For anyone asking how Trump will force Mexico to build a wall

The media says the El Presidente is afraid Trump will win

Drumpf is afraid of El Presidente. The “man” who “tells it like it is” waited until he got to Phoenix to talk about Mexico supposedly paying for the wall. Put another way, it was the most recent display of cowardice from the clown with the GOP nomination. The Mexican president told Drumpf to his face that they were not going to pay for it. That is called backbone.
Yes, this could really damage Mexico's economy.

Congratulations on that, I guess.

They're not our enemy. Really.

You’re forgetting that the goal with Drumpf supporters isn’t security; it’s winning and sticking it to the other guy. If they have brown skin; all the better.
Yes, this could really damage Mexico's economy. Congratulations on that, I guess. They're not our enemy. Really..
You’re forgetting that the goal with Drumpf supporters isn’t security; it’s winning and sticking it to the other guy. If they have brown skin; all the better.
Such is the behavior of partisan ideologues. Our priorities have become warped.
The El Presidente is already terrified Trump will destroy Mexico's economy.

Everyone is having a great time living off of America

Here's the deal... it's not a matter of who is or isn't afraid of Trump or who is or isn't having a great time living off of America... it's about economics. Mexico has no money. They sell stuff to us in order to feed themselves and they're barely able to do that. The main thing they sell us is oil. So Trump can say we'll just apply a tariff on the oil they sell us and that will pay for the wall but all that means is, the American consumer will be paying more for Mexican oil. In other words, our consumer base will pay for the wall... not Mexico.

Now... it doesn't really matter because the wall is very cheap compared to the value of the results. We're talking about trillions of dollars over just the next decade or so in savings from not having to provide essential services to illegal aliens. So who pays for the wall is really not relevant at all.

Sounds great unless Mexicans learn about that new invention. The ladder. That's a special tool that will allow them to go over the wall, but I'm sure they will never figure that out.
Uh huh, im sure there are millions of Mexicans who are going to carry a fucking ladder through the desert. A ladder for everyone! Dude, people are dying from not having enough water on the trip. So now you expect them to not only carry enough food, water and all their belongings, but now a ladder too? Some might do it, but it sure as fuck isnt going to be the norm. Do you know how much a 24-32 foot ladder weighs? They arent fucking light, and they kind of stand out when people are watching the wall with binoculars.

A wall isnt meant to stop every single person. Its meant to stop MOST people. Its simply one of many tools we use to prevent illegal immigration. Walls have been effective for thousands of years. Im not sure why you think the concept suddenly became useless in 2016.
The El Presidente is already terrified Trump will destroy Mexico's economy.

Everyone is having a great time living off of America

Here's the deal... it's not a matter of who is or isn't afraid of Trump or who is or isn't having a great time living off of America... it's about economics. Mexico has no money. They sell stuff to us in order to feed themselves and they're barely able to do that. The main thing they sell us is oil. So Trump can say we'll just apply a tariff on the oil they sell us and that will pay for the wall but all that means is, the American consumer will be paying more for Mexican oil. In other words, our consumer base will pay for the wall... not Mexico.

Now... it doesn't really matter because the wall is very cheap compared to the value of the results. We're talking about trillions of dollars over just the next decade or so in savings from not having to provide essential services to illegal aliens. So who pays for the wall is really not relevant at all.

Sounds great unless Mexicans learn about that new invention. The ladder. That's a special tool that will allow them to go over the wall, but I'm sure they will never figure that out.
Uh huh, im sure there are millions of Mexicans who are going to carry a fucking ladder through the desert. A ladder for everyone! Dude, people are dying from not having enough water on the trip. So now you expect them to not only carry enough food, water and all their belongings, but now a ladder too? Some might do it, but it sure as fuck isnt going to be the norm. Do you know how much a 24-32 foot ladder weighs? They arent fucking light, and they kind of stand out when people are watching the wall with binoculars.

A wall isnt meant to stop every single person. Its meant to stop MOST people. Its simply one of many tools we use to prevent illegal immigration. Walls have been effective for thousands of years. Im not sure why you think the concept suddenly became useless in 2016.

You could be right. They will NEVER think to take a ladder. Of course they know that the wall is there, and a ladder is the best way to get across, but I'm sure they will take several trips out there without a latter and then just give up. I am more impressed by right wing logic every day.
The El Presidente is already terrified Trump will destroy Mexico's economy.

Everyone is having a great time living off of America

Here's the deal... it's not a matter of who is or isn't afraid of Trump or who is or isn't having a great time living off of America... it's about economics. Mexico has no money. They sell stuff to us in order to feed themselves and they're barely able to do that. The main thing they sell us is oil. So Trump can say we'll just apply a tariff on the oil they sell us and that will pay for the wall but all that means is, the American consumer will be paying more for Mexican oil. In other words, our consumer base will pay for the wall... not Mexico.

Now... it doesn't really matter because the wall is very cheap compared to the value of the results. We're talking about trillions of dollars over just the next decade or so in savings from not having to provide essential services to illegal aliens. So who pays for the wall is really not relevant at all.

Sounds great unless Mexicans learn about that new invention. The ladder. That's a special tool that will allow them to go over the wall, but I'm sure they will never figure that out.
Uh huh, im sure there are millions of Mexicans who are going to carry a fucking ladder through the desert. A ladder for everyone! Dude, people are dying from not having enough water on the trip. So now you expect them to not only carry enough food, water and all their belongings, but now a ladder too? Some might do it, but it sure as fuck isnt going to be the norm. Do you know how much a 24-32 foot ladder weighs? They arent fucking light, and they kind of stand out when people are watching the wall with binoculars.

A wall isnt meant to stop every single person. Its meant to stop MOST people. Its simply one of many tools we use to prevent illegal immigration. Walls have been effective for thousands of years. Im not sure why you think the concept suddenly became useless in 2016.

You could be right. They will NEVER think to take a ladder. Of course they know that the wall is there, and a ladder is the best way to get across, but I'm sure they will take several trips out there without a latter and then just give up. I am more impressed by right wing logic every day.
Why would you think that? I sure as hell didnt say that. You need better reading comprehension, and your logic skills appear to be really terrible too.

The El Presidente is already terrified Trump will destroy Mexico's economy.

Everyone is having a great time living off of America
Exactly the same reason so many Americans are terrified of Trump.

Remember, he stiffs is workers.

He is against the first amendment.

He calls himself "The King of Debt"

He brings in illegals

He just paid a fine for bribery while running for president

So be afraid, be very afraid.
Yes, this could really damage Mexico's economy. Congratulations on that, I guess. They're not our enemy. Really..
You’re forgetting that the goal with Drumpf supporters isn’t security; it’s winning and sticking it to the other guy. If they have brown skin; all the better.
Such is the behavior of partisan ideologues. Our priorities have become warped.

I disagree.

Unless you want to say the partisanship is to Drumpf the man and not republican PARTY principles such as free trade, Christian principles, family values, personal responsibility.

Drumpf's enablers were just happy someone was comedic and validated their raunchy inner child. The comedian Lewis Black would have gotten the same number of votes and would have had the same simplistic way of explaining what he would have done (if he were interested in winning); “everything will be terrific” and would have had the same cluelessness on how to do that. Trump voters want someone other than Hillary
The El Presidente is already terrified Trump will destroy Mexico's economy.

Everyone is having a great time living off of America

Here's the deal... it's not a matter of who is or isn't afraid of Trump or who is or isn't having a great time living off of America... it's about economics. Mexico has no money. They sell stuff to us in order to feed themselves and they're barely able to do that. The main thing they sell us is oil. So Trump can say we'll just apply a tariff on the oil they sell us and that will pay for the wall but all that means is, the American consumer will be paying more for Mexican oil. In other words, our consumer base will pay for the wall... not Mexico.

Now... it doesn't really matter because the wall is very cheap compared to the value of the results. We're talking about trillions of dollars over just the next decade or so in savings from not having to provide essential services to illegal aliens. So who pays for the wall is really not relevant at all.

Sounds great unless Mexicans learn about that new invention. The ladder. That's a special tool that will allow them to go over the wall, but I'm sure they will never figure that out.
Uh huh, im sure there are millions of Mexicans who are going to carry a fucking ladder through the desert. A ladder for everyone! Dude, people are dying from not having enough water on the trip. So now you expect them to not only carry enough food, water and all their belongings, but now a ladder too? Some might do it, but it sure as fuck isnt going to be the norm. Do you know how much a 24-32 foot ladder weighs? They arent fucking light, and they kind of stand out when people are watching the wall with binoculars.

A wall isnt meant to stop every single person. Its meant to stop MOST people. Its simply one of many tools we use to prevent illegal immigration. Walls have been effective for thousands of years. Im not sure why you think the concept suddenly became useless in 2016.

You could be right. They will NEVER think to take a ladder. Of course they know that the wall is there, and a ladder is the best way to get across, but I'm sure they will take several trips out there without a latter and then just give up. I am more impressed by right wing logic every day.
Why would you think that? I sure as hell didnt say that. You need better reading comprehension, and your logic skills appear to be really terrible too.

You're the one who said carrying a ladder wasn't something they would do. What do you expect would happen? Do you really think they would trek across the desert without knowing how they would get past the wall that they are obviously aware of?
Yes, this could really damage Mexico's economy. Congratulations on that, I guess. They're not our enemy. Really..
You’re forgetting that the goal with Drumpf supporters isn’t security; it’s winning and sticking it to the other guy. If they have brown skin; all the better.
Such is the behavior of partisan ideologues. Our priorities have become warped.

I disagree.

Unless you want to say the partisanship is to Drumpf the man and not republican PARTY principles such as free trade, Christian principles, family values, personal responsibility.

Drumpf's enablers were just happy someone was comedic and validated their raunchy inner child. The comedian Lewis Black would have gotten the same number of votes and would have had the same simplistic way of explaining what he would have done (if he were interested in winning); “everything will be terrific” and would have had the same cluelessness on how to do that. Trump voters want someone other than Hillary
I don't think the two are mutually exclusive. The Trump phenomenon is an anomaly in terms of traditional liberalism vs. conservatism because he's so, uh, Trump.

But my point is that ideologues just want to WIN, to "stick it to the other guy", as you said. That's the highest priority, not the collateral damage that results.

The El Presidente is already terrified Trump will destroy Mexico's economy.

Everyone is having a great time living off of America

Mexico's economy is already fucked. That's why they all come here. Trump can't force Mexico to pay for shit. The Mexican president showed Trump his ass and has been all week and Trump is to stupid to realize it. His trip may have been a good photo op, but in the end it diddnt mean much. There will be no wall. He will fly a drone over the border and call that a wall just like his boss Mitch McConnell does.

The El Presidente is already terrified Trump will destroy Mexico's economy.

Everyone is having a great time living off of America

Mexico's economy is already fucked. That's why they all come here. Trump can't force Mexico to pay for shit. The Mexican president showed Trump his ass and has been all week and Trump is to stupid to realize it. His trip may have been a good photo op, but in the end it diddnt mean much. There will be no wall. He will fly a drone over the border and call that a wall just like his boss Mitch McConnell does.

All of this is nothing more than a huge Band-Aid™, avoiding the real problem: Why people are so desperate to escape that country.

We should be working closely with them to find a way to deal with that, not finding ways to punish the citizens of Mexico even more.

The El Presidente is already terrified Trump will destroy Mexico's economy.

Everyone is having a great time living off of America

Mexico's economy is already fucked. That's why they all come here. Trump can't force Mexico to pay for shit. The Mexican president showed Trump his ass and has been all week and Trump is to stupid to realize it. His trip may have been a good photo op, but in the end it diddnt mean much. There will be no wall. He will fly a drone over the border and call that a wall just like his boss Mitch McConnell does.

All of this is nothing more than a huge Band-Aid™, avoiding the real problem: Why people are so desperate to escape that country.

We should be working closely with them to find a way to deal with that, not finding ways to punish the citizens of Mexico even more.

Agreed. Even if Trump really planned to build a wall, it would never stop the illegals. That's why talk of a wall or whatever is nothing more then a lie offered as a a mall piece of red meat to pissed off Americans. Got to go way deeper then building a wall. For starters, even before the wall or wall lie is told he could have his IRS investigate all the fraudulent social security numbers they refuse to act on. That he or any president can do going right by Congress. Then he could campaign against every republican and Democrat during the midterms and get a friendly congress that would cut food stamps, AFDC, and EIC to all non citizens. Since parents are illegal, but the kids are not the kids can get the food stamps, but mom and dad can not. There go's a ton of incentives to come here illegally. They could also go real hard on businesses that employ illegals. First of fence $50,000 dollar fine. Second offense same fine, disqualified from any government contract for life and 90 days in jail. Third offense take away any tax breaks that are available to small businesses and suspend any eligibility for any federal loan for five years. If our political ruling class would do that then the wet backs would just go home. Now those parents with American kids should be barred from any bennifets until they become citizens. That includes getting a DL. After all that a wall would not be needed. The illegals would just stay in Mexico. To your point, maybe we help Mexico like we did with Pablo Escobar in Colombia. Help them arrest and kill every drug cartel leader, and do the same with corrupt politicians in that country. Help Mexico clean up its government. But our leaders never will. They are hooked on cheap labor, the war on drugs (which in my opinion was lost before itnstarted) and all the money that comes with it. Our government is as corrupt as Mexico's, just cleaner.
Yes, this could really damage Mexico's economy. Congratulations on that, I guess. They're not our enemy. Really..
You’re forgetting that the goal with Drumpf supporters isn’t security; it’s winning and sticking it to the other guy. If they have brown skin; all the better.
Such is the behavior of partisan ideologues. Our priorities have become warped.

I disagree.

Unless you want to say the partisanship is to Drumpf the man and not republican PARTY principles such as free trade, Christian principles, family values, personal responsibility.

Drumpf's enablers were just happy someone was comedic and validated their raunchy inner child. The comedian Lewis Black would have gotten the same number of votes and would have had the same simplistic way of explaining what he would have done (if he were interested in winning); “everything will be terrific” and would have had the same cluelessness on how to do that. Trump voters want someone other than Hillary
I don't think the two are mutually exclusive. The Trump phenomenon is an anomaly in terms of traditional liberalism vs. conservatism because he's so, uh, Trump.

But my point is that ideologues just want to WIN, to "stick it to the other guy", as you said. That's the highest priority, not the collateral damage that results.

I agree with you about ideologues. Winning is all that matters.

But let me ask you this. DO you think the Drumpf supporters would be any less caustic if the opponent in November were someone like Rand Paul or Ted Cruz whom politically they may agree with but whom they personally may loathe? I don’t. You saw the hatchet job they did on Cruz. Paul short-circuited before they let loose on him but they’d be doing the same thing. They’re not ideologues, they’re not interested in who would be better for America; just winning and of course sticking it to the other guy.

The El Presidente is already terrified Trump will destroy Mexico's economy.

Everyone is having a great time living off of America

Mexico's economy is already fucked. That's why they all come here. Trump can't force Mexico to pay for shit. The Mexican president showed Trump his ass and has been all week and Trump is to stupid to realize it. His trip may have been a good photo op, but in the end it diddnt mean much. There will be no wall. He will fly a drone over the border and call that a wall just like his boss Mitch McConnell does.

All of this is nothing more than a huge Band-Aid™, avoiding the real problem: Why people are so desperate to escape that country.

We should be working closely with them to find a way to deal with that, not finding ways to punish the citizens of Mexico even more.

Agreed. Even if Trump really planned to build a wall, it would never stop the illegals. That's why talk of a wall or whatever is nothing more then a lie offered as a a mall piece of red meat to pissed off Americans. Got to go way deeper then building a wall. For starters, even before the wall or wall lie is told he could have his IRS investigate all the fraudulent social security numbers they refuse to act on. That he or any president can do going right by Congress. Then he could campaign against every republican and Democrat during the midterms and get a friendly congress that would cut food stamps, AFDC, and EIC to all non citizens. Since parents are illegal, but the kids are not the kids can get the food stamps, but mom and dad can not. There go's a ton of incentives to come here illegally. They could also go real hard on businesses that employ illegals. First of fence $50,000 dollar fine. Second offense same fine, disqualified from any government contract for life and 90 days in jail. Third offense take away any tax breaks that are available to small businesses and suspend any eligibility for any federal loan for five years. If our political ruling class would do that then the wet backs would just go home. Now those parents with American kids should be barred from any bennifets until they become citizens. That includes getting a DL. After all that a wall would not be needed. The illegals would just stay in Mexico. To your point, maybe we help Mexico like we did with Pablo Escobar in Colombia. Help them arrest and kill every drug cartel leader, and do the same with corrupt politicians in that country. Help Mexico clean up its government. But our leaders never will. They are hooked on cheap labor, the war on drugs (which in my opinion was lost before itnstarted) and all the money that comes with it. Our government is as corrupt as Mexico's, just cleaner.

When we avoid doing the obvious to address a big problem, there have to be a few snakes in the pit.
You're the one who said carrying a ladder wasn't something they would do.
Nope, never said that. Quit trying to fabricate arguments. Either address what i said, or go kick rocks.
Yes, this could really damage Mexico's economy. Congratulations on that, I guess. They're not our enemy. Really..
You’re forgetting that the goal with Drumpf supporters isn’t security; it’s winning and sticking it to the other guy. If they have brown skin; all the better.
Such is the behavior of partisan ideologues. Our priorities have become warped.

I disagree.

Unless you want to say the partisanship is to Drumpf the man and not republican PARTY principles such as free trade, Christian principles, family values, personal responsibility.

Drumpf's enablers were just happy someone was comedic and validated their raunchy inner child. The comedian Lewis Black would have gotten the same number of votes and would have had the same simplistic way of explaining what he would have done (if he were interested in winning); “everything will be terrific” and would have had the same cluelessness on how to do that. Trump voters want someone other than Hillary
I don't think the two are mutually exclusive. The Trump phenomenon is an anomaly in terms of traditional liberalism vs. conservatism because he's so, uh, Trump.

But my point is that ideologues just want to WIN, to "stick it to the other guy", as you said. That's the highest priority, not the collateral damage that results.

I agree with you about ideologues. Winning is all that matters.

But let me ask you this. DO you think the Drumpf supporters would be any less caustic if the opponent in November were someone like Rand Paul or Ted Cruz whom politically they may agree with but whom they personally may loathe? I don’t. You saw the hatchet job they did on Cruz. Paul short-circuited before they let loose on him but they’d be doing the same thing. They’re not ideologues, they’re not interested in who would be better for America; just winning and of course sticking it to the other guy.
I guess it depends on the use of the term "ideologue".

This winning-over-what-just-makes-things-better disease has afflicted us everywhere.
Yes, this could really damage Mexico's economy. Congratulations on that, I guess. They're not our enemy. Really..
You’re forgetting that the goal with Drumpf supporters isn’t security; it’s winning and sticking it to the other guy. If they have brown skin; all the better.
Such is the behavior of partisan ideologues. Our priorities have become warped.

I disagree.

Unless you want to say the partisanship is to Drumpf the man and not republican PARTY principles such as free trade, Christian principles, family values, personal responsibility.

Drumpf's enablers were just happy someone was comedic and validated their raunchy inner child. The comedian Lewis Black would have gotten the same number of votes and would have had the same simplistic way of explaining what he would have done (if he were interested in winning); “everything will be terrific” and would have had the same cluelessness on how to do that. Trump voters want someone other than Hillary
I don't think the two are mutually exclusive. The Trump phenomenon is an anomaly in terms of traditional liberalism vs. conservatism because he's so, uh, Trump.

But my point is that ideologues just want to WIN, to "stick it to the other guy", as you said. That's the highest priority, not the collateral damage that results.

I agree with you about ideologues. Winning is all that matters.

But let me ask you this. DO you think the Drumpf supporters would be any less caustic if the opponent in November were someone like Rand Paul or Ted Cruz whom politically they may agree with but whom they personally may loathe? I don’t. You saw the hatchet job they did on Cruz. Paul short-circuited before they let loose on him but they’d be doing the same thing. They’re not ideologues, they’re not interested in who would be better for America; just winning and of course sticking it to the other guy.

Paul and Cruz were politically hit. Carson and Huckaboo were there to help trump get in. Huckaboo has a looooooooooooooooooong history with Drumphf, his daughter was working for Trump way before the campaign began and those two were nothing but Trumps water boys all through the primary. Trumpkins regret their choice now, but when Drumphf go's full liberal in the White house they will cry a ton. I can't wait.
The El Presidente is already terrified Trump will destroy Mexico's economy.

Everyone is having a great time living off of America

Here's the deal... it's not a matter of who is or isn't afraid of Trump or who is or isn't having a great time living off of America... it's about economics. Mexico has no money. They sell stuff to us in order to feed themselves and they're barely able to do that. The main thing they sell us is oil. So Trump can say we'll just apply a tariff on the oil they sell us and that will pay for the wall but all that means is, the American consumer will be paying more for Mexican oil. In other words, our consumer base will pay for the wall... not Mexico.

Now... it doesn't really matter because the wall is very cheap compared to the value of the results. We're talking about trillions of dollars over just the next decade or so in savings from not having to provide essential services to illegal aliens. So who pays for the wall is really not relevant at all.

Sounds great unless Mexicans learn about that new invention. The ladder. That's a special tool that will allow them to go over the wall, but I'm sure they will never figure that out.

Well, the ladder is actually an ancient technology that is over 10,000 years old. Interestingly, it was never used as an excuse for China and Germany not to build walls. Even if the totalitarian regimes like those had banned ladders, they can be easily fashioned from vines and such. They also seem to work well for prisons or around important facilities like forts. Walls around prisons and forts have not become obsolete over the past 10k years due to the advent of the ladder.

Now... in many cases, the wall may also be accompanied by other security technologies, like armed guards with weapons... razor wire... patrolling drones... sensors and motion detectors... cameras the size of a penny... things like that which help the wall to be more effective in case some people utilize ancient technology such as ladders. I personally think modern technology will do the trick here but even back in ancient times they had ways to enhance the effectiveness of the wall... like moats filled with alligators and such. So I feel very confident we can figure out how to build a wall which works effectively to stop people from crossing our border illegally.

So, why not stop being a smug little smart ass and claiming this "sounds great...but"? Why not be honest and admit that you don't really want to stop illegal aliens from flooding in because you view them as future Democrat voters? If you were to do that, I would at least think... now there is a guy who isn't afraid to stand up for what he believes in.

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