Food supply chain is breaking...

This is bad news...Tyson food took out two full page ads explaining why their product will be scarce in the coming weeks...


"Tyson Foods executives said in a full-page ad published Sunday that the closure of food-processing plants due to the coronavirus is “breaking” the supply chain.

In a full-page ad published in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, board chairman John Tyson wrote that “the food supply chain is breaking," saying farmers will be left without anywhere to sell livestock and "millions of animals — chickens, pigs and cattle — will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities."

"There will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed," he added."

I posted this about 2 days ago and DragonLady and a few other Mentally Ill Libs jumped on me and said I was full of shit.
The workers in these plants have sickened families and friends. There have been hundreds of deaths. Are you really asking these people to risk their lives for minimum wage?
I had not heard all that, Dragonlady, although the fact that they have sickened family members doesn't surprise me. Can you share a link or two?
This is bad news...Tyson food took out two full page ads explaining why their product will be scarce in the coming weeks...


"Tyson Foods executives said in a full-page ad published Sunday that the closure of food-processing plants due to the coronavirus is “breaking” the supply chain.

In a full-page ad published in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, board chairman John Tyson wrote that “the food supply chain is breaking," saying farmers will be left without anywhere to sell livestock and "millions of animals — chickens, pigs and cattle — will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities."

"There will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed," he added."

Those processing facilities that closed all happened at least a week ago, didn't they? Are they unable to test all the workers to determine who may have contracted it? It's got to be getting close to 14 days, isn't it, for some of these closures? What I am trying to say is, why can't they reopen with workers taking precautions like masks/social distancing measures like closed break rooms? No, they probably can't be 6 feet from each other, but if everyone is masked and not touching each other, it ought to be as safe as going to the grocery store, anyway.

I could be wrong, but these warnings seem to be based on the ridiculous proposition that they can't get back to work.

Hospitals still don’t have enough PPE’s and hospital workers are dying.

The workers in these plants have sickened families and friends. There have been hundreds of deaths. Are you really asking these people to risk their lives for minimum wage?

Would you do it?
Just in the large sanctuary shithole cities. Hospitals here are all doing well. Some Kansas City hospitals are actually sending supplies to the sanctuary shithole cities.
In her press conference today, our Governor reported we are still short on test kits. The government bought up a massive amount of the rapid tests and is distributing them to hot spots. That makes sense, but it's not us, so we lose. I wonder if the states where Tyson has had to close plants are having the same problem? Masks? Fuggetaboutit.

But with the information about homemade masks out there, even from the CDC, and knowing that even a homemade cloth mask protects OTHERS, I think it could be done. How is it more risky than doing your grocery shopping?
This is bad news...Tyson food took out two full page ads explaining why their product will be scarce in the coming weeks...


"Tyson Foods executives said in a full-page ad published Sunday that the closure of food-processing plants due to the coronavirus is “breaking” the supply chain.

In a full-page ad published in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, board chairman John Tyson wrote that “the food supply chain is breaking," saying farmers will be left without anywhere to sell livestock and "millions of animals — chickens, pigs and cattle — will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities."

"There will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed," he added."

Those processing facilities that closed all happened at least a week ago, didn't they? Are they unable to test all the workers to determine who may have contracted it? It's got to be getting close to 14 days, isn't it, for some of these closures? What I am trying to say is, why can't they reopen with workers taking precautions like masks/social distancing measures like closed break rooms? No, they probably can't be 6 feet from each other, but if everyone is masked and not touching each other, it ought to be as safe as going to the grocery store, anyway.

I could be wrong, but these warnings seem to be based on the ridiculous proposition that they can't get back to work.

Hospitals still don’t have enough PPE’s and hospital workers are dying.

The workers in these plants have sickened families and friends. There have been hundreds of deaths. Are you really asking these people to risk their lives for minimum wage?

Would you do it?
Just in the large sanctuary shithole cities. Hospitals here are all doing well. Some Kansas City hospitals are actually sending supplies to the sanctuary shithole cities.
In her press conference today, our Governor reported we are still short on test kits. The government bought up a massive amount of the rapid tests and is distributing them to hot spots. That makes sense, but it's not us, so we lose. I wonder if the states where Tyson has had to close plants are having the same problem? Masks? Fuggetaboutit.
Communism...Starve 100 to save 3 out of the 100.
I'm happy to say I can't stand processed chicken. They can all close down for all I care.
They're not talking about that shit you buy in a can. The processing plants butcher and package the chicken you buy at the store to take home and cook. Unless you mean you go out and kill your own chickens, the "processing" is what brings whole roasting chickens, chicken wings, chicken breasts and chicken parts to your meat counter.
This is bad news...Tyson food took out two full page ads explaining why their product will be scarce in the coming weeks...


"Tyson Foods executives said in a full-page ad published Sunday that the closure of food-processing plants due to the coronavirus is “breaking” the supply chain.

In a full-page ad published in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, board chairman John Tyson wrote that “the food supply chain is breaking," saying farmers will be left without anywhere to sell livestock and "millions of animals — chickens, pigs and cattle — will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities."

"There will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed," he added."

Those processing facilities that closed all happened at least a week ago, didn't they? Are they unable to test all the workers to determine who may have contracted it? It's got to be getting close to 14 days, isn't it, for some of these closures? What I am trying to say is, why can't they reopen with workers taking precautions like masks/social distancing measures like closed break rooms? No, they probably can't be 6 feet from each other, but if everyone is masked and not touching each other, it ought to be as safe as going to the grocery store, anyway.

I could be wrong, but these warnings seem to be based on the ridiculous proposition that they can't get back to work.

Hospitals still don’t have enough PPE’s and hospital workers are dying.

The workers in these plants have sickened families and friends. There have been hundreds of deaths. Are you really asking these people to risk their lives for minimum wage?

Would you do it?
Just in the large sanctuary shithole cities. Hospitals here are all doing well. Some Kansas City hospitals are actually sending supplies to the sanctuary shithole cities.
In her press conference today, our Governor reported we are still short on test kits. The government bought up a massive amount of the rapid tests and is distributing them to hot spots. That makes sense, but it's not us, so we lose. I wonder if the states where Tyson has had to close plants are having the same problem? Masks? Fuggetaboutit.
Communism...Starve 100 to save 3 out of the 100.
That is not worth responding to.
Having lost the contents of my freezer more than once, I've learned that food in the freezer is for convenience, nothing more. It's not cost savings, buying on sale and stocking up because I'll never save enough to make up the thousands of dollars lost from power outages and freezer failures. It's not storage for the same reason; when they quit you have nothing except a pile of disgusting, smelly, trash.

Cans are good; seeds and a garden are, eventually, good. Grains and dry staples are good. And, perhaps most of all, the means to provide and clean or purify your own water is good.

I've always eaten canned good and haven't been happy as the canned food sections in the grocery store got smaller and smaller - especially favorites like canned fruits, etc., but the stores were simply responding to lowering demand. Now, all of a sudden, the world has figured out what I knew all along: canned foods are a critical part of a preparedness plan.

I hope they stay on the shelves long enough to get the nation through this.
It will be amusing to watch a bunch of food snobs realize they are stuck with canned food. This should be fun.
This is bad news...Tyson food took out two full page ads explaining why their product will be scarce in the coming weeks...


"Tyson Foods executives said in a full-page ad published Sunday that the closure of food-processing plants due to the coronavirus is “breaking” the supply chain.

In a full-page ad published in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, board chairman John Tyson wrote that “the food supply chain is breaking," saying farmers will be left without anywhere to sell livestock and "millions of animals — chickens, pigs and cattle — will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities."

"There will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed," he added."

Those processing facilities that closed all happened at least a week ago, didn't they? Are they unable to test all the workers to determine who may have contracted it? It's got to be getting close to 14 days, isn't it, for some of these closures? What I am trying to say is, why can't they reopen with workers taking precautions like masks/social distancing measures like closed break rooms? No, they probably can't be 6 feet from each other, but if everyone is masked and not touching each other, it ought to be as safe as going to the grocery store, anyway.

I could be wrong, but these warnings seem to be based on the ridiculous proposition that they can't get back to work.

Hospitals still don’t have enough PPE’s and hospital workers are dying.

The workers in these plants have sickened families and friends. There have been hundreds of deaths. Are you really asking these people to risk their lives for minimum wage?

Would you do it?
Just in the large sanctuary shithole cities. Hospitals here are all doing well. Some Kansas City hospitals are actually sending supplies to the sanctuary shithole cities.
In her press conference today, our Governor reported we are still short on test kits. The government bought up a massive amount of the rapid tests and is distributing them to hot spots. That makes sense, but it's not us, so we lose. I wonder if the states where Tyson has had to close plants are having the same problem? Masks? Fuggetaboutit.
Communism...Starve 100 to save 3 out of the 100.
That is not worth responding to.
You never were good at responding to anything.
Wow, it's hitting the fan for real. This might fix a lot of those picky eater types.
I can see the covid excuse being used as a weapon to shut down businesses.
I mean it already is, but moreso, even. Just a phonecall about covid and Badda Boop! Closed business.
This is bad news...Tyson food took out two full page ads explaining why their product will be scarce in the coming weeks...
That's OK. I can live straight meat and potatoes, I can live strict veggie, I can hunt, live on berries, candy, MREs, bread and water, whatever. I'm a survivor.
Only the pussies on the Left will suffer. It is THEIR shutdown, after all.
Yep, seems some forget humans are omnivores.
The workers in these plants have sickened families and friends. There have been hundreds of deaths. Are you really asking these people to risk their lives for minimum wage?
I had not heard all that, Dragonlady, although the fact that they have sickened family members doesn't surprise me. Can you share a link or two?

many meat processing facilities are having a problem getting people to work because of covid fears and even actual cases; some workers are not showing up & this is exacerbating the problem

this, along with the damage being done to our energy sector, is what concerns me more than anything else

we are set up amazingly well for mass production & volume; but are handcuffed insofar as flexibility
This is bad news...Tyson food took out two full page ads explaining why their product will be scarce in the coming weeks...


"Tyson Foods executives said in a full-page ad published Sunday that the closure of food-processing plants due to the coronavirus is “breaking” the supply chain.

In a full-page ad published in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, board chairman John Tyson wrote that “the food supply chain is breaking," saying farmers will be left without anywhere to sell livestock and "millions of animals — chickens, pigs and cattle — will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities."

"There will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed," he added."

Those processing facilities that closed all happened at least a week ago, didn't they? Are they unable to test all the workers to determine who may have contracted it? It's got to be getting close to 14 days, isn't it, for some of these closures? What I am trying to say is, why can't they reopen with workers taking precautions like masks/social distancing measures like closed break rooms? No, they probably can't be 6 feet from each other, but if everyone is masked and not touching each other, it ought to be as safe as going to the grocery store, anyway.

I could be wrong, but these warnings seem to be based on the ridiculous proposition that they can't get back to work.

Hospitals still don’t have enough PPE’s and hospital workers are dying.

The workers in these plants have sickened families and friends. There have been hundreds of deaths. Are you really asking these people to risk their lives for minimum wage?

Would you do it?

A lot of these meat packing plants do not pay minimum wage and pay above that in most cases.

Also you should stop spreading fear and lies like you do because you have no clue what is going on and just spewing your damn opinion.

In many cases the Hospital System across this country never hit it maximum capacity and a lot of cases nurses saw their hours cut or laid off...

Finally, the reality is a good amount of people already have caught this virus and have gotten over it and if testing were done on everyone we would know the real total but let me be clear those like you would hate that because then it would defeat your agenda of crushing America Economy...
Having lost the contents of my freezer more than once, I've learned that food in the freezer is for convenience, nothing more.

This episode is from Roald Dahl's tv show.

I'm a movie fan and a classic movie fan of Alfred Hitchcock. One episode was written by Roald Dahl. Through one of his tv shows, I learned how to use a frozen leg of lamb as a weapon and then have the evidence destroyed haha.
This is bad news...Tyson food took out two full page ads explaining why their product will be scarce in the coming weeks...


"Tyson Foods executives said in a full-page ad published Sunday that the closure of food-processing plants due to the coronavirus is “breaking” the supply chain.

In a full-page ad published in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, board chairman John Tyson wrote that “the food supply chain is breaking," saying farmers will be left without anywhere to sell livestock and "millions of animals — chickens, pigs and cattle — will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities."

"There will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed," he added."

Those processing facilities that closed all happened at least a week ago, didn't they? Are they unable to test all the workers to determine who may have contracted it? It's got to be getting close to 14 days, isn't it, for some of these closures? What I am trying to say is, why can't they reopen with workers taking precautions like masks/social distancing measures like closed break rooms? No, they probably can't be 6 feet from each other, but if everyone is masked and not touching each other, it ought to be as safe as going to the grocery store, anyway.

I could be wrong, but these warnings seem to be based on the ridiculous proposition that they can't get back to work.

Hospitals still don’t have enough PPE’s and hospital workers are dying.

The workers in these plants have sickened families and friends. There have been hundreds of deaths. Are you really asking these people to risk their lives for minimum wage?

Would you do it?
Just in the large sanctuary shithole cities. Hospitals here are all doing well. Some Kansas City hospitals are actually sending supplies to the sanctuary shithole cities.
In her press conference today, our Governor reported we are still short on test kits. The government bought up a massive amount of the rapid tests and is distributing them to hot spots. That makes sense, but it's not us, so we lose. I wonder if the states where Tyson has had to close plants are having the same problem? Masks? Fuggetaboutit.

But with the information about homemade masks out there, even from the CDC, and knowing that even a homemade cloth mask protects OTHERS, I think it could be done. How is it more risky than doing your grocery shopping?

You think I am joking but just buy a burqa... I am not kidding and until it is over wear that and if anyone give you crap tell then it is that or I cough on you...

State Prisons should help with making masks until we get production rolling here and what is the damn reason why we are not making the masks here?
This is bad news...Tyson food took out two full page ads explaining why their product will be scarce in the coming weeks...


"Tyson Foods executives said in a full-page ad published Sunday that the closure of food-processing plants due to the coronavirus is “breaking” the supply chain.

In a full-page ad published in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, board chairman John Tyson wrote that “the food supply chain is breaking," saying farmers will be left without anywhere to sell livestock and "millions of animals — chickens, pigs and cattle — will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities."

"There will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed," he added."

Those processing facilities that closed all happened at least a week ago, didn't they? Are they unable to test all the workers to determine who may have contracted it? It's got to be getting close to 14 days, isn't it, for some of these closures? What I am trying to say is, why can't they reopen with workers taking precautions like masks/social distancing measures like closed break rooms? No, they probably can't be 6 feet from each other, but if everyone is masked and not touching each other, it ought to be as safe as going to the grocery store, anyway.

I could be wrong, but these warnings seem to be based on the ridiculous proposition that they can't get back to work.

Hospitals still don’t have enough PPE’s and hospital workers are dying.

The workers in these plants have sickened families and friends. There have been hundreds of deaths. Are you really asking these people to risk their lives for minimum wage?

Would you do it?
Just in the large sanctuary shithole cities. Hospitals here are all doing well. Some Kansas City hospitals are actually sending supplies to the sanctuary shithole cities.
In her press conference today, our Governor reported we are still short on test kits. The government bought up a massive amount of the rapid tests and is distributing them to hot spots. That makes sense, but it's not us, so we lose. I wonder if the states where Tyson has had to close plants are having the same problem? Masks? Fuggetaboutit.

But with the information about homemade masks out there, even from the CDC, and knowing that even a homemade cloth mask protects OTHERS, I think it could be done. How is it more risky than doing your grocery shopping?

You think I am joking but just buy a burqa... I am not kidding and until it is over wear that and if anyone give you crap tell then it is that or I cough on you...

State Prisons should help with making masks until we get production rolling here and what is the damn reason why we are not making the masks here?
It depends if they're set up with sewing machines, doesn't it? The prison where my son works is operating one of its industries 24/7 producing nothing but hand sanitizer.

From what I've read, we ARE making masks here, but every blessed one of them is going to front line workers and health care facilities. I've emailed the Governor about that, suggesting the state find a way to start distributing (selling, if they want) masks to the people. But with nearly half our active cases being among healthcare workers, that ain't going to happen, and I don't blame her.
This is bad news...Tyson food took out two full page ads explaining why their product will be scarce in the coming weeks...


"Tyson Foods executives said in a full-page ad published Sunday that the closure of food-processing plants due to the coronavirus is “breaking” the supply chain.

In a full-page ad published in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, board chairman John Tyson wrote that “the food supply chain is breaking," saying farmers will be left without anywhere to sell livestock and "millions of animals — chickens, pigs and cattle — will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities."

"There will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed," he added."

Those processing facilities that closed all happened at least a week ago, didn't they? Are they unable to test all the workers to determine who may have contracted it? It's got to be getting close to 14 days, isn't it, for some of these closures? What I am trying to say is, why can't they reopen with workers taking precautions like masks/social distancing measures like closed break rooms? No, they probably can't be 6 feet from each other, but if everyone is masked and not touching each other, it ought to be as safe as going to the grocery store, anyway.

I could be wrong, but these warnings seem to be based on the ridiculous proposition that they can't get back to work.

Hospitals still don’t have enough PPE’s and hospital workers are dying.

The workers in these plants have sickened families and friends. There have been hundreds of deaths. Are you really asking these people to risk their lives for minimum wage?

Would you do it?
Just in the large sanctuary shithole cities. Hospitals here are all doing well. Some Kansas City hospitals are actually sending supplies to the sanctuary shithole cities.
In her press conference today, our Governor reported we are still short on test kits. The government bought up a massive amount of the rapid tests and is distributing them to hot spots. That makes sense, but it's not us, so we lose. I wonder if the states where Tyson has had to close plants are having the same problem? Masks? Fuggetaboutit.

But with the information about homemade masks out there, even from the CDC, and knowing that even a homemade cloth mask protects OTHERS, I think it could be done. How is it more risky than doing your grocery shopping?

You think I am joking but just buy a burqa... I am not kidding and until it is over wear that and if anyone give you crap tell then it is that or I cough on you...

State Prisons should help with making masks until we get production rolling here and what is the damn reason why we are not making the masks here?
It depends if they're set up with sewing machines, doesn't it? The prison where my son works is operating one of its industries 24/7 producing nothing but hand sanitizer.

From what I've read, we ARE making masks here, but every blessed one of them is going to front line workers and health care facilities. I've emailed the Governor about that, suggesting the state find a way to start distributing (selling, if they want) masks to the people. But with nearly half our active cases being among healthcare workers, that ain't going to happen, and I don't blame her.

With the size of the prison population across this country we can enlist the prisoners that are one year or less and pay them minimum wage to produce this product during this crisis.

No reason why we can not!

Also as for the meat supply our National Guard can step in and help if necessary and keep the food chain going during this period of time.

Oh, it is a damn emergency when food supplies run short and even though I live in a town with it own meat market and places to process the food people in large urban areas do not have this luxury...
The chain is being temporarily disrupted for a couple of months.
Pork prices remain steady, but beef is expected to put a hurt on for awhile.
I just got off the phone with K. C. Steak Company and got my usual preferred customer prices w/ free shipping.
I'm set up for the rest of Spring and most of summer: Sirloin craft burgers, boneless rib eye, center-cut Top Sirloin, and boneless Strip steak.
Kidd has it covered!
This is bad news...Tyson food took out two full page ads explaining why their product will be scarce in the coming weeks...


"Tyson Foods executives said in a full-page ad published Sunday that the closure of food-processing plants due to the coronavirus is “breaking” the supply chain.

In a full-page ad published in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, board chairman John Tyson wrote that “the food supply chain is breaking," saying farmers will be left without anywhere to sell livestock and "millions of animals — chickens, pigs and cattle — will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities."

"There will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed," he added."

I was about to post this. LOL
Then I saw yours.......

When meat processing facilities started shutting down because of the coronavirus pandemic, we were initially told not to worry because the facilities that were still operating normally would be able to make up the difference.

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This is the effect we told you idiots is going to happen and this has NOTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The economy has been taking for years they jus tput a band aid on it and now the scum bag whores known as democrats are having their money scams busted up and they don't like it. See how you bitches listen and believe these whores so much so you are willing to sink your own last free standing nation left you pathetic low life assholes!!


When your a leftist who is so low on the IQ charts you blame Trump just like little MSM tells you idiots too who are you idiots the same idiots who literally believe the shit posted about Trump that are so out there you know it'a lie just by the title.

Come over here and some low iQ asshole has it posted lmfao... Like Trump said drink lysol omfg you really are a retard to believe that ..

because of losers who dictate society and the idiots who follow htem like they are a God you all have the same mental issues
View attachment 328720

Republicans have held the House for 15 of the last 20 years, and 23 of the last 30 years. How do you figure they’re responsible for the worst practices of large Republican donors like Tyson Foods, or the Koch Brothers, who control 40% of the meat packing in the USA.

Both of these companies have seen multiple ICE raids, the most recent of which cleaned out 700 illegals employed by these two companies. Neither Koch Foods nor Tyson Foods was charged with hiring illegals.

To charge them, the government would have to prove that the companies knew they were hiring illegal aliens. I fully agree they broke the law and knew they were breaking the law but proving it in court is a difficult thing... The simple solution, eVerify, is blocked by both of the major parties. This is important because it has moved our entire food production industry into the same category as marijuana, meth, and prostitution - underground, outside of the law.

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