Food supply chain is breaking...

I was about to post this. LOL
Then I saw yours.......

When meat processing facilities started shutting down because of the coronavirus pandemic, we were initially told not to worry because the facilities that were still operating normally would be able to make up the difference.

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This is the effect we told you idiots is going to happen and this has NOTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The economy has been taking for years they jus tput a band aid on it and now the scum bag whores known as democrats are having their money scams busted up and they don't like it. See how you bitches listen and believe these whores so much so you are willing to sink your own last free standing nation left you pathetic low life assholes!!


When your a leftist who is so low on the IQ charts you blame Trump just like little MSM tells you idiots too who are you idiots the same idiots who literally believe the shit posted about Trump that are so out there you know it'a lie just by the title.

Come over here and some low iQ asshole has it posted lmfao... Like Trump said drink lysol omfg you really are a retard to believe that ..

because of losers who dictate society and the idiots who follow htem like they are a God you all have the same mental issues
View attachment 328720

Honest to God that is so childish. I would say the last line fits you to a T.

I wouldn't go so far as to say the food supply chain is broken. The meat supply chain is temporarily broken. But you know, we Americans are too damn fat and eat too much meat.

It won't hurt us to cut back a little. This isn't the Great Depression.

Have you missed that dairies are dumping their milk? Or crop farmers are turning under the produce? No it's not yet a full shut down of the food supply, but it's going to depend on how this re-opening and summer goes as to whether or not there will be food this coming winter. IF (big IF) we can get back to normal soon enough, those 'cracks' in the food supply will only be a bump in the road and we'll get thru it....but if the country stays locked down for too much longer, it's going to get REAL, mighty quick

Yes, I've read that - but the problem is complicated. For example a lot of milk was going to schools and the packaging plants package them in small cartons for that reason - shifting it is going to be difficult.

That is true...…..but many schools are still providing meals to kids & their families, so those markets aren't completely lost.....just reduced

As I said, if the Democrats & MSM keep up with the fear mongering and keep the country in lockdown...…….how long before nobody goes to work? Most of those food producers didn't shut down because of high numbers of active cases with employees...….but because the healthy employees were refusing to go to work in fear of catching it......not because they had it. Even some truckers are complaining for the same reason and parking their rigs. All of them mean less supply available.

And not yet that we've heard...….but what about utilities? What happens when those employees don't go to work? No electricity, no water, no garbage pickup...….OMG no cell or internet or even fuel for your car.
This is bad news...Tyson food took out two full page ads explaining why their product will be scarce in the coming weeks...


"Tyson Foods executives said in a full-page ad published Sunday that the closure of food-processing plants due to the coronavirus is “breaking” the supply chain.

In a full-page ad published in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, board chairman John Tyson wrote that “the food supply chain is breaking," saying farmers will be left without anywhere to sell livestock and "millions of animals — chickens, pigs and cattle — will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities."

"There will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed," he added."

The deer and the flock of wild turkeys that like to hang out in my front yard just might start to look pretty tasty soon. And it's been a long long time since I've eaten squirrel too but from what I can remember it tastes pretty damn good rolled in flour and pan fried.
Taste just as good, zero cholesterol, has fiber. Quinoa is even better.

I'm a meat eater but have had veggie burgers and they are just fine. No prob with them, kinda pricey though. I haven't tried the hotdogs. I like Quinoa, like all grains. I've cooked tofu like meat, it's different but good. Made tofu burgers. KY used to be tobacco country but now lots soybeans, cattle corn, hay and alfalfa. Oh yea and industrial hemp
Food banks are running out of food but farmers are letting it rot in the fields. What's going on.
Politico reports Tens of millions of pounds of American-grown produce is rotting in fields as food banks across the country scramble to meet a massive surge in demand.

That's the big question. Something very bad going on. What?
I am also willing to wager we will now see an utter clean out of the meat section of grocery stores just like toilet paper.

Already seen it. Not my 2 small locals but they are cut down too. Went to Wally in Glasgow, not a piece meat to be seen cept a few hotdogs. Bad sight, empty, bare shelves, all of them.
Profiteers are scamming? I wonder what the capitalist racketeer asswipePINO will do about that?
does it hurt your head being this stupid?

in America things will get more expensive and fresh meat will become a luxury

in 3rd world countries many will starve

we need to open things up immediately
Yes, we should all head out....

We will, you stay under your bed though.
Let me know how that works out for you!
Already did it and it's working out great!! In fact, no one where I Iive wears a stupid mask anymore. You just stay indoors where it's 'safe'...
Where do you live? I'll go first; Coronado, Ca.
CA...In the mountains. Low population density. 0 coronavirus up here. It makes no sense to lock down whole geographic areas based on areas like NY, LA or SF where people live on top of one another. If I go to a metro area, I might consider wearing a mask, especially in areas like SF where filth abounds.
Why did you avoid the question?
Because I don’t give a shit about your questions. You wanna know where I live. Stalker much?
Exactly, no one needs to know where anyone lives, because that has nothing to do with this forum and it's activities. Stalker much is right, unless he wasn't speaking in specifics, and/or was lightly wanting to look at the area for political reasons or how the geographical aspects of it might have an impactful sway upon the election due to voter verses voter maybe. Who knows, but someone not a personal friend, and is asking for personal information should always draw a red flag in concerns of that person while on the internet IMHO.

Good call.
Profiteers are scamming? I wonder what the capitalist racketeer asswipePINO will do about that?
does it hurt your head being this stupid?

in America things will get more expensive and fresh meat will become a luxury

in 3rd world countries many will starve

we need to open things up immediately
Yes, we should all head out....

We will, you stay under your bed though.
Let me know how that works out for you!
Already did it and it's working out great!! In fact, no one where I Iive wears a stupid mask anymore. You just stay indoors where it's 'safe'...
Where do you live? I'll go first; Coronado, Ca.
CA...In the mountains. Low population density. 0 coronavirus up here. It makes no sense to lock down whole geographic areas based on areas like NY, LA or SF where people live on top of one another. If I go to a metro area, I might consider wearing a mask, especially in areas like SF where filth abounds.
Why did you avoid the question?
Because I don’t give a shit about your questions. You wanna know where I live. Stalker much?
Exactly, no one needs to know where anyone lives, because that has nothing to do with this forum and it's activities. Stalker much is right, unless he wasn't speaking in specifics, and/or was lightly wanting to look at the area for political reasons or how the geographical aspects of it might have an impactful sway upon the election due to voter verses voter maybe. Who knows, but someone not a personal friend, and is asking for personal information should always draw a red flag in concerns of that person while on the internet IMHO.

Good call.
The guy wrote nobody in his town had the virus. I called bullshit, he ran like a conservative retarded baby.
Profiteers are scamming? I wonder what the capitalist racketeer asswipePINO will do about that?
does it hurt your head being this stupid?

in America things will get more expensive and fresh meat will become a luxury

in 3rd world countries many will starve

we need to open things up immediately
Yes, we should all head out....

We will, you stay under your bed though.
Let me know how that works out for you!
Already did it and it's working out great!! In fact, no one where I Iive wears a stupid mask anymore. You just stay indoors where it's 'safe'...
Where do you live? I'll go first; Coronado, Ca.
CA...In the mountains. Low population density. 0 coronavirus up here. It makes no sense to lock down whole geographic areas based on areas like NY, LA or SF where people live on top of one another. If I go to a metro area, I might consider wearing a mask, especially in areas like SF where filth abounds.
Why did you avoid the question?
Because I don’t give a shit about your questions. You wanna know where I live. Stalker much?
Exactly, no one needs to know where anyone lives, because that has nothing to do with this forum and it's activities. Stalker much is right, unless he wasn't speaking in specifics, and/or was lightly wanting to look at the area for political reasons or how the geographical aspects of it might have an impactful sway upon the election due to voter verses voter maybe. Who knows, but someone not a personal friend, and is asking for personal information should always draw a red flag in concerns of that person while on the internet IMHO.

Good call.
The guy wrote nobody in his town had the virus. I called bullshit, he ran like a conservative retarded baby.
I didn't run, I said you were stalking and I was not giving you my location. Nobody where Iive has the coronavirus I really don't give a shit whether or not you believe me. I could prove it but, I refuse to give you my address. I have no idea who the fuck you are except that you are a TDS hater and I don't trust anyone like that. Now you have proven you are a liar as well.
Last edited:
I was about to post this. LOL
Then I saw yours.......

When meat processing facilities started shutting down because of the coronavirus pandemic, we were initially told not to worry because the facilities that were still operating normally would be able to make up the difference.

View attachment 328718

This is the effect we told you idiots is going to happen and this has NOTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The economy has been taking for years they jus tput a band aid on it and now the scum bag whores known as democrats are having their money scams busted up and they don't like it. See how you bitches listen and believe these whores so much so you are willing to sink your own last free standing nation left you pathetic low life assholes!!


When your a leftist who is so low on the IQ charts you blame Trump just like little MSM tells you idiots too who are you idiots the same idiots who literally believe the shit posted about Trump that are so out there you know it'a lie just by the title.

Come over here and some low iQ asshole has it posted lmfao... Like Trump said drink lysol omfg you really are a retard to believe that ..

because of losers who dictate society and the idiots who follow htem like they are a God you all have the same mental issues
View attachment 328720
Democrats always do better when they can fear monger.
Profiteers are scamming? I wonder what the capitalist racketeer asswipePINO will do about that?
does it hurt your head being this stupid?

in America things will get more expensive and fresh meat will become a luxury

in 3rd world countries many will starve

we need to open things up immediately
Yes, we should all head out....

We will, you stay under your bed though.
Let me know how that works out for you!
Already did it and it's working out great!! In fact, no one where I Iive wears a stupid mask anymore. You just stay indoors where it's 'safe'...
Where do you live? I'll go first; Coronado, Ca.
CA...In the mountains. Low population density. 0 coronavirus up here. It makes no sense to lock down whole geographic areas based on areas like NY, LA or SF where people live on top of one another. If I go to a metro area, I might consider wearing a mask, especially in areas like SF where filth abounds.
Why did you avoid the question?
Because I don’t give a shit about your questions. You wanna know where I live. Stalker much?
Exactly, no one needs to know where anyone lives, because that has nothing to do with this forum and it's activities. Stalker much is right, unless he wasn't speaking in specifics, and/or was lightly wanting to look at the area for political reasons or how the geographical aspects of it might have an impactful sway upon the election due to voter verses voter maybe. Who knows, but someone not a personal friend, and is asking for personal information should always draw a red flag in concerns of that person while on the internet IMHO.

Good call.
The guy wrote nobody in his town had the virus. I called bullshit, he ran like a conservative retarded baby.
Democrats are all Communist lovers. Proven fact. BTW--Why isn't PELOSI working during this "Crisis" ?

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