For First Time ,a U.S. Capitol riot defendant is

I don't know what is funnier--that you think protesting against the Vietnam war was a far left thing--or that the school..which undoubtedly recited the Pledge of Allegiance every morning--took a stand and taught the students that peaceful protest was a part of their civil duty..and a precious Right.

Odds are, while you were in school, I was serving in the USN. I thought I was fighting for the preservation of those rights...boy was I young, eh?

BTW..most educated people lean left. Even the self-educated ones. I am of the opinion that many who are educated and espouse Ultra-conservative views are less than sincere..and are just pandering for votes or money.
It’s not the place for a principal of an elementary school to take 9-year-olds onto the lawn and have them protest in support of a liberal position. They are too young to understand what’s going on and should be learning basic academics. Our kids are failing miserably.

As far as your superiority about well-educated people leaning left, that’s because they are affluent and can buy their way out of the consequences of liberal policies. The same educated people crying about the plight of illegal aliens have safely ensconced themselves in white neighborhoods and send their kids to private schools and “wealthy” public schools - far from the onslaught of illegals.

Second, you know who else leans left? The poor, inner-city welfare types. And you are saying that conservatives pander for votes? OMG. The Dems are all about “vote for us and we will give you more handouts.”
All of the charges were misdemeanors. The Federal government is prosecuting misdemeanors lol.

"The judge, however, said video shows two police officers standing near the Rotunda doors and allowing people to enter as Martin approached. One of the officers appeared to lean back before Martin placed a hand on the officer’s shoulder as a possible sign of gratitude, the judge said."
You ProgBots defend raping children and never get banned.
Russia says the "Butcher of Bucha" is Maxim "Tesak" Martsinkevich, friend of neo-nazi Azov battalion member, Sergei "Malyuta" Korotkikh.

Malyuta has been charged with beheading a Dagestani in a video in front of the nazi flag, and mouths off about the US Capitol riots on 7 Jan:

Malyuta Charged with Murder
As far as surrounding the Capitol as if Under Indian attack dating back
to the early 1800's with massive use of metal barriers and fencing
and even Concertina wire as if Some Maximum security penal building.
Done for uber dramatic effect and also to send a message.
To all citizens.Don't even think about going to D.C. in order to consult
or talk with yer elected representative.It won't be permitted.
Plus Old Joe was about to be sworn-in.
The Democrats are such personifiable scum.At least they are makiing
their scum status official.
Yep.....Democrats essentially showed everyone what they are thinking.
They don't want to represent US citizens anymore.
They want to get rich representing our enemies and propping up criminals in hopes of destroying America.
Eventually they'll claim that all of the destruction they've caused only means they need to institute harsh counter-measures.
That means taking our guns.....taking our money and our food....and taking all of our freedoms.
It must. They support bailing out guilty rioters so they can be shipped all over the country to riot again.....but it's for a good cause. BLM needs mansions so they can make rap-videos.
Liberals’ bias and double standards are evident wherever you turn. it was horrible the way they out the white teen in jail for months - under $2 million bond - when he was not a threat.
Yep.....Democrats essentially showed everyone what they are thinking.
They don't want to represent US citizens anymore.
They want to get rich representing our enemies and propping up criminals in hopes of destroying America.
Eventually they'll claim that all of the destruction they've caused only means they need to institute harsh counter-measures.
That means taking our guns.....taking our money and our food....and taking all of our freedoms.
It’s pretty telling that we have Fauci warning that American citizens might have to go under lockdown while Biden has announced he is fully opening the floodgates to illegal aliens.
Absent the pejoratives...I think all lawbreakers should face a judge. Period.

Again, the one has nothing to do with the other. i know it's the conservative mantra deflect from Jan 6 with the BLM stuff.
But they are unrelated.

On a personal note, I find that comparing the mostly peaceful BLM protests with a bunch of entitled white dudes attacking our Govt. institutions, just because their team lost--to be ludicrous.
Yep.....instead of giving illegals free phones and sending them on their way...they should see a judge and deported to the country they came from. If they come back it's 5 years mandatory in prison.
It’s pretty telling that we have Fauci warning that American citizens might have to go under lockdown while Biden has announced he is fully opening the floodgates to illegal aliens.
That is the primary reason I don't believe them when they talk about vaccines, masks, or new strains.
If they're flooding the country with unvaccinated illegals then everything they're saying is total BS.
Just imagine if someone got ahold of the Infinity Gauntlet and snapped their fingers.....and every Democrat evaporated.....just how much better would America be? Most of our problems would evaporate with them.
That is the primary reason I don't believe them when they talk about vaccines, masks, or new strains.
If they're flooding the country with unvaccinated illegals then everything they're saying is total BS.
Just imagine if someone got ahold of the Infinity Gauntlet and snapped their fingers.....and every Democrat evaporated.....just how much better would America be? Most of our problems would evaporate with them.
Plus, you also see all these Congressional Democrats in a crowd without a mask, or going out to dinner when it wasn’t allowed, or going yo a hair stylist when it wasn’t allowed, etc.

And yup, I wouldn’t miss the Democrats.
It’s pretty telling that we have Fauci warning that American citizens might have to go under lockdown while Biden has announced he is fully opening the floodgates to illegal aliens.
That's why we are posting about the "Butcher of Bucha" and friends, Einstein. POSPOTUS POS son Hunter is implicated in biolabs and the reader must go one more (fucking) dot to make the connection to the most controversial Ukraine biolab of them all: Kharkiv. Kremlin and FSB know that Malyuta is linked to Avakov and Fau Chi's bird flu is linked to Kharkiv:

Phone Tap of Avakov at Kharkiv
Bird flu studies at the Kharkiv lab also link to British MI5-6, because the sparrow species that vectors influenza in Great Britain also vectors the virus in Ukraine: Passer montanus.
Teachers and teachers unions have always been to the far left. When I was in elementary schooll the principal let us all out of class so we could demonstrate against the Vietnam War on the front lawn.
Similar when in grade school and J.F.K. was running for Pres.
The year was 1960.I was around 8 yrs,old.Or in 3rd grade.
The Nuns { It was a Parochial school } nearly adored Jack Kennedy.
He was to become the First Catholic President.
The hoopla was amazing.All kinds of Kennedy and Nixon election stuff.
Banners and little flags and plenty of Red White and Blue.
Nixon Lost. Jack Won. " They stole it fair and square " Nixon Campaign Mngr.
Or Murray Chotiner.Whose advice was often illuminating.
Do not deflate the opposition before your own caopaign gets started.
Do not go on the attack,it generates more news.Instead bring up the
candidates record.
Bird flu studies at the Kharkiv lab also link to British MI5-6, because the sparrow species that vectors influenza in Great Britain also vectors the virus in Ukraine: Passer montanus.
Vectors huh.Ain't they like behind the bleachers.Too far away from
peanuts in the shell hawkers.
Bird flu studies at the Kharkiv lab also link to British MI5-6, because the sparrow species that vectors influenza in Great Britain also vectors the virus in Ukraine: Passer montanus.

A U.S. funded, Ukrainian biological project named UP-4 studied the spread of infections through migratory birds, including highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza and Newcastle disease.
In addition, experiments were carried out with samples of coronavirus in biological laboratories in Ukraine, created and funded by the United States, according to “declassified documents relating to military biological programs that the United States conducted in biological laboratories in Ukraine.”
Hopefully he didn't desecrate the Capitol while he was in there.
Do tell, how does one. .. "desecrate," the Capitol building? I can see how one could vandalize it. . but "desecrate?"

You do know, it isn't a consecrated holy site, right?

You STATISTS who worship the state really need to get your priorities straight.

Yep.....instead of giving illegals free phones and sending them on their way...they should see a judge and deported to the country they came from. If they come back it's 5 years mandatory in prison.
Have you thought that through? Think of how many cross..are we to house tens of millions? It would cost more to do that then it would to let them in, train them and give them the rights of citizenship...and we know just how much you like that idea~

You fools always come to the same spot.."Let's just kill them until they get the idea"....right?

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