Food stamp purchases going ONLINE!!

Be more precise, sock.
any public employee or public servant, grasshopper.
Sock, those, employed in the public sector are actually doing something in exchange for their wages. Your reasoning of "getting paid from public funds" has major flaws.

Those EMPLOYED in the public sector are also paying the taxes that fund the handouts. In this situation, there are two groups. Those that earn their whether it be public or private employment or those that don't and have those of us that do support them.
thank goodness for Individual choice and social mobility.

You mean like your choice to be a freeloader?
No, like the choice to not whine about taxes.
That was a religious law not a social law.

As for the 10% tithe, that's within the teaching of Christianity. It also teaches that it should be done for the right reasons. However, if someone doesn't give their 10%, the government doesn't come and take it from them to give to the church.

Another lesson you haven't learned is that when one group is forced to support the freeloaders, it's not generosity. Generosity comes through a willingness and voluntarily act by the giver not a mandate from the taker.
Religious and civil laws were one in the same during that period of time...The leaders then were both religious and civil leaders...

Generosity and a mandate don't mean the same thing. You can't mandate charity.
Tax or tithe.

A tax is a mandate. Idiots like you equate it to charity and generosity. The definitions of the two are polar opposites.
some religions, mandate charity.

Such as?
Weird observation based on fiction. The masses who vote for the left are the freeloaders. Fat cats in the arms manufacturing industry and those who finance them cannot muster enough votes on their own to swing the pendulum.
those who get paid for it, tend to vote for it.
Again, it is a drop in a bucket what votes they can muster. It is the welfare crowd who elects leftists.

It's along the same lines of the two groups I mentioned before. You have those that earn a living and then you have those that vote for one.
one group gets paid for it and participates more, under any form of Capitalism.

The group earning it should get paid for it. Those unwilling to do for themselves should do without. That's capitalism. It's freeloaders like you that want to introduce socialism into it.

If someone TRULY can't work or didn't cause their own situation, I have no problem voluntarily helping them. For those that WON'T work or whose own bad choices they continue to make while wanting someone else to pay for those mistakes put them in their situation, I'll let them starve.

I've noticed that the people standing at intersections no long hold signs that say "Will work for food". Their says are asking for handouts. When they used to offer to work for food, I stopped and asked one to do some work for me offering to pay him AND feed him. When he found out what kind of work it was, he said he couldn't do that kind of work but he would take money anyway. He got NOTHING.
democracy requires full employment for full representation.

If liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in government to the utmost.--Aristotle
any public employee or public servant, grasshopper.
Sock, those, employed in the public sector are actually doing something in exchange for their wages. Your reasoning of "getting paid from public funds" has major flaws.

Those EMPLOYED in the public sector are also paying the taxes that fund the handouts. In this situation, there are two groups. Those that earn their whether it be public or private employment or those that don't and have those of us that do support them.
thank goodness for Individual choice and social mobility.

You mean like your choice to be a freeloader?
No, like the choice to not whine about taxes.

When YOU don't pay any, there is no reason to say anything about it. It's interesting that the freeloaders that don't pay income taxes are the very ones that demand those already paying pay more. They clamor about those already paying not paying their fair share while they, the ones paying zero percent consider that fair.

The country would be better off without them.
Religious and civil laws were one in the same during that period of time...The leaders then were both religious and civil leaders...

Generosity and a mandate don't mean the same thing. You can't mandate charity.
Tax or tithe.

A tax is a mandate. Idiots like you equate it to charity and generosity. The definitions of the two are polar opposites.
some religions, mandate charity.

Such as?

only interested in quibbling due to a lack of a valid point?

Charitable giving as a religious act or duty is referred to as almsgiving or alms.--
Sock, those, employed in the public sector are actually doing something in exchange for their wages. Your reasoning of "getting paid from public funds" has major flaws.

Those EMPLOYED in the public sector are also paying the taxes that fund the handouts. In this situation, there are two groups. Those that earn their whether it be public or private employment or those that don't and have those of us that do support them.
thank goodness for Individual choice and social mobility.

You mean like your choice to be a freeloader?
No, like the choice to not whine about taxes.

When YOU don't pay any, there is no reason to say anything about it. It's interesting that the freeloaders that don't pay income taxes are the very ones that demand those already paying pay more. They clamor about those already paying not paying their fair share while they, the ones paying zero percent consider that fair.

The country would be better off without them.
Who is demanding you pay more? Workers?

I am trying to lower your tax burden and improve the efficiency of our economy; capitalism just seems, plain useless, to the right, if it is not about keeping multimillion dollar bonuses.
those who get paid for it, tend to vote for it.
Again, it is a drop in a bucket what votes they can muster. It is the welfare crowd who elects leftists.

It's along the same lines of the two groups I mentioned before. You have those that earn a living and then you have those that vote for one.
one group gets paid for it and participates more, under any form of Capitalism.

The group earning it should get paid for it. Those unwilling to do for themselves should do without. That's capitalism. It's freeloaders like you that want to introduce socialism into it.

If someone TRULY can't work or didn't cause their own situation, I have no problem voluntarily helping them. For those that WON'T work or whose own bad choices they continue to make while wanting someone else to pay for those mistakes put them in their situation, I'll let them starve.

I've noticed that the people standing at intersections no long hold signs that say "Will work for food". Their says are asking for handouts. When they used to offer to work for food, I stopped and asked one to do some work for me offering to pay him AND feed him. When he found out what kind of work it was, he said he couldn't do that kind of work but he would take money anyway. He got NOTHING.
democracy requires full employment for full representation.

If liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in government to the utmost.--Aristotle
Generosity and a mandate don't mean the same thing. You can't mandate charity.
Tax or tithe.

A tax is a mandate. Idiots like you equate it to charity and generosity. The definitions of the two are polar opposites.
some religions, mandate charity.

Such as?

only interested in quibbling due to a lack of a valid point?

Charitable giving as a religious act or duty is referred to as almsgiving or alms.--

Still not a mandate.
Those EMPLOYED in the public sector are also paying the taxes that fund the handouts. In this situation, there are two groups. Those that earn their whether it be public or private employment or those that don't and have those of us that do support them.
thank goodness for Individual choice and social mobility.

You mean like your choice to be a freeloader?
No, like the choice to not whine about taxes.

When YOU don't pay any, there is no reason to say anything about it. It's interesting that the freeloaders that don't pay income taxes are the very ones that demand those already paying pay more. They clamor about those already paying not paying their fair share while they, the ones paying zero percent consider that fair.

The country would be better off without them.
Who is demanding you pay more? Workers?

I am trying to lower your tax burden and improve the efficiency of our economy; capitalism just seems, plain useless, to the right, if it is not about keeping multimillion dollar bonuses.

Anyone using the phrase "paying their fair share" when it comes to those of us already paying taxes.
Again, it is a drop in a bucket what votes they can muster. It is the welfare crowd who elects leftists.

It's along the same lines of the two groups I mentioned before. You have those that earn a living and then you have those that vote for one.
one group gets paid for it and participates more, under any form of Capitalism.

The group earning it should get paid for it. Those unwilling to do for themselves should do without. That's capitalism. It's freeloaders like you that want to introduce socialism into it.

If someone TRULY can't work or didn't cause their own situation, I have no problem voluntarily helping them. For those that WON'T work or whose own bad choices they continue to make while wanting someone else to pay for those mistakes put them in their situation, I'll let them starve.

I've noticed that the people standing at intersections no long hold signs that say "Will work for food". Their says are asking for handouts. When they used to offer to work for food, I stopped and asked one to do some work for me offering to pay him AND feed him. When he found out what kind of work it was, he said he couldn't do that kind of work but he would take money anyway. He got NOTHING.
democracy requires full employment for full representation.

If liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in government to the utmost.--Aristotle
Tax or tithe.

A tax is a mandate. Idiots like you equate it to charity and generosity. The definitions of the two are polar opposites.
some religions, mandate charity.

Such as?

only interested in quibbling due to a lack of a valid point?

Charitable giving as a religious act or duty is referred to as almsgiving or alms.--

Still not a mandate.
a duty is a mandate. why quibble. in any case, public charity is not the same as private charity. social rules apply.
thank goodness for Individual choice and social mobility.

You mean like your choice to be a freeloader?
No, like the choice to not whine about taxes.

When YOU don't pay any, there is no reason to say anything about it. It's interesting that the freeloaders that don't pay income taxes are the very ones that demand those already paying pay more. They clamor about those already paying not paying their fair share while they, the ones paying zero percent consider that fair.

The country would be better off without them.
Who is demanding you pay more? Workers?

I am trying to lower your tax burden and improve the efficiency of our economy; capitalism just seems, plain useless, to the right, if it is not about keeping multimillion dollar bonuses.

Anyone using the phrase "paying their fair share" when it comes to those of us already paying taxes.

You say that; but, are you willing to end our Wars on Crime, Drugs, Poverty, and Terror, to end our income tax?
It's along the same lines of the two groups I mentioned before. You have those that earn a living and then you have those that vote for one.
one group gets paid for it and participates more, under any form of Capitalism.

The group earning it should get paid for it. Those unwilling to do for themselves should do without. That's capitalism. It's freeloaders like you that want to introduce socialism into it.

If someone TRULY can't work or didn't cause their own situation, I have no problem voluntarily helping them. For those that WON'T work or whose own bad choices they continue to make while wanting someone else to pay for those mistakes put them in their situation, I'll let them starve.

I've noticed that the people standing at intersections no long hold signs that say "Will work for food". Their says are asking for handouts. When they used to offer to work for food, I stopped and asked one to do some work for me offering to pay him AND feed him. When he found out what kind of work it was, he said he couldn't do that kind of work but he would take money anyway. He got NOTHING.
democracy requires full employment for full representation.

If liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in government to the utmost.--Aristotle
A tax is a mandate. Idiots like you equate it to charity and generosity. The definitions of the two are polar opposites.
some religions, mandate charity.

Such as?

only interested in quibbling due to a lack of a valid point?

Charitable giving as a religious act or duty is referred to as almsgiving or alms.--

Still not a mandate.
a duty is a mandate. why quibble. in any case, public charity is not the same as private charity. social rules apply.

A mandate isn't a charity in any way. Earn your own freeloader or do without. We don't need good for nothings like you in society. You're a burden.
You mean like your choice to be a freeloader?
No, like the choice to not whine about taxes.

When YOU don't pay any, there is no reason to say anything about it. It's interesting that the freeloaders that don't pay income taxes are the very ones that demand those already paying pay more. They clamor about those already paying not paying their fair share while they, the ones paying zero percent consider that fair.

The country would be better off without them.
Who is demanding you pay more? Workers?

I am trying to lower your tax burden and improve the efficiency of our economy; capitalism just seems, plain useless, to the right, if it is not about keeping multimillion dollar bonuses.

Anyone using the phrase "paying their fair share" when it comes to those of us already paying taxes.

You say that; but, are you willing to end our Wars on Crime, Drugs, Poverty, and Terror, to end our income tax?

The war on terror is a military based operation and Constitutional. End the war on crime, drugs, and poverty.
one group gets paid for it and participates more, under any form of Capitalism.

The group earning it should get paid for it. Those unwilling to do for themselves should do without. That's capitalism. It's freeloaders like you that want to introduce socialism into it.

If someone TRULY can't work or didn't cause their own situation, I have no problem voluntarily helping them. For those that WON'T work or whose own bad choices they continue to make while wanting someone else to pay for those mistakes put them in their situation, I'll let them starve.

I've noticed that the people standing at intersections no long hold signs that say "Will work for food". Their says are asking for handouts. When they used to offer to work for food, I stopped and asked one to do some work for me offering to pay him AND feed him. When he found out what kind of work it was, he said he couldn't do that kind of work but he would take money anyway. He got NOTHING.
democracy requires full employment for full representation.

If liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in government to the utmost.--Aristotle
some religions, mandate charity.

Such as?

only interested in quibbling due to a lack of a valid point?

Charitable giving as a religious act or duty is referred to as almsgiving or alms.--

Still not a mandate.
a duty is a mandate. why quibble. in any case, public charity is not the same as private charity. social rules apply.

A mandate isn't a charity in any way. Earn your own freeloader or do without. We don't need good for nothings like you in society. You're a burden.
Not enough, "moral of goodwill toward men" to go around?

We have more than Ten Commandments for rules and regulations. We don't need infidels, protestants, and renegades to morals from the Age of Iron, to harp on moral forms of indignation.

just quit, and stop whining about taxes if it is too much of burden for you; it may be better for your health.
No, like the choice to not whine about taxes.

When YOU don't pay any, there is no reason to say anything about it. It's interesting that the freeloaders that don't pay income taxes are the very ones that demand those already paying pay more. They clamor about those already paying not paying their fair share while they, the ones paying zero percent consider that fair.

The country would be better off without them.
Who is demanding you pay more? Workers?

I am trying to lower your tax burden and improve the efficiency of our economy; capitalism just seems, plain useless, to the right, if it is not about keeping multimillion dollar bonuses.

Anyone using the phrase "paying their fair share" when it comes to those of us already paying taxes.

You say that; but, are you willing to end our Wars on Crime, Drugs, Poverty, and Terror, to end our income tax?

The war on terror is a military based operation and Constitutional. End the war on crime, drugs, and poverty.
We have a Commerce Clause not a common Offense clause or general warfare clause; either enact wartime tax rates or shut down those boondoggles and generational forms of theft.
The group earning it should get paid for it. Those unwilling to do for themselves should do without. That's capitalism. It's freeloaders like you that want to introduce socialism into it.

If someone TRULY can't work or didn't cause their own situation, I have no problem voluntarily helping them. For those that WON'T work or whose own bad choices they continue to make while wanting someone else to pay for those mistakes put them in their situation, I'll let them starve.

I've noticed that the people standing at intersections no long hold signs that say "Will work for food". Their says are asking for handouts. When they used to offer to work for food, I stopped and asked one to do some work for me offering to pay him AND feed him. When he found out what kind of work it was, he said he couldn't do that kind of work but he would take money anyway. He got NOTHING.
democracy requires full employment for full representation.

If liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in government to the utmost.--Aristotle

only interested in quibbling due to a lack of a valid point?

Charitable giving as a religious act or duty is referred to as almsgiving or alms.--

Still not a mandate.
a duty is a mandate. why quibble. in any case, public charity is not the same as private charity. social rules apply.

A mandate isn't a charity in any way. Earn your own freeloader or do without. We don't need good for nothings like you in society. You're a burden.
Not enough, "moral of goodwill toward men" to go around?

We have more than Ten Commandments for rules and regulations. We don't need infidels, protestants, and renegades to morals from the Age of Iron, to harp on moral forms of indignation.

just quit, and stop whining about taxes if it is too much of burden for you; it may be better for your health.

That's the excuse many use. They say that personal charity isn't enough as their justification for mandates.

Start providing for yourself and quit relying on the rest of us to do what you should be doing.
When YOU don't pay any, there is no reason to say anything about it. It's interesting that the freeloaders that don't pay income taxes are the very ones that demand those already paying pay more. They clamor about those already paying not paying their fair share while they, the ones paying zero percent consider that fair.

The country would be better off without them.
Who is demanding you pay more? Workers?

I am trying to lower your tax burden and improve the efficiency of our economy; capitalism just seems, plain useless, to the right, if it is not about keeping multimillion dollar bonuses.

Anyone using the phrase "paying their fair share" when it comes to those of us already paying taxes.

You say that; but, are you willing to end our Wars on Crime, Drugs, Poverty, and Terror, to end our income tax?

The war on terror is a military based operation and Constitutional. End the war on crime, drugs, and poverty.
We have a Commerce Clause not a common Offense clause or general warfare clause; either enact wartime tax rates or shut down those boondoggles and generational forms of theft.

We have provisions to fund the military and military actions. Don't like it. Tough shit.

I say shut down generational theft and stop funding social welfare programs like food stamps.
democracy requires full employment for full representation.
only interested in quibbling due to a lack of a valid point?

Still not a mandate.
a duty is a mandate. why quibble. in any case, public charity is not the same as private charity. social rules apply.

A mandate isn't a charity in any way. Earn your own freeloader or do without. We don't need good for nothings like you in society. You're a burden.
Not enough, "moral of goodwill toward men" to go around?

We have more than Ten Commandments for rules and regulations. We don't need infidels, protestants, and renegades to morals from the Age of Iron, to harp on moral forms of indignation.

just quit, and stop whining about taxes if it is too much of burden for you; it may be better for your health.

That's the excuse many use. They say that personal charity isn't enough as their justification for mandates.

Start providing for yourself and quit relying on the rest of us to do what you should be doing.
Start being more moral, so we won't need as much Government.
Still not a mandate.
a duty is a mandate. why quibble. in any case, public charity is not the same as private charity. social rules apply.

A mandate isn't a charity in any way. Earn your own freeloader or do without. We don't need good for nothings like you in society. You're a burden.
Not enough, "moral of goodwill toward men" to go around?

We have more than Ten Commandments for rules and regulations. We don't need infidels, protestants, and renegades to morals from the Age of Iron, to harp on moral forms of indignation.

just quit, and stop whining about taxes if it is too much of burden for you; it may be better for your health.

That's the excuse many use. They say that personal charity isn't enough as their justification for mandates.

Start providing for yourself and quit relying on the rest of us to do what you should be doing.
Start being more moral, so we won't need as much Government.

You mean give to others with my money the way you think I should? If anyone goes without, it's your fault. I don't owe anyone anything. Since you think they're owed something and they don't get it, you're not doing enough.
a duty is a mandate. why quibble. in any case, public charity is not the same as private charity. social rules apply.

A mandate isn't a charity in any way. Earn your own freeloader or do without. We don't need good for nothings like you in society. You're a burden.
Not enough, "moral of goodwill toward men" to go around?

We have more than Ten Commandments for rules and regulations. We don't need infidels, protestants, and renegades to morals from the Age of Iron, to harp on moral forms of indignation.

just quit, and stop whining about taxes if it is too much of burden for you; it may be better for your health.

That's the excuse many use. They say that personal charity isn't enough as their justification for mandates.

Start providing for yourself and quit relying on the rest of us to do what you should be doing.
Start being more moral, so we won't need as much Government.

You mean give to others with my money the way you think I should? If anyone goes without, it's your fault. I don't owe anyone anything. Since you think they're owed something and they don't get it, you're not doing enough.
Providing for the general welfare is in our Constitution. Providing for the general warfare is not.
A mandate isn't a charity in any way. Earn your own freeloader or do without. We don't need good for nothings like you in society. You're a burden.
Not enough, "moral of goodwill toward men" to go around?

We have more than Ten Commandments for rules and regulations. We don't need infidels, protestants, and renegades to morals from the Age of Iron, to harp on moral forms of indignation.

just quit, and stop whining about taxes if it is too much of burden for you; it may be better for your health.

That's the excuse many use. They say that personal charity isn't enough as their justification for mandates.

Start providing for yourself and quit relying on the rest of us to do what you should be doing.
Start being more moral, so we won't need as much Government.

You mean give to others with my money the way you think I should? If anyone goes without, it's your fault. I don't owe anyone anything. Since you think they're owed something and they don't get it, you're not doing enough.
Providing for the general welfare is in our Constitution. Providing for the general warfare is not.

Food stamps, healthcare subsidies, WIC, and the life aren't in the Constitution. Raising and supporting a military are. I can provide the location where what I say exists. I'm yet to have one of you bleeding hearts provide one where what you support exists.

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