For near 8 years we bitched about racial division being used as a political weapon and/or tool.

Trump does the SAME GOD DAMN THING and you all fold like a creased napkin.

You're fucking spineless hypocritical cowards who are no damn different than the ones who've used these very political weapons as a means to an end. You know, the ones both you & I have bitched about for seven years now.

Where's your cloak of personal responsibility now? Did you lose it on the way to your knees?

Do I believe Trump is a racist? NOPE.
Do I believe Trump is using race as a weapon? ABSOLUTELY

All the problems this nation has seemingly boil down to race. Know why? Cause NEITHER side has the courage to call out their own when a line is crossed & demand the accountability that we scream at the opposition for not having. Which in essence secures the asinine race baiting bullshit for the next generation of political insiders.

Trump could have had my vote with a focus on the issues that really matter but he's to interested in stirring the pot for his own personal gain.

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

I want the wall.
I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.
I want a focus on America first.

I don't want Obama 2.0 with the racial bullshit.
Grow a fucking spine & practice what you preach.
Would you rather have the scandal queen who villainized her husband's victims, sold her country and her influence out to the highest bidder, left a trail of bodies - to include 4 Americans she abandoned to needlessly die, and broke numerous laws while jeopardizing our nation's national security by illegally running her own private server as Secretary of state and as a civilian?!
Trumps hand has been forced. The left opened that can of worms and that Jeanie cannot be put back in the bottle. Instead of what the GOP has been doing; allowing the left to beat them up with it, Trump isn't hiding from these issues. IMO, he could do a better job of it, but he isnt shying away. The old GOP way of running scared didn't work, maybe Trumps way will. But Trump as to fight that war, not pretend it doesn't exist.
Obama's own hand-picked female Latino USSC Justice declared that ALL Judges have racial and gender-based bias, justifying Trump's suggesting that the Judge should recuse himself.

Funny...I don't see liberals ranting and raving about Sotomayor being a racist / sexist.
Trump does the SAME GOD DAMN THING and you all fold like a creased napkin.

You're fucking spineless hypocritical cowards who are no damn different than the ones who've used these very political weapons as a means to an end. You know, the ones both you & I have bitched about for seven years now.

Where's your cloak of personal responsibility now? Did you lose it on the way to your knees?

Do I believe Trump is a racist? NOPE.
Do I believe Trump is using race as a weapon? ABSOLUTELY

All the problems this nation has seemingly boil down to race. Know why? Cause NEITHER side has the courage to call out their own when a line is crossed & demand the accountability that we scream at the opposition for not having. Which in essence secures the asinine race baiting bullshit for the next generation of political insiders.

Trump could have had my vote with a focus on the issues that really matter but he's to interested in stirring the pot for his own personal gain.

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

I want the wall.
I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.
I want a focus on America first.

I don't want Obama 2.0 with the racial bullshit.
Grow a fucking spine & practice what you preach.

What the hell do you want him to do when he's got a La Raza Judge pulling a political hit job on him with two law firms who have given the Clintons close to a million dollars for speaking engagements? They are using the judiciary to attack him.

Shut up? Be a Romney or a McCain and not fight back over this?

Maybe, Trump shouldn't have defrauded those people.

The judge is NOT affiliated with La Raza, this is just another of Trump's lies. This is not a political hit job. Trump has bribed Attorney Generals in at least two states to drop law suits against him for fraud in the Trump U cases.

And he's using his usual bullshit, lies and deflection to cover it up.
Trump does the SAME GOD DAMN THING and you all fold like a creased napkin.

You're fucking spineless hypocritical cowards who are no damn different than the ones who've used these very political weapons as a means to an end. You know, the ones both you & I have bitched about for seven years now.

Where's your cloak of personal responsibility now? Did you lose it on the way to your knees?

Do I believe Trump is a racist? NOPE.
Do I believe Trump is using race as a weapon? ABSOLUTELY

All the problems this nation has seemingly boil down to race. Know why? Cause NEITHER side has the courage to call out their own when a line is crossed & demand the accountability that we scream at the opposition for not having. Which in essence secures the asinine race baiting bullshit for the next generation of political insiders.

Trump could have had my vote with a focus on the issues that really matter but he's to interested in stirring the pot for his own personal gain.

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

I want the wall.
I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.
I want a focus on America first.

I don't want Obama 2.0 with the racial bullshit.
Grow a fucking spine & practice what you preach.
Would you rather have the scandal queen who villainized her husband's victims, sold her country and her influence out to the highest bidder, left a trail of bodies - to include 4 Americans she abandoned to needlessly die, and broke numerous laws while jeopardizing our nation's national security by illegally running her own private server as Secretary of state and as a civilian?!
I would not. But how am I supposed to reconcile my years of complaining about identity politics if I vote for someone doing the same damn thing?
I have & continue to believe that one of the most destructive things going on in our nation is the use of identity politics to divide the people.
Grampa turn off the TV. You're falling victim to the propaganda machine like thousands of other shmucks.

Here's something you need to understand. The vast majority of American's are not falling for the BS a lot of media outlets are piping out across the airwaves and internets. They are whipping up the emotions of the stupid and uninformed. It's like a giant circle jerk with only a select minority participating.

Relax man, millions aren't buying it...don't be one of the fools

Are you sure about this? It looks like this flap over the Klan judge may have hurt Trump with independents.
Trump has amassed 1.4 Million more votes that any Republican in history, I think that stat speaks for itself ;)

It sure does. It re-demonstrates the old adage, "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

It's no accident that the source Rump oozed up from was the Vast Wasteland.

I am gross and perverted, I'm obsessed 'n deranged
I have existed for years but very little has changed
I'm the tool of the Government, and industry too
For I am destined to rule and regulate you

I may be vile and pernicious, but you can't look away
I make you think I'm delicious with the stuff that I say
I'm the best you can get. Have you guessed me yet?
I'm the slime oozin' out from your TV set.

You will obey me while I lead you and eat the garbage that I feed you
Until the day that we don't need you. Don't go for help . . . no one will heed you
Your mind is totally controlled, it has been stuffed into my mold
And you will do as you are told
Until the rights to you are sold

-- Frank Zappa
Trump does the SAME GOD DAMN THING and you all fold like a creased napkin.

You're fucking spineless hypocritical cowards who are no damn different than the ones who've used these very political weapons as a means to an end. You know, the ones both you & I have bitched about for seven years now.

Where's your cloak of personal responsibility now? Did you lose it on the way to your knees?

Do I believe Trump is a racist? NOPE.
Do I believe Trump is using race as a weapon? ABSOLUTELY

All the problems this nation has seemingly boil down to race. Know why? Cause NEITHER side has the courage to call out their own when a line is crossed & demand the accountability that we scream at the opposition for not having. Which in essence secures the asinine race baiting bullshit for the next generation of political insiders.

Trump could have had my vote with a focus on the issues that really matter but he's to interested in stirring the pot for his own personal gain.

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

I want the wall.
I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.
I want a focus on America first.

I don't want Obama 2.0 with the racial bullshit.
Grow a fucking spine & practice what you preach.

I didn't like the move by Trump either, but honestly it's being made out to be a bigger deal than it really was.

How many times to we read on here, or elsewhere, or hear that we can't be fair to minorities b/c we're white? Or something equally stupid?

You give someone a microphone and they are going to say stupid things. Hillary does it, Trump does, Obama does it, Sanders does, it, every person alive would eventually say something stupid if you put a microphone in their fact often enough.

Saying a judge of Mexican heritage might be biased against someone who wants to remove illegals isn't racist. Any person with access to a dictionary can see that.

That being said, Trump does need to start being more careful, he has to know he's under FAR more scrutiny than his opponent.
Grampa turn off the TV. You're falling victim to the propaganda machine like thousands of other shmucks.

Here's something you need to understand. The vast majority of American's are not falling for the BS a lot of media outlets are piping out across the airwaves and internets. They are whipping up the emotions of the stupid and uninformed. It's like a giant circle jerk with only a select minority participating.

Relax man, millions aren't buying it...don't be one of the fools

Are you sure about this? It looks like this flap over the Klan judge may have hurt Trump with independents.
Trump has amassed 1.4 Million more votes that any Republican in history, I think that stat speaks for itself ;)

It sure does. It re-demonstrates the old adage, "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

It's no accident that the source Rump oozed up from was the Vast Wasteland.
As Gruber pointed out. Liberals COUNT on it.
Trumps hand has been forced. The left opened that can of worms and that Jeanie cannot be put back in the bottle.

That's your excuse? Trump acts like a fucking child because other people force him to because they pick on him? Jesus fucking Christ, will Russia just nuke us already and put us out of our misery.

You seem to have a reading comprehension problem. Don't worry too much, it seems to be VERY common among you lefties. You may be handicapped by it but you aren't alone.
Trumps hand has been forced. The left opened that can of worms and that Jeanie cannot be put back in the bottle.

Damn straight. It was "the left" who declared Mexicans to be "rapists". Oh wait.

OK, it was "the left" who went into convulsions mocking a reporter's congenital malady. Oh wait.

OK it was "the left" who played dumb when David Duke endorsed them. Oh wait.

OK it was "the left" who called for banning people on the basis of their religion. Oh wait.

OK it was "the left" who said "black guys counting my money. I hate it. The only guys I want counting my money are short guys who wear yarmulkes every day". Oh wait.

Partisan hacks --- such cat toys.

Gotta tell you about that word though. I'm a Barbara Eden fan too but the word is usually rendered as "Genie".

Know why I find that interesting?
Because it's Arabic. RUN!!

Yeah you never get any smarter, do you?
Grampa turn off the TV. You're falling victim to the propaganda machine like thousands of other shmucks.

Here's something you need to understand. The vast majority of American's are not falling for the BS a lot of media outlets are piping out across the airwaves and internets. They are whipping up the emotions of the stupid and uninformed. It's like a giant circle jerk with only a select minority participating.

Relax man, millions aren't buying it...don't be one of the fools

Are you sure about this? It looks like this flap over the Klan judge may have hurt Trump with independents.
Trump has amassed 1.4 Million more votes that any Republican in history, I think that stat speaks for itself ;)

It sure does. It re-demonstrates the old adage, "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

It's no accident that the source Rump oozed up from was the Vast Wasteland.
As Gruber pointed out. Liberals COUNT on it.



Are you that 'unaware', born last week, or in denial? On multiple occasions Gruber explained that the ACA was supported and passed only because Americans - LIBERALS - were 'stupid' and gullible and that Liberal politicians COUNTED on that to get away with most of what they do.
"It will pay for itself", "It won't cost a dime", "if you like your plan.." - hook, line, and sinker!

Trumps hand has been forced. The left opened that can of worms and that Jeanie cannot be put back in the bottle.

Damn straight. It was "the left" who declared Mexicans to be "rapists". Oh wait.

OK, it was "the left" who went into convulsions mocking a reporter's congenital malady. Oh wait.

OK it was "the left" who played dumb when David Duke endorsed them. Oh wait.

OK it was "the left" who called for banning people on the basis of their religion. Oh wait.

OK it was "the left" who said "black guys counting my money. I hate it. The only guys I want counting my money are short guys who wear yarmulkes every day". Oh wait.

Partisan hacks --- such cat toys.

Gotta tell you about that word though. I'm a Barbara Eden fan too but the word is usually rendered as "Genie".

Know why I find that interesting?
Because it's Arabic. RUN!!

Yeah you never get any smarter, do you?

Quite the opposite!
Trump's hand was forced?

Someone made him make the judges ethnicity an issue in this campaign? Why couldn't Trump just do the smart thing and say "This is an ongoing case so I won't discuss it publicly"?
That's his excuse for his taxes.

Why does his personal baggage need to be the problem or focus of MY PARTY?

It's not his personal baggage. It's a political hit job plain and simple on Trump and he has to point out that the Judge is La Raza and the lawyers are pro Clinton for crying out loud.
The case is not new. It's been ongoing since before he announced his political aspirations. And this is not the first judge on the case. So when do we dig up the previous judges heritage?

In just the past couple of months Curiel has pulled a couple of major stunts to torpedo Trump. He needs to recuse himself from the case. Curiel has made the case a brand new issue. Not Trump.

In just the past couple of months Curiel has pulled a couple of major stunts to torpedo Trump.

In what way(s)?
Trump does the SAME GOD DAMN THING and you all fold like a creased napkin.

You're fucking spineless hypocritical cowards who are no damn different than the ones who've used these very political weapons as a means to an end. You know, the ones both you & I have bitched about for seven years now.

Where's your cloak of personal responsibility now? Did you lose it on the way to your knees?

Do I believe Trump is a racist? NOPE.
Do I believe Trump is using race as a weapon? ABSOLUTELY

All the problems this nation has seemingly boil down to race. Know why? Cause NEITHER side has the courage to call out their own when a line is crossed & demand the accountability that we scream at the opposition for not having. Which in essence secures the asinine race baiting bullshit for the next generation of political insiders.

Trump could have had my vote with a focus on the issues that really matter but he's to interested in stirring the pot for his own personal gain.

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

I want the wall.
I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.
I want a focus on America first.

I don't want Obama 2.0 with the racial bullshit.
Grow a fucking spine & practice what you preach.

What the hell do you want him to do when he's got a La Raza Judge pulling a political hit job on him with two law firms who have given the Clintons close to a million dollars for speaking engagements? They are using the judiciary to attack him.

Shut up? Be a Romney or a McCain and not fight back over this?

I would really like to know what Trumps personal problem in a judge's ruling has to do with his run for POTUS. What is the point of making it a public statement to be tossed around in the media? Why do people think this one judge has the clout to do a "hit job" on Trump as he is closing in on a presidential election? If Donald had kept his mouth shut about it nobody would care. The judge's ruling is really no bigger deal as a failure than any of his bankruptcies or his many divorces. HE is the one calling attention to this thing. The media is just tagging along.

Pfffft. The media is just tagging along? Kiss my ass. May 27th the Judge released documents to the Washington Post that they requested.

How is that in any way out of order for a judge to do?

Are you that 'unaware', born last week, or in denial? On multiple occasions Gruber explained that the ACA was supported and passed only because Americans - LIBERALS - were 'stupid' and gullible and that Liberal politicians COUNTED on that to get away with most of what they do.
"It will pay for itself", "It won't cost a dime", "if you like your plan.." - hook, line, and sinker!

Just answer the question, dispense with the movies --- who in the fuck is "Gruber"? And what does he have to do with Rump, television, or anything I posted?
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Just answer the question, dispense with the movies --- who in the fuck is "Gruber"? And what does he have to do with Rump, television, or anything I posted?
Not only did you admit your ignorance, now you demonstrate your own unwillingness to take any action to educate yourself, even though the means to do so was provided. If you have no desire to educate yourself, I have no desire to waste my time trying to do it for you. Have a nice day.
Just answer the question, dispense with the movies --- who in the fuck is "Gruber"? And what does he have to do with Rump, television, or anything I posted?
Not only did you admit your ignorance, now you demonstrate your own unwillingness to take any action to educate yourself, even though the means to do so was provided. If you have no desire to educate yourself, I have no desire to waste my time trying to do it for you. Have a nice day.

*I* don't *NEED* to take any action, Jizzpants. I didn't bring up any "Gruber". YOU did. And I asked you who the fuck he is and what the fuck he has to do with anything I posted, and you can't answer.

Now you want to run away because you can't handle it. Wimp.

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