For All You Entitlement Whites Who Believe America Is Only For You.

We could say what you do for the Ukraine, a damn near all white country, but you don't.

India split into at least 3 countries because of colonialism, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
In South Africa, whites still control the economy. You have proven your racism lady. That's not in question. I've interacted with people from all over the world too, and basically you don't have a clue.
India was more than three countries before the Brits and French conquered it. It also wasn’t overpopulated like it is now because the adult and infant mortality rates were very high. The Brits got rid of most of the diseases the killed off Indians right and left.

I don’t pay much attention the South Africa, but from what little I’ve read recently white are pretty much shut out of control of anything there now. Regardless of who’s in control now, things are looking pretty bad for South Africa right now.
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I am since I am black and you white racists are the ones commenting on black people like we all live in the ghetto, we all don't want to, go to school, work, raise families, that we are criminals who celebrate crime and violence and that we don't have a legiyt grievance, we're just blaming your punk white asses because we all have failed.

My advice says to show that all these assumptions are white racist bullshit and I am following it.
man you are a horrible racist get a job and try to b normal and productive
Maybe you should take your own advice.

If you're not white...........................................

"If you’re not from the ghetto, stop talking about ghetto lifestyles"
You'd think he would, but he is a bigot like Al Sharpton. He won't address black-on-black Chicago those shootings, the senseless violence, but he keeps making threads over and over again touching white supremacy. It is a joke that is not a thing anymore. We are dying out. It will be 2045, and he will still be going on about white supremacy.
You'd think he would, but he is a bigot like Al Sharpton. He won't address black-on-black Chicago those shootings, the senseless violence, but he keeps making threads over and over again touching white supremacy. It is a joke that is not a thing anymore. We are dying out. It will be 2045, and he will still be going on about white supremacy.
Victim mentality.
If I was not black, I would not post this stuff and open myself up from the crap I get from you inbred racist bastards. Why you retards actually think most black people agree with your racism shows that you have a severe mental disability. This is not about globalism and whites don't get to determine what this nation is going to be by themselves. Your white ass descends from illegal immigrants, you have no right to deny anyone else from coming here. You want to end poverty, END WHITE RACISM!

You spew that same shit every day. In different threads but, are you going to insult and thus use a bigoted term to him? Thus attack millions of people with autism in the process. You wouldn't like it if someone called you boy or the n-word but, you throw out ugly terms like that you wish you were, autistic you'd have a brain. I know many autistic people more intelligent than you! You owe their diverse community an apology! Inbred? Don't your people bang their cousins because they don't know daddy? You should take your masters and shove up your ass because you are an idiot! Grow up, man!
I think he's an inbred bubba that got paid to play a part.
crepitus is a crackling sound or sensation which can be detected on
physical examination of a BODY. It may be produced to fluid in lungs
or broken bones of arthritic bones----etc. It is NOT defined as eructation of gastrointestinal gas. Palpation of soft tissues or the abdomen many produce a crackling sound or sensation because of
the presence of gas in the tissues or in hollow viscus
crepitus is a crackling sound or sensation which can be detected on
physical examination of a BODY. It may be produced to fluid in lungs
or broken bones of arthritic bones----etc. It is NOT defined as eructation of gastrointestinal gas. Palpation of soft tissues or the abdomen many produce a crackling sound or sensation because of
the presence of gas in the tissues or in hollow viscus

I am since I am black and you white racists are the ones commenting on black people like we all live in the ghetto, we all don't want to, go to school, work, raise families, that we are criminals who celebrate crime and violence and that we don't have a legiyt grievance, we're just blaming your punk white asses because we all have failed.

My advice says to show that all these assumptions are white racist bullshit and I am following it.

You're not allowed to comment on white people because you're black.
Deal with it Sambo.
If I was not black, I would not post this stuff and open myself up from the crap I get from you inbred racist bastards. Why you retards actually think most black people agree with your racism shows that you have a severe mental disability. This is not about globalism and whites don't get to determine what this nation is going to be by themselves. Your white ass descends from illegal immigrants, you have no right to deny anyone else from coming here. You want to end poverty, END WHITE RACISM!

I love it when you blame whitey for your failures....
It makes you look weak.
Read your posts.

"Both the Nixon and Reagan administrators, with the support of the Burger and Rehnquist supreme courts executed two significant tasks to crush the promise embedded in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The first was to redefine what the movement was really "about" with centuries of oppression and brutality reduced to the harmless symbolism of a bus seat and water fountain."

Dr. Carol Anderson

Yet you cant seem to recall all the racist shit Joey Xiden did and said,instead you slobber all over his old decrepit johnson.
Suck away sambo,suck away.
Yet you cant seem to recall all the racist shit Joey Xiden did and said,instead you slobber all over his old decrepit johnson.
Suck away sambo,suck away.
I remember plenty, but I also remember he took orders from a black man for 8 years.Seems you want to ignore that in your gaslighting, honky,
South Africa?

Shut the fuck up you dumb ass racist bitch.

Whites fucked up that entire continent.

They ran off all the white farmers and the only thing you morons could grow were weeds.
Black S Africans are only capable of growing plot farms,anything bigger is beyond their ken.

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