Food supply chain is breaking...

Having lost the contents of my freezer more than once, I've learned that food in the freezer is for convenience, nothing more. It's not cost savings, buying on sale and stocking up because I'll never save enough to make up the thousands of dollars lost from power outages and freezer failures. It's not storage for the same reason; when they quit you have nothing except a pile of disgusting, smelly, trash.

Cans are good; seeds and a garden are, eventually, good. Grains and dry staples are good. And, perhaps most of all, the means to provide and clean or purify your own water is good.

I've always eaten canned good and haven't been happy as the canned food sections in the grocery store got smaller and smaller - especially favorites like canned fruits, etc., but the stores were simply responding to lowering demand. Now, all of a sudden, the world has figured out what I knew all along: canned foods are a critical part of a preparedness plan.

I hope they stay on the shelves long enough to get the nation through this.
It will be amusing to watch a bunch of food snobs realize they are stuck with canned food. This should be fun.

Stuck how? The smart ones will continue their preparedness after the crisis is over. Learn to eat the canned foods. Rotate their toilet paper but keep it replaced. Then, next time, a pandemic just gets a yawn.
Profiteers are scamming? I wonder what the capitalist racketeer asswipePINO will do about that?
does it hurt your head being this stupid?

in America things will get more expensive and fresh meat will become a luxury

in 3rd world countries many will starve

we need to open things up immediately
Yes, we should all head out....

This is bad news...Tyson food took out two full page ads explaining why their product will be scarce in the coming weeks...


"Tyson Foods executives said in a full-page ad published Sunday that the closure of food-processing plants due to the coronavirus is “breaking” the supply chain.

In a full-page ad published in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, board chairman John Tyson wrote that “the food supply chain is breaking," saying farmers will be left without anywhere to sell livestock and "millions of animals — chickens, pigs and cattle — will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities."

"There will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed," he added."

Those processing facilities that closed all happened at least a week ago, didn't they? Are they unable to test all the workers to determine who may have contracted it? It's got to be getting close to 14 days, isn't it, for some of these closures? What I am trying to say is, why can't they reopen with workers taking precautions like masks/social distancing measures like closed break rooms? No, they probably can't be 6 feet from each other, but if everyone is masked and not touching each other, it ought to be as safe as going to the grocery store, anyway.

I could be wrong, but these warnings seem to be based on the ridiculous proposition that they can't get back to work.
I could be wrong

Yeah think?
Profiteers are scamming? I wonder what the capitalist racketeer asswipePINO will do about that?
does it hurt your head being this stupid?

in America things will get more expensive and fresh meat will become a luxury

in 3rd world countries many will starve

we need to open things up immediately
Yes, we should all head out....

We will, you stay under your bed though.
Having lost the contents of my freezer more than once, I've learned that food in the freezer is for convenience, nothing more. It's not cost savings, buying on sale and stocking up because I'll never save enough to make up the thousands of dollars lost from power outages and freezer failures. It's not storage for the same reason; when they quit you have nothing except a pile of disgusting, smelly, trash.

Cans are good; seeds and a garden are, eventually, good. Grains and dry staples are good. And, perhaps most of all, the means to provide and clean or purify your own water is good.

I've always eaten canned good and haven't been happy as the canned food sections in the grocery store got smaller and smaller - especially favorites like canned fruits, etc., but the stores were simply responding to lowering demand. Now, all of a sudden, the world has figured out what I knew all along: canned foods are a critical part of a preparedness plan.

I hope they stay on the shelves long enough to get the nation through this.
It will be amusing to watch a bunch of food snobs realize they are stuck with canned food. This should be fun.

Stuck how? The smart ones will continue their preparedness after the crisis is over. Learn to eat the canned foods. Rotate their toilet paper but keep it replaced. Then, next time, a pandemic just gets a yawn.
Why do you need to rotate toilet paper?
Profiteers are scamming? I wonder what the capitalist racketeer asswipePINO will do about that?
does it hurt your head being this stupid?

in America things will get more expensive and fresh meat will become a luxury

in 3rd world countries many will starve

we need to open things up immediately
Yes, we should all head out....

We will, you stay under your bed though.
Let me know how that works out for you!
Profiteers are scamming? I wonder what the capitalist racketeer asswipePINO will do about that?
does it hurt your head being this stupid?

in America things will get more expensive and fresh meat will become a luxury

in 3rd world countries many will starve

we need to open things up immediately
Yes, we should all head out....

We will, you stay under your bed though.
Let me know how that works out for you!
Already did it and it's working out great!! In fact, no one where I Iive wears a stupid mask anymore. You just stay indoors where it's 'safe'...
This is bad news...Tyson food took out two full page ads explaining why their product will be scarce in the coming weeks...


"Tyson Foods executives said in a full-page ad published Sunday that the closure of food-processing plants due to the coronavirus is “breaking” the supply chain.

In a full-page ad published in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, board chairman John Tyson wrote that “the food supply chain is breaking," saying farmers will be left without anywhere to sell livestock and "millions of animals — chickens, pigs and cattle — will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities."

"There will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed," he added."

Isn't it just a way for free broadcast news advertising and hoarding to sell out their restaurant share it stored supplies instead of throwing them away, they get fake news to help them sell out.
Truth is: the 3 processing plants 2 pork 1 chicken will only affect 10-15% supply less then tbe closed or slow restaurant supplies wasted anyway.
So at the store you will only have 9 varied weights-priced of the same pork butt or Whole chicken instead of 10. Maybe one less brand choice of sausage nobody buys.
I think you tuna can hoarders will survive. Besides who the hell buys those terrible frozen chicken over priced bags of air Tyson puts out anyway?
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MSM trying to scare everyone, like with C19
jeus f christ....there's all kinds of food to eat
Profiteers are scamming? I wonder what the capitalist racketeer asswipePINO will do about that?
does it hurt your head being this stupid?

in America things will get more expensive and fresh meat will become a luxury

in 3rd world countries many will starve

we need to open things up immediately
Yes, we should all head out....

We will, you stay under your bed though.
Let me know how that works out for you!
Already did it and it's working out great!! In fact, no one where I Iive wears a stupid mask anymore. You just stay indoors where it's 'safe'...
Where do you live? I'll go first; Coronado, Ca.
Funny how old habits sometimes remain alive with unexpectedly good result.

For some 7 consecutive years I lived, by choice, in a place where local purchases of most foods were economically prohibitive.

Twice each year most people stocked up - filled the pantry with dry and canned groceries. Some who had a generator and a backup generator filled freezers, usually two, one with shipped-in beef, pork and chicken. The other with local game. Why twice? Once when the water opened in Spring to bring in those things that go best through the warmer months; again just before shipping closed, topping off the pantry with the more calorie-rich foods for winter.

If you looked closely you'd see that the annual purchases were a bit larger than seemed necessary. Old timers knew that there occasionally would come a situation where the two-shipment norm was not to be. Then local game and the little that could be grown locally would bridge the gap.

When I returned to "civilization" I didn't do that. Not immediately. But as I look at the pantry I realize that I had slowly done the pantry trick out of habit. Buying mostly meats when they were on sale and rotating the stock. Even now, I could get by for about 9 months without a shopping trip.

But what's wrong with it?

No backup generator. Oh, there is a generator but no backup for it. And yes, if the current hysteria continues the freezer will run off it when the power kcuts off. Which it will if the liberal plan for turning America into New Venezuela reaches fruition. Hence the need for the backup which I'll get this week before most people figure it out. As to the fuel? A couple of years worth of those kitty litter jugs holds months worth of diesel. But only the "proper" red ones - attractive to thieves - contain the mixture of sugar and diesel. It'll be easy to spot by the smoke who takes them.

And no, I don't count myself as "prepper". Just doing what became habit through experience.
Bible prophesy, right before our eyes.... in this order, pestilence, famine, war, death...

It also says we will be prevented from having or won't have, meat to eat.....hmmmm, time to reread those end time prophesies again!

And it predicts hyper inflation..... which could happen due to all the borrowing for this corona virus pestilence and national debt...

"A day's wage/work, for a loaf of bread"

Profiteers are scamming? I wonder what the capitalist racketeer asswipePINO will do about that?
does it hurt your head being this stupid?

in America things will get more expensive and fresh meat will become a luxury

in 3rd world countries many will starve

we need to open things up immediately
Yes, we should all head out....

We will, you stay under your bed though.
Let me know how that works out for you!
Already did it and it's working out great!! In fact, no one where I Iive wears a stupid mask anymore. You just stay indoors where it's 'safe'...
Where do you live? I'll go first; Coronado, Ca.
CA...In the mountains. Low population density. 0 coronavirus up here. It makes no sense to lock down whole geographic areas based on areas like NY, LA or SF where people live on top of one another. If I go to a metro area, I might consider wearing a mask, especially in areas like SF where filth abounds.
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Stuck how? The smart ones will continue their preparedness after the crisis is over. Learn to eat the canned foods. Rotate their toilet paper but keep it replaced. Then, next time, a pandemic just gets a yawn.
Why do you need to rotate toilet paper?

It doesn't last forever. But feel free to use yours LIFO. Your toilet paper, your butt, your choice.
This is bad news...Tyson food took out two full page ads explaining why their product will be scarce in the coming weeks...


"Tyson Foods executives said in a full-page ad published Sunday that the closure of food-processing plants due to the coronavirus is “breaking” the supply chain.

In a full-page ad published in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, board chairman John Tyson wrote that “the food supply chain is breaking," saying farmers will be left without anywhere to sell livestock and "millions of animals — chickens, pigs and cattle — will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities."

"There will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed," he added."

Those processing facilities that closed all happened at least a week ago, didn't they? Are they unable to test all the workers to determine who may have contracted it? It's got to be getting close to 14 days, isn't it, for some of these closures? What I am trying to say is, why can't they reopen with workers taking precautions like masks/social distancing measures like closed break rooms? No, they probably can't be 6 feet from each other, but if everyone is masked and not touching each other, it ought to be as safe as going to the grocery store, anyway.

I could be wrong, but these warnings seem to be based on the ridiculous proposition that they can't get back to work.
I could be wrong

Yeah think?
Not very helpful reply there. Why can't they?
It's not just Tyson but JBS(?), Smithfield and others. Then the crop farmers are either not planting or turning the crops under and dairies are dumping the milk.

Things going to get rough
Angel orders peeps today.
I'd have to build a chicken tractor to order peeps.
Wait..I know where one is..and it's not being used..hmm..

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