For anyone asking how Trump will force Mexico to build a wall

Thing is, a wall won't stop them and no politician in Washington has the balls to post armed guards or if said wall was built (it won't be) all they would do is watch drone footage as illegals toss carpet over the wire and run for it.

We already have armed guards, they are called the Border Patrol. It's your opinion a wall will not work, it's my opinion a wall will deter illegal immigration. This is why we have elections. Trump has promised to build a wall and if he is elected it will be built or he'll be a one-term president.
Thing is, a wall won't stop them and no politician in Washington has the balls to post armed guards or if said wall was built (it won't be) all they would do is watch drone footage as illegals toss carpet over the wire and run for it.

We already have armed guards, they are called the Border Patrol. It's your opinion a wall will not work, it's my opinion a wall will deter illegal immigration. This is why we have elections. Trump has promised to build a wall and if he is elected it will be built or he'll be a one-term president.

You made the case for the wall not working. Trump may build it before or after he grants the over 11 million amnesty in a different wrapper, but he will not enforce the laws. Went to Arizona awhile back. Been that way many times. On I10 you come to a check point. In my time on this earth, I have never seen anyone so unmotivated and demoralized as those border patrol officers were. They are only allowed to bust drug smugglers and people smugglers. They have to turn the illegals lose. Trump appreciates the value of illegals. They are cheap labor that will never complain about low pay. Trump is doing the same thing every president has done since illegals have been an issue which is jack shit. His wall and Mexico paying for it is nothing but a wet dream shared between him and his trumpkins. In about a year and a half he will blame congress for the wall not being built and here y'all will be complaining about it and defending him.
The El Presidente is already terrified Trump will destroy Mexico's economy.

Everyone is having a great time living off of America

Here's the deal... it's not a matter of who is or isn't afraid of Trump or who is or isn't having a great time living off of America... it's about economics. Mexico has no money. They sell stuff to us in order to feed themselves and they're barely able to do that. The main thing they sell us is oil. So Trump can say we'll just apply a tariff on the oil they sell us and that will pay for the wall but all that means is, the American consumer will be paying more for Mexican oil. In other words, our consumer base will pay for the wall... not Mexico.

Now... it doesn't really matter because the wall is very cheap compared to the value of the results. We're talking about trillions of dollars over just the next decade or so in savings from not having to provide essential services to illegal aliens. So who pays for the wall is really not relevant at all.

Sounds great unless Mexicans learn about that new invention. The ladder. That's a special tool that will allow them to go over the wall, but I'm sure they will never figure that out.

Well, the ladder is actually an ancient technology that is over 10,000 years old. Interestingly, it was never used as an excuse for China and Germany not to build walls. Even if the totalitarian regimes like those had banned ladders, they can be easily fashioned from vines and such. They also seem to work well for prisons or around important facilities like forts. Walls around prisons and forts have not become obsolete over the past 10k years due to the advent of the ladder.

Now... in many cases, the wall may also be accompanied by other security technologies, like armed guards with weapons... razor wire... patrolling drones... sensors and motion detectors... cameras the size of a penny... things like that which help the wall to be more effective in case some people utilize ancient technology such as ladders. I personally think modern technology will do the trick here but even back in ancient times they had ways to enhance the effectiveness of the wall... like moats filled with alligators and such. So I feel very confident we can figure out how to build a wall which works effectively to stop people from crossing our border illegally.

So, why not stop being a smug little smart ass and claiming this "sounds great...but"? Why not be honest and admit that you don't really want to stop illegal aliens from flooding in because you view them as future Democrat voters? If you were to do that, I would at least think... now there is a guy who isn't afraid to stand up for what he believes in.

Thing is, a wall won't stop them and no politician in Washington has the balls to post armed guards or if said wall was built (it won't be) all they would do is watch drone footage as illegals toss carpet over the wire and run for it.

It takes a REAL MAN, like Trump not to be afraid of the Constitution!
Yes, this could really damage Mexico's economy.

Congratulations on that, I guess.

They're not our enemy. Really.
Mexico damages its own economy by allowing unfettered access by Drug Lords to all things government.. Mexico knowingly imports criminals here in to the United States knowing Odumbo won't send them back..Drug trafficking alone from Mexico has thoroughly destroyed families, neighborhoods, killed...but yes, let's all feel sorry for Mexico..
Drug Trafficking in the United States

I admit that it is a terrible thing when Mexicans arrive at Americans' doors and put a gun to Americans' heads, and tell them, "Take our drugs, or else, hombre!"

That or just not say anything and shoot a woman in the face just because.
The El Presidente is already terrified Trump will destroy Mexico's economy.

Everyone is having a great time living off of America

Here's the deal... it's not a matter of who is or isn't afraid of Trump or who is or isn't having a great time living off of America... it's about economics. Mexico has no money. They sell stuff to us in order to feed themselves and they're barely able to do that. The main thing they sell us is oil. So Trump can say we'll just apply a tariff on the oil they sell us and that will pay for the wall but all that means is, the American consumer will be paying more for Mexican oil. In other words, our consumer base will pay for the wall... not Mexico.

Now... it doesn't really matter because the wall is very cheap compared to the value of the results. We're talking about trillions of dollars over just the next decade or so in savings from not having to provide essential services to illegal aliens. So who pays for the wall is really not relevant at all.

And about those tariffs on stuff. You mentioned oil, and that the cost would not be that great in the long run. Not getting after you here, but I believe you mentioned it wouldn't mean that much to YOU in the long run. Now about trump and his tariffs, he has tossed 45% around as a good starting point on companies that move out of the US. So what if he did that to oil from Mexico? Well, as it is now gas is about a buck ninty five. Pretty cheap after the age of three bucks a gallon. I drive a company vehicle very long distances. I work out doors all day and company policy at this point is no idling, not even for AC. That sucks for us because in Houston and deep east Texas with 100% humidity and a heat index of 107+ it's just tough. Now with say, a five percent tarrif on oil idling would not be an issue because they would take trucks out of the field and send techs home. Trump is being reckless by throwing terrifs around when he has zero intention of imposing them because if he did, all those low education voters he loves so much would turn on his ass in a New York minute because they would be the first to feel the pinch of any tarrif he puts in place. It's not just gas. A shit ton of our food is grown in Mexico not to mention our beef and poultry as well as dairy products. Drive an Auto mobile made by any of the big three? You ready for a 35% + tax on cars? Clothing? And those air conditioners he was talking about, how many people would be put out of work to offset the costs of those units in New or existing construction? See, this is where Trump has been given a pass by the media, and if Hillary is not to stupid from her brain damage she will open that can and all the Donald will do is say "it's an elegant plan, Mexico will pay for the wall, crooked Hillary is a crooked poopy head fart butt. And he will be smashed and stepped over by Hillary on her way to her one and only term in the White house before she stroke out or get tossed In prison.
Yes, this could really damage Mexico's economy.

Congratulations on that, I guess.

They're not our enemy. Really.
Mexico damages its own economy by allowing unfettered access by Drug Lords to all things government.. Mexico knowingly imports criminals here in to the United States knowing Odumbo won't send them back..Drug trafficking alone from Mexico has thoroughly destroyed families, neighborhoods, killed...but yes, let's all feel sorry for Mexico..
Drug Trafficking in the United States

Slaves and drugs ARE Mexico's economy.
The El Presidente is already terrified Trump will destroy Mexico's economy.

Everyone is having a great time living off of America

Here's the deal... it's not a matter of who is or isn't afraid of Trump or who is or isn't having a great time living off of America... it's about economics. Mexico has no money. They sell stuff to us in order to feed themselves and they're barely able to do that. The main thing they sell us is oil. So Trump can say we'll just apply a tariff on the oil they sell us and that will pay for the wall but all that means is, the American consumer will be paying more for Mexican oil. In other words, our consumer base will pay for the wall... not Mexico.

Now... it doesn't really matter because the wall is very cheap compared to the value of the results. We're talking about trillions of dollars over just the next decade or so in savings from not having to provide essential services to illegal aliens. So who pays for the wall is really not relevant at all.

And about those tariffs on stuff. You mentioned oil, and that the cost would not be that great in the long run. Not getting after you here, but I believe you mentioned it wouldn't mean that much to YOU in the long run. Now about trump and his tariffs, he has tossed 45% around as a good starting point on companies that move out of the US. So what if he did that to oil from Mexico? Well, as it is now gas is about a buck ninty five. Pretty cheap after the age of three bucks a gallon. I drive a company vehicle very long distances. I work out doors all day and company policy at this point is no idling, not even for AC. That sucks for us because in Houston and deep east Texas with 100% humidity and a heat index of 107+ it's just tough. Now with say, a five percent tarrif on oil idling would not be an issue because they would take trucks out of the field and send techs home. Trump is being reckless by throwing terrifs around when he has zero intention of imposing them because if he did, all those low education voters he loves so much would turn on his ass in a New York minute because they would be the first to feel the pinch of any tarrif he puts in place. It's not just gas. A shit ton of our food is grown in Mexico not to mention our beef and poultry as well as dairy products. Drive an Auto mobile made by any of the big three? You ready for a 35% + tax on cars? Clothing? And those air conditioners he was talking about, how many people would be put out of work to offset the costs of those units in New or existing construction? See, this is where Trump has been given a pass by the media, and if Hillary is not to stupid from her brain damage she will open that can and all the Donald will do is say "it's an elegant plan, Mexico will pay for the wall, crooked Hillary is a crooked poopy head fart butt. And he will be smashed and stepped over by Hillary on her way to her one and only term in the White house before she stroke out or get tossed In prison.

Well, I am not a Trumpbot so you have a problem with an argument here because I won't defend Trump's tariff plans.My point was, Mexico won't pay for the wall. However, we're talking about a small inconsequential amount.

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