For all of you running to support Alec Baldwin, listen to this

Agreed as well.
Lots of people had knowledge as to what should be done, and could easily have done it.
But Baldwin is an actor, so does not have the expertise and should not be expected to have it.
if an actor is required to ride a horse, he should have the expertise to know how to ride one safely and not cause it to bolt into the crew. If he is required to enact a sword fight, he should have the expertise to avoid injuring his fellow actors in the scene. If he is required to stab someone in a scene, he should have the expertise to know whether he is holding a prop knife with a collapsing blade or a real one that will kill his fellow actor. If he is required to do a scene with a trained attack dog, he should be required to know how to avoid triggering the dog's attack training. In this case, Baldwin SHOULD HAVE HAD the most basic of all gun safety training, ie, to know if he is handling a hot vs cold gun.

Should I go on?
I don't get it all this back and forth BS between the left and the right. This isn't a political issue. Baldwin didn't purposely shoot and kill anyone. He didn't know the gun was loaded. It wasn't his job to check it.

You party loyalist need to put down you party BS, and use some common sense. And stop nip nicking irrelevant crap.
How would an actor be treated if he did a stabbing scene and sliced someone's throat open because he didn't check to see if the blade collapsed or not?
Sure, but who is negligent?
Seems like a whole lot of people, but not Baldwin.

It's going to be interesting seeing what happens in the future, now that multiple lefties on this board have stated that a man who picks up a gun without checking it, points it at an innocent person, pulls the trigger, and kills her isn't liable for anything.

I'm certainly not going to forget this, and I'll be sure to remind all of you what you said.
How would an actor be treated if he did a stabbing scene and sliced someone's throat open because he didn't check to see if the blade collapsed or not?

If it was an accident, then it's an accident. Period. End of friggin story.

Punishment should be for those who intentionally did something wrong, to teach them it's wrong. They know it's wrong and they do it anyways. Punish those people.
The F'n prop people are the ones responsible for the props. Not the actors, for pete's sakes.

I mean dayum, if you get your brakes fixed one day, and the next they fail and you kill someone, why the hell should the driver be blamed with the only thing he did was pay for the brake job.

This whole thing reeks of political loyalty to one side or the other. And it's got nothing to do with politics. You party loyalist are just trying to make it political.
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Sure, but who is negligent?
Seems like a whole lot of people, but not Baldwin.
How is that possible?

Baldwin was and is the producer. The producer, as you know, is responsible for everything.

The set was in chaos. That is the responsibility of the producer. That would be Baldwin, who is well known to have anger and rage issues.

He allowed the guns to not be secured in a safe when they were not being used for filming. That's another breach of protocol.

Instead of an armorer, it was an assistant director who handed the weapon to Baldwin and said that the gun was clear.

Baldwin was practicing "cross drawing" the gun and pointing it at the camera. Baldwin pulled the trigger.

Given that those are all known facts, how is Alec Baldwin NOT guilty of involuntary manslaughter?
Punishment should be for those in intentionally did something wrong, to teach them it's wrong. Not for people who already know something it wrong.

Interesting. So if someone who works at a gas station, let's say, forgets to turn off a pump, spills gas all over, then it ignites and kills five people, that person should face no consequences? They didn't intentionally do anything wrong, after all.
I can agree with that.
I would have ensured the gun was not loaded with anything but blanks, but it is unrealistic to expect Baldwin to know what to do.
He should have been trained or everything done for him.
He appeared in dozens of movies where guns were used. How did Baldwin NOT know what was proper protocol in the use of guns on a set?
Interesting. So if someone who works at a gas station, let's say, forgets to turn off a pump, spills gas all over, then it ignites and kills five people, that person should face no consequences? They didn't intentionally do anything wrong, after all.

That would be something like gross negligence. Because you can't forget to hang up the handle. Which turns the pump off. If you just lay it down, with the gas still pouring out of the nozzle, you have to know it's still pouring out of the nozzle. So using a little common sense here would show that this was intentional. Not an accident.

Next. This is too easy.
He appeared in dozens of movies where guns were used. How did Baldwin NOT know what was proper protocol in the use of guns on a set?

Proper protocal would be an actor not having the responsibility to check the props before using them in a scene.
Common sense people.
According to what? Some silly Hollywood rules? The law is a different matter entirely.

It's a prop gun.
The responsible person is the one who loaded the gun with real bullets. Holy friggin crap, does no one have any common sense now a days?

This BS cancel culture is whack.
Silly safety rules? Those silly safety rules are what have prevented a reoccurrence of the tragic death of Brandon Lee in 1993.
They do not supersede the laws, as many are pretending, particularly when a death is involved. It's those silly rules that remove the actual responsibility for gun handling away from the person holding the gun.
Silly safety rules? Those silly safety rules are what have prevented a reoccurrence of the tragic death of Brandon Lee in 1993.

So a million blanks are loaded into prop guns, with complete success, and so every prop gun needs to be checked, rechecked, then checked by someone else, who checks their check.

Have you people lost your friggin mind?
Producers do not enforce anything.
They usually are not on the set at all.
Not true.

Responsibilities of a Producer During Preproduction​

The producer is one of the first people to start working on a film. During pre-production, the producer works to gather investment and financing in the film.
In trying to sell the project, the producer assembles a small creative team to help package the pitch to production companies and studios. Along with a team of writers, the producer works to find a director (if one hasn’t been attached to the project already) and may reach out to a few big-name actors for the leading roles.
A successful producer will get the green light from a production company or studio, or manage to arrange financing from investors to launch the film or TV show.

Responsibilities of a Producer During Production​

As production gets under way, a producer’s responsibilities shift to include the following:
  • Work with the director to bring on key creative partners such as a cinematographer (director of photography), a production designer, casting agents.
  • Hire a line producer to put together a budget and schedule.
  • Offer advice and sign off on all major creative decisions.
  • Manage all logistics and business operations.
  • Supervise all aspects of physical production through the production staff.
  • Make sure production is on schedule and under budget.

Responsibilities of a Producer During Post-Production​

The producer makes the key decisions on marketing plans, including public relations, advertising, distribution, and release.
It's a prop gun.
The responsible person is the one who loaded the gun with real bullets. Holy friggin crap, does no one have any common sense now a days?

This BS cancel culture is whack.
It's a real gun, capable of killing someone, obviously. The responsible person is the person who pointed it and pulled the trigger. It is their responsibility to check if it's loaded or not. Many people sit in prison because they thought a gun was unloaded. This ridiculous double standard to defend a Hollywood jackass is where the common sense is missing.
If this were Charleton Heston, the demleftists would be attacking the 2A, drafting new gun laws and making political speeches daily. Their wacko voters would be protesting in every big city in America.
That is certainly 110% true.

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