For First Time ,a U.S. Capitol riot defendant is

If you hit a cop with a are a violent criminal. Not all those folks were trespassers, or are you just ignoring the multiple violent felonies being charged..and to view anytime you want on any number of platforms?

Nobody is 'soft' on real criminals. When you say it though..I can't help but feel that, for you, it's just code for black people.

This country, the USA, incarcerates more people, by percentage of population..than any other country in the world. Bar none. China has the raw numbers...but we win the percentage race~

Soft on crime....too funny!

While the United States represents about 4.2 percent of the world's population,[3] it houses around 20 percent of the world's prisoners.[4] Corrections (which includes prisons, jails, probation, and parole) cost around $74 billion in 2007 according to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS).[5][6] According to the Justice Expenditures and Employment in the United States, 2017 report release by BJS, it's estimated that county and municipal governments spent roughly US$30 billion on corrections in 2017.[7][8]
As of their March 2020 publication, the Prison Policy Initiative, a non-profit organization for decarceration, estimated that in the United States, about 2.3 million people were or are currently incarcerated. Of those who were incarcerated, 1,291,000 people were in state prison, 631,000 in local jails, 226,000 in federal prisons, 44,000 in youth correctional facilities, 42,000 in immigration detention camps, 22,000 in involuntary commitment, 11,000 in territorial prisons, 2,500 in Indian Country jails, and 1,300 in United States military prisons.[9]

How many are in prison for Marijuana possession?
And THIS poster has a pattern of putting words in my mouth to make it seem as if I’m racist. To her, any comment that the cause of poverty among blacks - when a different poster brought UP the poverty among blacks as an excuse for their crime rate - is due to their own decisions, she considers it racist.

And here again, you see another of her lies - her putting words in my mouth. I never said the reasons for poverty apply only to blacks, and not to whites. She accused me of that, naturally, and I expanded to make it clear that whites who are poor are so due to the same reasons. Yet, given her deceit, she ignores - pretends I never said it - and once again lies to say I have applied the reasons for poverty to just one race.

And the reason that blacks, as a group, have higher rates of poverty is because blacks, as a group, have a significantly higher OOW rate.that’s not racist…..that’s a fact. Yet the deceitful poster above, anytime a white doesn't blame racism for blacks’ higher poverty rate, and instead holds them responsible, it’s racist.

THE POSTER IS LYING ABOUT WHAT I SAY TO MAKE IT APPEAR THAT HER ENEMY IS A RACIST. AND SHE LIES REPEATEDLY. This is the only way that leftists can keep the “conservatives are racist” lie going.

NORMAL people - which excludes the deceitful leftists - aren’t falling for your game anymore, and they’ve had enough. You’ll see come November 2022, when we put a stop to the nonsense.
NORMAL people do not start thread after thread after thread complaining about black people. You have a pattern here. Care to explain it? I don't expect an answer because you dodge the difficult questions everytime resorting to those "evil leftist" claims instead.
Thank you. I too have a problem when a very biased moderator is allowed to attack innocent posters so venomously, and lie about what they say, simoly because they don’t subscribe to the false narrative being put forth by leftists.
Oh for God's sakes put your big girl panties on. I have been listening to ad nauseum to you posting about how horrible leftists are and how horrible and unqualified low iq blacks are. Any thread you start can be guaranteed to include at least one of those topics.
NORMAL people do not start thread after thread after thread complaining about black people. You have a pattern here. Care to explain it? I don't expect an answer because you dodge the difficult questions everytime resorting to those "evil leftist" claims instead.
You’ve put words in my mouth and have lied about what I’ve said. No need for me to discuss this topic with someone who uses such a deceitful tactic in debating an issue.
Oh for God's sakes put your big girl panties on. I have been listening to ad nauseum to you posting about how horrible leftists are and how horrible and unqualified low iq blacks are. Any thread you start can be guaranteed to include at least one of those topics.
And once again, you distort what I’ve said. You are lying. It’s become a pattern among leftists here who are unable to argue a point. I’ve NEVER, for example, said anything about “low IQ blacks” - which you just claimed. This is just one example of many of your lies, and you are one of the worst who do this. It’s a NASTY, unfair, deceitful way to conduct a discussion, and when you grow up and stop the nasty tactics, AND APOLOGIZE FOR LYING ABOUT WHAT I HAVE SAID, maybe we can talk.
You’ve put words in my mouth and have lied about what I’ve said. No need for me to discuss this topic with someone who uses such a deceitful tactic in debating an issue.
How many threads have yiu started bitching about black people?
How many threads have yiu started bitching about black people?
None. That’s your lie again. I have started threads bitching about racist policies that go against whites. I also have started threads that people can rise out of poverty via their own choices, be they black or white.

Now stop your nasty lying.
The problem with Coyote, as it is with many leftists, is that anytime someone refuses to support racist policies that favor blacks and disadvantage whites, she is called a racist. The truth is that the leftists are the racist ones, given that they cheer on decisions based on skin tone IF it favors blacks.
Moderators should be setting the example of how to behave on this forum, NOT lying about what their enemy says and then arguing the issue as if she actually said it.

You are a big liar.
And once again, you distort what I’ve said. You are lying. It’s become a pattern among leftists here who are unable to argue a point. I’ve NEVER, for example, said anything about “low IQ blacks” - which you just claimed. This is just one example of many of your lies, and you are one of the worst who do this. It’s a NASTY, unfair, deceitful way to conduct a discussion, and when you grow up and stop the nasty tactics, AND APOLOGIZE FOR LYING ABOUT WHAT I HAVE SAID, maybe we can talk.
How many threads have you started that are just bitching about black people?

Disney posters show too many black people.

An unnamed shopping center has only posters of black people.

Never mind that (since we can't verify the claim) a sampling of adverts from popular stores like Target show a multihued variety of racial types including. You claim blacks are overrepresented yet those same ads overrepresent other groups like Asians and that doesn't seem to bother you.

So what exactly are you trying to say?
The problem with Coyote, as it is with many leftists, is that anytime someone refuses to support racist policies that favor blacks and disadvantage whites, she is called a racist. The truth is that the leftists are the racist ones, given that they cheer on decisions based on skin tone IF it favors blacks.
hmmm...overrepresenting blacks in adverts is racist. Yet overrepresenting Asians is not. Why just blacks for you Lisa?
How many threads have you started that are just bitching about black people?

Disney posters show too many black people.

An unnamed shopping center has only posters of black people.

Never mind that (since we can't verify the claim) a sampling of adverts from popular stores like Target show a multihued variety of racial types including. You claim blacks are overrepresented yet those same ads overrepresent other groups like Asians and that doesn't seem to bother you.

So what exactly are you trying to say?
NONE, you idiot. My complaint is that whites are being intentionally excluded, based on skin color, and that doing that is RACIST.

You continue to lie and twist what I have said around. You are sick.
hmmm...overrepresenting blacks in adverts is racist. Yet overrepresenting Asians is not. Why just blacks for you Lisa?
First, I said I wanted an apology for your lying about what I say in order to falsely paint me as a racist. Do that, and I’ll answer your question. I’ll wait.
I really think there is a big issue when a moderator has a vandetta against a poster and attacks and lies the way you do.
NONE, you idiot. My complaint is that whites are being intentionally excluded, based on skin color, and that doing that is RACIST.

You continue to lie and twist what I have said around. You are sick.
I don't see the difference you ONLY complain about blacks.
Stop lying.
There are no uncharged defendants. They have all been arraigned and have all waived their constitutional right to a speedy trial on advice of counsel. This is common.
Many are being held in solitary protective custody. Given the make-up of the D.C. jails...probably a good thing. For them~
Protective custody against their will. Umm Hmmm. But I really don't think its themselves who are being protected, I think it's likely the House Speaker who fears her hatred of Donald Trump will someday become slightly more clear to those who cannot see.
How many threads have you started that are just bitching about black people?

Disney posters show too many black people.

An unnamed shopping center has only posters of black people.

Never mind that (since we can't verify the claim) a sampling of adverts from popular stores like Target show a multihued variety of racial types including. You claim blacks are overrepresented yet those same ads overrepresent other groups like Asians and that doesn't seem to bother you.

So what exactly are you trying to say?
Come on. Thanks called your bluff. I am ready to answer the question as soon as you apologize for lying about what I’ve said. This has become a pattern among leftists, and you should not be doing it as well.

Im waiting for the apology, I have the answer to your question ready.
First, I said I wanted an apology for your lying about what I say in order to falsely paint me as a racist. Do that, and I’ll answer your question. I’ll wait.
I don't apologize for fake allegations. If you aren't a racist make your case. I, for one, don't understand why you make thread after about black people.
I don't see the difference you ONLY complain about blacks.
Nope, another lie.

And here’s the thing, You said I wouldn’t answer your question, and I said I would as soon as you apologize for your deceitful, nasty way of debating - by lying about what your opponent has said.

Im still waiting.
I don't apologize for fake allegations. If you aren't a racist make your case. I, for one, don't understand why you make thread after about black people.
OK….you are a liar and you refuse to apologize for it. I’m done. And you really should NOT be a moderator, given the horrible example you set in your posts.

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