Flynn Admitted to Lying Under Oath

Flynn was rich, well connected, and the right hand man to the incoming president of the united states. He could afford the best lawyers that money could buy, and you claim he was "coerced?""
“Rich”? Net worth of approx $600k. He was not rich by any means. You need to take a finance class.
The National Security Advisor earns $183,000 a year.

Plus he had outside income:

Mueller Probes Flynn's Role in Alleged Plan to Deliver Cleric ... › articles › mueller-probes-flynns-role-in-al...

Nov 10, 2017 - Flynn and his son, Michael Flynn Jr., were to be paid as much as $15 million for delivering Fethullah Gulen to the Turkish government,
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.
He took his plea away
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.

Flogging a dead horse are ya? He plead guilty to lying to the fbi, even though he didn't. He did it to save his son who the fbi were threatening to go after. Why do you, a supposed deep thinker, approve of such an outrageous abuse of power? You MUST be a obummer whore. Only statist, anti American scumbags, approve of such an abridgment of the rule of law.

They are deliberately ignoring the documented crimes done against General Flynn, because it goes against the leftist narrative. Heck just unmasking him is a FEDERAL crime.

There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.

Flogging a dead horse are ya? He plead guilty to lying to the fbi, even though he didn't. He did it to save his son who the fbi were threatening to go after. Why do you, a supposed deep thinker, approve of such an outrageous abuse of power? You MUST be a obummer whore. Only statist, anti American scumbags, approve of such an abridgment of the rule of law.

They are deliberately ignoring the documented crimes done against General Flynn, because it goes against the leftist narrative. Heck just unmasking him is a FEDERAL crime.

There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.
"General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury..."

Your disqualifying ignorance on the matter is shown by your statement highlighted above.

This post is pure TDS. No facts, just rabid hate driving you to the point of psychopathology.

Get Help.
You're right, he wasn't convicted by a jury - he went ahead and plead guilty. Twice.

Your automated Trump Defense Syndrome is duly noted.
And your complete lack of honesty, integrity, and any sort of actual knowledge of the event being discussed are duly noted. Then again I’ve proven you a lying ignorant bitch multiple times. Now to slap you again. Coerced confessions aren’t valid. You lose. Again.

There was no coercion per Flynn. Any more lies you want to parrot?

Actually, there was. And it is documented.
You mean using his son as leverage? Yet his son implicated. It is a common tactic. When is it ok and when is it not ok?
Case in point. We cannot trust our media. We have no idea what really happened. I wish we had at least one honest media source.
They all are to some degree. You just need to read critically imo.
Nope. Some say he committed a crime. Others say it’s not a crime. Some say he plead because he was forced to. Others say he plead because he was guilty. Some say the surveillance was legitimate and others say it’s not. Would you bet your life you know exactly what happened?
I think there are sources that take a more honest approach, looking at it from multiple sides, trying to look at the actual law involved. I think you can piece together a fairly accurate picture from multiple sources.
I do not want to piece it together. I just want the truth. Why is that so hard to garner?
Because no one can even agree on the facts much less the truth.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.

Flogging a dead horse are ya? He plead guilty to lying to the fbi, even though he didn't. He did it to save his son who the fbi were threatening to go after. Why do you, a supposed deep thinker, approve of such an outrageous abuse of power? You MUST be a obummer whore. Only statist, anti American scumbags, approve of such an abridgment of the rule of law.

They are deliberately ignoring the documented crimes done against General Flynn, because it goes against the leftist narrative. Heck just unmasking him is a FEDERAL crime.

There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.

Flogging a dead horse are ya? He plead guilty to lying to the fbi, even though he didn't. He did it to save his son who the fbi were threatening to go after. Why do you, a supposed deep thinker, approve of such an outrageous abuse of power? You MUST be a obummer whore. Only statist, anti American scumbags, approve of such an abridgment of the rule of law.

They are deliberately ignoring the documented crimes done against General Flynn, because it goes against the leftist narrative. Heck just unmasking him is a FEDERAL crime.

There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.
"General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury..."

Your disqualifying ignorance on the matter is shown by your statement highlighted above.

This post is pure TDS. No facts, just rabid hate driving you to the point of psychopathology.

Get Help.
You're right, he wasn't convicted by a jury - he went ahead and plead guilty. Twice.

Your automated Trump Defense Syndrome is duly noted.
And your complete lack of honesty, integrity, and any sort of actual knowledge of the event being discussed are duly noted. Then again I’ve proven you a lying ignorant bitch multiple times. Now to slap you again. Coerced confessions aren’t valid. You lose. Again.

There was no coercion per Flynn. Any more lies you want to parrot?

Actually, there was. And it is documented.
You mean using his son as leverage? Yet his son implicated. It is a common tactic. When is it ok and when is it not ok?

How exactly is his son implicated.

Be precise.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.
He did do that.
They did say that.

Apparently the powers that be used bad tactics to get him to that point. Cases are thrown out of court ALL THE TIME for police/prosecutor misconduct.

So your point is what?
And the poor Black kid who was beaten daily in a rural Mississippi jail in the 1950's claimed he was not coerced either---when he pled guilty to a crime he didn't stop the torture.

It is a discredit to you that you can't see the difference between that physical torture...and the psychological, emotional, and financial torture that General Flynn was put through by Goons who behaved not much different than the rural Mississippi Sheriffs.
Are you going to play "the jerk" card. Claim that Flynn was born a poor black child?

Flynn was rich, well connected, and the right hand man to the incoming president of the united states. He could afford the best lawyers that money could buy, and you claim he was "coerced?""

Yes, he was Obama Goons acting like the Soviet KGB. The Hypocrisy of you Bolshevik Cocksuckers is astonishing.

The MeToo Movement. Pure Hypocrisy. Christine Blasey Ford was a saint; Tara Reade is a lying slut, even though her story has contemporaneous collaboration and Ford had none--even from a friend she claimed was at the infamous party with her. Hypocrisy.

Biden said yesterday that he knew nothing about Michael Flynn. Today, he is one of the ones unmasking him...even though his term as VP ended 8 days later. NO ANSWER FOR THAT YET ON THIS BOARD.

NO, Flynn was not a Black kid in Mississippi in the 1950's. The point is that he was effectively treated like one---apparently because he was a threat to Barack Obama.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.

Flogging a dead horse are ya? He plead guilty to lying to the fbi, even though he didn't. He did it to save his son who the fbi were threatening to go after. Why do you, a supposed deep thinker, approve of such an outrageous abuse of power? You MUST be a obummer whore. Only statist, anti American scumbags, approve of such an abridgment of the rule of law.

They are deliberately ignoring the documented crimes done against General Flynn, because it goes against the leftist narrative. Heck just unmasking him is a FEDERAL crime.

There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.

Flogging a dead horse are ya? He plead guilty to lying to the fbi, even though he didn't. He did it to save his son who the fbi were threatening to go after. Why do you, a supposed deep thinker, approve of such an outrageous abuse of power? You MUST be a obummer whore. Only statist, anti American scumbags, approve of such an abridgment of the rule of law.

They are deliberately ignoring the documented crimes done against General Flynn, because it goes against the leftist narrative. Heck just unmasking him is a FEDERAL crime.

There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.
"General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury..."

Your disqualifying ignorance on the matter is shown by your statement highlighted above.

This post is pure TDS. No facts, just rabid hate driving you to the point of psychopathology.

Get Help.
You're right, he wasn't convicted by a jury - he went ahead and plead guilty. Twice.

Your automated Trump Defense Syndrome is duly noted.
And your complete lack of honesty, integrity, and any sort of actual knowledge of the event being discussed are duly noted. Then again I’ve proven you a lying ignorant bitch multiple times. Now to slap you again. Coerced confessions aren’t valid. You lose. Again.

There was no coercion per Flynn. Any more lies you want to parrot?

Actually, there was. And it is documented.
You mean using his son as leverage? Yet his son implicated. It is a common tactic. When is it ok and when is it not ok?

How exactly is his son implicated.

Be precise.

His son is a key member of the business, actively involved with his father.

President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.

Flogging a dead horse are ya? He plead guilty to lying to the fbi, even though he didn't. He did it to save his son who the fbi were threatening to go after. Why do you, a supposed deep thinker, approve of such an outrageous abuse of power? You MUST be a obummer whore. Only statist, anti American scumbags, approve of such an abridgment of the rule of law.

They are deliberately ignoring the documented crimes done against General Flynn, because it goes against the leftist narrative. Heck just unmasking him is a FEDERAL crime.

There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.

Flogging a dead horse are ya? He plead guilty to lying to the fbi, even though he didn't. He did it to save his son who the fbi were threatening to go after. Why do you, a supposed deep thinker, approve of such an outrageous abuse of power? You MUST be a obummer whore. Only statist, anti American scumbags, approve of such an abridgment of the rule of law.

They are deliberately ignoring the documented crimes done against General Flynn, because it goes against the leftist narrative. Heck just unmasking him is a FEDERAL crime.

There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.
"General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury..."

Your disqualifying ignorance on the matter is shown by your statement highlighted above.

This post is pure TDS. No facts, just rabid hate driving you to the point of psychopathology.

Get Help.
You're right, he wasn't convicted by a jury - he went ahead and plead guilty. Twice.

Your automated Trump Defense Syndrome is duly noted.
And your complete lack of honesty, integrity, and any sort of actual knowledge of the event being discussed are duly noted. Then again I’ve proven you a lying ignorant bitch multiple times. Now to slap you again. Coerced confessions aren’t valid. You lose. Again.

There was no coercion per Flynn. Any more lies you want to parrot?

Actually, there was. And it is documented.
You mean using his son as leverage? Yet his son implicated. It is a common tactic. When is it ok and when is it not ok?

How exactly is his son implicated.

Be precise.

His son is a key member of the business, actively involved with his father.

So? Show us what crime his son is even accused of you fucking lunatic.

Watch how this fucking hack avoids my question..

HINT: I will bump this to humiliate you.:iyfyus.jpg:
Flynn was rich, well connected, and the right hand man to the incoming president of the united states. He could afford the best lawyers that money could buy, and you claim he was "coerced?""
“Rich”? Net worth of approx $600k. He was not rich by any means. You need to take a finance class.
The National Security Advisor earns $183,000 a year.

Plus he had outside income:

Mueller Probes Flynn's Role in Alleged Plan to Deliver Cleric ... › articles › mueller-probes-flynns-role-in-al...

Nov 10, 2017 - Flynn and his son, Michael Flynn Jr., were to be paid as much as $15 million for delivering Fethullah Gulen to the Turkish government,
Nope. Had to sell his house to pay for his defense. He was an army man most of his life. He was middle class not rich.
Case in point. We cannot trust our media. We have no idea what really happened. I wish we had at least one honest media source.
They all are to some degree. You just need to read critically imo.
Nope. Some say he committed a crime. Others say it’s not a crime. Some say he plead because he was forced to. Others say he plead because he was guilty. Some say the surveillance was legitimate and others say it’s not. Would you bet your life you know exactly what happened?
I think there are sources that take a more honest approach, looking at it from multiple sides, trying to look at the actual law involved. I think you can piece together a fairly accurate picture from multiple sources.
I do not want to piece it together. I just want the truth. Why is that so hard to garner?
Because no one can even agree on the facts much less the truth.
Now you’re singing my tune and it’s the media’s fault. Shame on them.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.

Flogging a dead horse are ya? He plead guilty to lying to the fbi, even though he didn't. He did it to save his son who the fbi were threatening to go after. Why do you, a supposed deep thinker, approve of such an outrageous abuse of power? You MUST be a obummer whore. Only statist, anti American scumbags, approve of such an abridgment of the rule of law.

They are deliberately ignoring the documented crimes done against General Flynn, because it goes against the leftist narrative. Heck just unmasking him is a FEDERAL crime.

There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.

Flogging a dead horse are ya? He plead guilty to lying to the fbi, even though he didn't. He did it to save his son who the fbi were threatening to go after. Why do you, a supposed deep thinker, approve of such an outrageous abuse of power? You MUST be a obummer whore. Only statist, anti American scumbags, approve of such an abridgment of the rule of law.

They are deliberately ignoring the documented crimes done against General Flynn, because it goes against the leftist narrative. Heck just unmasking him is a FEDERAL crime.

There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.
"General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury..."

Your disqualifying ignorance on the matter is shown by your statement highlighted above.

This post is pure TDS. No facts, just rabid hate driving you to the point of psychopathology.

Get Help.
You're right, he wasn't convicted by a jury - he went ahead and plead guilty. Twice.

Your automated Trump Defense Syndrome is duly noted.
And your complete lack of honesty, integrity, and any sort of actual knowledge of the event being discussed are duly noted. Then again I’ve proven you a lying ignorant bitch multiple times. Now to slap you again. Coerced confessions aren’t valid. You lose. Again.

There was no coercion per Flynn. Any more lies you want to parrot?

Actually, there was. And it is documented.
You mean using his son as leverage? Yet his son implicated. It is a common tactic. When is it ok and when is it not ok?

How exactly is his son implicated.

Be precise.

His son is a key member of the business, actively involved with his father.

So? Show us what crime his son is even accused of you fucking lunatic.

Watch how this fucking hack avoids my question..

HINT: I will bump this to humiliate you.:iyfyus.jpg:
Keep bumping it lunatic. I am conversing with Westwall, a far better person. You can wait your turn or take a number.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.

Flogging a dead horse are ya? He plead guilty to lying to the fbi, even though he didn't. He did it to save his son who the fbi were threatening to go after. Why do you, a supposed deep thinker, approve of such an outrageous abuse of power? You MUST be a obummer whore. Only statist, anti American scumbags, approve of such an abridgment of the rule of law.

They are deliberately ignoring the documented crimes done against General Flynn, because it goes against the leftist narrative. Heck just unmasking him is a FEDERAL crime.

There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.

Flogging a dead horse are ya? He plead guilty to lying to the fbi, even though he didn't. He did it to save his son who the fbi were threatening to go after. Why do you, a supposed deep thinker, approve of such an outrageous abuse of power? You MUST be a obummer whore. Only statist, anti American scumbags, approve of such an abridgment of the rule of law.

They are deliberately ignoring the documented crimes done against General Flynn, because it goes against the leftist narrative. Heck just unmasking him is a FEDERAL crime.

There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.
"General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury..."

Your disqualifying ignorance on the matter is shown by your statement highlighted above.

This post is pure TDS. No facts, just rabid hate driving you to the point of psychopathology.

Get Help.
You're right, he wasn't convicted by a jury - he went ahead and plead guilty. Twice.

Your automated Trump Defense Syndrome is duly noted.
And your complete lack of honesty, integrity, and any sort of actual knowledge of the event being discussed are duly noted. Then again I’ve proven you a lying ignorant bitch multiple times. Now to slap you again. Coerced confessions aren’t valid. You lose. Again.

There was no coercion per Flynn. Any more lies you want to parrot?

Actually, there was. And it is documented.
You mean using his son as leverage? Yet his son implicated. It is a common tactic. When is it ok and when is it not ok?

How exactly is his son implicated.

Be precise.

His son is a key member of the business, actively involved with his father.

Which means what? Show me a crime.
Which means what? Show me a crime.

One crime (that was being investigated at the time) which involved both Flynn and his son, was the plot to kidnap Gulen and deliver him to Turkey, in exchange for 15 million dollars.
Here is the beauty of Judge Sullivan's Flynn trap:

Sullivan’s order points to the glaring issue with the Trump administration’s attempt to dismiss the charges against a man who twice pleaded guilty in federal court to lying to the FBI about his communications with the Russian ambassador to the United States: If Flynn didn’t, in fact, lie to the FBI about his communications with the ambassador, then he lied to the judge when he repeatedly swore in court that he was guilty of that crime.

So, was Flynn lying then - or is he lying now? Either way is PERJURY.
Thank you Peter Stzrok.
You mean using his son as leverage? Yet his son implicated. It is a common tactic. When is it ok and when is it not ok?
And you're really Lisa Page aren't you ?
Here is the beauty of Judge Sullivan's Flynn trap:

Sullivan’s order points to the glaring issue with the Trump administration’s attempt to dismiss the charges against a man who twice pleaded guilty in federal court to lying to the FBI about his communications with the Russian ambassador to the United States: If Flynn didn’t, in fact, lie to the FBI about his communications with the ambassador, then he lied to the judge when he repeatedly swore in court that he was guilty of that crime.

So, was Flynn lying then - or is he lying now? Either way is PERJURY.
There was no coercion per Flynn. Any more lies you want to parrot?
Actually, there was. And it is documented.

Then why did Flynn lie to the judge, claiming he was making the plea under his own free will, and was NOT coerced by his lawyers or anyone.

Not a good move to lie to the judge.
Why Did the Central Park 5 lie to the judge claiming they were making the plea under their own free will, and was not coerced by their lawyers or anyone.

Not a good move to lie to the judge.
The prosecution has evidence that prosecutors coerced Flynn's guilty plea. That evidence has been presented to the judge who has no idea what to do.

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