For First Time ,a U.S. Capitol riot defendant is

By AG Merrick Garland.No wonder Chuckie boy Schumer and the Democrats
threw tissy fits when The GOP under Majority leader McConnell made the decision
that Garland would not be allowed a Nomination for SCOTUS during an election year.
Now we know why the Dems threw daily fits.Because Garland was a ringer.
Punked.The Dems were counting on him to Play Political games.
Which is what he's proved.His Son in law made money { lots money }
by involving himself in the publication and sale of School books with
CRT lessons spelled out as curriculum.Merrick dint want to talk about it.
As if it never existed.
Yup. We dodged a bullet by keeping him off the SCOTUS.
Hold on....are you saying black people are poor due to their own actions? But for you white people it's...different?
Black people are mostly poor because they have 75% of their kids out of's mostly their fault.
Nobody can raise children on one income these days. Even Asians can't do it well....which is why most of them have two parents.
didn't seem to mind when the dems and Hollywood bailed out their protestors.

were they nauseating also?
Did you completely miss the post I was responding to? You, know the one that called the Dems nauseating for bailing out protesters?
I have a question about how the moderators work. Can I ask it here, or is that against the rules?
I didn’t mention whites at all. The other guy was making excuses for black criminals because they are poor, so I responded to that.

Nice try, but no dice.
He wasn't making excuses, he was pointing out a well established fact, that poverty is the biggest driver of crime for both blacks and whites. The fact that your family wasn't criminal (or for that matter, a good many black families) doesn't alter that fact.
The only reason anyone was charged with insurrection is because they needed headlines to say it.
They had no evidence on anyone with regards to insurrection.
Now the Democraps in the House that impeached Trump over lies and tampered evidence are trying to make the case the FBI can't make.
Proving that The Democrats are lying Unamerican frauds.
Yes,no one was charged with Insurrection because there was
No Insurrection.Plus the only person Killed was by a Capitol cop.
Ashli Babbett was also pushed in with the crowd.She didn't break
anything.No warning was given by the cop who shot her.
Turns out that cop had some file on his reckless use of a weapon
before.His name was not released for more than half a year.
Unheard of.A cop is involved in a death by his weapon and his name
is never given.
He wasn't making excuses, he was pointing out a well established fact, that poverty is the biggest driver of crime for both blacks and whites. The fact that your family wasn't criminal (or for that matter, a good many black families) doesn't alter that fact.
Oh! is that so.That ain't what democrats scream whenever guns are used.
It's the Guns fault.Always the guns fault.Never the perp or person
firing the gun.
Which is it ... Poverty or being poor.Or the availability of guns.
Or the perp using a stolen gun.
It surely ain't any NRA member.Like the Frauds in the Democrat party like
to pretend.
Damn… just made my point for me. YOUR side carried on like rabid animals FOR MONTHS, and our side had a single incident that lasted a few hours. Thanks for pointing out how much more violent and dangerous you liberals are.
Not my side. I don't look at it like that at all. Probably not a liberal...anywhere but here.

I think the BLM had, and has, a point. did things get out of hand/ For sure. But there is a huge difference between protesting a social mechanism that has led to the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands of black men....and attacking our very seat of Govt. in aid of overturning a legal election...on the word of the losing party.

You don't see it as that at all, I get it. You are a shrinking minority--do you get that?
Proving that The Democrats are lying Unamerican frauds.
Yes,no one was charged with Insurrection because there was
No Insurrection.Plus the only person Killed was by a Capitol cop.
Ashli Babbett was also pushed in with the crowd.She didn't break
anything.No warning was given by the cop who shot her.
Turns out that cop had some file on his reckless use of a weapon
before.His name was not released for more than half a year.
Unheard of.A cop is involved in a death by his weapon and his name
is never given.
They needed a bodycount to put in the headlines so they could make Jan 6th appear worse than it really was. So they beat one woman to death...and shot another in cold-blood.
Then they put a suicide and a couple of other non-related deaths in the total to make it seem worse.
Total BS. It was a massive coverup.....which is why the put a steel wall around the place for get rid of any evidence before reopening the Capital to visitors.

Hold on....are you saying black people are poor due to their own actions? But for you white people it's...different?
It was an interesting point. . . I had to look that up.

Many conservatives claim it is a cultural thing, rooted in family, and community. There is less emphasis in family, in the black community, than in the white community, and likewise, less in the white community, than in the Jewish or Asian communities.

This? All then accounts for success. Family, and community.

He wasn't making excuses, he was pointing out a well established fact, that poverty is the biggest driver of crime for both blacks and whites. The fact that your family wasn't criminal (or for that matter, a good many black families) doesn't alter that fact.

This is, well, a pretty biased source, but. . . let's be honest, the lefties and liberal social engineering research sites? They don't want to touch this with a ten foot pole. . . now, do they?

This is from NPR. . but it is not a comparative analysis, so it is mostly worthless then.

. . . and? Without a multivariate analysis which DOES include poverty as well as race? I am at a loss to give much weight to either. :dunno:
Not my side. I don't look at it like that at all. Probably not a liberal...anywhere but here.

I think the BLM had, and has, a point. did things get out of hand/ For sure. But there is a huge difference between protesting a social mechanism that has led to the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands of black men....and attacking our very seat of Govt. in aid of overturning a legal election...on the word of the losing party.

You don't see it as that at all, I get it. You are a shrinking minority--do you get that?
BLM was not even arguably The Biggest hoax perpetrated in modern
american history.Nothing could be further from the truth.
Statistics don't lie.BLM does the lying.
Black females abort 5 times the number of fetus than White females.
Blacks commit over 50% of all Homicides each year in the U.S.
There aren't stats on how many Blacks rob other blacks.
Or how many Blacks assualt other blacks.
It's true.
They proved that the defendant was on another side of the Capital away from the violence.....and also showed videos of Capital Police letting him in the building.
Hopefully he didn't desecrate the Capitol while he was in there.
LOL! A not exactly an overcharge..and the guy sounds innocent to me. There were many who just were 'touring'..and stole nothing, did not defecate anywhere..did not hit anyone..and left peacefully.
They should not be charged..and most were not.

Of course, there are those who did steal, defecate..and hurt people. They should be tried and convicted.
I'm pretty sure that they will be~

The judge said that the defendant was “about as minimal and nonserious” as anyone who was at the Capitol that day.

That is a tacit acknowledgment that there were those whose actions were far more serious.
We just have to hope Justice is served in each and each and every case, and extremist politics doesn't come into play.
I started a Thread about Hugh Hewitt { Salem Radio Morning host }
getting a call from a Lady listener very upset about how those Defendants
were being treated.Like Her I felt this was unprecented.That in effect those
uncharged defendants were being treated as if Political Prisoners.
Hewitt swiflty gave her advice.To forget what yer hearing.It;s not true.
In the United States there are no Political, Prisoners and never has been.
So don't believe it.
I think Hewitt has been compromised.He was bragging last fall about being
one of the first in line to get a Booster when they come out.
I mean,talk about a weenie.A sort of teachers pet.
Keep in mind that Hewitt was quite friendly with Chuck Todd for
years.Also Jake Tapper.Both enemies of Conservatism and especially
Donald Trump.

Hewitt told us Romeny was a good guy......he told us that Roberts would be a good Supreme Court justice, he told us james comey was a good guy, and he told a room full of conservatives that American journalists were patriots....

Hewitt has a huge blind spot when it comes to American leftists and their sympathizers....

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