Food Stamp Fraud - The New Crime Wave

Really? Millions accepting freebies that they don't need. Millions?

I'd say that is a reasonable claim, considering the number of people receiving food stamps is 44 million. If only 5 percent were fraudulent, you are in the millions.
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I want the number of able bodied adults who choose not to work in favor of living off of government assistance and what the total taxpayer outlay is for that number of people.

I don't want "many" or "scores" or " hoards" or " millions" or " untold"...........I want THE ACTUAL FUCKING NUMBERS.


At one time I would have thought that was a joke, but now know better. I'm waiting for some raging liberal to tell me I'm heartless and against feeding children because I am disgusted at the way too many people are taking tax payers for a ride. It's a big problem when millions are accepting freebies from government when they obviously don't need them. When giverment is willing to pass out cards for entertainment, of course people will take them. We've all heard the excuse from people who really don't need help- "If I don't take it, someone else will."

And why has government knowingly allowed this sort of fraud to get worse? I think I know the answer. It's all about votes.

The problem is that 40% of those on food stamps already have jobs. Not because they are "ripping off the system" but because the jobs they hold don't pay enough to put food on the table.

And this is where you free market types have really messed it up. When you decide to increase your profit by firing one guy and make another guy work twice as hard for less money, you create EXACTLY the kind of government dependency you whine about.

I had a service call one day at a retail fish store in a bad neighborhood.
I asked the guy why it was so quiet for a Friday.
He said it was the end of the Month.
He told me the beginning of the Month they all come in with their EBT food card
and load up on lobster tails and King Crab legs.
He said it was pretty funny.
After two weeks of peanut butter sandwiches, you would too. BS anyway.

I love the way Pubs cut investigators and then bitch about the fraud that follows...

And thanks for the depression,mega rich ahole Pubs. Pub dupes.
What the rw's can't seem to understand is that this is such a miniscule amount of money when compared to the outright thievery on the part of the biggest money on the right.

Jeeez - you people really live in LaLaLand.
You gotta see how these folks go off on the counter guy if
they think he shorted them on one of their "Strimps"
At one time I would have thought that was a joke, but now know better. I'm waiting for some raging liberal to tell me I'm heartless and against feeding children because I am disgusted at the way too many people are taking tax payers for a ride. It's a big problem when millions are accepting freebies from government when they obviously don't need them. When giverment is willing to pass out cards for entertainment, of course people will take them. We've all heard the excuse from people who really don't need help- "If I don't take it, someone else will."

And why has government knowingly allowed this sort of fraud to get worse? I think I know the answer. It's all about votes.

The problem is that 40% of those on food stamps already have jobs. Not because they are "ripping off the system" but because the jobs they hold don't pay enough to put food on the table.

And this is where you free market types have really messed it up. When you decide to increase your profit by firing one guy and make another guy work twice as hard for less money, you create EXACTLY the kind of government dependency you whine about.

I had a service call one day at a retail fish store in a bad neighborhood.
I asked the guy why it was so quiet for a Friday.
He said it was the end of the Month.
He told me the beginning of the Month they all come in with their EBT food card
and load up on lobster tails and King Crab legs.
He said it was pretty funny.

And they all drove away in brand new caddies and beemers, right?

When I was in school? We had 'reduced cost' programs or you just brought it from home...period.

If kids bring it from home now, they are apt to have their lunch taken away. Schools want to feed them and don't like parents trying to do it. They'll take away the healthy turkey sandwich and give them gross chicken nuggets.

They need to require IDs for using the EBT cards or at least put their pictures on the cards. That would help stop people from selling them. I can't believe people are using these cards at strip clubs, bars, tattoo parlors and nail salons, etc. If they can do all those things, they don't need our help. This is just giving people more than they need so they have the means to waste our money on this crap.

You are referring to an already debunked story. Nobody's lunch was thrown away. You're perpetrating a myth.

The Chicken Nuggets Story, Bite By Bite

wanna bet?....School refuses to allow preschooler to eat
And here's a story about 'mystery meat'...
Institutional food is below restaurant grade. I would not purposely feed this shit to my dogs..Does anyone wonder why college students suffer from poor nutrition? It's because as a friend had once told me that "if someone put a plate of shit in front of you, would you eat it?"
School lunches just like everything else libs get their paws on, has been politicized.
This issue has ZERO to do with nutrition. It's about money and political power.

At one time I would have thought that was a joke, but now know better. I'm waiting for some raging liberal to tell me I'm heartless and against feeding children because I am disgusted at the way too many people are taking tax payers for a ride. It's a big problem when millions are accepting freebies from government when they obviously don't need them. When giverment is willing to pass out cards for entertainment, of course people will take them. We've all heard the excuse from people who really don't need help- "If I don't take it, someone else will."

And why has government knowingly allowed this sort of fraud to get worse? I think I know the answer. It's all about votes.

The problem is that 40% of those on food stamps already have jobs. Not because they are "ripping off the system" but because the jobs they hold don't pay enough to put food on the table.

And this is where you free market types have really messed it up. When you decide to increase your profit by firing one guy and make another guy work twice as hard for less money, you create EXACTLY the kind of government dependency you whine about.
oh bullshit. Provide examples of where this is happening.
I am sick and tired of the whining about people not making enough money and trying to raise kids. They should have thought about their limited income potential before spitting out a litter of curtain climbers.
Food stamp fraud is nothing new. When I was in the service back in the 1990's, there was a Sergeant in my unit who routinely had big wads of food stamps on him. He would trade cash for the stamps at a half-face value rate. The people who he bought the stamps off of would go on to buy drugs with the money.

Not surprisingly, this guy came up hot on a piss test and got thrown out.

Yup. I know people who did the same thing. They bought stamps for half their value and then used the stamps themselves. The folks they bought em from needed cash for whatever.

Guess the taxdollar to buy food isn't good enough. They need money for nails, hair, drugs and you name it.

Loads of freeloaders out there.

How about this...I used ot live in Hilton Head Island. I go to the grocery store and see well dressed women with two shopping carts full of groceries. The cashier tallies up the sale and out come the WIC coupons....And all these women are driving cars I could not afford...
Most government entitlement programs are immersed in fraud.
Last I heard there are hundreds of thousand Govt employees all funded by we the taxpayer.

Seems to me some of them could be looking for the fraud and waste.

Hundreds of thousands are being laid off. That does't lend itself to more enforcement, but less. I used to work for a welfare fraud unit.

Really? Show links. Obama has increased federal employment.
Tell ya what, if all those people were being let go, I'd be happy. Fewer non essential government employees. I won't call them workers because most government workers don't do shit anyway. Except to tell others "it's not my job"...
I want the number of able bodied adults who choose not to work in favor of living off of government assistance and what the total taxpayer outlay is for that number of people.

I don't want "many" or "scores" or " hoards" or " millions" or " untold"...........I want THE ACTUAL FUCKING NUMBERS.

Hey room temperature IQ....If there is a problem with fraud then obviously there are many people receiving benefits that should not be receiving them.
Yes, when the lib loses the argument, they go into denial.
Next you'll start accusing people of lying.
Go on, post something clever.
How many?

How many able-bodied adult Americans are choosing not to work and instead live off of government programs?

How many.............and how much is the total bill for this number?

C'mon nutters. Answer this question. I've been asking you for several months now.

The point is not that they chose not to work, the point is that the government is, as usual, incompetent with taxpayer money.

Seriously, Mass only just prohibited food stamp funds being spent on alcohol, tobacco, lottery tickets, nail salons, and tattoo parlors? Really? 2011? That's just amazing.

Can't answer. Not shocked.

You are defending the indefensible. Why is that?
Last I heard there are hundreds of thousand Govt employees all funded by we the taxpayer.

Seems to me some of them could be looking for the fraud and waste.

Hundreds of thousands are being laid off. That does't lend itself to more enforcement, but less. I used to work for a welfare fraud unit.

Really? Show links. Obama has increased federal employment.

Let's start with the fact that enforcement of "welfare" fraud happens at a local, not Federal level. Here are some more facts you will dismiss:

Under Obama, a Record Decline in Government Jobs

Public Sector Job Cuts Threaten Recovery
Since peaking in 2008, local governments have shed almost 500,000 jobs

Tell ya what, if all those people were being let go, I'd be happy. Fewer non essential government employees. I won't call them workers because most government workers don't do shit anyway. Except to tell others "it's not my job"...

Sorry, but you cannot equally scream about how there are dead people on the voter rolls and people abusing welfare and then scream for cuts in public sector personnel.

You don't know shit about the people who have chosen to serve you in the public sector. I retired from the US Military and joined the public sector in local county government and the people I've encountered are as hard working and dedicated as any I served with in the military.
After two weeks of peanut butter sandwiches, you would too. BS anyway.

I love the way Pubs cut investigators and then bitch about the fraud that follows...

And thanks for the depression,mega rich ahole Pubs. Pub dupes.

Oh please
SO what is it?. Do whatever you want because no one is watching?
In other words it's ok to be a crook and it's ok as long as you don't get caught?
I get it though. On planet liberal, it's not the wrong doer that has the problem. It's the fact that the wrong doer was "forced" to commit the crime because no one was there to prevent it from happening.
With you libs ,it's always someone else's fault. You people have zero sense of personal responsibility.
The fact is too few people in the federal government are interested in enforcement of the rules. It's all about increasing the size of the programs.
Of course that is a fact but you'll have something contrary and in keeping with your pattern, something outrageous followed by or including some kind of personal insult. It changes nothing. The facts are what they are. Flame away.
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The only problem with the dupe argument is it's total Pubcrappe, and these anecdotes are BULLSHYTTE. You don't know whose cars these people have and what their circumstances are. Stupid aholes LOL! How dare they not dress in rags and cry ALL the time?!! Pub dupes...

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