Flynn Admitted to Lying Under Oath

Doesn’t change the FACTS Jensen found. Or the notes saying the FBI wanted assurance they were supposed to make Flynn lie. Try again.
That's what law enforcement does. If they can't get proof of the big crimes. find crimes they can prove, and tricking somebody into lying is par for the course.
When they failed to go after Al Capone for racketeering, gambling, prostitution, murder and a lot of other crimes. They got him for tax evasion.
Post things that are easily accessible to anybody with a brain? The case was thrown out after Jensen (the attorney from St. Louis) investigated and uncovered the withheld evidence. Barr dismissed the charges on Jensen’s recommendation. End of story. Oops. I just destroyed your fantasy again. Not sorry.

Jensen?? The US attorney appointed by Trump?? That Jensen?? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Doesn’t change the FACTS Jensen found. Or the notes saying the FBI wanted assurance they were supposed to make Flynn lie. Try again.

oh please post the 'facts' he found.

Much God, your utter stupidity and dodging is old. I’m not rehashing the whole story that has been all over the place for days. Illegal acts by the FBI with Obozo’s urging. Altering of documents. Per their own notes admitting they were setting Flynn up. Learn to read bozo.

Just as I thought. You have nothing. Thanks for playing. Buh-bye.
Wrong as always lying idiot. Sure, Flynn was going to tell the judge he was under coercion and let Mueller the Senile go after his kid on phony charges. Again showing you have no knowledge of the subject. No honesty with you you liar. Keep lyIng, people are getting a good laugh out of your grasping at straws.

All Flynn and/or his lawyers needed to do was to request a private conference in the judges chambers, where Flynn could tell the judge he was being coerced, and he wasn't entering the plea willingly. But if the judge revealed it to the prosecution, they would go after his son.
The conversation would be under seal, and Mueller would never find out, and Flynn would have his get out of jail free card.
A lot of people break under the financial pressure of over zealous dirty cops...I would think that you would understand that....he was broke...he lost his home to pay for legal fees....they threatened to go and investigate his son......does he have to be black or a democrat to get your sympathy?....

If I did nothing wrong, i'd tell them to go pound sand. If my son and I wre involved in illegal acts the FBI threatened to investigate, i'd sing for my supper. Flynn chose to sing for his supper.

If you did nothing wrong, and the government was destroying everything you had made over your life, and you had a choice to plead guilty and save something, or fight it, and watch your son be persecuted, and you lose EVERYTHING......most people would plead guilty to end the suffering.

So, you are either a moron, or a liar.
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If I did nothing wrong, i'd tell them to go pound sand. If my son and I wre involved in illegal acts the FBI threatened to investigate, i'd sing for my supper. Flynn chose to sing for his supper.
If you did nothing wrong, and the government was destroying everything you had made over your life, and you had a choice to plead guilty and save something, or fight it, and watch your son be persecuted, and you lose EVERYTHING......most people would plead guilty to end the suffering.

So, you are either a moron, or a liar.
Did you ever go for a TS security clearance? It's worse than a colonoscopy. They ask everybody you know about everything you did for years. Not just facts, but rumors, speculations, and they use them to coerce other people you know to verify false rumors.

Flynn was clean enough to go through a top level review, so if he was still clean, why would he worry about the FBI investigating him again?
A lot of people break under the financial pressure of over zealous dirty cops...I would think that you would understand that....he was broke...he lost his home to pay for legal fees....they threatened to go and investigate his son......does he have to be black or a democrat to get your sympathy?....

If I did nothing wrong, i'd tell them to go pound sand. If my son and I wre involved in illegal acts the FBI threatened to investigate, i'd sing for my supper. Flynn chose to sing for his supper.
His attorneys were not working pro do know that don't you?...he had to leverage his family home...the home he grew up in....Flynn was a military man....he wasn't rich like the DC swamp dwellers that have been in politics their entire corrupt lives....and when they said that his son will be next he caved....anyone the way his son is squeaky clean and wanted his father to fight...but they were coming at Flynn with a know.....liberals use to hate this kind of over the top police work....shows me just how hypocritical dems are....
....and when they said that his son will be next he caved....anyone the way his son is squeaky clean and wanted his father to fight...but they were coming at Flynn with a know.....liberals use to hate this kind of over the top police work....shows me just how hypocritical dems are....

If his son was so clean, and wanted Flynn to call their bluff, why didn't Flynn let the FBI waste their time going after his "squeaky clean son". No matter how corrupt the FBI is, they can't invent proof of a crime that nobody committed, that will stand up in court.

Just look at Andrew McCabe. They went after him with both barrels, and they couldn't even get an indictment. No plea deal from McCabe.
A lot of people break under the financial pressure of over zealous dirty cops...I would think that you would understand that....he was broke...he lost his home to pay for legal fees....they threatened to go and investigate his son......does he have to be black or a democrat to get your sympathy?....

If I did nothing wrong, i'd tell them to go pound sand. If my son and I wre involved in illegal acts the FBI threatened to investigate, i'd sing for my supper. Flynn chose to sing for his supper.
His attorneys were not working pro do know that don't you?...he had to leverage his family home...the home he grew up in....Flynn was a military man....he wasn't rich like the DC swamp dwellers that have been in politics their entire corrupt lives....and when they said that his son will be next he caved....anyone the way his son is squeaky clean and wanted his father to fight...but they were coming at Flynn with a know.....liberals use to hate this kind of over the top police work....shows me just how hypocritical dems are....

Really? So why was discusding kidnapping someone and sending him to Turkey for 15m?
A lot of people break under the financial pressure of over zealous dirty cops...I would think that you would understand that....he was broke...he lost his home to pay for legal fees....they threatened to go and investigate his son......does he have to be black or a democrat to get your sympathy?....

If I did nothing wrong, i'd tell them to go pound sand. If my son and I wre involved in illegal acts the FBI threatened to investigate, i'd sing for my supper. Flynn chose to sing for his supper.
His attorneys were not working pro do know that don't you?...he had to leverage his family home...the home he grew up in....Flynn was a military man....he wasn't rich like the DC swamp dwellers that have been in politics their entire corrupt lives....and when they said that his son will be next he caved....anyone the way his son is squeaky clean and wanted his father to fight...but they were coming at Flynn with a know.....liberals use to hate this kind of over the top police work....shows me just how hypocritical dems are....

Really? So why was discusding kidnapping someone and sending him to Turkey for 15m?
:hmpf: I think what you mean is you read that someplace....nothing has been charged nor proven.....just like the Russian collusion crap...
A lot of people break under the financial pressure of over zealous dirty cops...I would think that you would understand that....he was broke...he lost his home to pay for legal fees....they threatened to go and investigate his son......does he have to be black or a democrat to get your sympathy?....

If I did nothing wrong, i'd tell them to go pound sand. If my son and I wre involved in illegal acts the FBI threatened to investigate, i'd sing for my supper. Flynn chose to sing for his supper.
His attorneys were not working pro do know that don't you?...he had to leverage his family home...the home he grew up in....Flynn was a military man....he wasn't rich like the DC swamp dwellers that have been in politics their entire corrupt lives....and when they said that his son will be next he caved....anyone the way his son is squeaky clean and wanted his father to fight...but they were coming at Flynn with a know.....liberals use to hate this kind of over the top police work....shows me just how hypocritical dems are....

Really? So why was discusding kidnapping someone and sending him to Turkey for 15m?
:hmpf: I think what you mean is you read that someplace....nothing has been charged nor proven.....just like the Russian collusion crap...

And the “Obamagate” crap...
If I did nothing wrong, i'd tell them to go pound sand. If my son and I wre involved in illegal acts the FBI threatened to investigate, i'd sing for my supper. Flynn chose to sing for his supper.
If you did nothing wrong, and the government was destroying everything you had made over your life, and you had a choice to plead guilty and save something, or fight it, and watch your son be persecuted, and you lose EVERYTHING......most people would plead guilty to end the suffering.

So, you are either a moron, or a liar.
Did you ever go for a TS security clearance? It's worse than a colonoscopy. They ask everybody you know about everything you did for years. Not just facts, but rumors, speculations, and they use them to coerce other people you know to verify false rumors.

Flynn was clean enough to go through a top level review, so if he was still clean, why would he worry about the FBI investigating him again?

Yes, when I was working on LANDSAT the Air Force wanted me to brief them on our progress with the remote sensors we were building.

I had to get a Clearance to go in the building where I gave the briefing. He wasn't worried. They set him up.
Had he been worried he would have lawyered up.

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Ass hat I am an American citizen and an Air Force Veteran I have severed America and my state in Law Enforcement. I am a taxpayer. I am most assuredly relevant you aren't

You served in law enforcement? Jaysus, were the joining requirements that low and/or were they desperate?

Everybody is relevant in their own way...
I couldn't give a rat's arse about whether you think I am irrelevant or not. Here I am and there is nothing you can do about it Hayseed.
Flynn held hands with his Russian contacts and then lied to the Vice President and FBI about it.
It was so bad Trump fired him for dishonesty.

Imagine being fired by Trump of all people for "dishonesty."

Flynn is a traitor and coward before the American flag.

It is also a well known fact in military lore that in boot camp Flynn used to hang around the urinals long after his golden flow.

Flynn is not only a traitor but a pervert.
Last edited:
Post things that are easily accessible to anybody with a brain? The case was thrown out after Jensen (the attorney from St. Louis) investigated and uncovered the withheld evidence. Barr dismissed the charges on Jensen’s recommendation. End of story. Oops. I just destroyed your fantasy again. Not sorry.

Jensen?? The US attorney appointed by Trump?? That Jensen?? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Doesn’t change the FACTS Jensen found. Or the notes saying the FBI wanted assurance they were supposed to make Flynn lie. Try again.

oh please post the 'facts' he found.

Much God, your utter stupidity and dodging is old. I’m not rehashing the whole story that has been all over the place for days. Illegal acts by the FBI with Obozo’s urging. Altering of documents. Per their own notes admitting they were setting Flynn up. Learn to read bozo.

Just as I thought. You have nothing. Thanks for playing. Buh-bye.
You run away from the truth yet again. Keep running goober.
A lot of people break under the financial pressure of over zealous dirty cops...I would think that you would understand that....he was broke...he lost his home to pay for legal fees....they threatened to go and investigate his son......does he have to be black or a democrat to get your sympathy?....

If I did nothing wrong, i'd tell them to go pound sand. If my son and I wre involved in illegal acts the FBI threatened to investigate, i'd sing for my supper. Flynn chose to sing for his supper.
His attorneys were not working pro do know that don't you?...he had to leverage his family home...the home he grew up in....Flynn was a military man....he wasn't rich like the DC swamp dwellers that have been in politics their entire corrupt lives....and when they said that his son will be next he caved....anyone the way his son is squeaky clean and wanted his father to fight...but they were coming at Flynn with a know.....liberals use to hate this kind of over the top police work....shows me just how hypocritical dems are....

Really? So why was discusding kidnapping someone and sending him to Turkey for 15m?
Talk about spewing a conspiracy theory. ^^^^^^^
Flynn held hands with his Russian contacts and then lied to the Vice President and FBI about it.
It was so bad Trump fired him for dishonesty.

Imagine being fired by Trump of all people for "dishonesty."

Flynn is a traitor and coward before the American flag.

It is also a well known fact in military lore that in boot camp Flynn used to hang around the urinals long after his golden flow.

Flynn is not only a traitor but a pervert.

What kind of sick, triggered, Bull shit is that?

Tell us there sparky, have you ever put on the uniform of this country's military? Ever done anything in your pathetic existence to give back to the greatest country on the face of the earth?

Probably not....
Flynn held hands with his Russian contacts and then lied to the Vice President and FBI about it.
It was so bad Trump fired him for dishonesty.

Imagine being fired by Trump of all people for "dishonesty."

Flynn is a traitor and coward before the American flag.

It is also a well known fact in military lore that in boot camp Flynn used to hang around the urinals long after his golden flow.

Flynn is not only a traitor but a pervert.

What kind of sick, triggered, Bull shit is that?

Tell us there sparky, have you ever put on the uniform of this country's military? Ever done anything in your pathetic existence to give back to the greatest country on the face of the earth?

Probably not....

Flynn is a coward and a traitor.

If he had any honour, he would don his uniform and shoot himself alone an a beach side cliff, fall into the ocean, and let the tides take his shame into the great, dark, deep.

...............those times he confessed under oath to the crime he committed, stating he was not coerced-took responsibility for his actions-and had competent legal representation.

"After over 33 years of military service to our country, including nearly five years in combat away from my family, and then my decision to continue to serve the United States, it has been extraordinarily painful to endure these many months of false accusations of "treason" and other outrageous acts. Such false accusations are contrary to everything I have ever done and stood for. But I recognize that the actions I acknowledged in court today were wrong, and, through my faith in God, I am working to set things right. My guilty plea and agreement to cooperate with the Special Counsel's Office reflect a decision I made in the best interests of my family and of our country. I accept full responsibility for my actions."

December 1, 2017


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