For First Time ,a U.S. Capitol riot defendant is

Have you thought that through? Think of how many cross..are we to house tens of millions? It would cost more to do that then it would to let them in, train them and give them the rights of citizenship...and we know just how much you like that idea~

You fools always come to the same spot.."Let's just kill them until they get the idea"....right?
8 years ago they were costing us roughly $32 billion/yr.
Now that the problem is 10 times worse illegals are costing us trillions in free health care, benefits, free fucking phones, transportation costs, and money they're sending back to their home countries.

All of the above which you motherfuckers told us wasn't ever going to happen when Obama signed the ACA into law.
Have you thought that through? Think of how many cross..are we to house tens of millions? It would cost more to do that then it would to let them in, train them and give them the rights of citizenship...and we know just how much you like that idea~

You fools always come to the same spot.."Let's just kill them until they get the idea"....right?
Train them?
It's because of them that we already have millions of Americans on welfare.
Ohhh, I get it. All liberal moderations just get the red-font and an instant-lock.

But this guy is a Trumper so he gets the benefit of "Do you have a link?" from the staff.
Carlin didn't know what the hell he was talking about.

there are hundreds of pro life organizations around the country who help women AFTER they give birth... help w/ adoption OR help w/ baby supplies or what have you

just bc HE didn't volunteer for such work doesn't mean it was non-existent..

what a liar

but that goes w/o saying w/ libs...

Oh! is that so.That ain't what democrats scream whenever guns are used.
It's the Guns fault.Always the guns fault.Never the perp or person
firing the gun.
Which is it ... Poverty or being poor.Or the availability of guns.
Or the perp using a stolen gun.
It surely ain't any NRA member.Like the Frauds in the Democrat party like
to pretend.
...and that has whst
"for you white people...."


Why two standards for, where based on skin's their own fault, and other, based on skin color, blamess. something way wrong with reducing poverty to a moral failing based on race.
Not only that but she also refused any records of her conveyance
or knowledge about security issues.Meaning there will be no
finding of facts relating to any of her correspondence involving
January 6th.How utterly corrupt.Like she has No responsibilities for
anything.And no proof of it will be tolerated.
You wait until November. Her financial scams and treason will come out
...and that has whst


Why two standards for, where based on skin's their own fault, and other, based on skin color, blamess. something way wrong with reducing poverty to a moral failing based on race.
nothing. I never just wondered about your own background til you said "you white people"

I took everything you said at face value and never cared. still don't.

still will take at face value.

But I would never in my life use that phrase or similar to so easily stereotype any race.
There’s a saying: The Republicans get angry when lies are told, and the Democrats get angry when the truth is told.
I’ve never heard that analogy, but over the past 12 years the old Dem/Rep “tit for tat” worthless congressional one-upping game has devolved into something much worse. We now have a constant bombardment of deception exposed from the left, one after another after another.

The leftists are going to soon oust liberal moderates and label them with some “cancel phrase” like Uncle Tom, but it will target all Democrats who do not suppport the woke leftist agenda. Maybe something like “Penny Pushers” because corporate Dems support a free market and understand the lunacy of a cost-free couch life. Good luck with that slackers!
Reuters reports " In a case that could embolden some of the hundreds
of other defendants facing minor misdemeanor charges to go to
trial rather than seeking plea deals."

A member supplied your link. This is a discussion board. For breaking news - links are required because folks who care to spend time here for INFORMATION - deserve that effort. The ones who are here just to brawl are just gonna brawl. Unfortunately, we cant CHOOSE one set over another.

So if you care enough to POST IT -- and the link is within a couple pages of your browsing history --

YEAH -- we want a link to start a discussion like this one.

You should thank the member who kept this thread from being closed.
Hold on....are you saying black people are poor due to their own actions? But for you white people it's...different?

No need to play a race card here. Poverty has never meant immorality or criminality. Regardless of race. It's all the OTHER factors. Like having the motivation to take advantage of education and YES maybe a bit of parental discipline and even a bit of religion.

The poster you responded to virtually told you that. And you interpreted that as somehow "race sensitive". The SUCCESS of a family to COPE with poverty determines the outcome. Not the skin color. And it's measured by all the successful people we know that came out of poverty BECAUSE of the way the family was able to cope.
No need to play a race card here. Poverty has never meant immorality or criminality. Regardless of race. It's all the OTHER factors. Like having the motivation to take advantage of education and YES maybe a bit of parental discipline and even a bit of religion.

The poster you responded to virtually told you that. And you interpreted that as somehow "race sensitive". The SUCCESS of a family to COPE with poverty determines the outcome. Not the skin color. And it's measured by all the successful people we know that came out of poverty BECAUSE of the way the family was able to cope.
Precisely. There was nothing in the post that blamed blacks for being poor and excusing whites. That poster races in to change around what conservatives say to make them APPEAR racist, since if she stuck to what they do say, she’d have no argument.

To recap, a liberal was excusing or “explaining” criminal behavior by blacks because, he said, they’re poor. (That right there is racist.) I responded by saying that’s no defense, since they are poor due to their own actions and bad choices.

So the liberal races in with, “oh, so blacks are poor dUE to their own failings, but ’you whites’ are blameless.” Nobody ever said that. Whites who remain poor are poor for the same reasons, but of course percentage wise poverty and its correlated crime rate is less of an issue among whites due to their actions and choices. But for those who remain poor, it’s for the same basic reasons: having babies out of wedlock and failing to complete school.
and what about those nauseating Repubs who raised money to bail out Jan 6 pass?

Money can NOT help MOST of the Jan 6th political prisoners being held -- NOT in a typical US legal system, but in the District of Columbia -- in solitary -- in a jail that MOST ADMIT, should be condemned. Most court systems in the US operate under general civil law, where D.As and defense attorneys make all the decisions. But in D.C. --- the Congress which actually RUNS the district, has the muscle to bend the system.

About 40% of the 100 or so arrested for Jan 6th are held WITHOUT BAIL and limited access to ANYONE/ANYTHING outside the prison. So any outside money is of NO USE...

There's a list of about 90 of cases and each status here at tthe DOJ site ---

There's about 20% of cases already decided. MOST ending a 3 to 6 month hell of confinement with nothing but probation and public service. THEIR CHARGES are virtually indistinguishable from the cases that REMAIN in solitary/no bail. From what I read in that link, your level of torture depends SOLELY ON whether the Fed govt hates the people you associate with.

IF THAT CRITERIA WERE USED for the "summer rioters" -- most Anti-Fa/BLM activists would STILL BE ROTTING IN PRISON TODAY for worse offenses. And efforts to "fund them" would be similarly pointless.

People at the Capitol, not necessarily in the Capitol, on January 6th are in restrictive housing, aka solitary.

Elizabeth Warren (MA) and Dick Durbin (IL) spoke up against the harsh treatment of people taken into custody for the Jan. 6 Capitol “riot.” [[Note DEMOCRATS - FCT]]

According to the Tennessee Star, the jail where some rioters /trespassers are kept, houses 1,500 inmates. They are confined to their jail cells 22 hours per day, an increase of one hour over what it was last month. They are prohibited from going outside.

Some of them are let out for recreation at 2 am due to COV. A Washington Post report described the jail’s COVID-19 order as “mass solitary confinement.” That got Democrats concerned because it hurts their argument for making DC a state.

A lawyer for Jan. 6 defendants told Politico that lawmakers should contact him if they were concerned about the inmates’ treatment. Marty Tankleff, himself exonerated after decades in prison for a wrongful murder conviction, told Just the News no one has contacted him nearly three weeks later.

His clients include Ryan Samsel, who alleges a prison guard beat him so badly he suffered permanent eye damage, and Edward Jacob Lang, an observant Jew who claims guards disparaged him as a “false prophet” as he prayed for other inmates.
The poster you responded to virtually told you that. And you interpreted that as somehow "race sensitive".
I can help you with that. Here's the bit Coyote was responding to:
Yeah, and they’re poor primarily because of the high out-of-wedlock rate. So they are poor due to their own actions, and that’s the excuse for their committing a disproportionate share of the crime?
Lisa asserts the blue stuff, then switches to (loaded) question asking mode after the comma. Those assertions in blue are unquestionably racist.

  1. prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
Pretty sure you'd agree that black people comprise a minority "racial or ethic group" in this country so sweating the "marginalized" option is superfluous. The question then boils down to whether what Lisa stated in blue was clearly "prejudiced against or antagonistic toward" blacks or not? I easily conclude yes to both:
  1. Yeah, and they’re poor primarily because of the high out-of-wedlock rate.
  2. So they are poor due to their own actions
Even if you conclude otherwise, they remain textbook examples of:
at best.
Lisa asserts the blue stuff, then switches to (loaded) question asking mode after the comma. Those assertions in blue are unquestionably racist.

What brings skin color to top of your mind with regards to "out of wedlock births"? In the poor South -- some High Schools (predominantly white) have FREAKIN' DAY CARE..
Lisa asserts the blue stuff, then switches to (loaded) question asking mode after the comma. Those assertions in blue are unquestionably racist.

The "disproportionate" part is statistically correct. But she REFERENCED THAT AS THEIR excuse, (or one that white virtue signalers asserted to defend their actions).

If you're POOR -- some people think a good LOOTING is a good way to gift yourself stuff. And a riot is the BEST excuse to take advantage of that. The MEDIA and some lefty mayors have even been caught JUSTIFYING that by implying it's a form or "EQUITY" or reparations.

I saw DISABLED WHITE people taking shit in "summer looting/pillaging". AGAIN -- it has to do with how the poor families COPE and DEAL with poverty than skin color. And there ARE DISPARITIES there by race. But none are INHERENT to race. Plenty of poor yellow and brown families also that have trouble keeping their kids out of gangs and destructive attractions.
What brings skin color to top of your mind with regards to "out of wedlock births"? {etc.}
Gee, guess who actually said all that stuff you just credited to Lisa?
Black folk are a lot poorer, on average...and it's the poor people who commit the majority of crime. But keep nursing that hate....I like to imagine what it's doing to you~
Lisa clearly had "skin color" at the top of her mind with regards to "out of wedlock births" when she responded to that post. It helps to read first, then think,.. then type.. or not!
Last edited:
Gee, guess who actually said all that stuff you just credited to Lisa?

Lisa clearly had "skin color" at the top of her mind with regards to "out of wedlock births" when she responded to that post. It helps to read first, then think,.. then type.. or not!

Only because the context was primarily "race riots" -- Duhhh....

I HATE the fact that Xenforo took out the option to carry the WHOLE "sub-threads". We used to be able to get context from the whole "separate convos" that were going on. But we had to "twitterfy" USMB to just carry the "last quote" forward rather than select the LENGTH of the quote chain. It really SUCKS for a discussion board.

Lisa was replying to EvilEyeFleagle who ASSERTED he knew that the poor were responsible for most crimes. OR was attributing that to Lisa or just his imagined version of "what racists would think". Hard to tell when folks speak for others so often on USMB. HE brought up the "poor" connection.

Which is ironic now that we know that the BLM founders have "LOST" about $40Mill in donations, but suddenly have 3 fancy houses and new $6Mill BLM retreat they just bought in a swanky part of L.A. THERE's the "cure" for "black" poverty I guess. :wink:

And like I said "high rate of out-of-wedlock" births HAS no racial connection. UNLESS -- it's top of YOUR mind.
No buildings burned, no stores looted and the only person murdered was a white American woman killed by a black cop.
No one was murdered, over 150 police injured, some severely, 5 people died either directly or indirectly. The Capital was looted and feces smeared on the walls. An attack was made on our seat of democracy by people attempting to overthrow an election and prevent the peaceful transfer of power.

And the black police officer? He was American too.
I can help you with that. Here's the bit Coyote was responding to:

Lisa asserts the blue stuff, then switches to (loaded) question asking mode after the comma. Those assertions in blue are unquestionably racist.

Pretty sure you'd agree that black people comprise a minority "racial or ethic group" in this country so sweating the "marginalized" option is superfluous. The question then boils down to whether what Lisa stated in blue was clearly "prejudiced against or antagonistic toward" blacks or not? I easily conclude yes to both:
  1. Yeah, and they’re poor primarily because of the high out-of-wedlock rate.
  2. So they are poor due to their own actions
Even if you conclude otherwise, they remain textbook examples of:
at best.
ONG. And out of the woodwook comes another liberal, looking to interpret things as racist.

When a liberal poster excuses or explains away that blacks are committing so much crime because they‘re poor, there is nothing wrong with pointing out the FACT that they are poor due to their own actions (and thus excusing the crime due to the poverty doesn‘t fly). That would be like my saying it’s not his fault he crashed the car because he was drunk.

I’ll give you an example of what is racist: When the U.S. president announces in advance that the SCOTUS nominee will be limited according to race, and that no whites will be considered.

Ot when whites who commit misdemeanors or intentionally overcharged are put in jail for months, such as what happened with while at the same time liberals are rallying to eliminate bond for violent criminals who are black.

You liberal bigots are playing this wrong from both sides: crashing down on anything you twist around to interpret as racist against blacks while simultaneously cheering on actions that are racist against whites.
Lisa was replying to EvilEyeFleagle who ASSERTED he knew that the poor were responsible for most crimes. OR was attributing that to Lisa or just his imagined version of "what racists would think". Hard to tell when folks speak for others so often on USMB. HE brought up the "poor" connection.
Again, I can help you with that. EvilEyeFleagle was addressing Foolardi in this particular case, who had dragged "Blacks" in, kicking and screaming:
Black females have 5 times the number of abortions than white females.
Blacks commit over 50% of homicides each year in the United States.
Or are you implying Blacks don't kill other blacks.
Blacks don't rob other blacks.
Blacks don't assualt other blacks.
How many Blacks are involved in gun murders.
How many Blacks are members of the NRA.
EvilEyeFleagle: {talking to Foolardi}:
Not hard to smell you coming, eh?

Black folk are a lot poorer, on average...and it's the poor people who commit the majority of crime. But keep nursing that hate....I like to imagine what it's doing to you~
Lisa then hopped in to defend the racist Foolardi from that evil eye of a Fleagle {i.e., to pile on}:
Yeah, and they’re poor primarily because of the high out-of-wedlock rate. So they are poor due to their own actions, and that’s the excuse for their committing a disproportionate share of the crime?

Besides, being poor is no excuse to be a criminal. My parents, and their parents, grew up in poverty, and nobody so much as stole a stick of gum.
You really couldn't follow that? I love the new set up. Works great on my PC. Throw that smart phone away. LOL

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