For Any Agenda Where the Left and Right Disagree Name One the Left Are on the Side of Biblical Values

No one’s stopping you and donations are tax deductible. If the right is so much more competent than government, the issue should have been settled long before the federal government got involved in providing a safety net.
Poverty grew once massive programs were put into place. I don’t think it was about helping people, I think it was about control
Poverty grew once massive programs were put into place. I don’t think it was about helping people, I think it was about control
That’s beside the point. If, as you say, the right is more competent, why did the government have to get involved in the first place? Also, the notion that poverty was caused by government programs is laughable. Even Jesus acknowledged there was need and I believe he pre-dated the War on Poverty.
That’s beside the point. If, as you say, the right is more competent, why did the government have to get involved in the first place? Also, the notion that poverty was caused by government programs is laughable. Even Jesus acknowledged there was need and I believe he pre-dated the War on Poverty.
/——/ Well, smarter people than you think otherwise.
Poverty researcher Michael D. Tanner recently remarked, apropos of the War on Poverty and its programmatic legacies:

Throwing money at the problem has neither reduced poverty nor made the poor self-sufficient. Instead, government programs have torn at the social fabric of the country and been a significant factor in increasing out-of-wedlock births with all of their attendant problems. They have weakened the work ethic and contributed to rising crime rates. Most tragically of all, the pathologies they engender have been passed on from parent to child, from generation to generation.
It depends on which charity. There’s no monolith of “charities”. Like, the Clinton foundation was horrible. Catholic Charities is amazing.

However, I’d say most conservative charities are far more effective and efficient than the US government, which is awful.
You can say whatever you want on that, yet you are wrong when you do.
What's the big fuckin' deal about Biblical values? Just don't be a dick...
True that. Shooter said it better than anyone.


Neither Jesus H. Christ, nor any of His top disciples ever advocated government run social insurance programs.

Nor did they advocate for cell phones, smallpox vaccines, schools, or hospitals.
Dream on! :rolleyes-41:
it's what you've been doing for seven + years and you continue. Shit to the extent you trust the guy, when no one else has provided one iota worth of evidence. Yep you tag along for the ride further. I think after Trump's lawyers bring in the dossier hoax and the russia russia and show this for what it is a political smear of a presidential candidate, tossed baby!!!!
No one’s stopping you and donations are tax deductible. If the right is so much more competent than government, the issue should have been settled long before the federal government got involved in providing a safety net.
well fk we know the leftists don't give to charity, Dr. Peter Hotez won't take 2.62 million to his favorite charity to debate RFKjr on Joe Rogan's show. hahahahahahahahahahaaha you bastards show who you are all the fking time with shit like this. Give me a break fraud maker.
The Great Society was a success, and the Right has been whining ever since and writing failed history revisionism about it.
/----/Tis is your idea of success?
Just as many people are poor now as in 1964, single-parent households in the Black communities have skyrocketed. According to the Census Bureau from 1960 and 2013, African –American children who lived in single-parent homes more than doubled from 22% to 55%. The same research showed that white children from single-parent homes tripled from 7% to 22%.
/----/Tis is your idea of success?
Just as many people are poor now as in 1964, single-parent households in the Black communities have skyrocketed. According to the Census Bureau from 1960 and 2013, African –American children who lived in single-parent homes more than doubled from 22% to 55%. The same research showed that white children from single-parent homes tripled from 7% to 22%.
More Americans have electricity, running water, sanitary systems, access to healthcare


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