under the weight of high school lesson plans and workplace trainings. And bills like SB 148 are sad attempts to piece that facade back together…. That’s why—if the white parents complaining about Black authors weren’t enough—it’s clear that the Florida bill is designed to coddle white people, even though it doesn’t mention them specifically,” Ja’han added.

Florida follows six other states that have taken measures to ban critical race theory, according to the World Population Review.

This does more than ban CRT, this makes the opposite of CRT the law of the state now. This bill is just as bad as CRT.
Can you show the course syllabus where that is occurring in Florida? If so, I completely support your statement
No, I cannot. Nor do I need to. Even if no educator or school is currently teaching this, the law is useful in ensuring that none of them get the ridiculous idea to start doing so. An ounce of prevention…, as they say.
This does more than ban CRT, this makes the opposite of CRT the law of the state now. This bill is just as bad as CRT.

Again, when asshole commies try to put their BULLSHIT out there to erode western society so we will accept communism, THIS is the pushback you get.

Laugh all you want.

Why are they making anyone feel guilty? What's the fucking point of that shit?

These are children. They had NOTHING to do with slavery (a word derived from Slav---white people)

They are not "making" them feel bad. But some children might be "man, that is terrible that we did that, I feel bad that happened", which would be in violation of this law

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