For Conservatives Only!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. Too often, there is the misapprehension that 'conservative' is simply a subsidiary of 'Republican,' as Feminism, Environmentalism, the media, Planned Parenthood, etc. are of the Democrats.
The difference is that all the Democrat subsidiaries will never disobey the capital "D" organization.

Not so with conservitives vis-a-vis the Republican Party, because the right, the need, to think and question is in our DNA, while every stripe of Democrat-associates need to behave like iron filings in a magnetic field: they line right up, muttering 'yes, sir, yes, sir.'

2. Of growing interest in these terms, is the Pennsylvania primary for Senate seat. Therein we find the sort of battle that I would wish didn't take place, but it highlights the fact that conservatives and Republicans don't always see eye-to-eye: Dr. Oz or Kathie Barnette.
Trump has endorsed Oz. The NYPost, Dick Morris, Greg Kelly, all support Oz, or, it appears, anyone to whom Trump give his imprimatur. The folloiwng is an interesting take on the choice.

3. "Will Conservatives Get Along Again After the Pennsylvania Primary?

There have been some extremely heated exchanges between supporters of Dr. Mehmet Oz and supporters of Kathy Barnette. After Tuesday's primaries, will there be reconciliation?​


4. I am a Trump supporter. Like Starnes, I do not support Donald Trumpā€™s endorsement for U.S. Senate in the upcoming Pennsylvania primary, Dr. Mehmet Oz. For this, weā€™re getting lambasted by fellow conservatives for being disloyal.

ā€œWhat concerns me is that the definition of conservative seems to be evolving,ā€ he said. ā€œConservative used to define someone who wanted to limit big government, stop out-of-control spending, defend the unborn, support the Second Amendment and fight back against the sex and gender revolutionaries. But now, the definition of conservative seems to be ā€˜someone who is electable.ā€™

ā€œIf you are pro-abortion, anti-Second Amendment and you support radical gender reassignment surgery for minors, you are not a conservative.ā€

5. I get it. There are those who have not been dissuaded by reports of Dr. Ozā€™s leftist past which includes support for keeping Roe v. Wade, gun control, and puberty blockers for transgender children. All they see is President Trumpā€™s endorsement and assume that all is well in the Land of Oz. But I donā€™t buy it, and apparently many other Republicans arenā€™t buying it either as the latest polls show Dr. Oz in a three-way tie with Kathy Barnette and David McCormick."

Most of us won't get to vote in the Pennsylvania primary.....but there is an important debate at issue. It involves the sort of critiques that Democrats voters never have to face.....thinking and questioning.
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6. ".... Iā€™m not sure many of Dr. Oz supporters really buy into him, either. Most can tell me why they donā€™t like Barnette, but out of literally hundreds of comments, direct messages, and emails, I have yet to see a single one that attempts to make the case for Dr. Oz other than with two arguments. The first is the aforementioned Trump endorsement. Some have told me they donā€™t know much about Dr. Oz but if Trump likes him thatā€™s enough for them. The other argument is that heā€™s supposedly the most electable in a purple state, a claim that I also donā€™t buy.

One prominent conservative who opposes Barnette is Greg Kelly from Newsmax. He ripped Barnette apart last week on his broadcasts and through social media. Hereā€™s a snippet from a recent post on Newsmax:

Kelly, host of ā€œGreg Kelly Reports,ā€ showed several clips of Barnette to reinforce his suggestion the candidate was ā€œwokeā€ and not conservative. He added she was ā€œunvetted by the pressā€ because media members had been focused on GOP front-runners Dr. Mehmet Oz and David McCormick heading into Tuesdayā€™s primary.

ā€œShe sounds like, well, woke, liberal [former New York City] Mayor Bill de Blasio, who said that his son, who happened to be Black, faced racism everywhere he went,ā€ said Kelly, who then showed a video of Barnette speaking before a ā€œBarnette for U.S. Congressā€ banner.

I reached out to Kelly for comment but he was unable to go on record. Nevertheless, the fact that we could have a civil discussion about our opposing views was still a good sign."
Oz was a 'hard no' right out of the box. IT matters little who Trump endorses.

However, being a resident of Pennsylvania, it has been an eye-opener at just how little 'conservative' is in the PA GOP
1. Too often, there is the misapprehension that 'conservative' is simply a subsidiary of 'Republican,' as Feminism, Environmentalism, the media, Planned Parenthood, etc. are of the Democrats.
The difference is that all the Democrat subsidiaries will never disobey the capital "D" organization.

Not so with conservitives vis-a-vis the Republican Party, because the right, the need, to think and question is in our DNA, while every stripe of Democrat-associates need to behave like iron filings in a magnetic field: they line right up, muttering 'yes, sir, yes, sir.'

2. Of growing interest in these terms, is the Pennsylvania primary for Senate seat. Therein we find the sort of battle that I would wish didn't take place, but it highlights the fact that conservatives and Republicans don't always see eye-to-eye: Dr. Oz or Kathie Barnette.
Trump has endorsed Oz. The NYPost, Dick Morris, Greg Kelly, all support Oz, or, it appears, anyone to whom Trump give his imprimatur. The folloiwng is an interesting take on the choice.

3. "Will Conservatives Get Along Again After the Pennsylvania Primary?

There have been some extremely heated exchanges between supporters of Dr. Mehmet Oz and supporters of Kathy Barnette. After Tuesday's primaries, will there be reconciliation?​

View attachment 645323

4. I am a Trump supporter. Like Starnes, I do not support Donald Trumpā€™s endorsement for U.S. Senate in the upcoming Pennsylvania primary, Dr. Mehmet Oz. For this, weā€™re getting lambasted by fellow conservatives for being disloyal.

ā€œWhat concerns me is that the definition of conservative seems to be evolving,ā€ he said. ā€œConservative used to define someone who wanted to limit big government, stop out-of-control spending, defend the unborn, support the Second Amendment and fight back against the sex and gender revolutionaries. But now, the definition of conservative seems to be ā€˜someone who is electable.ā€™

ā€œIf you are pro-abortion, anti-Second Amendment and you support radical gender reassignment surgery for minors, you are not a conservative.ā€

5. I get it. There are those who have not been dissuaded by reports of Dr. Ozā€™s leftist past which includes support for keeping Roe v. Wade, gun control, and puberty blockers for transgender children. All they see is President Trumpā€™s endorsement and assume that all is well in the Land of Oz. But I donā€™t buy it, and apparently many other Republicans arenā€™t buying it either as the latest polls show Dr. Oz in a three-way tie with Kathy Barnette and David McCormick."

Most of us won't get to vote in the Pennsylvania primary.....but there is an important debate at issue. It involves the sort of critiques that Democrats voters never have to face.....thinking and questioning.

Iā€™m a PA resident and will be voting for McCormick.
Oz was a 'hard no' right out of the box. IT matters little who Trump endorses.

However, being a resident of Pennsylvania, it has been an eye-opener at just how little 'conservative' is in the PA GOP

Good to have your on-site view.

And your conservative agreement about our making up our own minds is my view as well.

For us, it is policies that count, not persons.
7. The Washington Post, DNC house organ, says:

ā€œOzā€™s dual citizenship ā€” and his reluctance to renounce Turkish citizenship ā€” will keep the FBI and security managers up at night,ā€ said Michael Rubin, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. ā€œAnd it is fair game to question Ozā€™s judgment embracing the most reactionary elements in Turkish society.ā€

Oz has said he keeps his Turkish citizenship to facilitate his ability to oversee care for his mother in Turkey, who suffers from Alzheimerā€™s disease. He once served in the Turkish army to maintain dual citizenship. For U.S. government employees and contractors, giving up dual citizenship has often (but not always) been a requirement to obtain top security clearances ā€” but those restrictions donā€™t apply to members of Congress.

On the question of Ozā€™s business ties, National Review laid out a detailed list of instances in which he interacted with individuals and organizations closely linked to Erdogan or doing the Turkish leaderā€™s bidding in the United States. For example, Oz spoke onstage at the 2019 New York conference of the World Turkish Business Council (DEIK) ā€” a group from which many Western companies have distanced themselves since Erdoganā€™s government took control of it in 2014."
1. Too often, there is the misapprehension that 'conservative' is simply a subsidiary of 'Republican,' as Feminism, Environmentalism, the media, Planned Parenthood, etc. are of the Democrats.
The difference is that all the Democrat subsidiaries will never disobey the capital "D" organization.

Not so with conservitives vis-a-vis the Republican Party, because the right, the need, to think and question is in our DNA, while every stripe of Democrat-associates need to behave like iron filings in a magnetic field: they line right up, muttering 'yes, sir, yes, sir.'

2. Of growing interest in these terms, is the Pennsylvania primary for Senate seat. Therein we find the sort of battle that I would wish didn't take place, but it highlights the fact that conservatives and Republicans don't always see eye-to-eye: Dr. Oz or Kathie Barnette.
Trump has endorsed Oz. The NYPost, Dick Morris, Greg Kelly, all support Oz, or, it appears, anyone to whom Trump give his imprimatur. The folloiwng is an interesting take on the choice.

3. "Will Conservatives Get Along Again After the Pennsylvania Primary?

There have been some extremely heated exchanges between supporters of Dr. Mehmet Oz and supporters of Kathy Barnette. After Tuesday's primaries, will there be reconciliation?​

View attachment 645323

4. I am a Trump supporter. Like Starnes, I do not support Donald Trumpā€™s endorsement for U.S. Senate in the upcoming Pennsylvania primary, Dr. Mehmet Oz. For this, weā€™re getting lambasted by fellow conservatives for being disloyal.

ā€œWhat concerns me is that the definition of conservative seems to be evolving,ā€ he said. ā€œConservative used to define someone who wanted to limit big government, stop out-of-control spending, defend the unborn, support the Second Amendment and fight back against the sex and gender revolutionaries. But now, the definition of conservative seems to be ā€˜someone who is electable.ā€™

ā€œIf you are pro-abortion, anti-Second Amendment and you support radical gender reassignment surgery for minors, you are not a conservative.ā€

5. I get it. There are those who have not been dissuaded by reports of Dr. Ozā€™s leftist past which includes support for keeping Roe v. Wade, gun control, and puberty blockers for transgender children. All they see is President Trumpā€™s endorsement and assume that all is well in the Land of Oz. But I donā€™t buy it, and apparently many other Republicans arenā€™t buying it either as the latest polls show Dr. Oz in a three-way tie with Kathy Barnette and David McCormick."

Most of us won't get to vote in the Pennsylvania primary.....but there is an important debate at issue. It involves the sort of critiques that Democrats voters never have to face.....thinking and questioning.
What a load of BS. Trump say jump you cons ask how high.

"Dr. Oz Pulls out the Race Card as Critics Highlight the Many Allegiances He Has to Turkey

If you ever want to sniff out a Democrat in Republican clothing, give them an opportunity to play the race card. No matter how hard a leftist tries to play conservative, they can never resist a chance to be the victim in a race-based exchange. Itā€™s a compulsion, and Dr. Mehmet Oz took the bait.

Ever since his history with his beloved Turkey started getting questioned a few months ago, supporters of Oprahā€™s doctor have claimed that heā€™s a proud American, first and foremost. But as more details emerge, weā€™re learning that his allegiance to the United States may be superficial with his true heart of hearts stuck in Turkey.

Ozā€™s ties to Turkey are not just technical. He has deep political and economic ties as well. He has met with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan who since his election has displayed strong authoritarian tendencies and steered the nation in an overtly Islamic direction."
7. The Washington Post, DNC house organ, says:

ā€œOzā€™s dual citizenship ā€” and his reluctance to renounce Turkish citizenship ā€” will keep the FBI and security managers up at night,ā€ said Michael Rubin, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. ā€œAnd it is fair game to question Ozā€™s judgment embracing the most reactionary elements in Turkish society.ā€

Oz has said he keeps his Turkish citizenship to facilitate his ability to oversee care for his mother in Turkey, who suffers from Alzheimerā€™s disease. He once served in the Turkish army to maintain dual citizenship. For U.S. government employees and contractors, giving up dual citizenship has often (but not always) been a requirement to obtain top security clearances ā€” but those restrictions donā€™t apply to members of Congress.

On the question of Ozā€™s business ties, National Review laid out a detailed list of instances in which he interacted with individuals and organizations closely linked to Erdogan or doing the Turkish leaderā€™s bidding in the United States. For example, Oz spoke onstage at the 2019 New York conference of the World Turkish Business Council (DEIK) ā€” a group from which many Western companies have distanced themselves since Erdoganā€™s government took control of it in 2014."
We do not support that grifter Oz. He supports transgender surgery for minors. No idea why President Trump is endorsing him. But he was withdrawn endorsements before.
What a load of BS. Trump say jump you cons ask how high.

I love autobiographical posts.

Now....what are the Trump policies you voted against......or the Biden policies you voted for?

If you can't answer,......your post becomes a boomerang.
We do not support that grifter Oz. He supports transgender surgery for minors. No idea why President Trump is endorsing him. But he was withdrawn endorsements before.

I'm trying to find the answer as well....why Trump picked this candidate.

And the fact that we, conservatives, are not "following the leader" as Democrats do, makes us the ones with integrity and intellect.

But.....we never called our candidate god, Jesus or the messiah, as they did.
I love autobiographical posts.

Now....what are the Trump policies you voted against......or the Biden policies you voted for?

If you can't answer,......your post becomes a boomerang.
Well i voted against the trump tax cuts.

Mostly because I don't believe you should cut taxes when you are bitching about debt and deficits.

And I also didn't like trump being so pro Putin.

I thought his pro Putin attitude was dangerous and I didn't like that much.

And I didn't like him changing his veiws on abortion rights. As he has said in the past that he was pro choice.

Now I voted for Biden because he want to fix the roads and tax the billionaires to pay down debt.

Mostly because I think deficit spending is a sin and they can afford it.

And also I like bidens oro worker standing when it come to organized labor.
I'm trying to find the answer as well....why Trump picked this candidate.

And the fact that we, conservatives, are not "following the leader" as Democrats do, makes us the ones with integrity and intellect.

But.....we never called our candidate god, Jesus or the messiah, as they did.
Even though you are following the leader and voting in pro Trump candidates which is exactly opposite to what you are saying.
Well i voted against the trump tax cuts.

Mostly because I don't believe you should cut taxes when you are bitching about debt and deficits.

And I also didn't like trump being so pro Putin.

I thought his pro Putin attitude was dangerous and I didn't like that much.

And I didn't like him changing his veiws on abortion rights. As he has said in the past that he was pro choice.

Now I voted for Biden because he want to fix the roads and tax the billionaires to pay down debt.

Mostly because I think deficit spending is a sin and they can afford it.

And also I like bidens oro worker standing when it come to organized labor.

I appreciate you actually listing policies.....but are you ready to admit you didn't prioritize the important ones???? do you feel a sucker????

Let's remind all the Trump's five Nobel nominations for peace in the Middle East, quieting of North Korea, no invasions by Russia, keeping Iran guessing, having the courage to move our embassy to Jerusalem, forcing Mexico to keep invaders on their side of the border, sending ships through the South China Sea that China claimed was theirs, not turning over tons of armaments to the Taliban..........astounding foreign policy achievements that no Democrat can claim.

And that amazing achievement involving foreign policy: American energy independence.

Even though you are following the leader and voting in pro Trump candidates which is exactly opposite to what you are saying.

Trump endorsed Oz.

Either admit you lied or find any post of mine saying I'd vote for Oz.
Well i voted against the trump tax cuts.

Mostly because I don't believe you should cut taxes when you are bitching about debt and deficits.

And I also didn't like trump being so pro Putin.

I thought his pro Putin attitude was dangerous and I didn't like that much.

And I didn't like him changing his veiws on abortion rights. As he has said in the past that he was pro choice.

Now I voted for Biden because he want to fix the roads and tax the billionaires to pay down debt.

Mostly because I think deficit spending is a sin and they can afford it.

And also I like bidens oro worker standing when it come to organized labor.

It is nearly impossible to pay down the debt as CONGRESS doesn't have the guts to do it not when the 70% of the Federal budget is automatic and growing larger every year.

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