For Any Agenda Where the Left and Right Disagree Name One the Left Are on the Side of Biblical Values

Calypos Jones I most certainly do. and you can find it yourself if you know how to use a search engine. I KNOW FIRST HAND.

John Edgar Slow Horses: And you continue to lie and demonstrate ignorance.
you exhibit obtuseness in refusing to ignore the truth. Go ahead. Expose your own children to this filth and see where it gets you.
It's not in the Bible but taxation is legal and the Constitution backs it up.
/---/ I love it when pagans talk about Biblical things they know nothing about.
They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's. - Matthew 22:20-22 (KJV)
Christianity had some to do with the fall of the Roman Empire, as did the Romans beming more open and accepting to other cultures, and allowing them to become Roman citizens. Much like we're doing with the horde of illegals coming across the southern border. Romans became fat, bloated, lazy, and more tolerant of other cultures, much like we have.

I was brought up in a Christ-believing atmosphere, but I do have respect for the pre-Christian era of Rome. They ran a tight ship and knew how to deal with any resistance. The Roman Empire at the height of their power didn't fuck around. They had no qualms about lining the roads leading into Rome with the crucified bodies of anyone and everyone who threatened the sovereignty of their domain.

The American empire on the other hand, has just about ran its course.
The Road to Perdition Is Patrician

Our hereditary ruling class's historians will never tell the truth about the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. So, as long as we take these hireling writers seriously, we will slip away for the same reason.
you exhibit obtuseness in refusing to ignore the truth. Go ahead. Expose your own children to this filth and see where it gets you.
The truth exposes you, that you sit on a throne of lies. No pronoun, no banned book, no drag queen shot anyone this month.

Your priorities are pranged.
/---/ I love it when pagans talk about Biblical things they know nothing about.
They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's. - Matthew 22:20-22 (KJV)
In other words

Pay your taxes and shut up
So you’re now trolling your own thread. See what I mean about you having your mind to change??? Keep digging yourself in deeper.

He did say that, in order to be His follower that you had to sell everything you own and give the money to the poor and trust on others to provide for you.

He also said that money is Cesar is not yours. Render unto Caesar, thst which is Ceasar’s.

Jesus was very apolitical. But he had no use for a rich assholes whatsoever, nor did he have any use for the Pharisees and leaders of the Jewish faith for co-opting with the Romans, and ignoring their service to God.

Jesus warned us not to believe church leaders, in the pockets of policticians. They are working for earthly power and wealth.
Jesus Was the First Protestant
I trust Jack. He’s not a bullshitter, that would be Trump. Think he’ll testify in his own defense? He doesn’t have to, of course, but that would seem stupid, considering he talks about the case all the time at rallies and whatever he says can be used in a court of law. I assume they informed him of that at the arrangement.
Jack's your best friend? How is it he deserves your trust?
Feeding the poor….Democrats
The right is of course all about that, just through more efficient and successful means. Like catholic charities and other organizations along with kind, generous, compassionate people.

Conservatives give to charity far more than leftists.
Healing the sick……Democrats
See above.

You’re full of hatred and in a bubble if you think the right doesn’t want or do those things. We just want to do it better than through corrupt, wasteful government programs. You big-state totalitarians are horrible at helping those in need.. you waste so much.
The right is all about that, just through more efficient and successful means through catholic charities and other organizations and kind people.

See above.

You’re full of hatred if you think the right doesn’t want or do those things. We just want to do it better than through corrupt, wasteful government programs

You think charities are not corrupt?

You’re full of hatred if you think the right doesn’t want or do those things. We just want to do it better than through corrupt, wasteful government programs
No one’s stopping you and donations are tax deductible. If the right is so much more competent than government, the issue should have been settled long before the federal government got involved in providing a safety net.
You think charities are not corrupt?

It depends on which charity. There’s no monolith of “charities”. Like, the Clinton foundation was horrible. Catholic Charities is amazing.

However, I’d say most conservative charities are far more effective and efficient than the US government, which is awful.

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