For Any Agenda Where the Left and Right Disagree Name One the Left Are on the Side of Biblical Values

True that. Shooter said it better than anyone.


Nor did they advocate for cell phones, smallpox vaccines, schools, or hospitals.
Whenever one of these ersatz "Christians" (try to) use religion as a weapon, I start looking around for some kind of online lightning.

/———/ In the 50 years since that time, U.S. taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs and not much to show for it.

Plenty to show for it
Investment in urban enterprise, small business, education, job training. We have also provided food, shelter, healthcare to struggling Americans.

OK your turn, what have we gotten out of the $30 trillion we have invested in the military in the last 50 years?
Whenever one of these ersatz "Christians" (try to) use religion as a weapon, I start looking around for some kind of online lightning.

/——-/ I don’t like anyone who lumps members of a religion into one bunch.
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well fk we know the leftists don't give to charity, Dr. Peter Hotez won't take 2.62 million to his favorite charity to debate RFKjr on Joe Rogan's show. hahahahahahahahahahaaha you bastards show who you are all the fking time with shit like this. Give me a break fraud maker.
Many non-right donate to charity. We do all the time: money, clothes, food, kitchen ware, church, etc. What is wrong with you? We are all in this altogether.
Plenty to show for it
Investment in urban enterprise, small business, education, job training. We have also provided food, shelter, healthcare to struggling Americans.

OK your turn, what have we gotten out of the $30 trillion we have invested in the military in the last 50 years?
/——-/ A free nation where we protect our allies
That’s beside the point. If, as you say, the right is more competent, why did the government have to get involved in the first place?
Because they wanted to, who was going to stop them?

Do you think government needs a reason to gain power?
Also, the notion that poverty was caused by government programs is laughable.
Nobody said poverty was caused/invented by govt programs, but government programs caused, and continue to cause, a lot of poverty
Even Jesus acknowledged there was need and I believe he pre-dated the War on Poverty.
Need for what.. government programs?

No, he called for personal charity from one’s heart.. not forcing money from people with the threat of jailing
OK, Mr. Fiscus, you state and believe, I think, that " but government programs caused, and continue to cause, a lot of poverty."

Chapter and Verse with solid examples and solid sources.
/——-/ Your hindsight is 20/20. It’s an amazing power, don’t abuse it.
I said it before Iraq was invaded, and I said it Tora Bora.

As long as the enemy has sanctuary (Iran, North Vietnam, the rest of colonial America), an overseas enemy cannot win if the people will not lose.
Because they wanted to, who was going to stop them?

Do you think government needs a reason to gain power?

Nobody said poverty was caused/invented by govt programs, but government programs caused, and continue to cause, a lot of poverty

Need for what.. government programs?

No, he called for personal charity from one’s heart.. not forcing money from people with the threat of jailing
You’re not making any sense. If the right was as competent as you say, there would have been no need for government involvement. Considering there has always been poverty and could be much worse in the past, your thesis is suspect.
You’re not making any sense. If the right was as competent as you say, there would have been no need for government involvement.
LOL I don’t think big government stays out of anything. You think they have discernment? To that I would LMAO


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