Florida's largest police union endorses Trump in unanimous vote.

Doesn’t make them look good, he represents lies and corruption.
Crazy Joe represents senility, Socialism, and domestic terrorism.
4 years ago was a whole lot better than this garbage.
Crazy Joe is worse than Hitlery?

4 years ago Joe was VP and things were way better. You clowns can keep lying, but nobody is buying it. Country is in ruins .

No... not buying that... because we still remember Ferguson, and Chicago, and so on. The break down of society was well underway, before Trump even announced plans to run for office.

This is the idiotic aspect of the left. When your guy is in office, the entire world can be burning to ash... and you dumb stupid lemmings, would be praising and singing all the way to hell.

View attachment 369609

View attachment 369610

That was under Obama. Not Trump.

View attachment 369612

Murder rates ^^^^^^^^^

That wasn't Trump, when murders went up.... it was Obama.

The country was flying apart from Obama. You can't blame Trump, for a problems that started under Obama.

You just had your partisan bigot eye glasses on, and could not see your own suck. And that's what it was.... total SUCK. You did this. Not Trump. Sorry.

The country was THRIVING under Obama. Longest recession free period in US history. Longest Bull Market is US history. Longest period of 200,000 new jobs in US history. Unemployment under 5% and steadily declining. Tripled the stock market. Most Americans covered by health insurance in US history. Deficit under $1 billion. Lowest crime rates in 35 years.

Three years in and Trump has crashed the economy - again. Highest rate of unemployment in US history. Worst Pandemic since 1918. Worst racial unrest since the 1960's. 150,000 dead, and now Trump is trying to FORCE Americans back to work by cutting off their unemployment insurance.
Huge debt, bailouts,
Obama doubled the national debt to $22 trillion in 8 years and everyone knows it.
recession, riots, closings... that is trump. Failure.
Americans are generally stupid, with astonishingly short attention spans.....
but not that short. Trump's economy was BOOMing and he was just acquitted of a 3 year witch hunt 5 MONTHS ago.
And you can rest assured it ain't just Florida.
View attachment 369505

The Florida PBA makes its first endorsement in eight years; PBA President John Kazanjian explains ahead of his meeting with the president.

Let's see.... people that actively support criminals, prevent cops from defending themselves, put them in prison if they do defend themselves, and otherwise want to defund the police and support total anarchy and a break down of all society......

Or Trump.

The police Unions are not supporting Trump... they are voting against the insanity and evil of the Democrats.... and RIGHTLY SO.

We have trump and riots and chaos. If he is capable of fixing our problems we wouldn’t have them.

You missed it. The Democrats have aligned themselves with destroying the police and promoting violence.

It doesn't matter who is the alternative is. I don't know what you do for a living, but if you were an accountant, and the Democraps openly endorsed eliminating accountants... You would vote against the Democrats.

Yeah, all of us would.

The Democraps have made themselves disgusting to a large portion of society. You are pushing people into voting for Trump, with every action at this point.

I actually think there is a very real possibility of a land slide victory for Trump in November. Could wrong! I've been wrong most of my entire life, so this wouldn't be a shocker.

But you are right about one thing. Trump can't fix the violence and riots and looting, and chaos.

You know who can? The Democrap mayors and governors. They can support their police, activate the national guard, and end the violence.

They are choosing to do the reverse. That makes them horrible evil people. That going to reflect itself in the election I wager.

Huge debt, bailouts, recession, riots, closings... that is trump. Failure.

You caused that. You caused all of that. And Obama did all of those things. Obama caused closings, riots, the recession itself was caused by actions Obama supported. We know that for a fact. We have his name on a court action that forced Citigroup to make bad loans. Bailouts Obama supported. Seriously, how does GMAC end up being declared a "bank" can get TARP money? And huge debts? Obama doubled the national debt in his first 4 years.

There is nothing that Trump has done, that Obama didn't do. That makes you a hypocrite.

And still nothing you said is even an argument in this discussion. We're talking about the Police Union supporting Trump over the democraps. Which is completely logical, and you know it. You know that if you were an officer, you would be supporting Trump right now, as all officers, including all the black officers, are supporting Trump.

You can't even attempt an argument why they shouldn't, and you know it.

4 years ago things were so much better. The ruin came with trump.

So since you simply repeated your previous unsupported statements.... I'll repeat my entirely supported statements.

Screenshot_2020-07-31 Ferguson riots - Google Search.png

This was under Obama. Riots, looting, social brake down, racial tension....

Screenshot_2020-07-31 Ferguson riots - Google Search(1).png

Mass protests, fires, violence in the streets, police officers being killed.

Screenshot_2020-07-31 chicago murders ferguson effect - Google Search.png

Dramatic increase in murders and chaos as police pulled back.

All happened under Obama. The nation was tearing itself apart, before Trump even announced plans to run for office.

Facts over feelings, sir. Facts 'trump' your opinion. (pun intended).
Huge debt, bailouts,
Obama doubled the national debt to $22 trillion in 8 years and everyone knows it.
recession, riots, closings... that is trump. Failure.
Americans are generally stupid, with astonishingly short attention spans.....
but not that short. Trump's economy was BOOMing and he was just acquitted of a 3 year witch hunt 5 MONTHS ago.
Yes I thought Obama was bad then we got
Trump. Trump increased deficits during a strong economy. Last year he ran a trillion deficits and gdp growth went down.
Complete failure.
And you can rest assured it ain't just Florida.
View attachment 369505

The Florida PBA makes its first endorsement in eight years; PBA President John Kazanjian explains ahead of his meeting with the president.

Let's see.... people that actively support criminals, prevent cops from defending themselves, put them in prison if they do defend themselves, and otherwise want to defund the police and support total anarchy and a break down of all society......

Or Trump.

The police Unions are not supporting Trump... they are voting against the insanity and evil of the Democrats.... and RIGHTLY SO.

We have trump and riots and chaos. If he is capable of fixing our problems we wouldn’t have them.

You missed it. The Democrats have aligned themselves with destroying the police and promoting violence.

It doesn't matter who is the alternative is. I don't know what you do for a living, but if you were an accountant, and the Democraps openly endorsed eliminating accountants... You would vote against the Democrats.

Yeah, all of us would.

The Democraps have made themselves disgusting to a large portion of society. You are pushing people into voting for Trump, with every action at this point.

I actually think there is a very real possibility of a land slide victory for Trump in November. Could wrong! I've been wrong most of my entire life, so this wouldn't be a shocker.

But you are right about one thing. Trump can't fix the violence and riots and looting, and chaos.

You know who can? The Democrap mayors and governors. They can support their police, activate the national guard, and end the violence.

They are choosing to do the reverse. That makes them horrible evil people. That going to reflect itself in the election I wager.

Huge debt, bailouts, recession, riots, closings... that is trump. Failure.

You caused that. You caused all of that. And Obama did all of those things. Obama caused closings, riots, the recession itself was caused by actions Obama supported. We know that for a fact. We have his name on a court action that forced Citigroup to make bad loans. Bailouts Obama supported. Seriously, how does GMAC end up being declared a "bank" can get TARP money? And huge debts? Obama doubled the national debt in his first 4 years.

There is nothing that Trump has done, that Obama didn't do. That makes you a hypocrite.

And still nothing you said is even an argument in this discussion. We're talking about the Police Union supporting Trump over the democraps. Which is completely logical, and you know it. You know that if you were an officer, you would be supporting Trump right now, as all officers, including all the black officers, are supporting Trump.

You can't even attempt an argument why they shouldn't, and you know it.

4 years ago things were so much better. The ruin came with trump.

So since you simply repeated your previous unsupported statements.... I'll repeat my entirely supported statements.

View attachment 369627

This was under Obama. Riots, looting, social brake down, racial tension....

View attachment 369628

Mass protests, fires, violence in the streets, police officers being killed.

View attachment 369629

Dramatic increase in murders and chaos as police pulled back.

All happened under Obama. The nation was tearing itself apart, before Trump even announced plans to run for office.

Facts over feelings, sir. Facts 'trump' your opinion. (pun intended).

And everything is worse with trump. Clearly he can’t fix anything.
4 years ago things were so much better.
For China, Hunter Biden, ISIS, and dirty cops like Comey and Brennan.
China will probably become the biggest economy thanks to trumps incompetence.
How will we know when they lie about every internal thing?....your hero communist China is in for a rough road...they have every nation in the free world ready to go to war with them....
4 years ago things were so much better.
For China, Hunter Biden, ISIS, and dirty cops like Comey and Brennan.
China will probably become the biggest economy thanks to trumps incompetence.
How will we know when they lie about every internal thing?....your hero communist China is in for a rough road...they have every nation in the free world ready to go to war with them....
I don’t like China. I bet they like trump though. He has brought us to ruin.
4 years ago things were so much better.
For China, Hunter Biden, ISIS, and dirty cops like Comey and Brennan.
China will probably become the biggest economy thanks to trumps incompetence.
How will we know when they lie about every internal thing?....your hero communist China is in for a rough road...they have every nation in the free world ready to go to war with them....
I don’t like China. I bet they like trump though. He has brought us to ruin.
BS you love commies and totalitarians....we can read it in your posts...
And you can rest assured it ain't just Florida.
View attachment 369505

The Florida PBA makes its first endorsement in eight years; PBA President John Kazanjian explains ahead of his meeting with the president.

Let's see.... people that actively support criminals, prevent cops from defending themselves, put them in prison if they do defend themselves, and otherwise want to defund the police and support total anarchy and a break down of all society......

Or Trump.

The police Unions are not supporting Trump... they are voting against the insanity and evil of the Democrats.... and RIGHTLY SO.

We have trump and riots and chaos. If he is capable of fixing our problems we wouldn’t have them.

You missed it. The Democrats have aligned themselves with destroying the police and promoting violence.

It doesn't matter who is the alternative is. I don't know what you do for a living, but if you were an accountant, and the Democraps openly endorsed eliminating accountants... You would vote against the Democrats.

Yeah, all of us would.

The Democraps have made themselves disgusting to a large portion of society. You are pushing people into voting for Trump, with every action at this point.

I actually think there is a very real possibility of a land slide victory for Trump in November. Could wrong! I've been wrong most of my entire life, so this wouldn't be a shocker.

But you are right about one thing. Trump can't fix the violence and riots and looting, and chaos.

You know who can? The Democrap mayors and governors. They can support their police, activate the national guard, and end the violence.

They are choosing to do the reverse. That makes them horrible evil people. That going to reflect itself in the election I wager.

Huge debt, bailouts, recession, riots, closings... that is trump. Failure.

You caused that. You caused all of that. And Obama did all of those things. Obama caused closings, riots, the recession itself was caused by actions Obama supported. We know that for a fact. We have his name on a court action that forced Citigroup to make bad loans. Bailouts Obama supported. Seriously, how does GMAC end up being declared a "bank" can get TARP money? And huge debts? Obama doubled the national debt in his first 4 years.

There is nothing that Trump has done, that Obama didn't do. That makes you a hypocrite.

And still nothing you said is even an argument in this discussion. We're talking about the Police Union supporting Trump over the democraps. Which is completely logical, and you know it. You know that if you were an officer, you would be supporting Trump right now, as all officers, including all the black officers, are supporting Trump.

You can't even attempt an argument why they shouldn't, and you know it.

You know absolutely nothing. Even worse, what you THINK you know is all a pack of lies, to get you to vote against your own best interests. Hell, they've even got you blaming Obama for stuff that happened BEFORE he was elected Senator, in 2004.

TARP was the bailout package written by George W. Bush, and the Republican Senate, to bail out Wall Street, no strings attached. It became law on October 3, 1975. Obama's gave bailout loans, and 90% of the moneys his Administration spent on stimulus and auto industry bailouts, was recovered. Unlike the Republican programs which were just gifts Wall Street.

Just like most of Trump's bailouts have been gifts to publically owned corporations, and billionaires, while everyday Americans are standing in breadlines.
4 years ago things were so much better.
For China, Hunter Biden, ISIS, and dirty cops like Comey and Brennan.
China will probably become the biggest economy thanks to trumps incompetence.
How will we know when they lie about every internal thing?....your hero communist China is in for a rough road...they have every nation in the free world ready to go to war with them....
I don’t like China. I bet they like trump though. He has brought us to ruin.
BS you love commies and totalitarians....we can read it in your posts...
Haha then you are dumber than I thought. You are the one supporting trump and all the huge socialist bailouts required to support his failed policy.
4 years ago things were so much better.
For China, Hunter Biden, ISIS, and dirty cops like Comey and Brennan.
China will probably become the biggest economy thanks to trumps incompetence.
How will we know when they lie about every internal thing?....your hero communist China is in for a rough road...they have every nation in the free world ready to go to war with them....
I don’t like China. I bet they like trump though. He has brought us to ruin.
BS you love commies and totalitarians....we can read it in your posts...
Haha then you are dumber than I thought. You are the one supporting trump and all the huge socialist bailouts required to support his failed policy.
What failed policy?...what would you have done with covid that is different from what Trump has done....we only have 150,000 dead from it and the deaths are slowing to a crawl...remember the flu of 2018 which we had a vaccine for killed 90,000 Americans if Cuomo and 4 other blue states had followed Trump covid policy thousands would still be alive today...they are guilty of manslaughter at least if not murder....the market has regained its former self and jobs are available...Trump has managed to keep America afloat while battling the covid virus and TDS.....I think he is doing an awesome job....
And you can rest assured it ain't just Florida.
View attachment 369505

The Florida PBA makes its first endorsement in eight years; PBA President John Kazanjian explains ahead of his meeting with the president.

Let's see.... people that actively support criminals, prevent cops from defending themselves, put them in prison if they do defend themselves, and otherwise want to defund the police and support total anarchy and a break down of all society......

Or Trump.

The police Unions are not supporting Trump... they are voting against the insanity and evil of the Democrats.... and RIGHTLY SO.

We have trump and riots and chaos. If he is capable of fixing our problems we wouldn’t have them.

You missed it. The Democrats have aligned themselves with destroying the police and promoting violence.

It doesn't matter who is the alternative is. I don't know what you do for a living, but if you were an accountant, and the Democraps openly endorsed eliminating accountants... You would vote against the Democrats.

Yeah, all of us would.

The Democraps have made themselves disgusting to a large portion of society. You are pushing people into voting for Trump, with every action at this point.

I actually think there is a very real possibility of a land slide victory for Trump in November. Could wrong! I've been wrong most of my entire life, so this wouldn't be a shocker.

But you are right about one thing. Trump can't fix the violence and riots and looting, and chaos.

You know who can? The Democrap mayors and governors. They can support their police, activate the national guard, and end the violence.

They are choosing to do the reverse. That makes them horrible evil people. That going to reflect itself in the election I wager.

Huge debt, bailouts, recession, riots, closings... that is trump. Failure.

You caused that. You caused all of that. And Obama did all of those things. Obama caused closings, riots, the recession itself was caused by actions Obama supported. We know that for a fact. We have his name on a court action that forced Citigroup to make bad loans. Bailouts Obama supported. Seriously, how does GMAC end up being declared a "bank" can get TARP money? And huge debts? Obama doubled the national debt in his first 4 years.

There is nothing that Trump has done, that Obama didn't do. That makes you a hypocrite.

And still nothing you said is even an argument in this discussion. We're talking about the Police Union supporting Trump over the democraps. Which is completely logical, and you know it. You know that if you were an officer, you would be supporting Trump right now, as all officers, including all the black officers, are supporting Trump.

You can't even attempt an argument why they shouldn't, and you know it.

You know absolutely nothing. Even worse, what you THINK you know is all a pack of lies, to get you to vote against your own best interests. Hell, they've even got you blaming Obama for stuff that happened BEFORE he was elected Senator, in 2004.

TARP was the bailout package written by George W. Bush, and the Republican Senate, to bail out Wall Street, no strings attached. It became law on October 3, 1975. Obama's gave bailout loans, and 90% of the moneys his Administration spent on stimulus and auto industry bailouts, was recovered. Unlike the Republican programs which were just gifts Wall Street.

Just like most of Trump's bailouts have been gifts to publically owned corporations, and billionaires, while everyday Americans are standing in breadlines.

What a lying piece of crap you are.

Obama gets first major win with TARP

4 years ago things were so much better.
For China, Hunter Biden, ISIS, and dirty cops like Comey and Brennan.
China will probably become the biggest economy thanks to trumps incompetence.
How will we know when they lie about every internal thing?....your hero communist China is in for a rough road...they have every nation in the free world ready to go to war with them....
I don’t like China. I bet they like trump though. He has brought us to ruin.
BS you love commies and totalitarians....we can read it in your posts...
Haha then you are dumber than I thought. You are the one supporting trump and all the huge socialist bailouts required to support his failed policy.
What failed policy?...what would you have done with covid that is different from what Trump has done....we only have 150,000 dead from it and the deaths are slowing to a crawl...remember the flu of 2018 which we had a vaccine for killed 90,000 Americans if Cuomo and 4 other blue states had followed Trump covid policy thousands would still be alive today...they are guilty of manslaughter at least if not murder....the market has regained its former self and jobs are available...Trump has managed to keep America afloat while battling the covid virus and TDS.....I think he is doing an awesome job....
Only? We are the world leader in Covid death. Trump is the leader in executive orders, deficits, bailouts.... and you still think you aren’t a socialist? That is impressively stupid. Bravo!
Huge debt, bailouts,
Obama doubled the national debt to $22 trillion in 8 years and everyone knows it.
recession, riots, closings... that is trump. Failure.
Americans are generally stupid, with astonishingly short attention spans.....
but not that short. Trump's economy was BOOMing and he was just acquitted of a 3 year witch hunt 5 MONTHS ago.

Obama didn't triple the national debt - he was handed a crashed economy shedding 500,000 jobs a month and no bottom in sight.

He tripled the stock market, restored all of the jobs and reduced the REPUBLICAN DEFICIT to under $1 Billion when Trump was elected, cut taxes and went on a spending spree.
And you can rest assured it ain't just Florida.
View attachment 369505

The Florida PBA makes its first endorsement in eight years; PBA President John Kazanjian explains ahead of his meeting with the president.

Let's see.... people that actively support criminals, prevent cops from defending themselves, put them in prison if they do defend themselves, and otherwise want to defund the police and support total anarchy and a break down of all society......

Or Trump.

The police Unions are not supporting Trump... they are voting against the insanity and evil of the Democrats.... and RIGHTLY SO.

We have trump and riots and chaos. If he is capable of fixing our problems we wouldn’t have them.

You missed it. The Democrats have aligned themselves with destroying the police and promoting violence.

It doesn't matter who is the alternative is. I don't know what you do for a living, but if you were an accountant, and the Democraps openly endorsed eliminating accountants... You would vote against the Democrats.

Yeah, all of us would.

The Democraps have made themselves disgusting to a large portion of society. You are pushing people into voting for Trump, with every action at this point.

I actually think there is a very real possibility of a land slide victory for Trump in November. Could wrong! I've been wrong most of my entire life, so this wouldn't be a shocker.

But you are right about one thing. Trump can't fix the violence and riots and looting, and chaos.

You know who can? The Democrap mayors and governors. They can support their police, activate the national guard, and end the violence.

They are choosing to do the reverse. That makes them horrible evil people. That going to reflect itself in the election I wager.

Huge debt, bailouts, recession, riots, closings... that is trump. Failure.

You caused that. You caused all of that. And Obama did all of those things. Obama caused closings, riots, the recession itself was caused by actions Obama supported. We know that for a fact. We have his name on a court action that forced Citigroup to make bad loans. Bailouts Obama supported. Seriously, how does GMAC end up being declared a "bank" can get TARP money? And huge debts? Obama doubled the national debt in his first 4 years.

There is nothing that Trump has done, that Obama didn't do. That makes you a hypocrite.

And still nothing you said is even an argument in this discussion. We're talking about the Police Union supporting Trump over the democraps. Which is completely logical, and you know it. You know that if you were an officer, you would be supporting Trump right now, as all officers, including all the black officers, are supporting Trump.

You can't even attempt an argument why they shouldn't, and you know it.

4 years ago things were so much better. The ruin came with trump.

So since you simply repeated your previous unsupported statements.... I'll repeat my entirely supported statements.

View attachment 369627

This was under Obama. Riots, looting, social brake down, racial tension....

View attachment 369628

Mass protests, fires, violence in the streets, police officers being killed.

View attachment 369629

Dramatic increase in murders and chaos as police pulled back.

All happened under Obama. The nation was tearing itself apart, before Trump even announced plans to run for office.

Facts over feelings, sir. Facts 'trump' your opinion. (pun intended).

And everything is worse with trump. Clearly he can’t fix anything.

Trump didn't do. Obama started this path. How would Trump fix it?

This is like cancer. You go see a doctor because of a pain. Then you get worse and worse... because it's cancer. People die of cancer all the time.

Should we blame every single cancer death in the country, on bad doctors and get rid of them?

Well obviously it's the doctors fault, because he didn't fix anything.

Obama introduced cancer into the country. Before Obama, racial tensions and national unity was very high. No riots. No lootings. Murder the lowest in decades.

After Obama, cancer of the country is growing. What is Trump going to do? The only thing you can do to end violence, is have more police. Trump supports the police, but the local mayors and governors do not.

The only thing Trump could do, is activate the military, and roll troops into cities, and establish marshal law.

If he did that, you would cry he was a dictator.... which would be accurate.

So what do you expect him to do?

Again... facts over feelings. You have no actual support for your position, and mine is based on law and truth.

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