Food stamp purchases going ONLINE!!

Govt says it's so people can make healthy choices but it's really so welfare queens can buy their junk food anonymously.

Government testing online grocery shopping for food stamp participants

jan 5 2017 The U.S. Department of Agriculture plans to launch a two-year pilot program this summer with seven retailers to allow food stamp recipients the ability to purchase their groceries online.

More than 44 million Americans participated last year in federal government's low-income food assistance program, called SNAP, or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Last year, the average benefit each person received was just over $125.50 per month.

"Online purchasing is a potential lifeline for SNAP participants living in urban neighborhoods and rural communities where access to healthy food choices can be limited," USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack said in a release. "We're looking forward to being able to bring the benefits of the online market to low-income Americans participating in SN
As a Republican and a conservative, I say fuck these poor people. My parents have a ton of money and I'll always have food. Most of them are probably non-whites anyway.

Most of them are "non-whites"? And? Besides showing your true colors, what difference would it make?
Can it be immoral to simply tax the rich into Heaven and solve simple poverty at the same time?

I have a better idea. How about we take the the money from the defense budget?

In 2015 our defense budget was $598 billion and SNAP was $75 billion. Surely $523 billion would suffice, especially considering that the nation with the next highest military budget is China and they spent $145.8 billion.

In fact, at $598 billion, we spend as much as the next 10 nations combined. At $523 billion, we are still outspending the next 8 nations combined.
Govt says it's so people can make healthy choices but it's really so welfare queens can buy their junk food anonymously.

Government testing online grocery shopping for food stamp participants

jan 5 2017 The U.S. Department of Agriculture plans to launch a two-year pilot program this summer with seven retailers to allow food stamp recipients the ability to purchase their groceries online.

More than 44 million Americans participated last year in federal government's low-income food assistance program, called SNAP, or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Last year, the average benefit each person received was just over $125.50 per month.

"Online purchasing is a potential lifeline for SNAP participants living in urban neighborhoods and rural communities where access to healthy food choices can be limited," USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack said in a release. "We're looking forward to being able to bring the benefits of the online market to low-income Americans participating in SN
As a Republican and a conservative, I say fuck these poor people. My parents have a ton of money and I'll always have food. Most of them are probably non-whites anyway.

Most of them are "non-whites"? And? Besides showing your true colors, what difference would it make?
Can it be immoral to simply tax the rich into Heaven and solve simple poverty at the same time?

I have a better idea. How about we take the the money from the defense budget?

In 2015 our defense budget was $598 billion and SNAP was $75 billion. Surely $523 billion would suffice, especially considering that the nation with the next highest military budget is China and they spent $145.8 billion.

In fact, at $598 billion, we spend as much as the next 10 nations combined. At $523 billion, we are still outspending the next 8 nations combined.
Most of the money is wasted on NATO and the Middle East. Those military bases cost a few pennies. The new administration supposed to address those wasteful spending issues, HOPEFULLY.
Govt says it's so people can make healthy choices but it's really so welfare queens can buy their junk food anonymously.
As a Republican and a conservative, I say fuck these poor people. My parents have a ton of money and I'll always have food. Most of them are probably non-whites anyway.

Most of them are "non-whites"? And? Besides showing your true colors, what difference would it make?
Can it be immoral to simply tax the rich into Heaven and solve simple poverty at the same time?

I have a better idea. How about we take the the money from the defense budget?

In 2015 our defense budget was $598 billion and SNAP was $75 billion. Surely $523 billion would suffice, especially considering that the nation with the next highest military budget is China and they spent $145.8 billion.

In fact, at $598 billion, we spend as much as the next 10 nations combined. At $523 billion, we are still outspending the next 8 nations combined.
Most of the money is wasted on NATO and the Middle East. Those military bases cost a few pennies. The new administration supposed to address those wasteful spending issues, HOPEFULLY.

I am thinking that a reduction from $598 billion to $523 billion would not put our nation in mortal peril.
Govt says it's so people can make healthy choices but it's really so welfare queens can buy their junk food anonymously.

Government testing online grocery shopping for food stamp participants

jan 5 2017 The U.S. Department of Agriculture plans to launch a two-year pilot program this summer with seven retailers to allow food stamp recipients the ability to purchase their groceries online.

More than 44 million Americans participated last year in federal government's low-income food assistance program, called SNAP, or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Last year, the average benefit each person received was just over $125.50 per month.

"Online purchasing is a potential lifeline for SNAP participants living in urban neighborhoods and rural communities where access to healthy food choices can be limited," USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack said in a release. "We're looking forward to being able to bring the benefits of the online market to low-income Americans participating in SN
Typical uninformed whiner thinking only those on welfare get food stamps.
Govt says it's so people can make healthy choices but it's really so welfare queens can buy their junk food anonymously.

Government testing online grocery shopping for food stamp participants

jan 5 2017 The U.S. Department of Agriculture plans to launch a two-year pilot program this summer with seven retailers to allow food stamp recipients the ability to purchase their groceries online.

More than 44 million Americans participated last year in federal government's low-income food assistance program, called SNAP, or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Last year, the average benefit each person received was just over $125.50 per month.

"Online purchasing is a potential lifeline for SNAP participants living in urban neighborhoods and rural communities where access to healthy food choices can be limited," USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack said in a release. "We're looking forward to being able to bring the benefits of the online market to low-income Americans participating in SN
Typical uninformed whiner thinking only those on welfare get food stamps.
How do you redeem yours or do you sell them 50 cents on a dollar?
When you give someone a birthday present of money, do you put limitations on what can be bought with the money?

Not the same. If you think a gift given willfully and something handed to someone another group was forced to fund is the same, we need to have a lesson on that before we can have a lesson on why freeloaders shouldn't be able to buy chips, sodas, and candy bars with money someone else earned.
should we do the same for anyone getting paid from public funds?
Be more precise, sock.
any public employee or public servant, grasshopper.
Sock, those, employed in the public sector are actually doing something in exchange for their wages. Your reasoning of "getting paid from public funds" has major flaws.
no; it is about being paid from the public trough and requiring an audit, as a result.
My goode comrade, what happened to Individual Liberty and natural rights?
In context we were talking about an already existing program.
OTH, I do not agree with government sanctioned charity so the whole damned program is for the sole purpose of obtaining votes for the left on our taxpayer dollars.
I am on the other side of this issue. Defense spending is more lucrative, if you just wan to buy votes.
Weird observation based on fiction. The masses who vote for the left are the freeloaders. Fat cats in the arms manufacturing industry and those who finance them cannot muster enough votes on their own to swing the pendulum.
those who get paid for it, tend to vote for it.
Again, it is a drop in a bucket what votes they can muster. It is the welfare crowd who elects leftists.
a drop counts if the masses don't vote.
In context we were talking about an already existing program.
OTH, I do not agree with government sanctioned charity so the whole damned program is for the sole purpose of obtaining votes for the left on our taxpayer dollars.
I am on the other side of this issue. Defense spending is more lucrative, if you just wan to buy votes.
Weird observation based on fiction. The masses who vote for the left are the freeloaders. Fat cats in the arms manufacturing industry and those who finance them cannot muster enough votes on their own to swing the pendulum.
those who get paid for it, tend to vote for it.
Again, it is a drop in a bucket what votes they can muster. It is the welfare crowd who elects leftists.
Good point and that includes the welfare corporatist are getting out of fax payer funds. That would be farming operations, bankers, insurance companies, etc.... Small farm operations were driven out by subsidizing larger farms, pharmaceutical companies, unethical chemical, seed companies and so on and so forth. Now we have a shit load of sick people that need to have their medical insurance subsidized and it it stressing those who do still have non government or big corporate jobs. The vicious cycle has created a mess. Agricultural Subsidies
it is about using enough socialism to improve our Standard of Living and "earn" our Statue of Liberty. Our shelves are full. Only lousy social management doesn't benefit the People.
Govt says it's so people can make healthy choices but it's really so welfare queens can buy their junk food anonymously.

Government testing online grocery shopping for food stamp participants

jan 5 2017 The U.S. Department of Agriculture plans to launch a two-year pilot program this summer with seven retailers to allow food stamp recipients the ability to purchase their groceries online.

More than 44 million Americans participated last year in federal government's low-income food assistance program, called SNAP, or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Last year, the average benefit each person received was just over $125.50 per month.

"Online purchasing is a potential lifeline for SNAP participants living in urban neighborhoods and rural communities where access to healthy food choices can be limited," USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack said in a release. "We're looking forward to being able to bring the benefits of the online market to low-income Americans participating in SN
As a Republican and a conservative, I say fuck these poor people. My parents have a ton of money and I'll always have food. Most of them are probably non-whites anyway.

Most of them are "non-whites"? And? Besides showing your true colors, what difference would it make?
Can it be immoral to simply tax the rich into Heaven and solve simple poverty at the same time?

I have a better idea. How about we take the the money from the defense budget?

In 2015 our defense budget was $598 billion and SNAP was $75 billion. Surely $523 billion would suffice, especially considering that the nation with the next highest military budget is China and they spent $145.8 billion.

In fact, at $598 billion, we spend as much as the next 10 nations combined. At $523 billion, we are still outspending the next 8 nations combined.
It requires True Faith in Capitalism. The right wing, doesn't have any.
Govt says it's so people can make healthy choices but it's really so welfare queens can buy their junk food anonymously.

Government testing online grocery shopping for food stamp participants

jan 5 2017 The U.S. Department of Agriculture plans to launch a two-year pilot program this summer with seven retailers to allow food stamp recipients the ability to purchase their groceries online.

More than 44 million Americans participated last year in federal government's low-income food assistance program, called SNAP, or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Last year, the average benefit each person received was just over $125.50 per month.

"Online purchasing is a potential lifeline for SNAP participants living in urban neighborhoods and rural communities where access to healthy food choices can be limited," USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack said in a release. "We're looking forward to being able to bring the benefits of the online market to low-income Americans participating in SN
Typical uninformed whiner thinking only those on welfare get food stamps.
How do you redeem yours or do you sell them 50 cents on a dollar?
can you find a higher bid on craigslist or ebay?
I wouldn't call ground beef or chicken staples, but otherwise yeah. If you live on rice and rolled oats with a little sugar added, you can feed yourself for under a dollar a day. Boring ? Yeah, but that's the idea. Get off welfare.,
like telling rich capitalists to get off corporate welfare.

I agree corporate welfare must end but the biggest supporter of that is your god obozo. He admits he gave the banksters trillions!!!
SNAP should be limited to staple foods only. Bread, flour, beans, ground beef, chicken, milk, bulk yogurt...etc.

My goode comrade, what happened to Individual Liberty and natural rights?

HAHAHA. Did you really say that.?? To you libs "liberty" means forcing working whites to give cheetos money to lazy blacks.
Only the horsey and foolish ones. The other ones don't mind quitting to stop paying taxes instead of simply complaining about it.
I wouldn't call ground beef or chicken staples, but otherwise yeah. If you live on rice and rolled oats with a little sugar added, you can feed yourself for under a dollar a day. Boring ? Yeah, but that's the idea. Get off welfare.,
like telling rich capitalists to get off corporate welfare.

I agree corporate welfare must end but the biggest supporter of that is your god obozo. He admits he gave the banksters trillions!!!
He had to, the previous republican bailed out his buddies.
Someone being homeless isn't the fault of an employer. You simply don't want people to be held accountable for themselves. You expect the taxpayers to support those freeloaders.
Yes, it is; homeless persons have a Right to Work.

Just like the Constitution, you have no concept of what Right to Work means. You think someone that doesn't have what I've earned should get it and I should pay for it on their behalf.
right to work means right to earn it. why not blame the employment sector?

It doesn't mean you have a right to a job.
no right to work means no right earn.

The people on food stamps, welfare, and any other freebie program don't earn a damn bit of it.
Jesus never used a mandate to force it from people. That means my way of looking at it falls in line with how Jesus taught we should help others. Not by the government forcing it from someone but doing it voluntarily.
He never had to do it because of the social structure during that period, but did think it a great idea...

That's strange. His teachings say nothing of mandates using the government to force it form someone else.
The Jews were required to leave their land fallow every 7 years and people were free to harvest what grew, and a traveler was allowed to freely eat from fields, and Jews were required a 10% tithe for the poor....yet we know that Jesus is not God, but the proof in in the Bible of God's generosity of his planet..

That was a religious law not a social law.

As for the 10% tithe, that's within the teaching of Christianity. It also teaches that it should be done for the right reasons. However, if someone doesn't give their 10%, the government doesn't come and take it from them to give to the church.

Another lesson you haven't learned is that when one group is forced to support the freeloaders, it's not generosity. Generosity comes through a willingness and voluntarily act by the giver not a mandate from the taker.
Religious and civil laws were one in the same during that period of time...The leaders then were both religious and civil leaders...

Generosity and a mandate don't mean the same thing. You can't mandate charity.

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