For anyone asking how Trump will force Mexico to build a wall

Yes, this could really damage Mexico's economy.

Congratulations on that, I guess.

They're not our enemy. Really.

The reason people are coming here is because they can't find jobs in Mexico.

So the republican's solution?

Make it harder to find jobs in Mexico.

Which will guarantee more people coming here from Mexico.

Great job republicans.
Yes, this could really damage Mexico's economy.

Congratulations on that, I guess.

They're not our enemy. Really.

The reason people are coming here is because they can't find jobs in Mexico.

So the republican's solution?

Make it harder to find jobs in Mexico.

Which will guarantee more people coming here from Mexico.

Great job republicans.

Wrongo Nancy... they come here because they can work for cash and ship all their money back to Shithole Mehico. Simple fix, tax the fuck outta wires out of the country.

The El Presidente is already terrified Trump will destroy Mexico's economy.

Everyone is having a great time living off of America

You'll find that when the United States sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold. We are a global economy today and that's how it works. If Mexico get's hurt--there's more that will come here seeking jobs.

And Trump's 500 foot high wall isn't going to keep them out of here when they're starving and have families to feed.

You really could not have found a worse candidate than Donald Trump, if you had gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt.

Furthermore, he is NOT going to be the next POTUS. He is going to get wiped out.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
This poll shows just how screwed Donald Trump is


You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

You people are really the most politically & economically IGNORANT people on planet earth.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

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Yes, this could really damage Mexico's economy.

Congratulations on that, I guess.

They're not our enemy. Really.

The reason people are coming here is because they can't find jobs in Mexico.

So the republican's solution?

Make it harder to find jobs in Mexico.

Which will guarantee more people coming here from Mexico.

Great job republicans.
Actually, Mexico is cleaning up the scum in their country and shipping them here with the democrats help....

Carry on mindless fucktard liberal....

The El Presidente is already terrified Trump will destroy Mexico's economy.

Everyone is having a great time living off of America

Well you'll find that when the United States sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold. We are a global economy today and that's how it works. If Mexico get's hurt--there's more that will come here seeking jobs.

And Trump's 500 foot high wall isn't going to keep them out of here when they're starving and have families to feed.

You really could not have found a worse candidate than Donald Trump, if you had gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt.

Furthermore, he is NOT going to be the next POTUS. He is going to get wiped out.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
This poll shows just how screwed Donald Trump is


You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator
Trump is proposing a 45-foot high
The El Presidente is already terrified Trump will destroy Mexico's economy.

Everyone is having a great time living off of America

Here's the deal... it's not a matter of who is or isn't afraid of Trump or who is or isn't having a great time living off of America... it's about economics. Mexico has no money. They sell stuff to us in order to feed themselves and they're barely able to do that. The main thing they sell us is oil. So Trump can say we'll just apply a tariff on the oil they sell us and that will pay for the wall but all that means is, the American consumer will be paying more for Mexican oil. In other words, our consumer base will pay for the wall... not Mexico.

Now... it doesn't really matter because the wall is very cheap compared to the value of the results. We're talking about trillions of dollars over just the next decade or so in savings from not having to provide essential services to illegal aliens. So who pays for the wall is really not relevant at all.

Sounds great unless Mexicans learn about that new invention. The ladder. That's a special tool that will allow them to go over the wall, but I'm sure they will never figure that out.

Well, the ladder is actually an ancient technology that is over 10,000 years old. Interestingly, it was never used as an excuse for China and Germany not to build walls. Even if the totalitarian regimes like those had banned ladders, they can be easily fashioned from vines and such. They also seem to work well for prisons or around important facilities like forts. Walls around prisons and forts have not become obsolete over the past 10k years due to the advent of the ladder.

Now... in many cases, the wall may also be accompanied by other security technologies, like armed guards with weapons... razor wire... patrolling drones... sensors and motion detectors... cameras the size of a penny... things like that which help the wall to be more effective in case some people utilize ancient technology such as ladders. I personally think modern technology will do the trick here but even back in ancient times they had ways to enhance the effectiveness of the wall... like moats filled with alligators and such. So I feel very confident we can figure out how to build a wall which works effectively to stop people from crossing our border illegally.

So, why not stop being a smug little smart ass and claiming this "sounds great...but"? Why not be honest and admit that you don't really want to stop illegal aliens from flooding in because you view them as future Democrat voters? If you were to do that, I would at least think... now there is a guy who isn't afraid to stand up for what he believes in.

As far as prisons go. They prevent ladders from being used near the walls so that isn't normally a problem. China wasn't really concerned about individuals crossing the Great Wall, but was more concerned with the equipment that an army might need, like supply wagons or horses, or cannons which were really too big for a ladder. There are a lot more problems with building a wall. How are you going to sub divide the land that the wall sits on? Are you going to buy out every land owner who owns land on or near the border? Are you going to build all the roads and infrastructure required to transport materials required for a wall? Are you going to build a wall down the middle of a river? What about those alligators? I'm sure they will be fine in the river, but what about out in the desert? How are you going to build a wetland suitable for alligators in Arizona? A wall is just a childish idea. Why not just admit you haven't thought through the problems and expense of building a wall, or the reality that it wouldn't stop much of anybody? If you were to do that, I would at least there is a guy who isn't completely brain dead.

The El Presidente is already terrified Trump will destroy Mexico's economy.

Everyone is having a great time living off of America

Well you'll find that when the United States sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold. We are a global economy today and that's how it works. If Mexico get's hurt--there's more that will come here seeking jobs.

And Trump's 500 foot high wall isn't going to keep them out of here when they're starving and have families to feed.

You really could not have found a worse candidate than Donald Trump, if you had gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt.

Furthermore, he is NOT going to be the next POTUS. He is going to get wiped out.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
This poll shows just how screwed Donald Trump is


You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator
Trump is proposing a 45-foot high

The Mexican President has already told Trump to FUCK OFF--they're not going to pay for his fucking wall dumbass. He cannot FORCE a foreign country to pay for his FUCKING WALL. There was NEVER going to be a wall--he used the wall to bring out the dumbass's in this country to get their support.

What candidate jumps into a race (to win an election) and does the exact opposite of what he said went wrong with an election just 3-1/2 years prior? Donald Trump.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants


Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

Here's what door to door Trump volunteers are going through right now:
What I Learned as an Undercover Campaigner for Donald Trump
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The trouble with liberals and the uneducated and kids is that they are used to a president who apologizes, pays ransom, bows to tyrants and gets out of town when the going gets rough. Trump would be a breath of fresh air and Mexico will volunteer to help build the wall.
The trouble with liberals and the uneducated and kids is that they are used to a president who apologizes, pays ransom, bows to tyrants and gets out of town when the going gets rough. Trump would be a breath of fresh air and Mexico will volunteer to help build the wall.

Trump would shit and then fall back into it. We don't need Trump the clown as our president.
Here's the deal... it's not a matter of who is or isn't afraid of Trump or who is or isn't having a great time living off of America... it's about economics. Mexico has no money. They sell stuff to us in order to feed themselves and they're barely able to do that. The main thing they sell us is oil. So Trump can say we'll just apply a tariff on the oil they sell us and that will pay for the wall but all that means is, the American consumer will be paying more for Mexican oil. In other words, our consumer base will pay for the wall... not Mexico.

Now... it doesn't really matter because the wall is very cheap compared to the value of the results. We're talking about trillions of dollars over just the next decade or so in savings from not having to provide essential services to illegal aliens. So who pays for the wall is really not relevant at all.

Sounds great unless Mexicans learn about that new invention. The ladder. That's a special tool that will allow them to go over the wall, but I'm sure they will never figure that out.
Uh huh, im sure there are millions of Mexicans who are going to carry a fucking ladder through the desert. A ladder for everyone! Dude, people are dying from not having enough water on the trip. So now you expect them to not only carry enough food, water and all their belongings, but now a ladder too? Some might do it, but it sure as fuck isnt going to be the norm. Do you know how much a 24-32 foot ladder weighs? They arent fucking light, and they kind of stand out when people are watching the wall with binoculars.

A wall isnt meant to stop every single person. Its meant to stop MOST people. Its simply one of many tools we use to prevent illegal immigration. Walls have been effective for thousands of years. Im not sure why you think the concept suddenly became useless in 2016.

You could be right. They will NEVER think to take a ladder. Of course they know that the wall is there, and a ladder is the best way to get across, but I'm sure they will take several trips out there without a latter and then just give up. I am more impressed by right wing logic every day.
Why would you think that? I sure as hell didnt say that. You need better reading comprehension, and your logic skills appear to be really terrible too.

You're the one who said carrying a ladder wasn't something they would do. What do you expect would happen? Do you really think they would trek across the desert without knowing how they would get past the wall that they are obviously aware of?

Need at least two ladders for big groups. Unless you expect 52yr old uncle Velasquez to jump down 25' or so. Now u over first fence...two more ladders before USA starts shootin' the gap. would slow illegal immigration way way down. Give up. You got nothing.
Yes, this could really damage Mexico's economy.

Congratulations on that, I guess.

They're not our enemy. Really.
Mexico damages its own economy by allowing unfettered access by Drug Lords to all things government.. Mexico knowingly imports criminals here in to the United States knowing Odumbo won't send them back..Drug trafficking alone from Mexico has thoroughly destroyed families, neighborhoods, killed...but yes, let's all feel sorry for Mexico..
Drug Trafficking in the United States

I admit that it is a terrible thing when Mexicans arrive at Americans' doors and put a gun to Americans' heads, and tell them, "Take our drugs, or else, hombre!"
I'm sort of against "the wall". Hi-tech stuff and lo-tech weapons should do. If must be a wall....put it on their side Rio Grande. Do not spoil USA view. They already foul the water and violate fishing rules. Shut them off access.
The trouble with liberals and the uneducated and kids is that they are used to a president who apologizes, pays ransom, bows to tyrants and gets out of town when the going gets rough. Trump would be a breath of fresh air and Mexico will volunteer to help build the wall.

You screwed the pooch with Donald Trump. In your efforts to find a non-establishment candidate you have rino'd yourselves right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency, a certain loss of the Senate and down ballot races all across this country.

Delivered to you by Reich wing talk show hosts that fill your veins with 3 or more daily hours of Reich wing hyperbole, half truths, misconceptions, and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling. All done in the NAME of ratings and those obscene profit breaks. By continually breaking Reagan's 11th commandment--THOU SHALL NOT SPEAK ILL OF A FELLOW REPUBLICAN--they have successfully shattered the Republican party into pieces.

This party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan it is now the party of TRUMP. A party stuffed full of ignorance, anger, bigotry, misogyny, and extremism. The party platform suits them well. It couldn't be better explained than in a 3 minute video from a former friend and staffer of Ronald Reagan.

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As far as prisons go. They prevent ladders from being used near the walls so that isn't normally a problem. China wasn't really concerned about individuals crossing the Great Wall, but was more concerned with the equipment that an army might need, like supply wagons or horses, or cannons which were really too big for a ladder. There are a lot more problems with building a wall. How are you going to sub divide the land that the wall sits on? Are you going to buy out every land owner who owns land on or near the border? Are you going to build all the roads and infrastructure required to transport materials required for a wall? Are you going to build a wall down the middle of a river? What about those alligators? I'm sure they will be fine in the river, but what about out in the desert? How are you going to build a wetland suitable for alligators in Arizona? A wall is just a childish idea. Why not just admit you haven't thought through the problems and expense of building a wall, or the reality that it wouldn't stop much of anybody? If you were to do that, I would at least there is a guy who isn't completely brain dead.

Well this wasn't a history argument over the reasons for a wall in China or advocating for moats and alligators in Arizona, I was merely pointing out that measures can be taken to enhance the wall's ability to keep people out. It just stands to reason that having a lockable front door on your house is probably a better deterrent to burglars than having no door at all. Granted, a burglar can still penetrate a locked door if they so desire... that's not an excuse to have no door at all. It's far from a "childish idea" to install a front door with a lock to secure your home. In fact, it's a foolish and childish idea to insist this will do no good at all.

Now... You claim that it's a reality that a wall wouldn't stop much of anybody but I find that hard to believe. There is a wall surrounding Fort Knox and it seems to work pretty well... no one has stolen all our gold from there. As for thinking things through, I presented numerous ideas for enhancing the effectiveness of a wall and you simply ignored me. So again... why not just be honest and tell me that you really don't want to stop the flood of illegal immigrants because you want to convert them into Democrat voters? Why all this silliness and obfuscation? I mean... compared to the billions of dollars illegals are costing us yearly, the wall is relatively cheap... so why not build it and see if it works and then if it doesn't, you can gloat about how you told us so? You see... I think you know the answer... you know that a wall WILL work to eliminate most of the illegal crossing of our border and you don't want that. You want an open border with Mexico so that Mexican citizens can flood into the US and become Democrats. I think you all should just be honest about that and start pushing for legislation to annex Mexico as a state.
I'm sort of against "the wall". Hi-tech stuff and lo-tech weapons should do. If must be a wall....put it on their side Rio Grande. Do not spoil USA view. They already foul the water and violate fishing rules. Shut them off access.

Well, I kind of liked comedian Ron White's idea... let's just take over everything down to Panama and build a much shorter wall at the canal! Then say... Cross THIS, bitch! :lol:
The El Presidente is already terrified Trump will destroy Mexico's economy.

Everyone is having a great time living off of America

Here's the deal... it's not a matter of who is or isn't afraid of Trump or who is or isn't having a great time living off of America... it's about economics. Mexico has no money. They sell stuff to us in order to feed themselves and they're barely able to do that. The main thing they sell us is oil. So Trump can say we'll just apply a tariff on the oil they sell us and that will pay for the wall but all that means is, the American consumer will be paying more for Mexican oil. In other words, our consumer base will pay for the wall... not Mexico.

Now... it doesn't really matter because the wall is very cheap compared to the value of the results. We're talking about trillions of dollars over just the next decade or so in savings from not having to provide essential services to illegal aliens. So who pays for the wall is really not relevant at all.

Sounds great unless Mexicans learn about that new invention. The ladder. That's a special tool that will allow them to go over the wall, but I'm sure they will never figure that out.
Uh huh, im sure there are millions of Mexicans who are going to carry a fucking ladder through the desert. A ladder for everyone! Dude, people are dying from not having enough water on the trip. So now you expect them to not only carry enough food, water and all their belongings, but now a ladder too? Some might do it, but it sure as fuck isnt going to be the norm. Do you know how much a 24-32 foot ladder weighs? They arent fucking light, and they kind of stand out when people are watching the wall with binoculars.

A wall isnt meant to stop every single person. Its meant to stop MOST people. Its simply one of many tools we use to prevent illegal immigration. Walls have been effective for thousands of years. Im not sure why you think the concept suddenly became useless in 2016.

You could be right. They will NEVER think to take a ladder. Of course they know that the wall is there, and a ladder is the best way to get across, but I'm sure they will take several trips out there without a latter and then just give up. I am more impressed by right wing logic every day.

If someone keeps breaking into your house, and you know who that person is and that person has money, you might consider suing that person so that you have the funds to secure your property against future intrusion.

You won't get that cuz, you're kinda dense.
Yes, this could really damage Mexico's economy.

Congratulations on that, I guess.

They're not our enemy. Really.

The reason people are coming here is because they can't find jobs in Mexico.

So the republican's solution?

Make it harder to find jobs in Mexico.

Which will guarantee more people coming here from Mexico.

Great job republicans.

They have the option of doing so legally.

If someone breaks into your house, they may indeed be seeking a better life, but they are breaking the law and should face the consequences
The El Presidente is already terrified Trump will destroy Mexico's economy.

Everyone is having a great time living off of America

Here's the deal... it's not a matter of who is or isn't afraid of Trump or who is or isn't having a great time living off of America... it's about economics. Mexico has no money. They sell stuff to us in order to feed themselves and they're barely able to do that. The main thing they sell us is oil. So Trump can say we'll just apply a tariff on the oil they sell us and that will pay for the wall but all that means is, the American consumer will be paying more for Mexican oil. In other words, our consumer base will pay for the wall... not Mexico.

Now... it doesn't really matter because the wall is very cheap compared to the value of the results. We're talking about trillions of dollars over just the next decade or so in savings from not having to provide essential services to illegal aliens. So who pays for the wall is really not relevant at all.

Sounds great unless Mexicans learn about that new invention. The ladder. That's a special tool that will allow them to go over the wall, but I'm sure they will never figure that out.

Well, the ladder is actually an ancient technology that is over 10,000 years old. Interestingly, it was never used as an excuse for China and Germany not to build walls. Even if the totalitarian regimes like those had banned ladders, they can be easily fashioned from vines and such. They also seem to work well for prisons or around important facilities like forts. Walls around prisons and forts have not become obsolete over the past 10k years due to the advent of the ladder.

Now... in many cases, the wall may also be accompanied by other security technologies, like armed guards with weapons... razor wire... patrolling drones... sensors and motion detectors... cameras the size of a penny... things like that which help the wall to be more effective in case some people utilize ancient technology such as ladders. I personally think modern technology will do the trick here but even back in ancient times they had ways to enhance the effectiveness of the wall... like moats filled with alligators and such. So I feel very confident we can figure out how to build a wall which works effectively to stop people from crossing our border illegally.

So, why not stop being a smug little smart ass and claiming this "sounds great...but"? Why not be honest and admit that you don't really want to stop illegal aliens from flooding in because you view them as future Democrat voters? If you were to do that, I would at least think... now there is a guy who isn't afraid to stand up for what he believes in.

Thing is, a wall won't stop them and no politician in Washington has the balls to post armed guards or if said wall was built (it won't be) all they would do is watch drone footage as illegals toss carpet over the wire and run for it.

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