Food supply chain is breaking...

Profiteers are scamming? I wonder what the capitalist racketeer asswipePINO will do about that?
does it hurt your head being this stupid?

in America things will get more expensive and fresh meat will become a luxury

in 3rd world countries many will starve

we need to open things up immediately
Yes, we should all head out....

We will, you stay under your bed though.
Let me know how that works out for you!
Already did it and it's working out great!! In fact, no one where I Iive wears a stupid mask anymore. You just stay indoors where it's 'safe'...
Where do you live? I'll go first; Coronado, Ca.
CA...In the mountains. Low population density. 0 coronavirus up here. It makes no sense to lock down whole geographic areas based on areas like NY, LA or SF where people live on top of one another. If I go to a metro area, I might consider wearing a mask, especially in areas like SF where filth abounds.
Why did you avoid the question?
Profiteers are scamming? I wonder what the capitalist racketeer asswipePINO will do about that?
does it hurt your head being this stupid?

in America things will get more expensive and fresh meat will become a luxury

in 3rd world countries many will starve

we need to open things up immediately
Yes, we should all head out....

We will, you stay under your bed though.
Let me know how that works out for you!
Already did it and it's working out great!! In fact, no one where I Iive wears a stupid mask anymore. You just stay indoors where it's 'safe'...
Where do you live? I'll go first; Coronado, Ca.
CA...In the mountains. Low population density. 0 coronavirus up here. It makes no sense to lock down whole geographic areas based on areas like NY, LA or SF where people live on top of one another. If I go to a metro area, I might consider wearing a mask, especially in areas like SF where filth abounds.
Why did you avoid the question?
Because I don’t give a shit about your questions. You wanna know where I live. Stalker much?
This is bad news...Tyson food took out two full page ads explaining why their product will be scarce in the coming weeks...


"Tyson Foods executives said in a full-page ad published Sunday that the closure of food-processing plants due to the coronavirus is “breaking” the supply chain.

In a full-page ad published in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, board chairman John Tyson wrote that “the food supply chain is breaking," saying farmers will be left without anywhere to sell livestock and "millions of animals — chickens, pigs and cattle — will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities."

"There will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed," he added."

Too bad for Tyson. I predict they will inherit unbeatable competition due to being blindsighted.
It's not just Tyson but JBS(?), Smithfield and others. Then the crop farmers are either not planting or turning the crops under and dairies are dumping the milk.

Things going to get rough
Angel orders peeps today.
I'd have to build a chicken tractor to order peeps.
Wait..I know where one is..and it's not being used..hmm..

Their not that hard to build, if you're good at that sort of thing. Whether a tractor to keep moving them or a stationary coop. There are a ton of different plans out there
This is bad news...Tyson food took out two full page ads explaining why their product will be scarce in the coming weeks...


"Tyson Foods executives said in a full-page ad published Sunday that the closure of food-processing plants due to the coronavirus is “breaking” the supply chain.

In a full-page ad published in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, board chairman John Tyson wrote that “the food supply chain is breaking," saying farmers will be left without anywhere to sell livestock and "millions of animals — chickens, pigs and cattle — will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities."

"There will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed," he added."

Too bad for Tyson. I predict they will inherit unbeatable competition due to being blindsighted.

Unbeatable competition in the form of Chinese-owned Smithfield?
Bible prophesy, right before our eyes.... in this order, pestilence, famine, war, death...

It also says we will be prevented from having or won't have, meat to eat.....hmmmm, time to reread those end time prophesies again!

And it predicts hyper inflation..... which could happen due to all the borrowing for this corona virus pestilence and national debt...

"A day's wage/work, for a loaf of bread"

Oh it's comin!
Profiteers are scamming? I wonder what the capitalist racketeer asswipePINO will do about that?
does it hurt your head being this stupid?

in America things will get more expensive and fresh meat will become a luxury

in 3rd world countries many will starve

we need to open things up immediately
Yes, we should all head out....

We will, you stay under your bed though.
Let me know how that works out for you!
Already did it and it's working out great!! In fact, no one where I Iive wears a stupid mask anymore. You just stay indoors where it's 'safe'...
Where do you live? I'll go first; Coronado, Ca.
CA...In the mountains. Low population density. 0 coronavirus up here. It makes no sense to lock down whole geographic areas based on areas like NY, LA or SF where people live on top of one another. If I go to a metro area, I might consider wearing a mask, especially in areas like SF where filth abounds.
Why did you avoid the question?
Because I don’t give a shit about your questions. You wanna know where I live. Stalker much?
Then we'll have to consider you a liar and leave it with that.
This is bad news...Tyson food took out two full page ads explaining why their product will be scarce in the coming weeks...


"Tyson Foods executives said in a full-page ad published Sunday that the closure of food-processing plants due to the coronavirus is “breaking” the supply chain.

In a full-page ad published in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, board chairman John Tyson wrote that “the food supply chain is breaking," saying farmers will be left without anywhere to sell livestock and "millions of animals — chickens, pigs and cattle — will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities."

"There will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed," he added."

Too bad for Tyson. I predict they will inherit unbeatable competition due to being blindsighted.
Tyson is bigger than all of their competition combined.
This is bad news...Tyson food took out two full page ads explaining why their product will be scarce in the coming weeks...


"Tyson Foods executives said in a full-page ad published Sunday that the closure of food-processing plants due to the coronavirus is “breaking” the supply chain.

In a full-page ad published in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, board chairman John Tyson wrote that “the food supply chain is breaking," saying farmers will be left without anywhere to sell livestock and "millions of animals — chickens, pigs and cattle — will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities."

"There will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed," he added."

Don't worry, there are plenty of vegan burgers and vegan hotdogs available at the grocery store.
Profiteers are scamming? I wonder what the capitalist racketeer asswipePINO will do about that?
does it hurt your head being this stupid?

in America things will get more expensive and fresh meat will become a luxury

in 3rd world countries many will starve

we need to open things up immediately
Yes, we should all head out....

We will, you stay under your bed though.
Let me know how that works out for you!
Already did it and it's working out great!! In fact, no one where I Iive wears a stupid mask anymore. You just stay indoors where it's 'safe'...
Where do you live? I'll go first; Coronado, Ca.
CA...In the mountains. Low population density. 0 coronavirus up here. It makes no sense to lock down whole geographic areas based on areas like NY, LA or SF where people live on top of one another. If I go to a metro area, I might consider wearing a mask, especially in areas like SF where filth abounds.
Why did you avoid the question?
Because I don’t give a shit about your questions. You wanna know where I live. Stalker much?
Then we'll have to consider you a liar and leave it with that.

We'll have to consider you a stalker and leave it at that. I don't know who the fuck you are, why do you want to know where I live? Fuck off.
This is bad news...Tyson food took out two full page ads explaining why their product will be scarce in the coming weeks...


"Tyson Foods executives said in a full-page ad published Sunday that the closure of food-processing plants due to the coronavirus is “breaking” the supply chain.

In a full-page ad published in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, board chairman John Tyson wrote that “the food supply chain is breaking," saying farmers will be left without anywhere to sell livestock and "millions of animals — chickens, pigs and cattle — will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities."

"There will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed," he added."

Don't worry, there are plenty of vegan burgers and vegan hotdogs available at the grocery store.
This is bad news...Tyson food took out two full page ads explaining why their product will be scarce in the coming weeks...


"Tyson Foods executives said in a full-page ad published Sunday that the closure of food-processing plants due to the coronavirus is “breaking” the supply chain.

In a full-page ad published in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, board chairman John Tyson wrote that “the food supply chain is breaking," saying farmers will be left without anywhere to sell livestock and "millions of animals — chickens, pigs and cattle — will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities."

"There will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed," he added."

Don't worry, there are plenty of vegan burgers and vegan hotdogs available at the grocery store.

Taste just as good, zero cholesterol, has fiber. Quinoa is even better.
MSM trying to scare everyone, like with C19
jeus f christ....there's all kinds of food to eat
Exactly and it's a day after they reported for over a week that food is being destroyed by farmers & ranchers.
I guess that gives them a 50/50 chance to be right about something for a change, unless they spin a green double zero (like a wharehouse in N.Y. hoarding food for political tactical blame game talking points), then they can keep their perfect record of being wrong about everything, just like their candidate they are protecting.
This was planned, that's what makes me mad. What needs to come to light is the evidence of the plan.
Sounds like things are getting ripe for government take over. Is it by design ?? Who knows at this point, but if it is by design, then they have finally pulled it off.
Bible prophesy, right before our eyes.... in this order, pestilence, famine, war, death...

Maybe there is a bigger pix at play here. I wouldn't put it past our MIC & Pentagon , the folks who have contingency plans for everything up to and probably including killer tomatoes from Mars to be viewing current events as

"ah, gee, look how easily we controlled the population this time around"

"yeah, yanno, worked like a charm...."

"Indeed so"

This was planned, that's what makes me mad. What needs to come to light is the evidence of the plan.
Sounds like things are getting ripe for government take over. Is it by design ?? Who knows at this point, but if it is by design, then they have finally pulled it off.
Bible prophesy, right before our eyes.... in this order, pestilence, famine, war, death...

Maybe there is a bigger pix at play here. I wouldn't put it past our MIC & Pentagon , the folks who have contingency plans for everything up to and probably including killer tomatoes from Mars to be viewing current events as

"ah, gee, look how easily we controlled the population this time around"

"yeah, yanno, worked like a charm...."

"Indeed so"


Americans: Paranoid, delusional, and living in fear of their own government.
People are continuing to plant their own gardens this week to larger than ever.

Is anybody planning out their garden?
Ours is planted...had a little frost scare last week and the zucchini took a beating...but it looks like it's making a comeback.

This will be our first year for peeps tho.


Squirrels like potatoes...who knew?
Last edited:
This is bad news...Tyson food took out two full page ads explaining why their product will be scarce in the coming weeks...


"Tyson Foods executives said in a full-page ad published Sunday that the closure of food-processing plants due to the coronavirus is “breaking” the supply chain.

In a full-page ad published in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, board chairman John Tyson wrote that “the food supply chain is breaking," saying farmers will be left without anywhere to sell livestock and "millions of animals — chickens, pigs and cattle — will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities."

"There will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed," he added."

You don't have to eat meat.

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