Florist Sued for Refusing Service to Gay Couple Pens Defiant Letter Rejecting Gov’t Settlement Offer

I KNOW our children are safe, that's my job as their mother.
Famous last words. Tell us the ages and sexes of your children, and I'll do the math on when or if they have already been raped or molested? If daddy is a step-dad, and you have girls, you're in deep trouble.

Dude sit your dumb ass down already, you're only impressing your own idiot self
You have faith, I have math. In your church faith made raping children no big deal. That would certainly keep me up at night but not you I gather...
A gay couple's desire to force a Christian florist to service their wedding should not take precedence over the Christian florist's constitutional rights of freedom of religion, freedom of association, and private property.

Where in the world do gay get off thinking they have some kind of "right" to force religious business people to service their ceremonies against their will?

Because Washington State laws says that business's are required to do business with customers regardless of race, creed, gender, and other things, including sexual identity.

Where do gays get off thinking that they should be protected by the law like Christians are?

Where indeed.
State law doesn't trump the Constitution unless states act unconstitutionally, which they do. Time to take the country back!

Well that is what the courts are for- as I posted earlier- you actually accidentally got one thing correct- this florist has every right to sue to claiming that state law is unconstitutional.

Just like every same gender couple that has sued claiming that state marriage laws were unconstitutional.

Doesn't mean she will win- but she has the right to make that argument.
I KNOW our children are safe, that's my job as their mother.
Famous last words. Tell us the ages and sexes of your children, and I'll do the math on when or if they have already been raped or molested? If daddy is a step-dad, and you have girls, you're in deep trouble.

Dude sit your dumb ass down already, you're only impressing your own idiot self
You have faith, I have math. In your church faith made raping children no big deal. That would certainly keep me up at night but not you I gather...

My faith trumps your math, now shut up, you've once again become annoying
Where in the world do gay get off thinking they have some kind of "right" to force religious people to service their ceremonies against their will?

And I ask again, What happened to the repeated promise that "if you're not gay, gay marriage won't affect you"?

Suing Christian florists, bakers, photographers because they don't want to

According to the Times, attorney general Bob Ferguson filed the lawsuit in Benton County Superior Court Tuesday against Barronelle Stutzman, who owns Arlene's Flowers and Gifts in Richland, Wash., after the florist refused to serve a longtime gay customer, citing her "relationship with Jesus Christ." Just days earlier, the AG's office issued a letter asking Arlene's to comply with state law.

"Under the Consumer Protection Act, it is unlawful to discriminate against customers on the basis of sexual orientation," Ferguson said in a statement. "If a business provides a product or service to opposite-sex couples for their weddings, then it must provide same-sex couples the same product or service."

Washington State Sues Florist for Refusing Gay Couple s Wedding

The same way our baker 'knew' were were 'straight' when my wife and I went in and ordered the wedding cake that said our names on it?

Under Washington State law prohibit discrimination by business's based upon the following:

  • Race
  • Honorably discharged veteran or military status
  • Color
  • HIV, AIDS, and Hepatitis C status
  • National Origin
  • Pregnancy or maternity
  • Sex • Sexual orientation or gender identity
  • Creed
  • Use of a guide dog or service animal by a person with a disability
  • Disability
None of them are based upon behavior- no matter how much you filthy bigots try to make it so.

Well shit, sounds like the imbeciles running that state hire blind bus drivers...
I can tell people are gay even though they dont announce it. You must be a fucking idiot.

Sure you can Asslips.

Behavior is not skin color.

Washington State law has nothing to do with behavior

Under Washington State law prohibit discrimination by business's based upon the following:

  • Race
  • Honorably discharged veteran or military status
  • Color
  • HIV, AIDS, and Hepatitis C status
  • National Origin
  • Pregnancy or maternity
  • Sex • Sexual orientation or gender identity
  • Creed
  • Use of a guide dog or service animal by a person with a disability
  • Disability
None of them are based upon behavior- no matter how much you filthy bigots try to make it so.
So homosexuality isn't hereditary. Didn't think so.
Glad you convinced yourself. It must have been a struggle.
Never saw any evidence to the contrary. This is the first time in our history that a group gets state protections due to their lifestyles.
Under Washington State law prohibit discrimination by business's based upon the following:

  • Race
  • Honorably discharged veteran or military status
  • Color
  • HIV, AIDS, and Hepatitis C status
  • National Origin
  • Pregnancy or maternity
  • Sex • Sexual orientation or gender identity
  • Creed
  • Use of a guide dog or service animal by a person with a disability
  • Disability
None of them are based upon behavior
‘Disappointed': Gay CNN Host Declares Enraging Hope For 6-Year-Old Daughter

CNN’s “butch lesbian” Sally Kohn is making headlines after declaring quite the shocking admission in regards to her 6-year-old daughter. According to the leftist mother, she “hopes” her daughter is gay and is disappointed she’s already “boy crazy.”

The 37-year-old gay mom explains in an op-ed with The Washington Post, “I’m gay. And I want my kid to be gay, too.”

Kohn attempts to justify her completely out of touch position as any bias a parent might feel the need to pass off on their children. “[W]e define happiness as some variation on our own lives, or at least the lives of our expectations,” she writes. “If we went to college, we want our kids to go to college. If we like sports, we want our kids to like sports. If we vote Democrat, of course we want our kids to vote Democrat.”

Unfortunately for her, it appears her eager attempts to warp the mind of her own child are failing – and miserably so. “t doesn’t look like my 6-year-old daughter is gay,” she states in disappointment.

Shockingly, this reality didn’t come to be on account of Kohn. The gay activist outlined her significant past of brainwashing attempts in an effort to pervert her own child.

“We’ve bought every picture book featuring gay families, even the not-very-good ones, and we have most of the nontraditional-gender-role books as well — about the princess who likes to fight dragons and the boy who likes to wear dresses,” Kohn writes.

She even went so far as to explain, “When my daughter plays house with her stuffed koala bears as the mom and dad, we gently remind her that they could be a dad and dad.”

The fact of the matter here is that Kohn’s strategy is beyond wrong – both morally and objectively. Just for instance, contemplate a scenario where a mother and father were forcing their gay son to be straight. How do you think Kohn would respond?

Despite that being the case, it seems that Kohn is experiencing her fair share of karma as she later writes that her daughter is “boy crazy.” Kohn then concludes out of obligation, “I’m going to support my daughter, whatever choices she makes.”

It wouldn’t take much to punch holes through the lunacy the gay woman put forth. However, the argument against her tactics was perhaps put best by someone – oddly enough, a gay man – who commented directly on her article:

Sorry as a gay man I totally disagree. Growing up in the conservative South I’ve seen what pushing kids can do whether gay or straight. Personally I don’t think she should even have kids with that type of thinking. It is bad enough to be a lesbian or be gay striving to be accepted. Which personally at this point I am totally over the desire to be accepted at all. But personally this woman’s views are just as bad any parent who wants their kid to grow up in a prefabricated mold. She might as well have said, “I want my kid only to marry someone white.”

Mad World News Disappointed Gay CNN Host Declares ENRAGING Hope For 6-Year-Old Daughter

Those who are old enough, will recall the debates of the 1980s wherein the Left declared it ABSURD and a 'Slippery Slope Fallacy' where the Americans queried the likelihood that where Homosexuality was accepted, the sodomy laws lifted... that homosexuals would eventually demand to be married and to adopt children and that the consequence of THAT would INEVITABLY provide for Homosexuals encouraging their children to be homosexual.

Of course, the nature of the above report, is to 'show' that having openly sexually abnormal parents will not produce homosexual children.

But such is of course true... except where those homosexuals adopt a child sufficiently early that sexual interaction with the infant/toddler can imprint sexual stimulation as that which is 'done' with those of the same gender.

As it is THAT which is the base 'cause' of homosexuality... .
A gay couple's desire to force a Christian florist to service their wedding should not take precedence over the Christian florist's constitutional rights of freedom of religion, freedom of association, and private property.

Where in the world do gay get off thinking they have some kind of "right" to force religious business people to service their ceremonies against their will?

Because Washington State laws says that business's are required to do business with customers regardless of race, creed, gender, and other things, including sexual identity.

Where do gays get off thinking that they should be protected by the law like Christians are?

Where indeed.
State law doesn't trump the Constitution unless states act unconstitutionally, which they do. Time to take the country back!

Well that is what the courts are for- as I posted earlier- you actually accidentally got one thing correct- this florist has every right to sue to claiming that state law is unconstitutional.

Just like every same gender couple that has sued claiming that state marriage laws were unconstitutional.

Doesn't mean she will win- but she has the right to make that argument.
I'm sure she has the money to take on the state. What I said earlier applies, it will take a bunch of people to fight this, and they haven't. Not just for this, we are losing rights every day.
The rapists of small children belong to your church, not mine. Father McFeely will be raping your child, also not mine.

Tell that to the Terrance Bean and Harvey Milk types

The very sad thing is I think you actually believe your children are safe just so long as you don't let them near any homosexuals.

I KNOW our children are safe, that's my job as their mother.

I am fairly confident every mother of every molested child believed the same thing.

My children will tell me or their father if anyone tries to molest them, that's part of my job. They know they can tell us anything and they will be fully supported...and protected[/QUOTE]

And if one of them tells you that he or she is gay?

What will your support be then?
It should only take a max of ten seconds to figure out how the florist or baker knows a couple who are getting married are gay, but I will allow you the full 20 minutes it takes a retard to figure it out.

Tic toc!

In the meantime, those STRAIGHTS ONLY bakeries and florists are going to need a sign.

So, the only way is if the homosexuals announce it and make it an issue.
I see you are going to need more time than the average retard to figure it out.

Take all you need.
Tell that to the Terrance Bean and Harvey Milk types

The very sad thing is I think you actually believe your children are safe just so long as you don't let them near any homosexuals.

I KNOW our children are safe, that's my job as their mother.

I am fairly confident every mother of every molested child believed the same thing.

My children will tell me or their father if anyone tries to molest them, that's part of my job. They know they can tell us anything and they will be fully supported...and protected

And if one of them tells you that he or she is gay?

What will your support be then?[/QUOTE]

No worries there at all, the boys are girl crazy and the girls are boy other words completey normal :)
So homosexuality isn't hereditary. Didn't think so.
Glad you convinced yourself. It must have been a struggle.
Never saw any evidence to the contrary. This is the first time in our history that a group gets state protections due to their lifestyles.
Under Washington State law prohibit discrimination by business's based upon the following:

  • Race
  • Honorably discharged veteran or military status
  • Color
  • HIV, AIDS, and Hepatitis C status
  • National Origin
  • Pregnancy or maternity
  • Sex • Sexual orientation or gender identity
  • Creed
  • Use of a guide dog or service animal by a person with a disability
  • Disability
None of them are based upon behavior
I said lifestyles, you saw behaviors. But I guess you're trying to spin it to where homosexuals aren't interested in sex? lol
A gay couple's desire to force a Christian florist to service their wedding should not take precedence over the Christian florist's constitutional rights of freedom of religion, freedom of association, and private property.

Where in the world do gay get off thinking they have some kind of "right" to force religious business people to service their ceremonies against their will?

Because Washington State laws says that business's are required to do business with customers regardless of race, creed, gender, and other things, including sexual identity.

Where do gays get off thinking that they should be protected by the law like Christians are?

Where indeed.
State law doesn't trump the Constitution unless states act unconstitutionally, which they do. Time to take the country back!

Well that is what the courts are for- as I posted earlier- you actually accidentally got one thing correct- this florist has every right to sue to claiming that state law is unconstitutional.

Just like every same gender couple that has sued claiming that state marriage laws were unconstitutional.

Doesn't mean she will win- but she has the right to make that argument.
I'm sure she has the money to take on the state. What I said earlier applies, it will take a bunch of people to fight this, and they haven't. Not just for this, we are losing rights every day.

Actually, there are Conservative Christian Right wing groups backing lawsuits of exactly this type.

And they have every right to do so- just like same gender couples do.
Stupid then, even more stupid now. Her moral high-ground is made of quicksand. Even when offered a rope to safety all she does is hang herself.

Her moral high ground d us rock solid. Refusing to do business with sub - human individuals is every person's right, no matter how much other sub-humans cry about it.
Bigotry = bigotry, even if the sign says STRAIGHTS ONLY instead of WHITES ONLY.

Same bullshit, different decade.

Behavior is not an inherent attribute Jake.

Does the owner of a Jewish deli have to serve skin heads who repeatedly scream "fuck you ****?"

Why or why not?
Were the gay couple conducting themselves in a disorderly fashion?

Will you ever figure out a way to make a relevant analogy?

These and other questions are revealing much about your mental abilities.

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