Fluke is a media whore. Appears on Schultz.

Stop debating like a child.

I'm debating with facts and logic. If that's what you consider to be "like a child" then that just goes to show the worthiness of your position.

She admits to making less than 3K a year......she doesnt pay taxes.

And I'm sure you have a link for this.

She was asked to speak....but did not offer the information that she was an activist.

Yes, I'm sure she was picked at random, by lottery out of a hat. A hat that had all the names of every man, woman, and child in the country.

having an activist speak in front of congress is a waste of time.

Then I guess that's on Congress. Maybe you should vote against whomever invited her.

only a child would see it any other way.

Continue debating like a child and I will discontinue responding to you.

In other words...grow up.

Son, if I'm a child, then you're an infant. Now stop squirming so I can change your diaper.
If appearing on TV after Rush Limbaugh spent 3 days slandering her makes her a "media whore", what does that make "Joe the Plumber"?

A media whore. It's a common phrase.


The top ten media whores of NYC. Scallywag March 22, 2010 22
The top ten media whores of NYC.

Go here you'll see lots more.

Top ten political media whores - Google Search

It's used all the time. Good heavens.


How many media appearances does one have to make in order to qualify as a media whore?

Just one, if she gets paid for the act.

I wonder if they'll pay the poor girl in condoms and spermicide?
A media whore. It's a common phrase.


The top ten media whores of NYC. Scallywag March 22, 2010 22
The top ten media whores of NYC.

Go here you'll see lots more.

Top ten political media whores - Google Search

It's used all the time. Good heavens.


How many media appearances does one have to make in order to qualify as a media whore?

Just one, if she gets paid for the act.

I wonder if they'll pay the poor girl in condoms and spermicide?

Rush Limbaugh has been getting paid for the act for over 20 years.
Hypocrisy it may be but I cannot excuse the behavior of Rush or anyone else in cases like this.
Hypocrisy is a cornerstone of modern politics.
Sad but true.

Call me old fashioned or conservative but I cannot condone this type of behavior towards a lady.

Of course you can't. That must be why you never said a word when Maher called Palin a ****. All this sanctimonious indignation was strangely absent when conservative women were the targets.

Did you post an outright condemnation of Limbaugh?
She lied when she entered the school for purposes other then education.

Yeah, she went to school to be the next Van Wilder, I'm sure. :cuckoo:

Get real.


Why are you always the apologist.

She enter that school for this purpose, had no credentials to even speak before congress.

She was trashed and deserves to be trashed further.

I believe in dishing back what democrats dish out.

Fluke didn't speak before Congress. Democrats wanted her to speak before Congress but she was denied. So the democrats phonied up a "congressional hearing" and that's what they filmed.
:lol: Oh the priceless hypocrisy of this witch knows no bounds to go on Schultz.

What next? Appearances on Imus "nappy headed whores" or Maher "Palin is a C***"?

Sandra Fluke Appears on Ed Schultz’s Show, Responds to Rush Limbaugh ‘Slut’ Comment | Video | TheBlaze.com

What is your problem, besides the fact that you allow freedoms to rightwing fringe women that you obviously won't grant to liberal women?

You are ranting on this board like Sandra Fluke has broken the law or something. You are so 1950's. Or else you have no clue about civil rights and how they are exercised in a free society.
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Why are we expected to do that? I think she's a whore, too.

Is she making money off her appearances? If not, she's a media slut not a media whore.

You self-hating women are so sad.

I have to agree with you. Clueless about civil rights and the 1st Amendment as well. If these silly girls don't like what Fluke has to say, do what some of us did when Limpballs shot off his big mouth: We boycotted his sponsors. So you silly girls....Boycott Sandra Fluke's sponsors. OK? Got it?
:lol: Oh the priceless hypocrisy of this witch knows no bounds to go on Schultz.

What next? Appearances on Imus "nappy headed whores" or Maher "Palin is a C***"?

Sandra Fluke Appears on Ed Schultz’s Show, Responds to Rush Limbaugh ‘Slut’ Comment | Video | TheBlaze.com

Obviously you have a problem with free speech. I guess it's only permitted for those with ultra-right leaning credentials. God forbid that someone with an alternate view might voice their opinion.
:lol: Oh the priceless hypocrisy of this witch knows no bounds to go on Schultz.

What next? Appearances on Imus "nappy headed whores" or Maher "Palin is a C***"?

Sandra Fluke Appears on Ed Schultz’s Show, Responds to Rush Limbaugh ‘Slut’ Comment | Video | TheBlaze.com

What is your problem, besides the fact that you allow freedoms to rightwing fringe women that you obviously won't grant to liberal women?

You are ranting on this board like Sandra Fluke has broken the law or something. You are so 1950's. Or else you have no clue about civil rights and how they are exercised in a free society.

I'm not ranting about anything. I'm simply connecting the dots that the so called "lovely young co-ed " is and has been a professional activist for years.

This was a dog and pony show that the Dems put on with Fluke as their stooge. They vetted her before her testimony.

But sadly, like Democrats "Winnifred and the Winnibego" moment, the truth comes out about the patsy they put up.


I love it. Dems never ever learn.
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:lol: Oh the priceless hypocrisy of this witch knows no bounds to go on Schultz.

What next? Appearances on Imus "nappy headed whores" or Maher "Palin is a C***"?

Sandra Fluke Appears on Ed Schultz’s Show, Responds to Rush Limbaugh ‘Slut’ Comment | Video | TheBlaze.com

Obviously you have a problem with free speech. I guess it's only permitted for those with ultra-right leaning credentials. God forbid that someone with an alternate view might voice their opinion.

Where have I said she doesn't have the right to speak?

I'm simply pointing out her hypocrisy as a woman's activist for appearing on "Big Red Ed who said Laura Ingrahm was a slut show".
:lol: Oh the priceless hypocrisy of this witch knows no bounds to go on Schultz.

What next? Appearances on Imus "nappy headed whores" or Maher "Palin is a C***"?

Sandra Fluke Appears on Ed Schultz’s Show, Responds to Rush Limbaugh ‘Slut’ Comment | Video | TheBlaze.com

Obviously you have a problem with free speech. I guess it's only permitted for those with ultra-right leaning credentials. God forbid that someone with an alternate view might voice their opinion.

why did you put words in Tinydancers mouth?

She/he simply found it ironic that she appeared on a show with a host who has berated women in the same way she, herslef was berated.

She/he absolutely made that clear in her/his post.
Is she making money off her appearances? If not, she's a media slut not a media whore.

You self-hating women are so sad.

I have to agree with you. Clueless about civil rights and the 1st Amendment as well. If these silly girls don't like what Fluke has to say, do what some of us did when Limpballs shot off his big mouth: We boycotted his sponsors. So you silly girls....Boycott Sandra Fluke's sponsors. OK? Got it?

And Rush has First Amendment rights to free speech as well.

Most importantly in this issue of attempting to force Catholic organizations to provide birth control is the liberal attempt by the President and Sebelius to circumvent the Catholic Churches rights under the First Amendment.

The issue is not birth control. The issue is forcing the Catholic Church to bend to the whims of the White House against the First Amendment provided in the Constitution.
Is she making money off her appearances? If not, she's a media slut not a media whore.

You self-hating women are so sad.

I have to agree with you. Clueless about civil rights and the 1st Amendment as well. If these silly girls don't like what Fluke has to say, do what some of us did when Limpballs shot off his big mouth: We boycotted his sponsors. So you silly girls....Boycott Sandra Fluke's sponsors. OK? Got it?


You seem to have no issue calling him limpballs...

But you lose control and want to put him out of business when he calls a left activist a derogatory term.

Pathetically hypocritical.
Is she making money off her appearances? If not, she's a media slut not a media whore.

You self-hating women are so sad.

I have to agree with you. Clueless about civil rights and the 1st Amendment as well. If these silly girls don't like what Fluke has to say, do what some of us did when Limpballs shot off his big mouth: We boycotted his sponsors. So you silly girls....Boycott Sandra Fluke's sponsors. OK? Got it?

I am reminded of when there was a thread on that female reporter who was attacked and raped in Egypt...Katzdogz said that she deserved it. That is the kind of self-hating female we are dealing with here.

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