Following in Hillary's Footsteps...

Yet another leftist shows their true racist colors. Shithead on left attacked brown person on right...

I will follow her footsteps but let me guzzle a liter of vodka first


Hard to follow in her footsteps walking a straight line :dunno:
Following in Hillary's Footsteps...

Elizabeth Warren supporter arrested after allegedly assaulting US Senate challenger

'A supporter of U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren has reportedly been arrested for allegedly assaulting one of Warren's opponents in this year's U.S. Senate race in Massachusetts.'

Elizabeth Warren supporter arrested after allegedly assaulting US Senate challenger

'Tolerant' Liberals
....gotta love them.
Wow. Some random person in America gets arrested and you manage to connect it to your masturbatory fantasies about Hillary!

You beat off to her every day, don't you, son.
Elizabeth Warren supporter arrested after allegedly assaulting US Senate challenger

'A supporter of U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren has reportedly been arrested for allegedly assaulting one of Warren's opponents in this year's U.S. Senate race in Massachusetts.'

Elizabeth Warren supporter arrested after allegedly assaulting US Senate challenger

'Tolerant' Liberals
....gotta love them.
What does this crap have to do with Liz Warren herself?
“Following in Hillary’s Footsteps” .. ??

Hillary would have been MUCH better than that Donald disaster.
Hillary would have been MUCH better than that Donald disaster.

- Abandoned 4 Americans to needlessly die at the hands of Al Qaeda
- Compromised national security
- 'Too stupid to know she was breaking laws' - James Comey
- 15,000+ violations of FOIA/FRA, Obstruction, mishandling classified, Espionage, 'Gross Negligence'
- Obama 2.0

- Best economy in decades
- Lowest unemployment in decades
- Most Americans working
- Fewer Americans on unemployment / food stamps / welfare in decades
- More Jobs
- More Full-Time Jobs
- Pay raises, bonuses,

Your premise has been assessed, and the data shows you are wrong.
What does this crap have to do with Liz Warren herself?
“Following in Hillary’s Footsteps” .. ??

Hillary and her campaign was proven to have paid groups who in turn provided violent snowflakes who beat and bloodied Trump supporters AT Trump events (meaning they went LOOKING for violence, the same way Antifa always does).

View attachment 206897

New O'Keefe Video: Clinton Campaign, DNC Coordinated With Organizations To Incite Violence At Trump Events
That article shows dirty politics, which exists for BOTH parties. BTW, the violence cannot be attributed to DNC ditry politics, like University admins cannot be blamed for Antifa crap.

Why smear Warren ... yet?
Afraid of her potential to defeat Trump on legitimate issues?
BTW, the violence cannot be attributed to DNC ditry politics

Yes it can. As the link / article I posted states, Hillary and her campaign funded groups that sent violent agitators to Trump Rallies to beat and bloody Trump Supporters.
easy for RW's to follow Clnton- their lips are glued to her ass.
Hillary would have been MUCH better than that Donald disaster.

- Abandoned 4 Americans to needlessly die at the hands of Al Qaeda
- Compromised national security
- 'Too stupid to know she was breaking laws' - James Comey
- 15,000+ violations of FOIA/FRA, Obstruction, mishandling classified, Espionage, 'Gross Negligence'
- Obama 2.0

- Best economy in decades
- Lowest unemployment in decades
- Most Americans working
- Fewer Americans on unemployment / food stamps / welfare in decades
- More Jobs
- More Full-Time Jobs
- Pay raises, bonuses,

Your premise has been assessed, and the data shows you are wrong.
I can play that stupid superficial game too ...

- Compromised national security by siding w/ Russians over all US Intelligence agencies AND Congress.
- Too stupid to know he was stupid.
- Violated security rules by not having his official conversations with other country leaders recorded.
- His former staff members are convinced Trump is a moron that does not know how to anslyze information. Unlike Obama, who read many pages within a staff brief, Trump only reads ONE page, and he likes pictures.
- He wishes he could read like Obama, and takes credit for the economic upturn that Obama started (takes years).
the only known species on earth that get all aroused when they follow Hillary are sasquatch and laughing hyeanas
Hillary would have been MUCH better than that Donald disaster.

Any evidence for that claim?


I rest my case with that chopped up video.
My evidence is TRUMP.
No one could have been WORSE than this pig-headed naive moron.
His handling of international affairs is really head shaking, and we will see the outcome as it unfolds ...
- Compromised national security by siding w/ Russians over all US Intelligence agencies AND Congress.
- Too stupid to know he was stupid.
- Violated security rules by not having his official conversations with other country leaders recorded.
- His former staff members are convinced Trump is a moron that does not know how to anslyze information. Unlike Obama, who read many pages within a staff brief, Trump only reads ONE page, and he likes pictures.
- He wishes he could read like Obama, and takes credit for the economic upturn that Obama started (takes years).
Trump showed a complete lack of confidence in an Intel Community run by proven perjurers and traitors - former CIA Director Brennan and Former NIA Director Clapper. They destroyed themselves and their reputations themselves.

The rest of your comments are a compilation of butt-hurt sore-loser emotionally-driven tantrum throwing.

What I posted is all supported by fact, evidence, US IG reports, etc...

Going on 3 years now, Liberals still have zero evidence of criminal activity by the President to support their lies and false narratives.

You fail.

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