For All You Entitlement Whites Who Believe America Is Only For You.

I love it when you blame whitey for your failures....
It makes you look weak.
Don't even try that shit white boy. You saltines try blaming us for everything, yet when we bring up the truth you want to try this shit. That might work on one of those punk ass Uncle Toms but I am not that. Documented history blames whitey cracker and you just have to face it.

Because if I have failed, you're even more of a failure.

They ran off all the white farmers and the only thing you morons could grow were weeds.
Black S Africans are only capable of growing plot farms,anything bigger is beyond their ken.
That's another lie.

Don't even try that shit white boy. You saltines try blaming us for everything, yet when we bring up the truth you want to try this shit. That might work on one of those punk ass Uncle Toms but I am not that. Documented history blames whitey cracker and you just have to face it.

Because if I have failed, you're even more of a failure.


I'm not blaming you for shit.
Other than your stupidity and you being the cause of high crime and murder rates.
Stop talking about whites,you aren't allowed since your black.
I am going to talk about your white asses until you do what it takes to rid the racism in your community. Your false equivalence don't play here white boy because I am talking about reality and the shit you say about blacks is fiction.
I am going to talk about your white asses until you do what it takes to rid the racism in your community. Your false equivalence don't play here white boy because I am talking about reality and the shit you say about blacks is fiction.

Holy Shit are you ever funny! :laughing0301:
The only time I think about you morons is when you post.
Then why did the blacks beg the farmers to come back?



Who We Represent

All our members are based in all the provinces of South Africa. Our membership comprises of Black (as defined in the Constitution) subsistence farmers, farmers on small pieces of land, farmers with a small turnover and small holders farmers in the Western Cape , Eastern Cape, Gauteng , Northern Cape, North West, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, Free State and Kwazulu Natal.
These members cut across women, youth, pensioners, people with disabilities and entrepreneurs. If you would like to become a member please download the application form here.

Objectives Of The Project

  • To Harness and nuture entrepreneurial flair and develop skills and establish Black commercial farmers in South Africa
  • To access land
  • To form collobaration with investors with the aim of developing successful black farmers
  • To grow the scarce and critical skills within the organisation

Stop reading that white racist bullshit.
A dem will do anything to gain power.
Even work with a dumbass kneegrow even though he hates them.
Everything you say about democrats is a projection. We see what republicans are trying to do now. You and those like you think blacks are stupid so you keep trying that party who freed the slave bullshit. You're the party that voted against voting rights a couple o months ago. You're the party that opposes police reorm because you like seeing blacks get killed. So go find some sellout or Uncle Tom to try your bullshit on, boy.
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View attachment 545810

Who We Represent

All our members are based in all the provinces of South Africa. Our membership comprises of Black (as defined in the Constitution) subsistence farmers, farmers on small pieces of land, farmers with a small turnover and small holders farmers in the Western Cape , Eastern Cape, Gauteng , Northern Cape, North West, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, Free State and Kwazulu Natal.
These members cut across women, youth, pensioners, people with disabilities and entrepreneurs. If you would like to become a member please download the application form here.

Objectives Of The Project

  • To Harness and nuture entrepreneurial flair and develop skills and establish Black commercial farmers in South Africa
  • To access land
  • To form collobaration with investors with the aim of developing successful black farmers
  • To grow the scarce and critical skills within the organisation

Stop reading that white racist bullshit.

Even when you get a bunch of em together they still fuck it pathetic is that!!!
Everything you say about democrats is a projection. We see what republicans are trying to do now. You and those like you think blacks are stupid so you keep trying that party who freed the slave bullshit. You're the party that voted against voting rights a couple o months ago. You're the party that opposes police reorm because you like seeing blacks get killed. So go find some sellout or Uncle Tom to try your bullshit on, boy.

We are the party who freed the slaves.
And no we voted to protect voting from criminal democrats.
You want to ban police and replace them with social workers so you can commit crime more easily. You're not fooling anyone with your bullshit.
I'm sure you saw the video of your brothers robbing a hair care joint and no one stopped them because black people.
You low rent mother fuckers are your own worst enemies.
Until you hoodrats fix your neighborhoods nothing is going to change.
I am since I am black and you white racists are the ones commenting on black people like we all live in the ghetto, we all don't want to, go to school, work, raise families, that we are criminals who celebrate crime and violence

Hi, IM2. My friend, why is it you choose to ignore that a President of the United States and his apparent Black Supremacy espousing "Girl Power" First Lady actively promoted Gun Violence, Community Violence, Community FEAR, hatred towards black or African-American women and girls...

.... All while willfully ignoring our Nation's THUGLIFE Child Care Public Health CRISIS many Obama White House guests vividly describe in public interviews or their female denigrating music?

Obama domestic violence.jpg


☮️♥️🇺🇸 EndHate2021
Don't even try that shit white boy. You saltines try blaming us for everything, yet when we bring up the truth you want to try this shit. That might work on one of those punk ass Uncle Toms but I am not that. Documented history blames whitey cracker and you just have to face it.

Because if I have failed, you're even more of a failure.

What is the “everything” you are being blamed for?
I am going to talk about your white asses until you do what it takes to rid the racism in your community. Your false equivalence don't play here white boy because I am talking about reality and the shit you say about blacks is fiction.
How do you supposed us non racists get rid of racism? That’s right, we can’t any more than you can. But you would have to start with yourself, you are in denial.
Morgan Freeman has nothing to do with this.
Neither does the asshole in the OP.
You start with the, "inbred racist bastards", then you rail against anyone who points out the same in you. It is a vicious negative whirlwind you create around yourself every day. And it accomplishes nothing.

Your ancestors had a legitimate grievance. And had that grievance not been addressed and corrected, and you were a slave today, you would have a legit grievance as well. You do not. You and I have the same rights. Unless I forced you to get up at dawn and go pick cotton, you have no grievance against me. And I have none against you. You do not owe me your labor and I do not owe you my money.

If you can't find anything better to do with a master's degree, then you aren't trying. If all you can do all damn day is tell us how much you hate white people then what a waste of an education, and a life.

Ask God to remove the bitterness in your heart and go take a walk in the sunshine, IM2. Go show some poor oppressed black kids how to be black and get a master's degree. Get them to embrace these 3 points and already you have shown them a path to a more prosperous future:
1. Stay in school.
2. Get and keep a job.
3. Don't have children out of wedlock.
IM2 You've had a very successful life in America that you would not have had if you lived in your "homeland". So what has America not given you?

That may not be the case. So just stop trying to tell me how I should be grateful for the racism have faced from whites.

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