Folks Are Catching On.....

In 2008, the Right told the nation what a mistake Obama would be.

Thin experience....radical background.....Jeremiah Wright....

And, sure enough...the windbag has been a failure in domestic policy, race relations, foreign name it.

And, to paraphrase the racist Wright, "Obama's chickens are coming home to roost."

1. "Poll: At Obama's 5-yr point, few see a turnaround

2. WASHINGTON (AP) - As President Barack Obama begins his sixth year in office, people are largely pessimistic...

3. People still view him negatively on both issues, handling of unemployment and the federal government.

4. ....58 percent now sizing him up as very or somewhat likable.

5. Obama is far removed from those heady days before his first inauguration, when two-thirds of Americans predicted he'd be an outstanding or above-average president.

6. Now, 31 percent think he's been outstanding or above average, a quarter size him up as average, and 42 percent describe his presidency as below average or poor.

7. Obama "wasn't a total disappointment," allows Joshua Parker, a 37-year-old small businessman in Smyrna, Tenn. "He didn't put us into a Great Depression."...suspects that someone who understood the economy better could have done more.

a. "But I like a lot of people who are not qualified to be president."

8. The ranks of those who believe Obama has been an outstanding or above average president have edged down 6 points since just after Obama's re-election in November 2012, reflecting slippage in how he's viewed by Democrats, particularly liberals.

9. ....doubts about his decisiveness and honesty persist. More than half of Americans wouldn't describe him as decisive or honest. Fifty-two percent don't find him particularly inspiring.

10. ....overall approval rating has remained fairly stable, with 45 percent approving and 53 percent saying they don't."
Poll: At Obama's 5-yr point, few see a turnaround

Two thirds of he public find him at best....average!

'....not decisive nor honest....'

"....slippage in how he's viewed by Democrats, particularly liberals."

You know that means a lot more than two thirds know the truth.

And, here at USMB.....we should all appreciate the comic relief provided by the numbskulls who still trumpet how great this pompous failure is!!

Great thread. Great post!

I think all the Conservatives and others who posted warnings and dire, ominous signs about Obama should pat themselves on the back.

You have proof positive your mental acuity and political acumen is top notch and waaaaay better than any of the Obama supporters.

Once again, proof positive Conservatives are smarter than Liberals.

Hardwired differently.

Libs can't help themselves.

They are almost mentally handicapped.

Can't be trusted completely. Must be supervised. Be ready to grab the controls from them at any time.

They have shown they are incapable of picking good leadership for this country.

Time for them to have a seat and watch how Conservatives do things.

Just have them shut up and sit down and observe.

Maybe they'll learn from the experience.


Knowing them they'd sit on the sidelines and instead of learning the GOOD things they'll just be planning revenge.

Typically Liberal/Feminine/Emotional behavior.

And a reminder: I love women and I think highly of them. I just recognize how most of them are hard wired to be emotional or more so than your average Conservative or the average male.
Last edited:
In 2008, the Right told the nation what a mistake Obama would be.

Thin experience....radical background.....Jeremiah Wright....

And, sure enough...the windbag has been a failure in domestic policy, race relations, foreign name it.

And, to paraphrase the racist Wright, "Obama's chickens are coming home to roost."

1. "Poll: At Obama's 5-yr point, few see a turnaround

2. WASHINGTON (AP) - As President Barack Obama begins his sixth year in office, people are largely pessimistic...

3. People still view him negatively on both issues, handling of unemployment and the federal government.

4. ....58 percent now sizing him up as very or somewhat likable.

5. Obama is far removed from those heady days before his first inauguration, when two-thirds of Americans predicted he'd be an outstanding or above-average president.

6. Now, 31 percent think he's been outstanding or above average, a quarter size him up as average, and 42 percent describe his presidency as below average or poor.

7. Obama "wasn't a total disappointment," allows Joshua Parker, a 37-year-old small businessman in Smyrna, Tenn. "He didn't put us into a Great Depression."...suspects that someone who understood the economy better could have done more.

a. "But I like a lot of people who are not qualified to be president."

8. The ranks of those who believe Obama has been an outstanding or above average president have edged down 6 points since just after Obama's re-election in November 2012, reflecting slippage in how he's viewed by Democrats, particularly liberals.

9. ....doubts about his decisiveness and honesty persist. More than half of Americans wouldn't describe him as decisive or honest. Fifty-two percent don't find him particularly inspiring.

10. ....overall approval rating has remained fairly stable, with 45 percent approving and 53 percent saying they don't."
Poll: At Obama's 5-yr point, few see a turnaround

Two thirds of he public find him at best....average!

'....not decisive nor honest....'

"....slippage in how he's viewed by Democrats, particularly liberals."

You know that means a lot more than two thirds know the truth.

And, here at USMB.....we should all appreciate the comic relief provided by the numbskulls who still trumpet how great this pompous failure is!!

Great thread. Great post!

I think all the Conservatives and others who posted warnings and dire, ominous signs about Obama should pat themselves on the back.

You have proof positive your mental acuity and political acumen is top notch and waaaaay better than any of the Obama supporters.

Once again, proof positive Conservatives are smarter than Liberals.

Hardwired differently.

Libs can't help themselves.

They are almost mentally handicapped.

Can't be trusted completely. Must be supervised. Be ready to grab the controls from them at any time.

They have shown they are incapable of picking good leadership for this country.

Time for them to have a seat and watch how Conservatives do things.

Just have them shut up and sit down and observe.

Maybe they'll learn from the experience.


Knowing them they'd sit on the sidelines and instead of learning the GOOD things they'll just be planning revenge.

Typically Liberal/Feminine/Emotional behavior.
Indeed. From the day he announced for 2008 WE started sounding the sirens...after the first term which failed WE warned again...No avail. SHAME we had to travel this road for people to wake up.
In 2008, the Right told the nation what a mistake Obama would be.

Thin experience....radical background.....Jeremiah Wright....

And, sure enough...the windbag has been a failure in domestic policy, race relations, foreign name it.

And, to paraphrase the racist Wright, "Obama's chickens are coming home to roost."

1. "Poll: At Obama's 5-yr point, few see a turnaround

2. WASHINGTON (AP) - As President Barack Obama begins his sixth year in office, people are largely pessimistic...

3. People still view him negatively on both issues, handling of unemployment and the federal government.

4. ....58 percent now sizing him up as very or somewhat likable.

5. Obama is far removed from those heady days before his first inauguration, when two-thirds of Americans predicted he'd be an outstanding or above-average president.

6. Now, 31 percent think he's been outstanding or above average, a quarter size him up as average, and 42 percent describe his presidency as below average or poor.

7. Obama "wasn't a total disappointment," allows Joshua Parker, a 37-year-old small businessman in Smyrna, Tenn. "He didn't put us into a Great Depression."...suspects that someone who understood the economy better could have done more.

a. "But I like a lot of people who are not qualified to be president."

8. The ranks of those who believe Obama has been an outstanding or above average president have edged down 6 points since just after Obama's re-election in November 2012, reflecting slippage in how he's viewed by Democrats, particularly liberals.

9. ....doubts about his decisiveness and honesty persist. More than half of Americans wouldn't describe him as decisive or honest. Fifty-two percent don't find him particularly inspiring.

10. ....overall approval rating has remained fairly stable, with 45 percent approving and 53 percent saying they don't."
Poll: At Obama's 5-yr point, few see a turnaround

Two thirds of he public find him at best....average!

'....not decisive nor honest....'

"....slippage in how he's viewed by Democrats, particularly liberals."

You know that means a lot more than two thirds know the truth.

And, here at USMB.....we should all appreciate the comic relief provided by the numbskulls who still trumpet how great this pompous failure is!!

Great thread. Great post!

I think all the Conservatives and others who posted warnings and dire, ominous signs about Obama should pat themselves on the back.

You have proof positive your mental acuity and political acumen is top notch and waaaaay better than any of the Obama supporters.

Once again, proof positive Conservatives are smarter than Liberals.

Hardwired differently.

Libs can't help themselves.

They are almost mentally handicapped.

Can't be trusted completely. Must be supervised. Be ready to grab the controls from them at any time.

They have shown they are incapable of picking good leadership for this country.

Time for them to have a seat and watch how Conservatives do things.

Just have them shut up and sit down and observe.

Maybe they'll learn from the experience.


Knowing them they'd sit on the sidelines and instead of learning the GOOD things they'll just be planning revenge.

Typically Liberal/Feminine/Emotional behavior.
Indeed. From the day he announced for 2008 WE started sounding the sirens...after the first term which failed WE warned again...No avail. SHAME we had to travel this road for people to wake up.

Hillary will likely do better than Obama; don't worry.
In 2008, the Right told the nation what a mistake Obama would be.


The Right also told us Obama was born in Kenya.

No, Obama did.
That's what he told his literary agent.

"'Born in Kenya': Obama's Literary Agent Misidentified His Birthplace in 1991

A possible source of the so-called "birther" issue--or at least a potential cause of the rumors that have dogged President Barack Obama--has been identified.

Obama's former literary agency misidentified his birthplace as Kenya while trying to promote the then-Harvard Law grad as an author in 1991.

According to a promotional booklet produced by the agency, Acton & Dystel, to showcase its roster of writers, Obama was "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii."

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients."
'Born in Kenya': Obama's Literary Agent Misidentified His Birthplace in 1991 - ABC News

Political Chic is a birther? All of your blustering makes perfect sense. That's just grand. Next thing you know she'll be saying we never landed on the moon.
Great thread. Great post!

I think all the Conservatives and others who posted warnings and dire, ominous signs about Obama should pat themselves on the back.

You have proof positive your mental acuity and political acumen is top notch and waaaaay better than any of the Obama supporters.

Once again, proof positive Conservatives are smarter than Liberals.

Hardwired differently.

Libs can't help themselves.

They are almost mentally handicapped.

Can't be trusted completely. Must be supervised. Be ready to grab the controls from them at any time.

They have shown they are incapable of picking good leadership for this country.

Time for them to have a seat and watch how Conservatives do things.

Just have them shut up and sit down and observe.

Maybe they'll learn from the experience.


Knowing them they'd sit on the sidelines and instead of learning the GOOD things they'll just be planning revenge.

Typically Liberal/Feminine/Emotional behavior.
Indeed. From the day he announced for 2008 WE started sounding the sirens...after the first term which failed WE warned again...No avail. SHAME we had to travel this road for people to wake up.

Hillary will likely do better than Obama; don't worry.
Better at hammering nails in the coffin of the Republic the Progressives as her and Obama are building?

On that? WE AGREE.

And so they should be.

Is the ultimate Republican goal in life still to make Obama a one-term President?

How's that working for you, GOP?
In 2008, the Right told the nation what a mistake Obama would be.

Thin experience....radical background.....Jeremiah Wright....

And, sure enough...the windbag has been a failure in domestic policy, race relations, foreign name it.

And, to paraphrase the racist Wright, "Obama's chickens are coming home to roost."

1. "Poll: At Obama's 5-yr point, few see a turnaround

2. WASHINGTON (AP) - As President Barack Obama begins his sixth year in office, people are largely pessimistic...

3. People still view him negatively on both issues, handling of unemployment and the federal government.

4. ....58 percent now sizing him up as very or somewhat likable.

5. Obama is far removed from those heady days before his first inauguration, when two-thirds of Americans predicted he'd be an outstanding or above-average president.

6. Now, 31 percent think he's been outstanding or above average, a quarter size him up as average, and 42 percent describe his presidency as below average or poor.

7. Obama "wasn't a total disappointment," allows Joshua Parker, a 37-year-old small businessman in Smyrna, Tenn. "He didn't put us into a Great Depression."...suspects that someone who understood the economy better could have done more.

a. "But I like a lot of people who are not qualified to be president."

8. The ranks of those who believe Obama has been an outstanding or above average president have edged down 6 points since just after Obama's re-election in November 2012, reflecting slippage in how he's viewed by Democrats, particularly liberals.

9. ....doubts about his decisiveness and honesty persist. More than half of Americans wouldn't describe him as decisive or honest. Fifty-two percent don't find him particularly inspiring.

10. ....overall approval rating has remained fairly stable, with 45 percent approving and 53 percent saying they don't."
Poll: At Obama's 5-yr point, few see a turnaround

Two thirds of he public find him at best....average!

'....not decisive nor honest....'

"....slippage in how he's viewed by Democrats, particularly liberals."

You know that means a lot more than two thirds know the truth.

And, here at USMB.....we should all appreciate the comic relief provided by the numbskulls who still trumpet how great this pompous failure is!!

Barry Obama is nothing more than an academic. He operates in theories; and his "theories" are hogwash. He destroys everything he touches - he has done absolutely NOTHING to bolster capitalism because he is a communist and despises the free market system. He despises the military. He despises the American way of life and wants nothing more than to turn the US into the former USSR (with, of course, HIM being appointed as High Potentate).

I predict that by the time we rid ourselves of this cancer, it just might be too late for this once great nation……hope to hell I'm wrong, though.
In 2008, the Right told the nation what a mistake Obama would be.

Thin experience....radical background.....Jeremiah Wright....

And, sure enough...the windbag has been a failure in domestic policy, race relations, foreign name it.

And, to paraphrase the racist Wright, "Obama's chickens are coming home to roost."

1. "Poll: At Obama's 5-yr point, few see a turnaround

2. WASHINGTON (AP) - As President Barack Obama begins his sixth year in office, people are largely pessimistic...

3. People still view him negatively on both issues, handling of unemployment and the federal government.

4. ....58 percent now sizing him up as very or somewhat likable.

5. Obama is far removed from those heady days before his first inauguration, when two-thirds of Americans predicted he'd be an outstanding or above-average president.

6. Now, 31 percent think he's been outstanding or above average, a quarter size him up as average, and 42 percent describe his presidency as below average or poor.

7. Obama "wasn't a total disappointment," allows Joshua Parker, a 37-year-old small businessman in Smyrna, Tenn. "He didn't put us into a Great Depression."...suspects that someone who understood the economy better could have done more.

a. "But I like a lot of people who are not qualified to be president."

8. The ranks of those who believe Obama has been an outstanding or above average president have edged down 6 points since just after Obama's re-election in November 2012, reflecting slippage in how he's viewed by Democrats, particularly liberals.

9. ....doubts about his decisiveness and honesty persist. More than half of Americans wouldn't describe him as decisive or honest. Fifty-two percent don't find him particularly inspiring.

10. ....overall approval rating has remained fairly stable, with 45 percent approving and 53 percent saying they don't."
Poll: At Obama's 5-yr point, few see a turnaround

Two thirds of he public find him at best....average!

'....not decisive nor honest....'

"....slippage in how he's viewed by Democrats, particularly liberals."

You know that means a lot more than two thirds know the truth.

And, here at USMB.....we should all appreciate the comic relief provided by the numbskulls who still trumpet how great this pompous failure is!!

Barry Obama is nothing more than an academic. He operates in theories; and his "theories" are hogwash. He destroys everything he touches - he has done absolutely NOTHING to bolster capitalism because he is a communist and despises the free market system. He despises the military. He despises the American way of life and wants nothing more than to turn the US into the former USSR (with, of course, HIM being appointed as High Potentate).

I predict that by the time we rid ourselves of this cancer, it just might be too late for this once great nation……hope to hell I'm wrong, though.
And DARE to watch the SOTU. His main focus will be "Income Inequality". (You know the Economy he's been promising he'd fix from day ONE)? He's already 'fixed' it...:eusa_whistle:
Long well reasoned list. Thx.

....did you mention that he hasn't started a frivolous war that killed over a hundred thousand innocents? I'll go have another look.

Last edited:
The Right also told us Obama was born in Kenya.

No, Obama did.
That's what he told his literary agent.

"'Born in Kenya': Obama's Literary Agent Misidentified His Birthplace in 1991

A possible source of the so-called "birther" issue--or at least a potential cause of the rumors that have dogged President Barack Obama--has been identified.

Obama's former literary agency misidentified his birthplace as Kenya while trying to promote the then-Harvard Law grad as an author in 1991.

According to a promotional booklet produced by the agency, Acton & Dystel, to showcase its roster of writers, Obama was "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii."

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients."
'Born in Kenya': Obama's Literary Agent Misidentified His Birthplace in 1991 - ABC News

Political Chic is a birther? All of your blustering makes perfect sense. That's just grand. Next thing you know she'll be saying we never landed on the moon.

Yeah but she puts lines between enumerated crap-slings. Makes all the difference.
Long well reasoned list. Thx.

....did you mentioned that he hasn't started a frivolous war that killed over a hundred thousand innocents? I'll go have another look.


Nor has he finished a war he didn't start by simply removing American forces…resulting in the deaths of 10s of thousands more and thousands of American men and women.

And, as a result of his "moves" he has handed Iraq BACK to those people who seek to destroy the United States and no doubt will do the same with Afghanistan. Way to go Mister president !!!

Oh, and about "closing Guantanamo"……guess he's been too busy playing golf and vacationing to be bothered with those details - right?
Is the ultimate Republican goal in life still to make Obama a one-term President?

How's that working for you, GOP?

There was an old saying that "Generals are always fighting the last war" instead of preparing for the next. R's seem to be following that meme. Fine by me.

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