Footage shows teen driver appear to deliberately hit and kill retired police chief Andreas Probst

The kids need to go up on murder charges and no possibility of parole and if they are ever do get parole, never given the privilege to drive a vehicle. Disgusting pieces of crap, they are less than animals.
Only a life for a life. This was first degree murder
The kids need to go up on murder charges and no possibility of parole and if they are ever do get parole, never given the privilege to drive a vehicle. Disgusting pieces of crap, they are less than animals.

While I 100% agree every person in that car needs convicted of murder and spend if not their entire lives, a very long time in prison, I will once again note that we as a society have killed thousands and thousands of innocent people who have never done a thing to us.

One of the most violent countries in the world really shouldn't be surprised when the people are violent.
Now I don't know where the original video came from, but according to
B. Tatum he was a retired police officer and lost his life from it. Why isn't it blowing up in the news right now? Oh yeah because the alleged murders were black and the victim was white. Once again Tatum pounds the nail through the block of wood.

we as a society have killed thousands and thousands of innocent people who have never done a thing to us.

Yes, but thankfully, that is now a bit more difficult because of the overturning of Roe V Wade.

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