FLOTUS Torches Trump: ‘This Is Not How Decent Human Beings Behave’

Trump's words shook her to her core but Beyonce is a huge role model for her daughters...

While Trump's vulgar boasts are indeed offensive, I doubt Michelle's sincerity since she continually backs vulgar celebrities who say or do worse

Trump is actually molesting women

Beyoncé is not

Evidence is there yet
He had admitted it on both audio a video.

Barry admits cocaine use and??
Broadcasting Trump's own words as recorded on audio and video is not whoring out talking points. What the hell is wrong with you?

Words matter then on old video's? Barry was held to the same standard??

Was Barry trashed as being a COCAINE ADDICT by the entire media Complex.. NO.. IT WON'T WORK.. Everything you and your media whores are doing is a big fat FAIL

No one cared about smoking weed or even experimenting with other drugs during college years in that era. The topic with Trump is sexual assault and the degradation of females in our society. The topic is the distorted and twisted, evil and ;perverted beliefs and attitudes of a man who wants to be our President. We understand his followers can not let go because Trump created a cult and cult followers will follow their leaders literally into suicide. He already has some of his followers thinking they can have a violent revolution or civil war.

Listen to the LIBERAL LYING CORRUPT HYPOCRITE who has to change the rules for his CORRUPT messiah... WRONG ANSWER sheep..

Normal people recognize the difference between smoking week and sexual assault. Your sexual assaulting cult leader is not getting elected President.

LMFAO This buffoon trying to act like a Cokehead is ok in the office of the Presidency.. SHEEPLE.. NO wonder Hellary in the new email calls you UNIFORMED AND TRAINED to be basically stupid.. you deserve it,.

yes the DNC machine has known it for years

that their supporters are at heart nothing more then sheeple

in fact they are such sheep they agree with their masters


No one cared about smoking weed or even experimenting with other drugs during college years in that era. The topic with Trump is sexual assault and the degradation of females in our society. The topic is the distorted and twisted, evil and perverted beliefs and attitudes of a man who wants to be our President. We understand his followers can not let go because Trump created a cult and cult followers will follow their leaders literally into suicide. He already has some of his followers thinking they can have a violent revolution or civil war.
Sexual assault? My, aren't you the drama queen. He was a rich playboy surrounded by attractive women but now they are victims that just happen to stumble upon his presence. And What Bill did was just a rascally gentleman with an eye for the ladies.

The let leftists turn you into a joke. A very bad joke.
Broadcasting Trump's own words as recorded on audio and video is not whoring out talking points. What the hell is wrong with you?

Words matter then on old video's? Barry was held to the same standard??

Was Barry trashed as being a COCAINE ADDICT by the entire media Complex.. NO.. IT WON'T WORK.. Everything you and your media whores are doing is a big fat FAIL

No one cared about smoking weed or even experimenting with other drugs during college years in that era. The topic with Trump is sexual assault and the degradation of females in our society. The topic is the distorted and twisted, evil and ;perverted beliefs and attitudes of a man who wants to be our President. We understand his followers can not let go because Trump created a cult and cult followers will follow their leaders literally into suicide. He already has some of his followers thinking they can have a violent revolution or civil war.

Listen to the LIBERAL LYING CORRUPT HYPOCRITE who has to change the rules for his CORRUPT messiah... WRONG ANSWER sheep..

Normal people recognize the difference between smoking week and sexual assault. Your sexual assaulting cult leader is not getting elected President.

LMFAO This buffoon trying to act like a Cokehead is ok in the office of the Presidency.. SHEEPLE.. NO wonder Hellary in the new email calls you UNIFORMED AND TRAINED to be basically stupid.. you deserve it,.

Where is your link or evidence that Obama has been doing coke in the White House and Oval Office?
Words matter then on old video's? Barry was held to the same standard??

Was Barry trashed as being a COCAINE ADDICT by the entire media Complex.. NO.. IT WON'T WORK.. Everything you and your media whores are doing is a big fat FAIL

No one cared about smoking weed or even experimenting with other drugs during college years in that era. The topic with Trump is sexual assault and the degradation of females in our society. The topic is the distorted and twisted, evil and ;perverted beliefs and attitudes of a man who wants to be our President. We understand his followers can not let go because Trump created a cult and cult followers will follow their leaders literally into suicide. He already has some of his followers thinking they can have a violent revolution or civil war.

Listen to the LIBERAL LYING CORRUPT HYPOCRITE who has to change the rules for his CORRUPT messiah... WRONG ANSWER sheep..

Normal people recognize the difference between smoking week and sexual assault. Your sexual assaulting cult leader is not getting elected President.

LMFAO This buffoon trying to act like a Cokehead is ok in the office of the Presidency.. SHEEPLE.. NO wonder Hellary in the new email calls you UNIFORMED AND TRAINED to be basically stupid.. you deserve it,.

Where is your link or evidence that Obama has been doing coke in the White House and Oval Office?

Oh no, see we're going by you LIBTARDS standards.. 14 to 30 yr old claims and videos..

Trump's words shook her to her core but Beyonce is a huge role model for her daughters...

While Trump's vulgar boasts are indeed offensive, I doubt Michelle's sincerity since she continually backs vulgar celebrities who say or do worse

Trump is actually molesting women

Beyoncé is not

So we're going by the standard of no proof, just accusations which means both Bill and Hillary are guilty.
Funny how that works isn't it?

Trump invited women to the debate who have nothing but accusations
Isn't it fair to invite the women who are accusing Trump?

Let Trump stand on stage and say they are all too ugly for him to grope
That makes Barry a Cocaine addict, a Muslim Infiltrator and Terrorist, his wife a shemale , his kids adopted, makes Bill a rapist and child rapist.. Thanks.
To Republicans it does....they have been singing that song for eight years
Trump's words shook her to her core but Beyonce is a huge role model for her daughters...

While Trump's vulgar boasts are indeed offensive, I doubt Michelle's sincerity since she continually backs vulgar celebrities who say or do worse

Trump is actually molesting women

Beyoncé is not

So we're going by the standard of no proof, just accusations which means both Bill and Hillary are guilty.
Funny how that works isn't it?

Trump invited women to the debate who have nothing but accusations
Isn't it fair to invite the women who are accusing Trump?

Let Trump stand on stage and say they are all too ugly for him to grope
That makes Barry a Cocaine addict, a Muslim Infiltrator and Terrorist, his wife a shemale , his kids adopted, makes Bill a rapist and child rapist.. Thanks.
To Republicans it does....they have been singing that song for eight years

What's wrong corrupt dick licker? Don't like the same standard applied to your lying coke addict messiah?
No one cared about smoking weed or even experimenting with other drugs during college years in that era. The topic with Trump is sexual assault and the degradation of females in our society. The topic is the distorted and twisted, evil and ;perverted beliefs and attitudes of a man who wants to be our President. We understand his followers can not let go because Trump created a cult and cult followers will follow their leaders literally into suicide. He already has some of his followers thinking they can have a violent revolution or civil war.

Listen to the LIBERAL LYING CORRUPT HYPOCRITE who has to change the rules for his CORRUPT messiah... WRONG ANSWER sheep..
Normal people recognize the difference between smoking week and sexual assault. Your sexual assaulting cult leader is not getting elected President.
LMFAO This buffoon trying to act like a Cokehead is ok in the office of the Presidency.. SHEEPLE.. NO wonder Hellary in the new email calls you UNIFORMED AND TRAINED to be basically stupid.. you deserve it,.
Where is your link or evidence that Obama has been doing coke in the White House and Oval Office?
Oh no, see we're going by you LIBTARDS standards.. 14 to 30 yr old claims and videos..

Obama admitted it in 2007 and was still elected by a 2:1 margin. Seems the public does not care about youthful experimentation
Now the public gets to judge Trump on his truthfulness
Listen to the LIBERAL LYING CORRUPT HYPOCRITE who has to change the rules for his CORRUPT messiah... WRONG ANSWER sheep..
Normal people recognize the difference between smoking week and sexual assault. Your sexual assaulting cult leader is not getting elected President.
LMFAO This buffoon trying to act like a Cokehead is ok in the office of the Presidency.. SHEEPLE.. NO wonder Hellary in the new email calls you UNIFORMED AND TRAINED to be basically stupid.. you deserve it,.
Where is your link or evidence that Obama has been doing coke in the White House and Oval Office?
Oh no, see we're going by you LIBTARDS standards.. 14 to 30 yr old claims and videos..

Obama admitted it in 2007 and was still elected by a 2:1 margin. Seems the public does not care about youthful experimentation
Now the public gets to judge Trump on his truthfulness

Slinging your same bag of stankazz bat cray cray shit no longer works SHEEP.. Your corrupt party is forever stained.. The same tape you use to measure the right with, applies to your cocaine addicted Muslim.
We have a nut job claiming others are "cray cray" (does that mean crazy) and calling the President a cocaine addicted Muslim.
Normal people recognize the difference between smoking week and sexual assault. Your sexual assaulting cult leader is not getting elected President.
LMFAO This buffoon trying to act like a Cokehead is ok in the office of the Presidency.. SHEEPLE.. NO wonder Hellary in the new email calls you UNIFORMED AND TRAINED to be basically stupid.. you deserve it,.
Where is your link or evidence that Obama has been doing coke in the White House and Oval Office?
Oh no, see we're going by you LIBTARDS standards.. 14 to 30 yr old claims and videos..

Obama admitted it in 2007 and was still elected by a 2:1 margin. Seems the public does not care about youthful experimentation
Now the public gets to judge Trump on his truthfulness

Slinging your same bag of stankazz bat cray cray shit no longer works SHEEP.. Your corrupt party is forever stained.. The same tape you use to measure the right with, applies to your cocaine addicted Muslim.

Obama openly admitted his experimenting with drugs and was elected
Trump denies it and the voters are going to know him for the sniffling liar he is

How many votes did Obama lose for his experimenting with drugs? Hundreds
How many votes will Donny Feelngrope lose? Millions
LMFAO This buffoon trying to act like a Cokehead is ok in the office of the Presidency.. SHEEPLE.. NO wonder Hellary in the new email calls you UNIFORMED AND TRAINED to be basically stupid.. you deserve it,.
Where is your link or evidence that Obama has been doing coke in the White House and Oval Office?
Oh no, see we're going by you LIBTARDS standards.. 14 to 30 yr old claims and videos..

Obama admitted it in 2007 and was still elected by a 2:1 margin. Seems the public does not care about youthful experimentation
Now the public gets to judge Trump on his truthfulness

Slinging your same bag of stankazz bat cray cray shit no longer works SHEEP.. Your corrupt party is forever stained.. The same tape you use to measure the right with, applies to your cocaine addicted Muslim.

Obama openly admitted his experimenting with drugs and was elected

Trump denies it and the voters are going to know him for the sniffling liar he is

What difference does that make Lemming doof?? You want to apply a standard of no proof to convict Donald Trump, we can go there.. Stop back pedaling Gomer
She is supporting a woman who helped a rapist and sexual assaulter escape the police........and refused to allow obama to have her as the Vice President because she didn't want the rapist around her daughters........

She is as vile as her husband....
LMFAO This buffoon trying to act like a Cokehead is ok in the office of the Presidency.. SHEEPLE.. NO wonder Hellary in the new email calls you UNIFORMED AND TRAINED to be basically stupid.. you deserve it,.
Where is your link or evidence that Obama has been doing coke in the White House and Oval Office?
Oh no, see we're going by you LIBTARDS standards.. 14 to 30 yr old claims and videos..

Obama admitted it in 2007 and was still elected by a 2:1 margin. Seems the public does not care about youthful experimentation
Now the public gets to judge Trump on his truthfulness

Slinging your same bag of stankazz bat cray cray shit no longer works SHEEP.. Your corrupt party is forever stained.. The same tape you use to measure the right with, applies to your cocaine addicted Muslim.

Obama openly admitted his experimenting with drugs and was elected
Trump denies it and the voters are going to know him for the sniffling liar he is

How many votes did Obama lose for his experimenting with drugs? Hundreds
How many votes will Donny Feelngrope lose? Millions

But crooked Glorious Leader Cankles will lose the presidency. Thanks for playing.
She said Trump’s words shook her to her core.

First lady Michelle Obama on Thursday delivered a stinging takedown of Donald Trump’s vulgar and sexist comments and spoke about the impact they were having on women everywhere.

Campaigning for Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, she said that she couldn’t stop thinking about remarks Trump made in 2005, when he bragged about makingunwanted sexual advances and being able to grab women “by the pussy.” The first lady said those words had “shaken me to my core in a way that I couldn’t have predicted.”

With her voice shaking at times, Obama said Trump’s comments made it impossible for her to give her normal stump speech. It “would be dishonest and disingenuous to me to move on to the next thing like this was all just a bad dream,” she said. “This is not something that we can ignore. It’s not something we can just sweep under the rug as just another disturbing footnote in a sad election season.”

“This wasn’t just locker room banter,” she continued. “This was a powerful individual speaking freely and openly about sexually predatory behavior and actually bragging about kissing and groping women.”

The first lady said she’d felt the impact of Trump’s words personally, as had other women.

More & Video: Michelle Obama Explains Exactly Why Trump's Comments About Women Are So Horrific

Amen! I listened to her speech. It was awesome!
Moochies and Barry's best friends who have been at the WH numerous times

Watch Beyonce and Jay Z Get Too Filthy For the Grammys
Jan. 26, 2014

King and Queen of Pop get bleeped by CBS censors
Watch Beyonce and Jay Z Get Too Filthy For the Grammys

The lyrics to most of their songs puts Donald Trumps language to shame.. Liberals are CORRUPT liars just as the emails are showing.. NO ONE BUYS YOUR SNAKE OIL ANY LONGER.

That's a song . Vs real life Pervy Donald !

Singing "I shot the sherif " doesn't make you a cop killer .
Michelle Obama is a class act. Not surprising that some of the people shitting on her can't recognize that.
There's nothing classy about saying the first time you were proud of the country is when your husband gets the presidential nomination from a political party. Nor forcing your menu on kids all across the nation.

That's low class scum in my book.

Her "menu" ended up in the school dumpsters...the kids wouldn't touch that crap.
Vegetables? Fruit?
You buy every solitary thing the left sells?

Students Fed Up With Michelle Obama’s School Lunch Overhaul — Menu-Item Snapshots Spell Out Why

Image source: Twitter via Twitchy

Image source: Twitter via Twitchy

Image source: Twitter via Twitchy

Image source: Twitter via Twitchy

Even a mom got in on the act…

It's not Michelle's fault schools no longer can afford to hire cooks to make real food for the kids. I will bet you that every one of these snapshots is missing elements (like the salad in the last one) that were offered. However, the pre-cooked and unappetizing reheated stuff on these trays has more to do with schools saving money by serving processed meals from central kitchens. It's sad. Michelle's guidelines wouldn't have allowed the shepherds' pie meal, either.
Do YOU believe every crooked critic who takes pictures of school meals?

Photos can be taken when first in line at the cafeteria. Before all the food is served. It's easy to take out a phone and take a snapshot when the first food is put on the tray but before anymore are put there.

I don't understand how people can be so upset about children eating healthy food.

There is an alternative, send the child to school with a lunch you made at home.
She said Trump’s words shook her to her core.

First lady Michelle Obama on Thursday delivered a stinging takedown of Donald Trump’s vulgar and sexist comments and spoke about the impact they were having on women everywhere.

Campaigning for Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, she said that she couldn’t stop thinking about remarks Trump made in 2005, when he bragged about makingunwanted sexual advances and being able to grab women “by the pussy.” The first lady said those words had “shaken me to my core in a way that I couldn’t have predicted.”

With her voice shaking at times, Obama said Trump’s comments made it impossible for her to give her normal stump speech. It “would be dishonest and disingenuous to me to move on to the next thing like this was all just a bad dream,” she said. “This is not something that we can ignore. It’s not something we can just sweep under the rug as just another disturbing footnote in a sad election season.”

“This wasn’t just locker room banter,” she continued. “This was a powerful individual speaking freely and openly about sexually predatory behavior and actually bragging about kissing and groping women.”

The first lady said she’d felt the impact of Trump’s words personally, as had other women.

More & Video: Michelle Obama Explains Exactly Why Trump's Comments About Women Are So Horrific

Amen! I listened to her speech. It was awesome!

I'll bet obama never talked dirty to Michelle.

I'll also bet they read and enjoyed 50
Shades of Gray
There's nothing classy about saying the first time you were proud of the country is when your husband gets the presidential nomination from a political party. Nor forcing your menu on kids all across the nation.

That's low class scum in my book.

Her "menu" ended up in the school dumpsters...the kids wouldn't touch that crap.
Vegetables? Fruit?
You buy every solitary thing the left sells?

Students Fed Up With Michelle Obama’s School Lunch Overhaul — Menu-Item Snapshots Spell Out Why

Image source: Twitter via Twitchy

Image source: Twitter via Twitchy

Image source: Twitter via Twitchy

Image source: Twitter via Twitchy

Even a mom got in on the act…

It's not Michelle's fault schools no longer can afford to hire cooks to make real food for the kids. I will bet you that every one of these snapshots is missing elements (like the salad in the last one) that were offered. However, the pre-cooked and unappetizing reheated stuff on these trays has more to do with schools saving money by serving processed meals from central kitchens. It's sad. Michelle's guidelines wouldn't have allowed the shepherds' pie meal, either.
Do YOU believe every crooked critic who takes pictures of school meals?

Photos can be taken when first in line at the cafeteria. Before all the food is served. It's easy to take out a phone and take a snapshot when the first food is put on the tray but before anymore are put there.

I don't understand how people can be so upset about children eating healthy food.

There is an alternative, send the child to school with a lunch you made at home.

Forcing anyone to do anything against their will is abhorrent
The point is imbecile Rappers sing about far worse than anything stupid shit Trump said, are you really that stupid?

How many rappers are running for prez ?
Nice deflection of her hypocrisy with your Wonder Woman bracelets. :p

My deflection? I didn't bring up music . It's your deflection.

Yes, your deflection imbecile. Michelle "pretends" to be offended by Trump while listening to "artists" singing about fucking her daughters...or yours, no doubt you'd film it.
Trump dreams of fucking his own daughter

Nice piece of ass

Much like yourself eh, does your family have a restraining order on you?

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