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For Every Democrat Who Used The Word "Insurrection"....

PoliticalChic wrote: We have learnedā€¦.from the state mediaā€¦.that none of the hundreds of Biden voter riots countā€¦..the only one that matters is the ā€˜Armed Insurrection at the Capitolā€!!! 21AUG21-POST#19

NFBW wrote: What is a ā€˜Biden voter riot,? - - - Are you talking about the KellyAnne Conway Trump voter riots that began after a white cop murdered George Floyd prior to the 2020 election that Trump lost? 21NOV16-POST#101

ā€œThe more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on whoā€™s best on public safety and law and order,ā€ Ms. Conway said on ā€œFox & Friends.ā€ 20AUG27-KConway
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You are unable to quote the FBI report dispelling ā€œinsurrectionā€. You are just quoting the news source that added ā€œinsurrectionā€ to what the FBI dispelled.

Here is your sources sourceā€¦ notice the lack of what you claim?

Exclusive: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated - sources​

They said it was not central organized. It never declared it wasnā€™t an insurrection. But maybe Iā€™m wrong. Itā€™s happened before. Go ahead and paste in the FBI quote that uses the word insurrection.

....see if you can get help unjamming your foot from your mouth.

"FBI admits theyā€™ve found NO real evidence that Jan 6th riot was an organized insurrection

After months of investigations and arrests, the FBI is now admitting theyā€™ve found no real evidence that the riot on January 6th at the Capitol was anything other than just that, a riot:

The left has been saying all year that this was an insurrection and Pelosi even called it an armed insurrection, both points weā€™ve disputed many times. And it turns out we were right, as were all who did the same."

You Democrats haven't been right about anything since Disco died.
The idiots who gave and continue to call 1/6 an 'insurrection' are thd same ignorant fucks Durham proved - by exposing the Russian Collusion narrative was a scam manufactured by Hillary and used as the basis for a political coup attempt by Obama - to be willingly duped morons who spent the last 4 years regurgitating and parroting the traitors' talking points and false narratives, morons who still desparately cling to the proven lies because they are all they gave chosen to believe for 4 years.....

Durham not only proved the entire thing was a scam but that the snowflakes who bought it, spread the lies, and defended the traitors are ignorant dupes who have zero credibility.
kyzr wrote: By definition, doesn't an insurrection need to be coordinated? The whole purpose of an insurrection is to take control of the government. If its not coordinated, its just a protest, with no intent to replace the government. 21AUG21-POST#8

NFBW wrote: What is it when a one term president (DJT) having lost his bid for
a second term, conspired to convince his VP to violate his oath of office and the Constitution, by rejecting the certified electors on Jan6 from six or seven states that DJT Lost. The attempt by DJT to steal the election whether violence was in the plan or not can still be classified as an insurrection. A bunch of OATH KEEPERS CONSPIRED to disrupt and stop Trumpā€™s VP From doing his constitutional duty that day and they brought the violence. 21NOV17-POST#104

NFBW wrote: Coincidence???? TRUMP & OATH KEEPERS - same goal. Pence to make it all work out. Biden out for winning / TRUMP in for losing. It was an insurrection case- but as DJT TWEETED IN THE MIDST THE RIOT . . . . . "Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!" Trump said. 21NOV17-POST#104

ā€œā€ā€ā€ā€ Oath Keepers indictment: 32. From at least as early as November 3, 2020, through January 6, 2021, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, the defendants, THOMAS CALDWELL, DONOVAN CROWL, JESSICA WATKINS, SANDRA PARKER, BENNIE PARKER, GRAYDON YOUNG, LAURA STEELE, KELLY MEGGS, CONNIE MEGGS, KENNETH HARRELSON, ROBERTO MINUTA, JOSHUA JAMES, JOSEPH HACKETT, JASON DOLAN, and WILLIAM ISAACS,

did knowingly combine, conspire, confederate, and agree with each other and others known and unknown, to commit an offense against the United States, namely, to corruptly obstruct, influence, and impede an official proceeding, that is, the Certification of the Electoral College vote, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1512(c)(2)


Purpose of the Conspiracy

33. The purpose of the conspiracy was to stop, delay, and hinder the Certification of the Electoral College vote
PoliticalChic wrote: We have learnedā€¦.from the state mediaā€¦.that none of the hundreds of Biden voter riots countā€¦..the only one that matters is the ā€˜Armed Insurrection at the Capitolā€!!! 21AUG21-POST#19

NFBW wrote: What is a ā€˜Biden voter riot,? - - - Are you talking about the KellyAnne Conway Trump voter riots that began after a white cop murdered George Floyd prior to the 2020 election that Trump lost? 21NOV16-POST#101

ā€œThe more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on whoā€™s best on public safety and law and order,ā€ Ms. Conway said on ā€œFox & Friends.ā€ 20AUG27-KConway

Study: up to 95 percent of 2020 U.S. riots are linked to Black Lives Matter​

ACLED is a nonprofit organization that tracks conflict across the globe. Its U.S. project that collected the summer protest data is supported by Princeton University. The projectā€™s spreadsheet collating tens of thousands of data points documents 12,045 incidents of U.S. civil unrest from May 26, 2020 to Sept. 5, 2020. May 26 is the day after George Floydā€™s death in police custody with enough fentanyl in his system to have died of an overdose if police had never touched him.

Of the 633 incidents coded as riots, 88 percent are recorded as involving Black Lives Matter activists. Data for 51 incidents lack information about the perpetratorsā€™ identities. BLM activists were involved in 95 percent of the riots for which there is information about the perpetratorsā€™ affiliation.

Violent demonstrations, meanwhile, have been limited to fewer than 220 locations ā€”

ā€œJaw-Dropping: Police Chief Association Releases Number of Officers Injured During Violent Riots

The Major Cities Chiefs Association released a report detailing the number of violent riots and the number of police officers injured during the riots U.S. cities faced after the death of George Floyd in May.The MCCA, which has members in 69 of the largest cities in the U.S., released the findings of their survey in October and compiled data from May 25 to July 31, 2020. In total, 8,700 protests took place in major American cities during that time period.Of the 8,700 protests, 574 of them were riots that saw mass looting and destruction.

During the riots cities experienced, the MCCA said their survey found at least 2,000 police officers were injured:

"In cities where violence did occur, assaults on police officers, looting, and arson were the most common criminal activities. Approximately, 72% of major city law enforcement agencies had officers harmed during the protests. This included nearly every agency that experienced at least one violent protest. In total, over the course of the civil unrest from May to July, more than 2,000 officers sustained injuries in the line of duty. One agency reported 50 officers being injured in a single week of protests. Another agency reported that 462 of their officers were injured during the protests in their jurisdiction.

"Looting was also a common occurrence (2,385 instances), with 62% of major city law enforcement agencies indicating that at least one incident of looting occurred in their cities. ā€œ

Every single one due to Biden voters.

Riots, arson, anarchism, assaults, lawlessness rewarded, neither lives nor property safe.....under Democrat governance.
One wonders why citizens pay taxes, and what they expect from government, when the above is the norm from Democrats officials.

Take the blinders off, you dunce.
Take the blinders off, you dunce
PoliticalChic wrote: Of the 633 incidents coded as riots, 88 percent are recorded as involving Black Lives Matter activists. Data for 51 incidents lack information about the perpetratorsā€™ identities. BLM activists were involved in 95 percent of the riots for which there is information about the perpetratorsā€™ affiliation 21NOV17 -POST#105

NFBW wrote: your source appears to come from Bill in Pennsylvania on the Sean Hannity forum. Have you checked it for validity. 21NOV17 -POST#106


Bill.in.PA Flyover Country Sep '20 . . . up to 95 percent of this summerā€™s riots are linked to Black Lives Matter activism, according to data collected by the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED) . . . Of the 633 incidents coded as riots, 88 percent are recorded as involving Black Lives Matter activists. https://community.hannity.com/t/approximately-95-of-recent-riots-are-blm-related/235512 Data for 51 incidents lack information about the perpetratorsā€™ identities. BLM activists were involved in 95 percent of the riots for which there is information about the perpetratorsā€™ affiliation

NFBW wrote: The following is what is contained in the ACLED publication that you and Bill in PA have bastardized.
21NOV17 -POST#106

ā€œWell over 80% of all demonstrations are connected to the Black Lives Matter movement or the COVID-19 pandemic. ā€œ

NFBW wrote/ read it yourself PoliticalChic - ACLED never said the BLM activists are linked to any of the violence that occurred during any of peaceful protests directly or indirectly that they organized or that its members participated in. So you are spreading disinformation potentially instigated from the Sean Hannity hate radio and hate TV shows. 21NOV17 -POST#106


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PoliticalChic wrote: Of the 633 incidents coded as riots, 88 percent are recorded as involving Black Lives Matter activists. Data for 51 incidents lack information about the perpetratorsā€™ identities. BLM activists were involved in 95 percent of the riots for which there is information about the perpetratorsā€™ affiliation 21NOV17 -POST#105

NFBW wrote: your source appears to come from Bill in Pennsylvania on the Sean Hannity forum. Have you checked it for validity. 21NOV17 -POST#106


Bill.in.PA Flyover Country Sep '20 . . . up to 95 percent of this summerā€™s riots are linked to Black Lives Matter activism, according to data collected by the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED) . . . Of the 633 incidents coded as riots, 88 percent are recorded as involving Black Lives Matter activists. https://community.hannity.com/t/approximately-95-of-recent-riots-are-blm-related/235512 Data for 51 incidents lack information about the perpetratorsā€™ identities. BLM activists were involved in 95 percent of the riots for which there is information about the perpetratorsā€™ affiliation

NFBW wrote: The following is what is contained in the ACLED publication that you and Bill in PA have bastardized.
21NOV17 -POST#106

ā€œWell over 80% of all demonstrations are connected to the Black Lives Matter movement or the COVID-19 pandemic. ā€œ

NFBW wrote/ read it yourself PoliticalChic - ACLED never said the BLM activists are linked to any of the violence that occurred during any of peaceful protests directly or indirectly that they organized or that its members participated in. So you are spreading disinformation potentially instigated from the Sean Hannity hate radio and hate TV shows. 21NOV17 -POST#106

You can't be this dumb, so you must be an inveterate liar, too cowardly to admit the truth about what you vote to support.

Nobody does it better than the Wehrmacht.....er, Democrats.

1.It is of the utmost necessity for the Left to mitigate, disguise, the year-long series of riots, arsons, assaults, mayhem that they released on America in preparation for stealing the election. Toward that end, they designed a Biden-voter riot a the Capitol, had their media allies pretend the damage was done by Trump supporters, the effort to shield the fact that their BLM, ANTIFA, and assorted other anarko-communist thugs were actually behind it. They learned that from earlier Nazis, as in the Reichstag Fire, a model for false-flag propaganda.

All are Biden voters, like you.

2. Completely ignored behind the pretense that this was an insurrection, a rebellion, an attack on democracy itself, was the real such attack on America: The three day siege of the White House in May of 2020, occupation of Lafayette Park, and the burning of the historic St. John's Church.

Debunking The Photo Op Myth: Inspector General Investigation Refutes Media Account On The Clearing Of Lafayette Park

For over a year, there has been one fact that has been repeated in literally thousands of news stories: former Attorney General Bill Barr ordered the clearing of Lafayette Park on June 1, 2020 to allow former President Donald Trump to hold his controversial photo op in front of St. Johnā€™s Church. From the outset, there was ample reason to question the claim echoed across media outlets. As I noted in my testimony to Congress on the protest that month, the operation was clearly a response to days of violent and destructive protests. Now the Inspector General has completed its investigation and the report debunks the conspiracy theory that the Lafayette Square area was cleared to make way for the Trump photo op.

While many today still claim that the protests were ā€œentirely peacefulā€ and there was no ā€œattack on the White House,ā€ that claim is demonstrably false. It is only plausible if one looks at the level of violence at the start of the clearing operation as opposed to the prior 48 hours. There was in fact an exceptionally high number of officers were injured during the protests. In addition to a reported 150 officers were injured (including at least 49 Park Police officers around the White House), protesters caused extensive property damage including the torching of a historic structure and the attempted arson of St. Johnā€™s. The threat was so great that Trump had to be moved into the bunker because the Secret Service feared a breach of security around the White House."

ā€œMore than 60 Secret Service officers and special agents sustained multiple injuries in three days worth of violent clashes stemming from protests demanding justice for George Floyd in Washington, D.C.

The uprisings overflowed from Lafayette Park and continued near the White House on Saturday night and early into Sunday morning. Protesters in the area had taken to the streets since Friday to condemn police brutality.ā€

At least 60 Secret Service members injured during George Floyd protests in DC

ā€œSt. John's Church Near White House Set on Fire ā€¦.fire crews were able to get to the scene to save the historic structure where every president since James Madison has attendended services,ā€¦ā€ St. John's Church Near White House Set on Fire

First time a President had to be evacuated from the White House since the War of 1812.

Here is MSNBC reporting on that ā€˜mostly peaceful protestā€ attacking the WhiteHouse

ā€œā€¦.folks trying to make a point of being peacefulā€¦.ā€

Peaceful protesters jumping the barriers at the White House.

You can't be this dumb, so you must be an inveterate liar, too cowardly to admit the truth about what you vote to support.

1.It is of the utmost necessity for the Left to mitigate, disguise, the year-long series of riots, arsons, assaults, mayhem that they released on America in preparation for stealing the election. Toward that end, they designed a Biden-voter riot a the Capitol, had their media allies pretend the damage was done by Trump supporters, the effort to shield the fact that their BLM, ANTIFA, and assorted other anarko-communist thugs were actually behind it.
You're absolutely wrong about BLM and ANTIFA being behind January 6th.
It was the FBI ;)
You're absolutely wrong about BLM and ANTIFA being behind January 6th.
It was the FBI ;)

PoliticalChic is wrong about everything including last summers violence linked to BLM activists. She is a right wing nut job gone totally insane since Trump lost.

From the nonprofit organization ACLED PUBLICATION that tracks conflict across the globe that PoliticalChic has distorted beyond recognition.,


ā€œā€ā€Despite the media focus on looting and vandalism, however, there is little evidence to suggest that demonstrators have engaged in widespread violence. In some cases where demonstrations did turn violent, there are reports of agents provocateurs ā€” or infiltrators ā€” instigating the violence.
During a demonstration on 27 May in Minneapolis, for example, a man with an umbrella ā€”dubbed the ā€˜umbrella manā€™ by the media and later identified as a member of the Hells Angels linked to the Aryan Cowboys, a white supremacist prison and street gang ā€” was seen smashing store windows (Forbes, 30 May 2020; KSTP, 28 July 2020). It was one of the first reports of destructive activity that day, and it ā€œcreated an atmosphere of hostility and tensionā€ that helped spark an outbreak of looting following initially peaceful protests, according to police investigators, who believe the man ā€œwanted to sow discord and racial unrestā€ (New York Times, 28 July 2020). In another example on 29 May in Detroit, a number of non-residents reportedly traveled to the city to engage in violent behavior during a demonstration, leading to multiple arrests (MLive, 2 June 2020).
PoliticalChic is wrong about everything including last summers violence linked to BLM activists. She is a right wing nut job gone totally insane since Trump lost.

From the nonprofit organization ACLED PUBLICATION that tracks conflict across the globe that PoliticalChic has distorted beyond recognition.,


ā€œā€ā€Despite the media focus on looting and vandalism, however, there is little evidence to suggest that demonstrators have engaged in widespread violence. In some cases where demonstrations did turn violent, there are reports of agents provocateurs ā€” or infiltrators ā€” instigating the violence.
During a demonstration on 27 May in Minneapolis, for example, a man with an umbrella ā€”dubbed the ā€˜umbrella manā€™ by the media and later identified as a member of the Hells Angels linked to the Aryan Cowboys, a white supremacist prison and street gang ā€” was seen smashing store windows (Forbes, 30 May 2020; KSTP, 28 July 2020). It was one of the first reports of destructive activity that day, and it ā€œcreated an atmosphere of hostility and tensionā€ that helped spark an outbreak of looting following initially peaceful protests, according to police investigators, who believe the man ā€œwanted to sow discord and racial unrestā€ (New York Times, 28 July 2020). In another example on 29 May in Detroit, a number of non-residents reportedly traveled to the city to engage in violent behavior during a demonstration, leading to multiple arrests (MLive, 2 June 2020).

If your party requires it, will be be claiming that water isn't wet?
If your party requires it, will be be claiming that water isn't wet?

Below is a para out if the ACLED PUBLICATION you lied about. You chose to cite ACLED. You chose to lie that they said BLM activists were linked to last summerā€™s violence across America. ā€¦. When they actually wrote in their findings ā€œthere is little evidence to suggest that demonstrators have engaged in widespread violence.

From the nonprofit organization ACLED PUBLICATION that tracks conflict across the globe that PoliticalChic has distorted beyond recognition.ā€


ā€œā€ā€Despite the media focus on looting and vandalism, however, there is little evidence to suggest that demonstrators have engaged in widespread violence. In some cases where demonstrations did turn violent, there are reports of agents provocateurs ā€” or infiltrators ā€” instigating the violence.
During a demonstration on 27 May in Minneapolis, for example, a man with an umbrella ā€”dubbed the ā€˜umbrella manā€™ by the media and later identified as a member of the Hells Angels linked to the Aryan Cowboys, a white supremacist prison and street gang ā€” was seen smashing store windows (Forbes, 30 May 2020; KSTP, 28 July 2020). It was one of the first reports of destructive activity that day, and it ā€œcreated an atmosphere of hostility and tensionā€ that helped spark an outbreak of looting following initially peaceful protests, according to police investigators, who believe the man ā€œwanted to sow discord and racial unrestā€ (New York Times, 28 July 2020). In another example on 29 May in Detroit, a number of non-residents reportedly traveled to the city to engage in violent behavior during a demonstration, leading to multiple arrests (MLive, 2 June 2020).
Below is a para out if the ACLED PUBLICATION you lied about. You chose to cite ACLED. You chose to lie that they said BLM activists were linked to last summerā€™s violence across America. ā€¦. When they actually wrote in their findings ā€œthere is little evidence to suggest that demonstrators have engaged in widespread violence.

From the nonprofit organization ACLED PUBLICATION that tracks conflict across the globe that PoliticalChic has distorted beyond recognition.ā€


ā€œā€ā€Despite the media focus on looting and vandalism, however, there is little evidence to suggest that demonstrators have engaged in widespread violence. In some cases where demonstrations did turn violent, there are reports of agents provocateurs ā€” or infiltrators ā€” instigating the violence.
During a demonstration on 27 May in Minneapolis, for example, a man with an umbrella ā€”dubbed the ā€˜umbrella manā€™ by the media and later identified as a member of the Hells Angels linked to the Aryan Cowboys, a white supremacist prison and street gang ā€” was seen smashing store windows (Forbes, 30 May 2020; KSTP, 28 July 2020). It was one of the first reports of destructive activity that day, and it ā€œcreated an atmosphere of hostility and tensionā€ that helped spark an outbreak of looting following initially peaceful protests, according to police investigators, who believe the man ā€œwanted to sow discord and racial unrestā€ (New York Times, 28 July 2020). In another example on 29 May in Detroit, a number of non-residents reportedly traveled to the city to engage in violent behavior during a demonstration, leading to multiple arrests (MLive, 2 June 2020).

I certainly don't mind exposing you as lying scum as long as you don't mind.

This goes on the bill of Biden voters:

Exclusive: $1 billion-plus riot damage is most expensive ...

Exclusive: $1 billion-plus riot damage is most expensive in insurance history

Exclusive: $1 billion-plus riot damage is most expensive in insurance history. The vandalism and looting following the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police will cost the insurance industry more than any other violent demonstrations in recent history, Axios has learned. Why it matters: The protests that took place in 140 ...

BLM riot damages 'worst in history' totalling over $2 ...

BLM riot damages 'worst in history' totalling over $2 BILLION

BLM riot damages 'worst in history' totalling over $2 BILLION. The Insurance Information Institute has compiled some pretty shocking data. According to them, property damage claims due to the riots this summer have now probably surpassed $2 billion, making them the costliest riots in US history.

George Floyd riots cost insurance companies as much as $2 ...

George Floyd riots cost insurance companies as much as $2 BILLION - more than any in HISTORY, industry claims

The tidal wave of arson, vandalism, and other property crimes that swept across the nation in the aftermath of the Floyd killing left between $1 billion and $2 billion in damages, as measured by insurance claims paid out by the industry, a report released Wednesday by the Insurance Information Institute (III) has revealed.. While that figure represents only the damage done between May 26 and ...

Riots following George Floyd's death may cost insurance ...

Riots following George Floydā€™s death may cost insurance companies up to $2B

Sep 16, 2020Riots sparked by the police killing of George Floyd could cost insurance companies $1 billion to $2 billion ā€” possibly making them the most expensive in US history, an industry group says.. The ...

Insurance payout of 2020 riots most costly in history ...

Insurance payout of 2020 riots most costly in history, could top $2 billion: Report

Sep 16, 2020Property damage from riots in 140 U.S. cities following the death of George Floyd will cost the insurance industry more than any other violent demonstrations in recent history, according to a new ...

Riot damage could total $2 billion, the most expensive ...

Riot damage could total $2 billion, the most expensive civil disorder in recent history

Axios also compared the riot damage to natural disasters. For instance, wildfires have already done an estimated $1.5 billion dollars in damage this year but in previous years the totals for wildfire damage have been between $15 to $18 billion. Damage from Hurricane Isaias this summer is estimated to total $3 to $5 billion.

Political Cartoons

Democrat doing what Democrats do: lie.

CNN Claims Kenosha Protests Are ā€˜Fiery But Mostly Peacefulā€™ As City Burns Behind Reporter

Jan. 6 riot caused $1.5 million in damage to Capitol ā€” and U.S.

https://www.washingtonpost.com ā€ŗ local ā€ŗ 2021/06/03

Jun 3, 2021 ā€” Jan. 6 riot caused $1.5 million in damage to Capitol ā€” and U.S. prosecutors want defendants to pay Ā· 1. It started with a mock 'slave trade' and ...
....see if you can get help unjamming your foot from your mouth.

"FBI admits theyā€™ve found NO real evidence that Jan 6th riot was an organized insurrection

After months of investigations and arrests, the FBI is now admitting theyā€™ve found no real evidence that the riot on January 6th at the Capitol was anything other than just that, a riot:

The left has been saying all year that this was an insurrection and Pelosi even called it an armed insurrection, both points weā€™ve disputed many times. And it turns out we were right, as were all who did the same."

You Democrats haven't been right about anything since Disco died.
What shall we call it then? The recent unpleasantness at the Capitol? Unsportsmanlike conduct, 15 yard penalty, repeat 4th down? A minor kerfuffle?
Sep 16, 2020Riots sparked by the police killing of George Floyd could cost insurance companies $1 billion to $2 billion ā€” possibly making them the most expensive in US history, an industry group says.. The ...
Why doesnā€™t it go on the city of Minneapolis bill for keeping a racist murdering cop on their payroll.
Sep 16, 2020Riots sparked by the police killing of George Floyd could cost insurance companies $1 billion to $2 billion ā€” possibly making them the most expensive in US history, an industry group says.. The ...
Why doesnā€™t it go on the city of Minneapolis for keeping a convicted racist murdering cop on their payroll.
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Jun 3, 2021 ā€” Jan. 6 riot caused $1.5 million in damage to Capitol ā€” and U.S. prosecutors want defendants to pay Ā· 1. It started with a mock 'slave trade' and ...

Since Trump incited the DJT/ Eastman Jan6 riot to steal the election I think the feds should seize Mar-a-Lago and run it as a national monument to the protection of democracy. They could have a wax dummy scene of fat and safe Trump tweeting to the rioters that he loved them and the one about the Mike Pence being too much of a coward to destroy democracy for the sake of Donald J Trump Being angry and sad that he lost to sleepy Joe Biden.
What shall we call it then? The recent unpleasantness at the Capitol? Unsportsmanlike conduct, 15 yard penalty, repeat 4th down? A minor kerfuffle?

This: a kerfuffle.

Nothing more.

The Democrat party would love to have an excuse to cover, to mitigate, what they have done for a full year of riots....and that is the reason for amplifying the farrago at the Capitol.

I've seen worse at Walmart on Black Friday.


This....the actual milling around.

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Since Trump incited the DJT/ Eastman Jan6 riot to steal the election I think the feds should seize Mar-a-Lago and run it as a national monument to the protection of democracy. They could have a wax dummy scene of fat and safe Trump tweeting to the rioters that he loved them and the one about the Mike Pence being too much of a coward to destroy democracy for the sake of Donald J Trump Being angry and sad that he lost to sleepy Joe Biden.

Watch now easily I destroy your lie:

"As are those who continue to support him after his assault on Congress and the Constitution on January 6th...

NPR reported Trump's actual words on that day, proving you a scummy liar:

, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

"2 Dudes with a bottle of Jack are an insurrection now."
Well, poster 'Fueri' that is not an impossibility. Depends upon intent, opportunity, means, in short, a whole bunch of factors.

But your dudes with a buzz ain't what is being discussed.

Insurrection? OK. Remember that old bromide about if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck....?
Well, January 6th was one of those kinds of ducks. No?

Let's see what serious thinkers say about January 6th.
You know, like Stanford Law School.

In their link to the Lawfare piece on the Babbitt shooting, there was this rather cogent statement:

"This was an invasion of the Capitol by a throng of people openly attempting to prevent the Electoral College from engaging in its lawful functions so that their preferred candidate would be declared the winner of a presidential election. That fits neatly within almost any dictionaryā€™s definition of ā€œinsurrection.ā€ Members of the insurrectionist mob had erected a gallows across from the Capitol building; chanted, ā€œHang [Vice President] Mike Penceā€; and were equipped with flex-cuffs.

Moreover, the elected officials inside the building at the time included the vice president of the United States and federal lawmakers who sit in oversight of the U.S. military and intelligence communities."

A duck by any other color is still a duck.

Or something like that.
Well, poster 'Fueri' that is not an impossibility. Depends upon intent, opportunity, means, in short, a whole bunch of factors.

But your dudes with a buzz ain't what is being discussed.

Insurrection? OK. Remember that old bromide about if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck....?
Well, January 6th was one of those kinds of ducks. No?

Let's see what serious thinkers say about January 6th.
You know, like Stanford Law School.

In their link to the Lawfare piece on the Babbitt shooting, there was this rather cogent statement:

"This was an invasion of the Capitol by a throng of people openly attempting to prevent the Electoral College from engaging in its lawful functions so that their preferred candidate would be declared the winner of a presidential election. That fits neatly within almost any dictionaryā€™s definition of ā€œinsurrection.ā€ Members of the insurrectionist mob had erected a gallows across from the Capitol building; chanted, ā€œHang [Vice President] Mike Penceā€; and were equipped with flex-cuffs.

Moreover, the elected officials inside the building at the time included the vice president of the United States and federal lawmakers who sit in oversight of the U.S. military and intelligence communities."

A duck by any other color is still a duck.

Or something like that.

This is the "insurrection," you dolt.
This must look pretty violent to you, huh?


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