Florida's Economy Is Collapsing Under Covid19 And Only Republicans Are To Blame

Fake news.
I love it! My aunt called my dad. She’s a big trump supporter. My dad told her something trump said and she yelled fake news. He literally said it. It’s on tape. And still trump supporters will yell fake news.

it used to be you had to catch someone on tape to bust them but you can even catch trump on tape red handed, trump supporters don’t give af.

You poor soul. Got some in my family too... aka Trumptards.
I am lucky. There are no libtards in my family.
Damn you're lucky!
90% of my relatives are Libtards.
You ask for a detail and they go insane.
I know. Same thing here. On this board.
“This wasn’t another display of Scott’s well-established incompetence. No, the system did exactly what it was designed to do: Fail.” ibid


The system and overall process were intentionally designed by Republicans to make it as difficult as possible to apply for unemployment – in the hope that applicants would simply give up.

This is yet another example of how Republicans are in the pocket of employers and hostile to working Americans.
you stupid idiots couldnt even handle something as simple as the Iowa caucus STFU !
This wasn’t another display of Scott’s well-established incompetence. No, the system did exactly what it was designed to do: Fail. People complained, but were ignored; I mean, who cares what the unemployed say? Now that the system has collapsed under the weight of the coronavirus layoffs, even Republicans have admitted that failure was the entire point of the scheme. But why, you might ask, would anyone design a website to fail?

Looks like Florida will be a little more blue this year.

THe entire UNEMPLOYMENT system is under stress test... Wouldn't HELP to go an office because THEY are overwhelmed just like the website,... WITHOUT a website to PREPARE an application, the lines would be even longer than they are...

Funny how you JUMP to the conclusion that the website design was the ONLY weakness in an overstressed system.. And overstressed situation in almost EVERY state.. Not just Florida..

But you go make it political and point fingers... While the HOUSE and your leadership is getting in the way rather than accomplishing ANY significant tasks...
It's working fine in New York State
Looks like Florida will be a little more blue this year.
Another valueless hack-piece written by someone so partisan they even have the word Dem in their name! Democrats will claim anything in the hopes that somehow, one of their bullshit smear pieces will actually stick.
Fake news.
I love it! My aunt called my dad. She’s a big trump supporter. My dad told her something trump said and she yelled fake news. He literally said it. It’s on tape. And still trump supporters will yell fake news.

it used to be you had to catch someone on tape to bust them but you can even catch trump on tape red handed, trump supporters don’t give af.

You poor soul. Got some in my family too... aka Trumptards.
I am lucky. There are no libtards in my family.
Damn you're lucky!
90% of my relatives are Libtards.
You ask for a detail and they go insane.
I bet they ask you for an opinion. Not.
This wasn’t another display of Scott’s well-established incompetence. No, the system did exactly what it was designed to do: Fail. People complained, but were ignored; I mean, who cares what the unemployed say? Now that the system has collapsed under the weight of the coronavirus layoffs, even Republicans have admitted that failure was the entire point of the scheme. But why, you might ask, would anyone design a website to fail?

Looks like Florida will be a little more blue this year.
Sorry Skews, you leftists picked the worst possible candidate besides Hillary to run against Trump. Even the pandemic cant stop the bumbling stumbling babbling Joe from getting crushed. Your politicians and media allies will try to keep it going as long as possible but like Russian collusion, Kavanaugh, and Ukraine it will blow up in your face.
This wasn’t another display of Scott’s well-established incompetence. No, the system did exactly what it was designed to do: Fail. People complained, but were ignored; I mean, who cares what the unemployed say? Now that the system has collapsed under the weight of the coronavirus layoffs, even Republicans have admitted that failure was the entire point of the scheme. But why, you might ask, would anyone design a website to fail?

Looks like Florida will be a little more blue this year.
Florida will be fine, Skews. We've got a Governor that WANTS to get our economy open again and will do so in a few weeks from what I'm hearing now. You don't have to worry about the unemployment system being overloaded if you have people going back to work. We'll let you liberals worry about that in places like New York, New Jersey, California, Washington and Michigan! It's a race to see who gets back to normal first and Florida is going to kick your ass at that little game!
This wasn’t another display of Scott’s well-established incompetence. No, the system did exactly what it was designed to do: Fail. People complained, but were ignored; I mean, who cares what the unemployed say? Now that the system has collapsed under the weight of the coronavirus layoffs, even Republicans have admitted that failure was the entire point of the scheme. But why, you might ask, would anyone design a website to fail?

Looks like Florida will be a little more blue this year.

The Daily Kos. :lol:
This wasn’t another display of Scott’s well-established incompetence. No, the system did exactly what it was designed to do: Fail. People complained, but were ignored; I mean, who cares what the unemployed say? Now that the system has collapsed under the weight of the coronavirus layoffs, even Republicans have admitted that failure was the entire point of the scheme. But why, you might ask, would anyone design a website to fail?

Looks like Florida will be a little more blue this year.
The Daily Kos, really?
We have an advantage down here in Florida in dealing with something like this! In many ways it's like a really bad hurricane that knocks out power and causes widespread damage to infrastructure. Only in this case there isn't anything that needs to be repaired or replaced...we just need to get the OK to go back to what's always been there waiting to go again. People are chomping at the bit to get back to living their lives and it's going to happen soon.
We have an advantage down here in Florida in dealing with something like this! In many ways it's like a really bad hurricane that knocks out power and causes widespread damage to infrastructure. Only in this case there isn't anything that needs to be repaired or replaced...we just need to get the OK to go back to what's always been there waiting to go again. People are chomping at the bit to get back to living their lives and it's going to happen soon.
God damn it, where is the thank you button? Where is it?
Fake news.
I love it! My aunt called my dad. She’s a big trump supporter. My dad told her something trump said and she yelled fake news. He literally said it. It’s on tape. And still trump supporters will yell fake news.

it used to be you had to catch someone on tape to bust them but you can even catch trump on tape red handed, trump supporters don’t give af.

This is fake news. Nice try Commie.
This wasn’t another display of Scott’s well-established incompetence. No, the system did exactly what it was designed to do: Fail. People complained, but were ignored; I mean, who cares what the unemployed say? Now that the system has collapsed under the weight of the coronavirus layoffs, even Republicans have admitted that failure was the entire point of the scheme. But why, you might ask, would anyone design a website to fail?

Looks like Florida will be a little more blue this year.

THe entire UNEMPLOYMENT system is under stress test... Wouldn't HELP to go an office because THEY are overwhelmed just like the website,... WITHOUT a website to PREPARE an application, the lines would be even longer than they are...

Funny how you JUMP to the conclusion that the website design was the ONLY weakness in an overstressed system.. And overstressed situation in almost EVERY state.. Not just Florida..

But you go make it political and point fingers... While the HOUSE and your leadership is getting in the way rather than accomplishing ANY significant tasks...
It's working fine in New York State

Is it really? I give credit to the ADULT Cuomo.. He's doing fine.. Just panicked a bit at the beginning but owned up to the task... And HE'S getting an education.. Glad you brought this up.. Seems like Cuomo has figured out what the MAIN problem in the testing is right now.. He talked to the 5 biggest labs and got the same answer.. One of the labs told him that they are set for 2800 Covid tests a day but can only run about 400... WHY? Because all the reagents needed and some of the other components are ONLY made in China.. And China is not keeping up..

Could it be that Trump was RIGHT about our infantile reliance on Asian manufacturing for EVERYTHING?? And you're offering a China apologist as your CANDIDATE? I'm NOT a China basher. I see a lot of unfairness coming from the right. BUT -- on trade -- Trump is a breath of fresh air.. NOT because I LIKE tariff wars... But because tariff wars and negotiations are the way to get TO fairer trade policies..

Seems like everywhere you look, our systemic weaknesses are NOT the private sector, but GOVT and reliance on China for things we NEVER should have lost a supply chain to.. Like ALL our drugs and medical supplies.

And Cuomo has SAID --- NY STATE is not gonna make it without getting bailed out.. Is that your definition of "fine"??? Seems like you need to worry more about not KILLING those states who were financially unstable to BEGIN with.. Those would be in YOUR tribe mostly.. And I don't see a lot of hard work out of YOUR tribe to stop bitching and griping and PITCH in some solutions and get sweaty doing it...
Fake news.
I love it! My aunt called my dad. She’s a big trump supporter. My dad told her something trump said and she yelled fake news. He literally said it. It’s on tape. And still trump supporters will yell fake news.

it used to be you had to catch someone on tape to bust them but you can even catch trump on tape red handed, trump supporters don’t give af.

It's because democrats have so heavily edited everything that nothing will be believed. It's the price chronic liars pay.
Fake news.
I love it! My aunt called my dad. She’s a big trump supporter. My dad told her something trump said and she yelled fake news. He literally said it. It’s on tape. And still trump supporters will yell fake news.

it used to be you had to catch someone on tape to bust them but you can even catch trump on tape red handed, trump supporters don’t give af.


When you don't know who to believe....you go home to mama. f

You pricks only have yourselves to blame.

If you weren't such arrogant assholes, you might be worth talking to.
Told ya libs would sing out of the other side of their ass as the economic devastation of everyone stay home revealed itself.
This wasn’t another display of Scott’s well-established incompetence. No, the system did exactly what it was designed to do: Fail. People complained, but were ignored; I mean, who cares what the unemployed say? Now that the system has collapsed under the weight of the coronavirus layoffs, even Republicans have admitted that failure was the entire point of the scheme. But why, you might ask, would anyone design a website to fail?

Looks like Florida will be a little more blue this year.

Your source, the DailyKOS? Which is closest to Communism? The DailyKOS or TheNation?
Fake news.
I love it! My aunt called my dad. She’s a big trump supporter. My dad told her something trump said and she yelled fake news. He literally said it. It’s on tape. And still trump supporters will yell fake news.

it used to be you had to catch someone on tape to bust them but you can even catch trump on tape red handed, trump supporters don’t give af.

You poor soul. Got some in my family too... aka Trumptards.
I am lucky. There are no libtards in my family.
Damn you're lucky!
90% of my relatives are Libtards.
You ask for a detail and they go insane.
I bet they ask you for an opinion. Not.
I have family there.
Please continue to make a fool of yourself.

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