Food supply chain is breaking...

Tilapia here is down by 20% and chicken almost that because......the Empires importers aren't buying as much ?
Next week begins exports to WoHoo which will jack it back up for the locals :mad:. I say "locals" but in only affects the assholes in the Central Valley ( like a mini JooYakk). Us hillbillies here will be fine. We don't buy commercial shit anyways. We go to these but it's only for white people ;)
Levant. You tried online meat? Like Omaha steaks dot com? Look up grass fed beef in KY. Shipped in boxes on ice, dry or whatever. I've had Omaha before, good meat. You can get free range organic chicken in KY meat dealers too. Got to have fresh meat man, even if frozen! Or put "steak online" in google. KY is good beef though!
I've eaten Omaha Steaks. Their specials are only about twice the store price or three times Sam's Club price. I'd pay twice the the store price for everything if it meant we could get China out of our markets. But good idea. If I ever need meat (freezer fail and fire burning the cans) I might order some more.
It's not just Tyson but JBS(?), Smithfield and others. Then the crop farmers are either not planting or turning the crops under and dairies are dumping the milk.

Things going to get rough
Sounds like things are getting ripe for government take over. Is it by design ?? Who knows at this point, but if it is by design, then they have finally pulled it off.

Not a government take over. A corporate take over. Many of the farmers who are going under, are small family farms run by multigenerational families who live on the land. Everything they have is tied up in their farms - land, buildings, equipment and livestock. When they go under, these farms are snapped up by multi-national corporations whose owners exploit tha land for profit and care little for environmentally sound land management practices. No crop rotation or natural replenishing of soil. Think 1930’s dust bowl.

Similar, small businesses aren’t getting government loans. The government is giving out 10 million dollar loans to franchise chains, while small family restaurants are closing.

As with the banking bailout, shareholders are getting big dividends, publically traded corporations are getting huge interest free capital loans meant for small business, and small businesses are going bankrupt.

At the end of this, you will have more corporate concentration, fewer small businesses owners and wages will go down as the workers fight for the few remain jobs.
It's not just Tyson but JBS(?), Smithfield and others. Then the crop farmers are either not planting or turning the crops under and dairies are dumping the milk.

Things going to get rough
Sounds like things are getting ripe for government take over. Is it by design ?? Who knows at this point, but if it is by design, then they have finally pulled it off.

Not a government take over. A corporate take over. Many of the farmers who are going under, are small family farms run by multigenerational families who live on the land. Everything they have is tied up in their farms - land, buildings, equipment and livestock. When they go under, these farms are snapped up by multi-national corporations whose owners exploit tha land for profit and care little for environmentally sound land management practices. No crop rotation or natural replenishing of soil. Think 1930’s dust bowl.

Similar, small businesses aren’t getting government loans. The government is giving out 10 million dollar loans to franchise chains, while small family restaurants are closing.

As with the banking bailout, shareholders are getting big dividends, publically traded corporations are getting huge interest free capital loans meant for small business, and small businesses are going bankrupt.

At the end of this, you will have more corporate concentration, fewer small businesses owners and wages will go down as the workers fight for the few remain jobs.
Good post.
I've eaten Omaha Steaks. Their specials are only about twice the store price or three times Sam's Club price. I'd pay twice the the store price for everything if it meant we could get China out of our markets. But good idea. If I ever need meat (freezer fail and fire burning the cans) I might order some more.

Screw China Buddy! Yes they are up there in price but good meat, fast service. Try KY organic stuff. Think shipped in dry ice (don't eat the ice) Lotsa beef here. I go to the butcher so never ordered. Got to get 50# bacon again. And some brisket, make my own corned beef (morton quick and tender, 2 weeks). Them point cuts suck.
I've eaten Omaha Steaks. Their specials are only about twice the store price or three times Sam's Club price. I'd pay twice the the store price for everything if it meant we could get China out of our markets. But good idea. If I ever need meat (freezer fail and fire burning the cans) I might order some more.

Screw China Buddy! Yes they are up there in price but good meat, fast service. Try KY organic stuff. Think shipped in dry ice (don't eat the ice) Lotsa beef here. I go to the butcher so never ordered. Got to get 50# bacon again. And some brisket, make my own corned beef (morton quick and tender, 2 weeks). Them point cuts suck.

I spent the last couple of days with my daughter. She sent me home with a about 3 lbs. of organic, pasture raised baby back pork ribs. Heaven on a plate! I live in Foodland Ontario, which is a good thing because there's no online delivery services out here. Half the county is under glass. I have farmer friends who raise organic, pasture raised beef, pork, lamb and chicken. I'll be fine, as will my family and friends.

There is a large garden space on the north side of our property, which I could use as a vegetable garden. I can live without meat, if I have to I guess, but I'd really rather not.
Meat plants opened back up today....we told you....the media is sensationalizing the news....The old soviet Unions Pravda would be so proud.....
No meat shortage demtards.......and the stock market had another good day.....
I've eaten Omaha Steaks. Their specials are only about twice the store price or three times Sam's Club price. I'd pay twice the the store price for everything if it meant we could get China out of our markets. But good idea. If I ever need meat (freezer fail and fire burning the cans) I might order some more.

Screw China Buddy! Yes they are up there in price but good meat, fast service. Try KY organic stuff. Think shipped in dry ice (don't eat the ice) Lotsa beef here. I go to the butcher so never ordered. Got to get 50# bacon again. And some brisket, make my own corned beef (morton quick and tender, 2 weeks). Them point cuts suck.

I spent the last couple of days with my daughter. She sent me home with a about 3 lbs. of organic, pasture raised baby back pork ribs. Heaven on a plate! I live in Foodland Ontario, which is a good thing because there's no online delivery services out here. Half the county is under glass. I have farmer friends who raise organic, pasture raised beef, pork, lamb and chicken. I'll be fine, as will my family and friends.

There is a large garden space on the north side of our property, which I could use as a vegetable garden. I can live without meat, if I have to I guess, but I'd really rather not.

Ribs! Yeah. Been gonna smoke a few pans.

I have 13 acres. I till up a few spots and offer them to neighbors have no spot. Goes over well.
Just back from local Safeway. Big signs on the door limiting sales of beef and chicken.

Inside meat cases overflowing with ground been - mostly packed in sizes that would comfortably feed a family of about 14. Chicken not quite as overflowing but huge packages priced affordably. Smaller households not needing big amounts suck hind tit and pay outrageously high prices. If they buy at all.

Seems like the signs have TWO purposes: 1. Encourage the thought that there is a shortage. 2. Raise prices on anything packaged in reasonable quantity.
Just back from local Safeway. Big signs on the door limiting sales of beef and chicken.

Inside meat cases overflowing with ground been - mostly packed in sizes that would comfortably feed a family of about 14. Chicken not quite as overflowing but huge packages priced affordably. Smaller households not needing big amounts suck hind tit and pay outrageously high prices. If they buy at all.

Seems like the signs have TWO purposes: 1. Encourage the thought that there is a shortage. 2. Raise prices on anything packaged in reasonable quantity.

I think you're seeing commercial packages of beef, normally purchased by restaurants and institutions, being sold off cheap, while the usual consumer cuts are selling at higher prices. There is a glut of supplies for commercial kitchens and a dearth for the home cooks.
I've eaten Omaha Steaks. Their specials are only about twice the store price or three times Sam's Club price. I'd pay twice the the store price for everything if it meant we could get China out of our markets. But good idea. If I ever need meat (freezer fail and fire burning the cans) I might order some more.

Screw China Buddy! Yes they are up there in price but good meat, fast service. Try KY organic stuff. Think shipped in dry ice (don't eat the ice) Lotsa beef here. I go to the butcher so never ordered. Got to get 50# bacon again. And some brisket, make my own corned beef (morton quick and tender, 2 weeks). Them point cuts suck.

I spent the last couple of days with my daughter. She sent me home with a about 3 lbs. of organic, pasture raised baby back pork ribs. Heaven on a plate! I live in Foodland Ontario, which is a good thing because there's no online delivery services out here. Half the county is under glass. I have farmer friends who raise organic, pasture raised beef, pork, lamb and chicken. I'll be fine, as will my family and friends.

There is a large garden space on the north side of our property, which I could use as a vegetable garden. I can live without meat, if I have to I guess, but I'd really rather not.
Think about this for a moment, there are millions living in ghetto's throughout the world for whom are in a dire situation with this thing, yet we have farmers on national TV turning their milk out of tankers into drains because the market fell, and farmers turning their crops under because the market fell, and yet literally millions might starve to death in the world because of this thing/pandemic we are experiencing in the world ???????

Why are we not staging a humantarian aid plan (one in which would rival WWll), and send our help into the world if we are coping with this thing better than most who are in the world ? We could enlist our allies to join in with us if they can help also.

All I know is that destroying milk and crops is an evil thing in a situation like this. It's wrecklessness beyond ones imagination to see these people worry about their bottom lines instead of making some much needed contributions to the world if they can do it from an insulated standpoint. Don't expect for anyone to hurt their families by reaching out, but if they can help then help.

We should be dropping food around the world with our military if the all clear is given from nation's that need us.
I was about to post this. LOL
Then I saw yours.......

When meat processing facilities started shutting down because of the coronavirus pandemic, we were initially told not to worry because the facilities that were still operating normally would be able to make up the difference.

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This is the effect we told you idiots is going to happen and this has NOTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The economy has been taking for years they jus tput a band aid on it and now the scum bag whores known as democrats are having their money scams busted up and they don't like it. See how you bitches listen and believe these whores so much so you are willing to sink your own last free standing nation left you pathetic low life assholes!!


When your a leftist who is so low on the IQ charts you blame Trump just like little MSM tells you idiots too who are you idiots the same idiots who literally believe the shit posted about Trump that are so out there you know it'a lie just by the title.

Come over here and some low iQ asshole has it posted lmfao... Like Trump said drink lysol omfg you really are a retard to believe that ..

because of losers who dictate society and the idiots who follow htem like they are a God you all have the same mental issues
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STFU you idiot.
Paranoid delusional morons are annoying, arent they?
Meat plants opened back up today....we told you....the media is sensationalizing the news....The old soviet Unions Pravda would be so proud.....
Yes, the meat plants opened, but a problem did exist within them with this pandemic thing, a situation that could have led to a huge situation big time if not careful. Thank God Trump is acting in ways to keep things active, because if politics gets involved, then the sensationalism would be off the chain. I garanteee that sensationalism was involved at some point, because the left is looking for anything it can exploit, but Trump so far is beating them at their games.
Has the asswipePINO ordered Tyson to stop the exporting of their products immediately? We need to start repatriation of companies NOW!!!!!
Calm down, they all have a better view of the bigger picture than we do. If they don't then your words ring true, but surely they aren't that stupid. Have to trust a little in the leaderships working together in the world, otherwise meaning the ones that do and have always worked together. We'll be alright, but we have to stop the infighting or it's over for us right here, and our enemies within and without can't wait till we fall. Not ready to fall yet.
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I was told that food banks in Arizona are fumigating their citrus fruits. And they don't wash the chemicals off. And Nancy Pelosi has put into the stimulus bill that the low income students can receive lunch from their school during this pandemic.
To me that it looks like they are making sure that everyone get their daily dose of toxins. Keeping the public in poor health so that they can claim that they has the coronavirus.
I was told that food banks in Arizona are fumigating their citrus fruits. And they don't wash the chemicals off. And Nancy Pelosi has put into the stimulus bill that the low income students can receive lunch from their school during this pandemic.
To me that it looks like they are making sure that everyone get their daily dose of toxins. Keeping the public in poor health so that they can claim that they has the coronavirus.
If ya catch kill and grow most your own stuff you do not have that problem. About all I get at the store is milk coffee and sugar. Oh ya sandwich bags. Every once in a wile some pop. As far as the school lunch thing many would starve with out it. Wash your fruits. Your an idiot if you do not wash all your food. There is no conspiracy to kill you, just the normal danger which can be mitigated by using common sense like washing your food before you prepare it..
It's not just Tyson but JBS(?), Smithfield and others. Then the crop farmers are either not planting or turning the crops under and dairies are dumping the milk.

Things going to get rough
Sounds like things are getting ripe for government take over. Is it by design ?? Who knows at this point, but if it is by design, then they have finally pulled it off.

Not a government take over. A corporate take over. Many of the farmers who are going under, are small family farms run by multigenerational families who live on the land. Everything they have is tied up in their farms - land, buildings, equipment and livestock. When they go under, these farms are snapped up by multi-national corporations whose owners exploit tha land for profit and care little for environmentally sound land management practices. No crop rotation or natural replenishing of soil. Think 1930’s dust bowl.

Similar, small businesses aren’t getting government loans. The government is giving out 10 million dollar loans to franchise chains, while small family restaurants are closing.

As with the banking bailout, shareholders are getting big dividends, publically traded corporations are getting huge interest free capital loans meant for small business, and small businesses are going bankrupt.

At the end of this, you will have more corporate concentration, fewer small businesses owners and wages will go down as the workers fight for the few remain jobs.
Go suck on Justine's dick!
If you can find it.

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