Food supply chain is breaking...

I was about to post this. LOL
Then I saw yours.......

When meat processing facilities started shutting down because of the coronavirus pandemic, we were initially told not to worry because the facilities that were still operating normally would be able to make up the difference.

View attachment 328718

This is the effect we told you idiots is going to happen and this has NOTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The economy has been taking for years they jus tput a band aid on it and now the scum bag whores known as democrats are having their money scams busted up and they don't like it. See how you bitches listen and believe these whores so much so you are willing to sink your own last free standing nation left you pathetic low life assholes!!


When your a leftist who is so low on the IQ charts you blame Trump just like little MSM tells you idiots too who are you idiots the same idiots who literally believe the shit posted about Trump that are so out there you know it'a lie just by the title.

Come over here and some low iQ asshole has it posted lmfao... Like Trump said drink lysol omfg you really are a retard to believe that ..

because of losers who dictate society and the idiots who follow htem like they are a God you all have the same mental issues
View attachment 328720

Honest to God that is so childish. I would say the last line fits you to a T.

I wouldn't go so far as to say the food supply chain is broken. The meat supply chain is temporarily broken. But you know, we Americans are too damn fat and eat too much meat.

It won't hurt us to cut back a little. This isn't the Great Depression.
Not yet, but it's looking pretty grim.

I would say not enough info to panic yet.

I am also willing to wager we will now see an utter clean out of the meat section of grocery stores just like toilet paper.
I was about to post this. LOL
Then I saw yours.......

When meat processing facilities started shutting down because of the coronavirus pandemic, we were initially told not to worry because the facilities that were still operating normally would be able to make up the difference.

View attachment 328718

This is the effect we told you idiots is going to happen and this has NOTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The economy has been taking for years they jus tput a band aid on it and now the scum bag whores known as democrats are having their money scams busted up and they don't like it. See how you bitches listen and believe these whores so much so you are willing to sink your own last free standing nation left you pathetic low life assholes!!


When your a leftist who is so low on the IQ charts you blame Trump just like little MSM tells you idiots too who are you idiots the same idiots who literally believe the shit posted about Trump that are so out there you know it'a lie just by the title.

Come over here and some low iQ asshole has it posted lmfao... Like Trump said drink lysol omfg you really are a retard to believe that ..

because of losers who dictate society and the idiots who follow htem like they are a God you all have the same mental issues
View attachment 328720

Honest to God that is so childish. I would say the last line fits you to a T.

I wouldn't go so far as to say the food supply chain is broken. The meat supply chain is temporarily broken. But you know, we Americans are too damn fat and eat too much meat.

It won't hurt us to cut back a little. This isn't the Great Depression.
I’m an American and not fat..

Good for you. You are not average.
This was planned, that's what makes me mad. What needs to come to light is the evidence of the plan.
Sounds like things are getting ripe for government take over. Is it by design ?? Who knows at this point, but if it is by design, then they have finally pulled it off.
Bible prophesy, right before our eyes.... in this order, pestilence, famine, war, death...

Maybe there is a bigger pix at play here. I wouldn't put it past our MIC & Pentagon , the folks who have contingency plans for everything up to and probably including killer tomatoes from Mars to be viewing current events as

"ah, gee, look how easily we controlled the population this time around"

"yeah, yanno, worked like a charm...."

"Indeed so"


Americans: Paranoid, delusional, and living in fear of their own government.
That's the poor with credit conservatives. The rest of us are fine.
Until there's nothing at the store for you to buy, or online for you to order.
What about young Democrats fresh out of school? Forget them, huh? You got yours?

Do you have any good recipes?
I was about to post this. LOL
Then I saw yours.......

When meat processing facilities started shutting down because of the coronavirus pandemic, we were initially told not to worry because the facilities that were still operating normally would be able to make up the difference.

View attachment 328718

This is the effect we told you idiots is going to happen and this has NOTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The economy has been taking for years they jus tput a band aid on it and now the scum bag whores known as democrats are having their money scams busted up and they don't like it. See how you bitches listen and believe these whores so much so you are willing to sink your own last free standing nation left you pathetic low life assholes!!


When your a leftist who is so low on the IQ charts you blame Trump just like little MSM tells you idiots too who are you idiots the same idiots who literally believe the shit posted about Trump that are so out there you know it'a lie just by the title.

Come over here and some low iQ asshole has it posted lmfao... Like Trump said drink lysol omfg you really are a retard to believe that ..

because of losers who dictate society and the idiots who follow htem like they are a God you all have the same mental issues
View attachment 328720

Honest to God that is so childish. I would say the last line fits you to a T.

I wouldn't go so far as to say the food supply chain is broken. The meat supply chain is temporarily broken. But you know, we Americans are too damn fat and eat too much meat.

It won't hurt us to cut back a little. This isn't the Great Depression.

Denying reality is easy but that's a great distraction to make for yourself focus it on me not the issue. It's ok deny deny dumb ass when you can't shop you'll remember how you and all the other denying jackasses LAUGHED......

take a hint fool

People are continuing to plant their own gardens this week to larger than ever.

Is anybody planning out their garden?
Ours is planted...had a little frost scare last week and the zucchini took a beating...but it looks like it's making a comeback.

This will be our first year for peeps tho.

View attachment 329221

Squirrels like potatoes...who knew?

Sprinkle cayenne pepper on the soil above the potato’s. The squirrels won’t touch them.
Thanks...I'll do that. :thup:
Our nation produces so much food its almost ridiculous...Prices will rise but I don't expect severe shortages to happen....but maybe the hoarders will shift from TP to bread and I can restock my bath tissue....

The farmers re telling you this. WE CAN NOT MAKE THIS UP the loss can not be made up

View attachment 329290


The sudden shift in demand means that dairy farms across the country have an excess of milk. Between 2.7 million and 3.7 million gallons of US milk could be dumped per day as a result of the crisis, the Dairy Farmers of America, a major dairy co-operative, estimated. But farmers can't just stop milking their cows.

"Dairy is a daily crop," said Alan Bjerga, senior vice president of communications for the National Milk Producers Federation. "When a young milk cow gets put into production, you don't turn the production on and off. And so it's very difficult to be quickly responsive to a crisis."

Milk dumping isn't just devastating for the farmers. For Americans who can't afford food or are unable to buy enough milk because grocery stores are out or capping purchases, the images are painful.

Pouring out milk is another example of how major disruptions in the supply chain, caused by the pandemic and efforts to contain it, are preventing food from getting to where it needs to go.

The pandemic has delivered a major blow to several sectors, from the airline industry to retail. For the milk industry, the setback is particularly painful.

Both dairy farmers and milk processors were struggling even before the pandemic hit. Such a major disruption has only made things harder. And the rigid supply chain means neither farmers nor processors can switch gears quickly enough to avoid waste.

Nobody wants to dump milk. But doing that now -— along with other efforts -— could help farms pull through later on, and could help make sure that Americans have enough milk, cheese, butter and ice cream in the future.

Another bad year

Before the pandemic hit, things were finally looking up for milk farmers.

By the latter half of last year, prices were starting to trend higher after about four years of low milk prices. It's not unusual for milk prices to ebb and flow, but the

Setting the stage for a bailout?....
This is bad news...Tyson food took out two full page ads explaining why their product will be scarce in the coming weeks...


"Tyson Foods executives said in a full-page ad published Sunday that the closure of food-processing plants due to the coronavirus is “breaking” the supply chain.

In a full-page ad published in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, board chairman John Tyson wrote that “the food supply chain is breaking," saying farmers will be left without anywhere to sell livestock and "millions of animals — chickens, pigs and cattle — will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities."

"There will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed," he added."

Tyson Foods works with the Clintons.
They smuggle drugs up from South America into Arkansas.
Who needs em.
This was planned, that's what makes me mad. What needs to come to light is the evidence of the plan.
Sounds like things are getting ripe for government take over. Is it by design ?? Who knows at this point, but if it is by design, then they have finally pulled it off.
Bible prophesy, right before our eyes.... in this order, pestilence, famine, war, death...

Maybe there is a bigger pix at play here. I wouldn't put it past our MIC & Pentagon , the folks who have contingency plans for everything up to and probably including killer tomatoes from Mars to be viewing current events as

"ah, gee, look how easily we controlled the population this time around"

"yeah, yanno, worked like a charm...."

"Indeed so"


Americans: Paranoid, delusional, and living in fear of their own government.
That's the poor with credit conservatives. The rest of us are fine.
Until there's nothing at the store for you to buy, or online for you to order.
What about young Democrats fresh out of school? Forget them, huh? You got yours?
Yes...I've been thinking about that quite a bit. My generation learned to do things...we have tools and skill to use them. What is the younger generation going to do?
This was planned, that's what makes me mad. What needs to come to light is the evidence of the plan.
Sounds like things are getting ripe for government take over. Is it by design ?? Who knows at this point, but if it is by design, then they have finally pulled it off.
Bible prophesy, right before our eyes.... in this order, pestilence, famine, war, death...

Maybe there is a bigger pix at play here. I wouldn't put it past our MIC & Pentagon , the folks who have contingency plans for everything up to and probably including killer tomatoes from Mars to be viewing current events as

"ah, gee, look how easily we controlled the population this time around"

"yeah, yanno, worked like a charm...."

"Indeed so"


Americans: Paranoid, delusional, and living in fear of their own government.
That's the poor with credit conservatives. The rest of us are fine.
Until there's nothing at the store for you to buy, or online for you to order.
What about young Democrats fresh out of school? Forget them, huh? You got yours?
Yes...I've been thinking about that quite a bit. My generation learned to do things...we have tools and skill to use them. What is the younger generation going to do?
We used to read Tom Brown's guide to Wilderness Survival when we were kids...then go try the stuff out in the woods.
I draw the line at mushrooms and Pine needle tea, though.
This was planned, that's what makes me mad. What needs to come to light is the evidence of the plan.
Sounds like things are getting ripe for government take over. Is it by design ?? Who knows at this point, but if it is by design, then they have finally pulled it off.
Bible prophesy, right before our eyes.... in this order, pestilence, famine, war, death...

Maybe there is a bigger pix at play here. I wouldn't put it past our MIC & Pentagon , the folks who have contingency plans for everything up to and probably including killer tomatoes from Mars to be viewing current events as

"ah, gee, look how easily we controlled the population this time around"

"yeah, yanno, worked like a charm...."

"Indeed so"


Americans: Paranoid, delusional, and living in fear of their own government.
That's the poor with credit conservatives. The rest of us are fine.
Until there's nothing at the store for you to buy, or online for you to order.
What about young Democrats fresh out of school? Forget them, huh? You got yours?
Yes...I've been thinking about that quite a bit. My generation learned to do things...we have tools and skill to use them. What is the younger generation going to do?

They don't know what a can opener is --- nor a rotary dialed phone------- nor a record player------- these lower informed mongrels ( parents are leftist guarantee it) lol these kids will have no fn chance to survive they live their reality as a video game .
People are continuing to plant their own gardens this week to larger than ever.

Is anybody planning out their garden?
Ours is planted...had a little frost scare last week and the zucchini took a beating...but it looks like it's making a comeback.

This will be our first year for peeps tho.

View attachment 329221

Squirrels like potatoes...who knew?

Are you sure they eat the potatoes? Or are they just digging little holes to store their nuts?? I've had that problem with their digging & stashing, but I've not had them eat the taters. They do my strawberries and corn tho, the dirty little buggers :aargh:

I've been in the process of planting some things, but not quite ready for the warm weather items, like beans, cukes, corn, & squash. I should be doing that now, but have other projects going on, so it will have to wait a few more days.

If you want to know anything about raising chickens there is a Backyard Chicken forum with thousands of members & posts that would answer just about any question you might have. Just be forewarned...…..everybody has their own opinions on how to do it so you may get dozens of conflicting answers.

OR you could always ask Bones, or even myself. I'm not sure how 'involved' Bones is......but I've been raising them for over 10 years for both eggs and meat. In fact, that's one of my current projects now...butchering. At the moment I'm taking a break.

But ultimately, chickens don't really need much beyond shelter, food & water and it doesn't have to be fancy. You'll have a lot of fun and they're great entertainment too.
I was about to post this. LOL
Then I saw yours.......

When meat processing facilities started shutting down because of the coronavirus pandemic, we were initially told not to worry because the facilities that were still operating normally would be able to make up the difference.

View attachment 328718

This is the effect we told you idiots is going to happen and this has NOTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The economy has been taking for years they jus tput a band aid on it and now the scum bag whores known as democrats are having their money scams busted up and they don't like it. See how you bitches listen and believe these whores so much so you are willing to sink your own last free standing nation left you pathetic low life assholes!!


When your a leftist who is so low on the IQ charts you blame Trump just like little MSM tells you idiots too who are you idiots the same idiots who literally believe the shit posted about Trump that are so out there you know it'a lie just by the title.

Come over here and some low iQ asshole has it posted lmfao... Like Trump said drink lysol omfg you really are a retard to believe that ..

because of losers who dictate society and the idiots who follow htem like they are a God you all have the same mental issues
View attachment 328720

Honest to God that is so childish. I would say the last line fits you to a T.

I wouldn't go so far as to say the food supply chain is broken. The meat supply chain is temporarily broken. But you know, we Americans are too damn fat and eat too much meat.

It won't hurt us to cut back a little. This isn't the Great Depression.

Have you missed that dairies are dumping their milk? Or crop farmers are turning under the produce? No it's not yet a full shut down of the food supply, but it's going to depend on how this re-opening and summer goes as to whether or not there will be food this coming winter. IF (big IF) we can get back to normal soon enough, those 'cracks' in the food supply will only be a bump in the road and we'll get thru it....but if the country stays locked down for too much longer, it's going to get REAL, mighty quick
I was about to post this. LOL
Then I saw yours.......

When meat processing facilities started shutting down because of the coronavirus pandemic, we were initially told not to worry because the facilities that were still operating normally would be able to make up the difference.

View attachment 328718

This is the effect we told you idiots is going to happen and this has NOTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The economy has been taking for years they jus tput a band aid on it and now the scum bag whores known as democrats are having their money scams busted up and they don't like it. See how you bitches listen and believe these whores so much so you are willing to sink your own last free standing nation left you pathetic low life assholes!!


When your a leftist who is so low on the IQ charts you blame Trump just like little MSM tells you idiots too who are you idiots the same idiots who literally believe the shit posted about Trump that are so out there you know it'a lie just by the title.

Come over here and some low iQ asshole has it posted lmfao... Like Trump said drink lysol omfg you really are a retard to believe that ..

because of losers who dictate society and the idiots who follow htem like they are a God you all have the same mental issues
View attachment 328720

Honest to God that is so childish. I would say the last line fits you to a T.

I wouldn't go so far as to say the food supply chain is broken. The meat supply chain is temporarily broken. But you know, we Americans are too damn fat and eat too much meat.

It won't hurt us to cut back a little. This isn't the Great Depression.
Not yet, but it's looking pretty grim.

I would say not enough info to panic yet.

I am also willing to wager we will now see an utter clean out of the meat section of grocery stores just like toilet paper.

That was already happening when the food shelves were empty.....things were starting to pick up with more available but still not fully stocked.
I was about to post this. LOL
Then I saw yours.......

When meat processing facilities started shutting down because of the coronavirus pandemic, we were initially told not to worry because the facilities that were still operating normally would be able to make up the difference.

View attachment 328718

This is the effect we told you idiots is going to happen and this has NOTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The economy has been taking for years they jus tput a band aid on it and now the scum bag whores known as democrats are having their money scams busted up and they don't like it. See how you bitches listen and believe these whores so much so you are willing to sink your own last free standing nation left you pathetic low life assholes!!


When your a leftist who is so low on the IQ charts you blame Trump just like little MSM tells you idiots too who are you idiots the same idiots who literally believe the shit posted about Trump that are so out there you know it'a lie just by the title.

Come over here and some low iQ asshole has it posted lmfao... Like Trump said drink lysol omfg you really are a retard to believe that ..

because of losers who dictate society and the idiots who follow htem like they are a God you all have the same mental issues
View attachment 328720

Honest to God that is so childish. I would say the last line fits you to a T.

I wouldn't go so far as to say the food supply chain is broken. The meat supply chain is temporarily broken. But you know, we Americans are too damn fat and eat too much meat.

It won't hurt us to cut back a little. This isn't the Great Depression.
Not yet, but it's looking pretty grim.

I would say not enough info to panic yet.

I am also willing to wager we will now see an utter clean out of the meat section of grocery stores just like toilet paper.

That was already happening when the food shelves were empty.....things were starting to pick up with more available but still not fully stocked.

I've noticed that too.
I was about to post this. LOL
Then I saw yours.......

When meat processing facilities started shutting down because of the coronavirus pandemic, we were initially told not to worry because the facilities that were still operating normally would be able to make up the difference.

View attachment 328718

This is the effect we told you idiots is going to happen and this has NOTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The economy has been taking for years they jus tput a band aid on it and now the scum bag whores known as democrats are having their money scams busted up and they don't like it. See how you bitches listen and believe these whores so much so you are willing to sink your own last free standing nation left you pathetic low life assholes!!


When your a leftist who is so low on the IQ charts you blame Trump just like little MSM tells you idiots too who are you idiots the same idiots who literally believe the shit posted about Trump that are so out there you know it'a lie just by the title.

Come over here and some low iQ asshole has it posted lmfao... Like Trump said drink lysol omfg you really are a retard to believe that ..

because of losers who dictate society and the idiots who follow htem like they are a God you all have the same mental issues
View attachment 328720

Honest to God that is so childish. I would say the last line fits you to a T.

I wouldn't go so far as to say the food supply chain is broken. The meat supply chain is temporarily broken. But you know, we Americans are too damn fat and eat too much meat.

It won't hurt us to cut back a little. This isn't the Great Depression.

Have you missed that dairies are dumping their milk? Or crop farmers are turning under the produce? No it's not yet a full shut down of the food supply, but it's going to depend on how this re-opening and summer goes as to whether or not there will be food this coming winter. IF (big IF) we can get back to normal soon enough, those 'cracks' in the food supply will only be a bump in the road and we'll get thru it....but if the country stays locked down for too much longer, it's going to get REAL, mighty quick

Yes, I've read that - but the problem is complicated. For example a lot of milk was going to schools and the packaging plants package them in small cartons for that reason - shifting it is going to be difficult.

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