food stamps

5%, my chubby white butt.

You leftists all should be cooking books for the Mafia, you're so full of shit.

That 5% doesn't include people who've been unemployed so long that they've given up on finding a job.
Time of unemployment is irrelevant. Someone who loses his job and doesn't look for work at all, or looks in his first week and then stops is not considered unemployed.
People not trying to work have never been considered unemployed, because if you're not trying to work, you won't work no matter how many jobs are available. So people not trying to work don't tell us anything about the actual job market.

That being said, people who stopped looking and are likely to start looking again are tracked. Adding them to the UE rate makes it 5.7%. Adding only those who gave up due to discouragement makes it 5%.

It doesn't include people who are severely underemployed, ie. wanting full-time but working a paltry number of part-time hours - frequently at a job far below their actual capability - just to have an income at all. It doesn't include people who are unemployed but perform as much as 1 hour of work in a week, eg. mowing someone's lawn or cleaning their house.
Why would you want to include people who are working as unemployed? As for minimum time, no one involuntarily works only one hour a week regularly...certainly not in dire circumstances when they need the money. but honestly, there's no practical way to have a minimum time as that makes a judgment call that people, who for that particular week don't work enough hours, are the same as not working at all.

When you factor all those people into the equation, as many as 30 million people are unemployed or severely underemployed.
Who taught you how to do math? Even if we count everyone who says they want a job, regardless of when they last looked (if ever) and regardless of whether they could even accept a job if offered, and everyone who worked less than 35 hours but was wanted to and was able to work 35+, that gives us a grand total of 18,789,000
Source for unemployed and not in the labor force want a job now: Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age
Source for part time for economic reasons: Table A-8. Employed persons by class of worker and part-time status

I didn't come up with this stuff out of my own ass, hon. All of the information I gave you is readily available from the BLS itself, and was taken from their own reports.
Your claim that "as many as 30 million people are unemployed or severely underemployed" does NOT come from BLS data as I clearly showed. I note that you didn't even try to defend that.

You may take your objections and personal perceptions of what "you're sure" they do up with them.

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization

Here's an explanation of the different types of unemployment they track, and how.

The True Unemployment Rate: U6 Vs. U3
I'm not sure why you thought that contradicts anything I've said. What EXACTLY are you disagreeing with?
I stated that your depiction that characterization of people "unemployed so long that they've given up" was misleading as time is irrelevant. If you're not working, are looking for work and can accept a job then you're unemployed. If you're not looking then you're not in the labor force. How long you were unemployed is irrelevant.

I asked a couple of questions you have not answered....WHY would you want to classify people who have jobs as unemployed? WHAT minimum number of hours are you suggesting someone work to be considered Employed, and how would you classify those who work fewer hours, especially those who work fewer hours by choice?

Your ability to cherrypick the charts that you like and ignore all the others impresses me not at all.
I haven't cherry-picked or ignored anything. I stated facts and asked for clarification.
Near 50 Million new enrollees for Food stamps in 2013 5 years in to Obama Bin Lying's Presidency. Embarrassing.
I believe there are now about 43 Million, which is deplorable. There are 94 Million people out of work who have exhausted their unemployment benefits.

Near 50 Million new enrollees for Food stamps in 2013 5 years in to Obama Bin Lying's Presidency. Embarrassing.
And untrue. 2012 average participation was 46,609,000 and average participation in 2013 was 47,637,000
How is that 50 million new enrollees?

I believe there are now about 43 Million, which is deplorable.
43.2 million as of October 2016. What is deplorable? The number is going down.

There are 94 Million people out of work who have exhausted their unemployment benefits.

No there aren't. There are 95 million people who are neither working nor looking for work. 90 million do not want a job. Unemployment benefits have nothing to do with it. 2/3s are full time students, disabled, or age 65 and older.
Near 50 Million new enrollees for Food stamps in 2013 5 years in to Obama Bin Lying's Presidency. Embarrassing.
And untrue. 2012 average participation was 46,609,000 and average participation in 2013 was 47,637,000
How is that 50 million new enrollees?

I believe there are now about 43 Million, which is deplorable.
43.2 million as of October 2016. What is deplorable? The number is going down.

There are 94 Million people out of work who have exhausted their unemployment benefits.

No there aren't. There are 95 million people who are neither working nor looking for work. 90 million do not want a job. Unemployment benefits have nothing to do with it. 2/3s are full time students, disabled, or age 65 and older.

"Near" 50 million. Yes, 46,609,000 is "near" 50 million. You're parsing.
Near 50 Million new enrollees for Food stamps in 2013 5 years in to Obama Bin Lying's Presidency. Embarrassing.
And untrue. 2012 average participation was 46,609,000 and average participation in 2013 was 47,637,000
How is that 50 million new enrollees?

I believe there are now about 43 Million, which is deplorable.
43.2 million as of October 2016. What is deplorable? The number is going down.

There are 94 Million people out of work who have exhausted their unemployment benefits.

No there aren't. There are 95 million people who are neither working nor looking for work. 90 million do not want a job. Unemployment benefits have nothing to do with it. 2/3s are full time students, disabled, or age 65 and older.
You have heard of rounding off, haven't you?
Oh wait common core math.
You wouldn't understand that stuff would you?
Near 50 Million new enrollees for Food stamps in 2013 5 years in to Obama Bin Lying's Presidency. Embarrassing.
And untrue. 2012 average participation was 46,609,000 and average participation in 2013 was 47,637,000
How is that 50 million new enrollees?

I believe there are now about 43 Million, which is deplorable.
43.2 million as of October 2016. What is deplorable? The number is going down.

There are 94 Million people out of work who have exhausted their unemployment benefits.

No there aren't. There are 95 million people who are neither working nor looking for work. 90 million do not want a job. Unemployment benefits have nothing to do with it. 2/3s are full time students, disabled, or age 65 and older.

"Near" 50 million. Yes, 46,609,000 is "near" 50 million. You're parsing.
The claim was 50 million NEW enrollees. 47.6 million minus 46.6 million is 1 million. 1 million is nowhere near 50 million.
I keep hearing RW's yammer "food stamps", forcing me to bitch slap them with a fact ..

That chart is a double edged sword. It does indeed show things getting better. There really is no denying it. As much as I despise Obamnomics I am indeed better off now than when he took over.

Having said that it also shows how incredibly slow the economy is recovering for every day Americans. I also attribute that to Obamanomics.
Near 50 Million new enrollees for Food stamps in 2013 5 years in to Obama Bin Lying's Presidency. Embarrassing.
And untrue. 2012 average participation was 46,609,000 and average participation in 2013 was 47,637,000
How is that 50 million new enrollees?

I believe there are now about 43 Million, which is deplorable.
43.2 million as of October 2016. What is deplorable? The number is going down.

There are 94 Million people out of work who have exhausted their unemployment benefits.

No there aren't. There are 95 million people who are neither working nor looking for work. 90 million do not want a job. Unemployment benefits have nothing to do with it. 2/3s are full time students, disabled, or age 65 and older.
You have heard of rounding off, haven't you?
Oh wait common core math.
You wouldn't understand that stuff would you?
Rounding off a net change of 1 million more enrollees to be "50 million new enrollees?" Really? You're going to go with that?

Or are you talking about 94 million who exhausted their unemployment benefits which is a completely made up number with no basis in reality? Not in the Labor Force does not mean "exhausted unemployment benefits" nor does it mean "gave up looking." Hell, if we used only people collecting benefits as unemployed, that would drop the rate down to 1.3%
Parsing, what nonsense, ho hum.
Parsing? The difference between NEW and TOTAL enrollees is "parsing?" Wow.
that's parsing, too
Then you need a dictionary:
1. to analyze (a sentence) in terms of grammatical constituents, identifying the parts of speech, syntactic relations, etc.
2. to describe (a word in a sentence) grammatically, identifying the part of speech, inflectional form, syntactic function, etc.
3. to analyze (something, as a speech or behavior) to discover its implications or uncover a deeper meaning:
Political columnists were in their glory, parsing the president's speech on the economy in minute detail.
4. Computers. to analyze (a string of characters) in order to associate groups of characters with the syntactic units of the underlying grammar.

I was not analyzing anything in terms of grammar, nor trying to uncover a deeper meaning, nor anything with computers.

But nice try at diversion since you can't actually argue against my points.
Parsing, what nonsense, ho hum.
Parsing? The difference between NEW and TOTAL enrollees is "parsing?" Wow.
that's parsing, too
Then you need a dictionary:
1. to analyze (a sentence) in terms of grammatical constituents, identifying the parts of speech, syntactic relations, etc.
2. to describe (a word in a sentence) grammatically, identifying the part of speech, inflectional form, syntactic function, etc.
3. to analyze (something, as a speech or behavior) to discover its implications or uncover a deeper meaning:
Political columnists were in their glory, parsing the president's speech on the economy in minute detail.
4. Computers. to analyze (a string of characters) in order to associate groups of characters with the syntactic units of the underlying grammar.

I was not analyzing anything in terms of grammar, nor trying to uncover a deeper meaning, nor anything with computers.

But nice try at diversion since you can't actually argue against my points.

You haven't made any points. You've done nothing but parse.
click, ignore.
Under the Obama economy? No way Jose! The left has the economy humming, just ask them, they will tell you!

the decline in food stamps relates to unemployment being under 5%.

5%, my chubby white butt.

You leftists all should be cooking books for the Mafia, you're so full of shit.

That 5% doesn't include people who've been unemployed so long that they've given up on finding a job. It doesn't include people who are severely underemployed, ie. wanting full-time but working a paltry number of part-time hours - frequently at a job far below their actual capability - just to have an income at all. It doesn't include people who are unemployed but perform as much as 1 hour of work in a week, eg. mowing someone's lawn or cleaning their house.

When you factor all those people into the equation, as many as 30 million people are unemployed or severely underemployed. So you're either too brain-damaged to know this, or you know it and you're a lying sack.

so you have nothing but to offer but to troll ..

gee, who new.

Apparently, you think "troll" means "providing facts that I don't want to believe". Who "new"[sic]?
Apparently you think the media has facts.

What's the media got to do with anything?
Under the Obama economy? No way Jose! The left has the economy humming, just ask them, they will tell you!

the decline in food stamps relates to unemployment being under 5%.

5%, my chubby white butt.

You leftists all should be cooking books for the Mafia, you're so full of shit.

That 5% doesn't include people who've been unemployed so long that they've given up on finding a job. It doesn't include people who are severely underemployed, ie. wanting full-time but working a paltry number of part-time hours - frequently at a job far below their actual capability - just to have an income at all. It doesn't include people who are unemployed but perform as much as 1 hour of work in a week, eg. mowing someone's lawn or cleaning their house.

When you factor all those people into the equation, as many as 30 million people are unemployed or severely underemployed. So you're either too brain-damaged to know this, or you know it and you're a lying sack.

so you have nothing but to offer but to troll ..

gee, who new.

Apparently, you think "troll" means "providing facts that I don't want to believe". Who "new"[sic]?

disputing your "facts" with facts ..

In the seven states -- Arkansas, Florida, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and New Jersey -- aid is ending sooner than the government requires. They join eight other states that had discontinued waivers in prior years because of economic conditions or state action: Delaware, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Oklahoma, Indiana, Wisconsin and Texas. Other states are ending waivers only for certain regions.

Apparently, "dispute" is another one of those words that mean something different than what you think.

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