Florida's good ol' boy system is alive and well.

Wrong sweetheart---I dont approve of alcoholics either. I'm part indian was raised before the PC nonsense------always considered alcohol a brain killer as well especially to those pre-deposed to become alcoholics such as indians are. Both are a burden on society----pot being the worse though as the whole point of doing pot is to kill brain cells which adds up over time-----alcohol use is a bit less destructive or can be claimed less destructive if people don't become drunk.

Then I am sure you can show me all your post calling for the banning of booze and calling out alcoholics
Pot is INCREDIBLY dangerous and addictive, but the pot pimps don't care.

They want their WEED, dammit!!

As far as who should benefit from creating and distributing this poison?

No one or everyone.

But of course the rich will get richer.
pot is not addictive.

alcohol is.
The OP is a foreigner, probably English and gives a link that's behind a pay wall. So unless someone paid up, this whole damn thread is a farce.

It has happened a lot to me a lot . It is an article from my home town paper. I am paid up. I will try and fix it. Scott Maxwell is the Author. Florida Cracker here . :)
Second summer in a row my grow attempts fell victim to the fall white mold in the Northeast.

I managed to salvage a tiny bit of an Afghan Sour Diesel accidental cross breed.
Yes, none are healthy, yet only one is outlawed by the Fed Govt. All based on some stupid fake Christian morality.

The left is in control of the feds, lock, stock, and barrel, yet you still think it has something to do with 'Christian values'? Christian values are pretty much non existent in our society, just turn on your tv or get on social media for evidence. The left has won that war, but still continues to beat a dead horse and try to claim that 'Christian values are at fault for everything. Hilarious.
The left is in control of the feds, lock, stock, and barrel, yet you still think it has something to do with 'Christian values'? Christian values are pretty much non existent in our society, just turn on your tv or get on social media for evidence. The left has won that war, but still continues to beat a dead horse and try to claim that 'Christian values are at fault for everything. Hilarious.

Yet in this thread it is only those on the right that are supporting telling others how to live their lives, telling others what is good for them and what is not.

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