Folks Are Catching On.....

Long well reasoned list. Thx.

....did you mentioned that he hasn't started a frivolous war that killed over a hundred thousand innocents? I'll go have another look.


If you are referring to George W's decision to invade Iraq, you are an ingrate with a lack of practical imagination.

What does THAT mean?

Try thinking about what MIGHT have been prevented from happening. Or what WAS prevented. If W hadn't invaded and if Saddam hadn't been bluffing your shit would be real raggedy.

What W was facing goes beyond your comprehension maybe.

Hey, great game.

Let me try,let's see...Pigs might fly if they had wings....Casey might have hit a homer if only it hadn't been a curve...I might be a billionaire if only I bought Google when...
Hell, okay you're better at this game than me.
Long well reasoned list. Thx.

....did you mentioned that he hasn't started a frivolous war that killed over a hundred thousand innocents? I'll go have another look.


NO but keeps a war going on in Afghanistan...Wonder why?
Completely botched agreements regarding runs the place...WHY?


Afghanistan is the war Bush should have fought. There was really no option after 9/11. It should have been waged invoking the Powell Doctrine and every last vestige of the Taliban and al Queda smashed down to the molecular level. Instead, well you know the story as well as I. Now what was Obama supposed to do, start both wars over and, well what? You don't get do-overs in modern warfare, once you lose the public you're fucked.

Long well reasoned list. Thx.

....did you mentioned that he hasn't started a frivolous war that killed over a hundred thousand innocents? I'll go have another look.


Nor has he finished a war he didn't start by simply removing American forces…resulting in the deaths of 10s of thousands more and thousands of American men and women.

And, as a result of his "moves" he has handed Iraq BACK to those people who seek to destroy the United States and no doubt will do the same with Afghanistan. Way to go Mister president !!!

Oh, and about "closing Guantanamo"……guess he's been too busy playing golf and vacationing to be bothered with those details - right?
Thousands of American men and women died because Bush started these unwinnable wars over complete and utter lies.

Just how long should US soldiers have remained in Iraq? Another seven years? Until they find all of those WMD that everyone knows are there? Do the fiscally responsible GOP Teabaggers have any idea who pays to keep soldiers in war?

Obama "handed Iraq back" to terrorists? No. Bush handed Iraq to terrorists by invading. That's one little fact that is too important to overlook. The removal of Saddam Hussein created a power vacuum which gave AQI the opportunity to become active. Hussein was hated by al-Qaeda for killing Muslims. With Saddam Hussein gone and no power structure in Iraq at all, al-Qaeda struck hard and now we see the results of Bush's lies.

So how long should American soldiers occupy foreign nations that have been invaded because of complete and utter lies?
Long well reasoned list. Thx.

....did you mentioned that he hasn't started a frivolous war that killed over a hundred thousand innocents? I'll go have another look.


Nor has he finished a war he didn't start by simply removing American forces…resulting in the deaths of 10s of thousands more and thousands of American men and women.

And, as a result of his "moves" he has handed Iraq BACK to those people who seek to destroy the United States and no doubt will do the same with Afghanistan. Way to go Mister president !!!

Oh, and about "closing Guantanamo"……guess he's been too busy playing golf and vacationing to be bothered with those details - right?
Thousands of American men and women died because Bush started these unwinnable wars over complete and utter lies.

Just how long should US soldiers have remained in Iraq? Another seven years? Until they find all of those WMD that everyone knows are there? Do the fiscally responsible GOP Teabaggers have any idea who pays to keep soldiers in war?

Obama "handed Iraq back" to terrorists? No. Bush handed Iraq to terrorists by invading. That's one little fact that is too important to overlook. The removal of Saddam Hussein created a power vacuum which gave AQI the opportunity to become active. Hussein was hated by al-Qaeda for killing Muslims. With Saddam Hussein gone and no power structure in Iraq at all, al-Qaeda struck hard and now we see the results of Bush's lies.

So how long should American soldiers occupy foreign nations that have been invaded because of complete and utter lies?

You haven't the information needed to win this line of argument.

Depart from this line of debate or desist from pressing it any further.

Or is it "farther"?


Your first and last warning.

You will lose.

But you may learn something.
Nor has he finished a war he didn't start by simply removing American forces…resulting in the deaths of 10s of thousands more and thousands of American men and women.

And, as a result of his "moves" he has handed Iraq BACK to those people who seek to destroy the United States and no doubt will do the same with Afghanistan. Way to go Mister president !!!

Oh, and about "closing Guantanamo"……guess he's been too busy playing golf and vacationing to be bothered with those details - right?
Thousands of American men and women died because Bush started these unwinnable wars over complete and utter lies.

Just how long should US soldiers have remained in Iraq? Another seven years? Until they find all of those WMD that everyone knows are there? Do the fiscally responsible GOP Teabaggers have any idea who pays to keep soldiers in war?

Obama "handed Iraq back" to terrorists? No. Bush handed Iraq to terrorists by invading. That's one little fact that is too important to overlook. The removal of Saddam Hussein created a power vacuum which gave AQI the opportunity to become active. Hussein was hated by al-Qaeda for killing Muslims. With Saddam Hussein gone and no power structure in Iraq at all, al-Qaeda struck hard and now we see the results of Bush's lies.

So how long should American soldiers occupy foreign nations that have been invaded because of complete and utter lies?

You haven't the information needed to win this line of argument.

Depart from this line of debate or desist from pressing it any further.

Or is it "farther"?


Your first and last warning.

You will lose.

But you may learn something.
Please teach us, O Lord. Show us the way. Give us your Holy insight into Operation Ajax, Operation Cyclone, and Operation Cobra II (to name only three).
Hey, great game.

Let me try,let's see...Pigs might fly if they had wings....Casey might have hit a homer if only it hadn't been a curve...I might be a billionaire if only I bought Google when...
Hell, okay you're better at this game than me.

First of all you need to recognize there was genuine doubt as to whether Saddam had or hadn't any WMD's.

This was confirmed here in a CBS News 60 Minutes broadcast interview with FBI Agent George Piro, Saddam's interrogator in Iraq.

Skip to :30 for the content to start.

[ame=]Interrogator Shares Saddam's Confessions: No WMDS! - YouTube[/ame]

Then, imagine you are the PM of Israel.

Would you do nothing while being led to believe that a mortal enemy (SCUD attacks in Gulf War I and $25,000 payments to Palestinian suicide bomber families) might have WMD's ready to attack your major cities and kill hundreds, thousands or hundreds or thousands of your citizens?

"Never Again."

No, you would not do nothing. You'd do something.

That's been one of Israel's hallmarks. They act against threats and they don't mess around.

Think "Osirak."

Operation Opera - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But if Israel had acted in self defense but without provocation against Iraq a powder keg might have gone up in the entire Middle East and possibly led to a regional war which, in addition to the major loss of life could have prompted a multiple Arab nation attack on Israel once again. But THIS time, with more advanced weaponry, Israel might have had to employ her own WMD's to fend off the combined might of all of her hostile neighbors.

There would have also been an unavoidable disruption of oil supplies going to our trading partners, driving up the global price and causing an economic Tsunami.

Here, we'd ONLY have had to worry about the price of gasoline.



Look up from your computer monitor and survey everything around you.


Now tell me what is not made wholly or in part from petroleum? And how did EVERYTHING you see get to the store where you bought it?

And so on.

And though we've never sent troops to fight with or for Israel, the time might have come if our industry and economy and way of life was threatened by attacks on Israel and if general instability in the oil producing Middle Eastern states had occurred.

So how could President GWB keep Israel from setting off what could have been a regional conflagration or worse?

The answer might have been by promising to remove the threat...whether real or only suspected.

And that is what W did.

Now there is little proof this is what happened in reality.

However, it makes sense and it COULD have happened in roughly the way I've outlined it..

So what might we have avoided by invading?

Oil shortage.

WMD attacks on Israel.

Israel (the hated JOOZ!) launching un-provoked, preventive, pre-emptive strikes on Iraq to neutralize unknown WMD's in dozens of places where they MIGHT have been within distance of Israel. This, causing Saddam to appeal to his Islamic "brothers" to come to his aid.

Regional war. Attacks on Israel by multiple Arab nations. If overwhelmed Israel MIGHT have appealed to the US for troop support. Or it might have brought out her own Nukes and/or other WMD's. This would have enraged Muslims around the world and possibly have touched off a global holy war against both the little and the great Satans. (Israel and the USA)

Yes, Saddam was not religious. But he was playing the religious "card" by paying the Palestinian families, by building huge, elaborate religious themed palaces to convince the Imams and the Holy Warriors that he deserved the Koran ordained assistance from his "fellow Muslims."

Economic chaos. Global instability of the stock and bond and options markets.

Shortages of oil in the US. negatively affecting goods and services and workers across the country and of every walk of life.

Otherwise unassuming Muslims in America would have felt a call to defend their brethren and their religion (think of the cartoon riots but with more intensity and more seriousness and in greater numbers) here in America. The result, greater domestic terrorism in the US by American Muslims or residents like the Boston Marathon Bombers.

Oh, there are all kinds of things we were spared because of GWB's decision.

But that's not to say the invasion was all peaches and cream.

It was a war. And that's seldom the best course and should be avoided if possible.

And we made big mistakes after concluding the major conventional ground operations leading to the capture of Baghdad.

But my point is that when you criticize the decision to invade keep in mind there were good reasons for it, too.

And the fact that Saddam was only bluffing was not confirmed until Piro got Saddam to admit as much in his interrogation sessions.

No President (except maybe Obama, whose foreign policy has been to help our foes and take out our allies in the M.E.) would have gambled with Israel's existence at stake.

No Israeli PM would have tolerated a virtual Sword of Damocles hanging over their figurative heads.
Last edited:
Thousands of American men and women died because Bush started these unwinnable wars over complete and utter lies.

Just how long should US soldiers have remained in Iraq? Another seven years? Until they find all of those WMD that everyone knows are there? Do the fiscally responsible GOP Teabaggers have any idea who pays to keep soldiers in war?

Obama "handed Iraq back" to terrorists? No. Bush handed Iraq to terrorists by invading. That's one little fact that is too important to overlook. The removal of Saddam Hussein created a power vacuum which gave AQI the opportunity to become active. Hussein was hated by al-Qaeda for killing Muslims. With Saddam Hussein gone and no power structure in Iraq at all, al-Qaeda struck hard and now we see the results of Bush's lies.

So how long should American soldiers occupy foreign nations that have been invaded because of complete and utter lies?

You haven't the information needed to win this line of argument.

Depart from this line of debate or desist from pressing it any further.

Or is it "farther"?


Your first and last warning.

You will lose.

But you may learn something.
Please teach us, O Lord. Show us the way. Give us your Holy insight into Operation Ajax, Operation Cyclone, and Operation Cobra II (to name only three).
Yep, "folks are catching on....."

Only two more years and then you'll have gotten rid of Obama forever. Keep up the great work!
Yep, "folks are catching on....."

Only two more years and then you'll have gotten rid of Obama forever. Keep up the great work!

I know you'll be heart broken when he leaves. But keep a stiff upper lip and maybe his jizz won't all spill out of your mouth.
In 2008, the Right told the nation what a mistake Obama would be.

Thin experience....radical background.....Jeremiah Wright....

And, sure enough...the windbag has been a failure in domestic policy, race relations, foreign name it.

And, to paraphrase the racist Wright, "Obama's chickens are coming home to roost."

1. "Poll: At Obama's 5-yr point, few see a turnaround

2. WASHINGTON (AP) - As President Barack Obama begins his sixth year in office, people are largely pessimistic...

3. People still view him negatively on both issues, handling of unemployment and the federal government.

4. ....58 percent now sizing him up as very or somewhat likable.

5. Obama is far removed from those heady days before his first inauguration, when two-thirds of Americans predicted he'd be an outstanding or above-average president.

6. Now, 31 percent think he's been outstanding or above average, a quarter size him up as average, and 42 percent describe his presidency as below average or poor.

7. Obama "wasn't a total disappointment," allows Joshua Parker, a 37-year-old small businessman in Smyrna, Tenn. "He didn't put us into a Great Depression."...suspects that someone who understood the economy better could have done more.

a. "But I like a lot of people who are not qualified to be president."

8. The ranks of those who believe Obama has been an outstanding or above average president have edged down 6 points since just after Obama's re-election in November 2012, reflecting slippage in how he's viewed by Democrats, particularly liberals.

9. ....doubts about his decisiveness and honesty persist. More than half of Americans wouldn't describe him as decisive or honest. Fifty-two percent don't find him particularly inspiring.

10. ....overall approval rating has remained fairly stable, with 45 percent approving and 53 percent saying they don't."
Poll: At Obama's 5-yr point, few see a turnaround

Two thirds of he public find him at best....average!

'....not decisive nor honest....'

"....slippage in how he's viewed by Democrats, particularly liberals."

You know that means a lot more than two thirds know the truth.

And, here at USMB.....we should all appreciate the comic relief provided by the numbskulls who still trumpet how great this pompous failure is!!

You have not factored in the peiople who would be against Obama no matter what he does. You need to look no further than these boards to get many examples of these people.
You've got to be kidding. Let me get this straight, America has gone through 10 years of hell because Saddam might have had WMD and he might have attacked Israel with them??? In that context there's only one thing to say....FUCK ISRAEL.
Funny, I was actually thinking of doing a post today pondering what the nation-wide number of "people who would be against Obama no matter what he does" really is. "You need to look no further than these boards to get many examples of these people". The sample here would probably be skewed anti-Obama by a significant margin because of the high percentage of haters trolling the forum. Hell, if he cured cancer and invented cold fusion some of this crowds reaction would be "Yeah, but the commie nazi gay-loving Muslim Kenyan bastard didn't do a damn thing about heart disease!" I have a feeling the national number would still be pretty high. If I had to guess I would say at least 25%. Maybe I'll bring it up tomorrow.
To #9:

Liars can inspire people for a time, until those people discover the truth.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

-Joseph Goebbels

The far left has done this through out their long history. All it has done to anyone is cause pain and misery. So if you love pain and misery you vote far left.
Yep, "folks are catching on....."

Only two more years and then you'll have gotten rid of Obama forever. Keep up the great work!

I know you'll be heart broken when he leaves. But keep a stiff upper lip and maybe his jizz won't all spill out of your mouth.
You might think that you're insulting me, but you're not. I'm one of the only people here that is willing to call out Obama as a war criminal just like Cheney and Bush. The use of drones is no different than the use of land mines, which are outlawed in war because land mines, like drones, don't care who they kill.

Both of these US Presidents need to die in prison for our country to regain some honor. And marijuana has to be legalized again.

Anyway, if I slam Teabaggers for being the knuckle-dragging, homophobic, xenophobic, racist, sexist, inbred morons that they are, it doesn't mean that I love Barack Obama or the Democratic party. It just means that I am pointing out the fact that Teabagger Republicans are so stupid that they think that Sarah Palin is smart. Do you understand? Of course you don't.

Folks aren't catching on to anything. Real progressives already knew in his first term that Obama isn't what he promised to be. But who could we choose for our alternative? We the People don't get to pick the candidates, we only vote for whoever is available. So who else could we vote for? A Mormon? Old man McCain who probably would have died from the stress of the Presidency leaving Sarah Palin in charge of the military during war? No, thank you.
Yep, "folks are catching on....."

Only two more years and then you'll have gotten rid of Obama forever. Keep up the great work!

I know you'll be heart broken when he leaves. But keep a stiff upper lip and maybe his jizz won't all spill out of your mouth.

Or by the grace of God, shortly, or sooner than possible, he could bow out

The Right also told us Obama was born in Kenya.

No, Obama did.
That's what he told his literary agent.

"'Born in Kenya': Obama's Literary Agent Misidentified His Birthplace in 1991

A possible source of the so-called "birther" issue--or at least a potential cause of the rumors that have dogged President Barack Obama--has been identified.

Obama's former literary agency misidentified his birthplace as Kenya while trying to promote the then-Harvard Law grad as an author in 1991.

According to a promotional booklet produced by the agency, Acton & Dystel, to showcase its roster of writers, Obama was "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii."

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients."
'Born in Kenya': Obama's Literary Agent Misidentified His Birthplace in 1991 - ABC News

Political Chic is a birther? All of your blustering makes perfect sense. That's just grand. Next thing you know she'll be saying we never landed on the moon.

Know what makes sense, what serves as the hermeneutical key to interpreting your posts?
You're a moron.
That's all one needs to know.
332-206. Earned it.

Unable to focus on the OP, huh?

But, what can one expect based on the mistake you chose for your avi.

Until you came along I always wondered how the dinosaurs survived for millions of years with walnut sized brains.


But, please don't beat her up again. Otherwise we'll have to hear about how important she is(n't).

Political Hick is a threat only to her bed springs...

Why is it you can't adhere to the bet you made? You said you'd leave if Romney lost yet you're still here?

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