For near 8 years we bitched about racial division being used as a political weapon and/or tool.

Grampa turn off the TV. You're falling victim to the propaganda machine like thousands of other shmucks.

Here's something you need to understand. The vast majority of American's are not falling for the BS a lot of media outlets are piping out across the airwaves and internets. They are whipping up the emotions of the stupid and uninformed. It's like a giant circle jerk with only a select minority participating.

Relax man, millions aren't buying it...don't be one of the fools
I'm sick of the race bullshit. Your boy just makes it worse.
It's the media outlets brother. They serve up the best horse shit and lies in town. Soon they will be saying Trump hates puppies and babies. Don't get caught up in THEIR stupid.

Oh, fuck off with that bullshit! Speaking of stupid, you really are one of the stupidest pieces of trailer trash around here. Trump says one racist thing after another, and you say it's the media's fault for covering the story. Do me a favor please: Lay on your back, flip your feet in the air, and suck your own dick. And then choke on it so you can die.
He hasn't said one racist thing to date and it's not my fault you get your opinions from the media. Quite the angry beta with that mouth :lol:

I doubt you could make me angry. It's just not my style. Maybe if you did something skeevy, like direct moderators to use their positions to press your own slanted political agenda through selective rules enforcement and general fuckery. But you'd never do anything like that, right?

Watching news outlets air video footage of Trump's flagrant race baiting does not constitute receiving one's opinions from the media. That's just a fucking asinine thing to say. Every single time someone makes a comment like that it proves that the only value to your existence is feeding you twinkies and sending you to slaughter so that your fat can be harvested for soap. You rely on media outlets to provide you information just like everyone else. So stop being such a faggot.
Grampa turn off the TV. You're falling victim to the propaganda machine like thousands of other shmucks.

Here's something you need to understand. The vast majority of American's are not falling for the BS a lot of media outlets are piping out across the airwaves and internets. They are whipping up the emotions of the stupid and uninformed. It's like a giant circle jerk with only a select minority participating.

Relax man, millions aren't buying it...don't be one of the fools
I'm sick of the race bullshit. Your boy just makes it worse.
It's the media outlets brother. They serve up the best horse shit and lies in town. Soon they will be saying Trump hates puppies and babies. Don't get caught up in THEIR stupid.

Oh, fuck off with that bullshit! Speaking of stupid, you really are one of the stupidest pieces of trailer trash around here. Trump says one racist thing after another, and you say it's the media's fault for covering the story. Do me a favor please: Lay on your back, flip your feet in the air, and suck your own dick. And then choke on it so you can die.
Holy shit, laying it on kinda thick dontcha think? That's pretty heavy even by my low standards of decorum lol
Grampa turn off the TV. You're falling victim to the propaganda machine like thousands of other shmucks.

Here's something you need to understand. The vast majority of American's are not falling for the BS a lot of media outlets are piping out across the airwaves and internets. They are whipping up the emotions of the stupid and uninformed. It's like a giant circle jerk with only a select minority participating.

Relax man, millions aren't buying it...don't be one of the fools
I'm sick of the race bullshit. Your boy just makes it worse.
It's the media outlets brother. They serve up the best horse shit and lies in town. Soon they will be saying Trump hates puppies and babies. Don't get caught up in THEIR stupid.

Oh, fuck off with that bullshit! Speaking of stupid, you really are one of the stupidest pieces of trailer trash around here. Trump says one racist thing after another, and you say it's the media's fault for covering the story. Do me a favor please: Lay on your back, flip your feet in the air, and suck your own dick. And then choke on it so you can die.
Holy shit, laying it on kinda thick dontcha think? That's pretty heavy even by my low standards of decorum lol

Without a doubt. I'm constantly setting new challenges for myself.
I have to admit

All this crap surrounding Trump U does not make much sense.

What in hell is Trump trying to do?
Grampa turn off the TV. You're falling victim to the propaganda machine like thousands of other shmucks.

Here's something you need to understand. The vast majority of American's are not falling for the BS a lot of media outlets are piping out across the airwaves and internets. They are whipping up the emotions of the stupid and uninformed. It's like a giant circle jerk with only a select minority participating.

Relax man, millions aren't buying it...don't be one of the fools

I've got to tell you, I think the bolded section sounds a lot like Trump to me.

I wouldn't advocate anyone vote for Clinton, but most of what I see or hear about Trump, or from Trump, seems very specifically designed to draw eyes to Trump. Sometimes it may be positive, sometimes negative, but the underlying theme is that we should pay attention to Trump! The media loves how polarizing he is, it brings in viewers. Trump is such an aggressive self-promoter he often comes off like a caricature rather than a real person. Trump is the greatest, everything he does is or will be the best, he either says whatever is on his mind with no filter or he intentionally tries to say things which will generate controversy. In either case, whipping up emotions seems very much to be Trump's M.O. :dunno:
Last night he said "And we're going to take care of our African Americans"

I don't own any African Americans, does he?
Trump's hand was forced?

Someone made him make the judges ethnicity an issue in this campaign? Why couldn't Trump just do the smart thing and say "This is an ongoing case so I won't discuss it publicly"?
That's his excuse for his taxes.

Why does his personal baggage need to be the problem or focus of MY PARTY?

It's not his personal baggage. It's a political hit job plain and simple on Trump and he has to point out that the Judge is La Raza and the lawyers are pro Clinton for crying out loud.
The case is not new. It's been ongoing since before he announced his political aspirations. And this is not the first judge on the case. So when do we dig up the previous judges heritage?

In just the past couple of months Curiel has pulled a couple of major stunts to torpedo Trump. He needs to recuse himself from the case. Curiel has made the case a brand new issue. Not Trump.
Complete bullshit. The judge would be disbarred if he spoke publicly about the case. This is 100% on the machine and that machine includes Trump.

It's not what he said. It's what he has done. In the here and now.

Look if you don't believe that this isn't a political hit job on Trump using the judiciary by all means freaking vote for Hillary.
Last night he said "And we're going to take care of our African Americans"

I don't own any African Americans, does he?

Oh sweet Lord! You've got to be kidding me. You know what Gramps you would be the perfect poster at Red State. You are the perfect never Trumper.

Trump's hand was forced?

Someone made him make the judges ethnicity an issue in this campaign? Why couldn't Trump just do the smart thing and say "This is an ongoing case so I won't discuss it publicly"?
That's his excuse for his taxes.

Why does his personal baggage need to be the problem or focus of MY PARTY?

It's not his personal baggage. It's a political hit job plain and simple on Trump and he has to point out that the Judge is La Raza and the lawyers are pro Clinton for crying out loud.
The case is not new. It's been ongoing since before he announced his political aspirations. And this is not the first judge on the case. So when do we dig up the previous judges heritage?

In just the past couple of months Curiel has pulled a couple of major stunts to torpedo Trump. He needs to recuse himself from the case. Curiel has made the case a brand new issue. Not Trump.
Complete bullshit. The judge would be disbarred if he spoke publicly about the case. This is 100% on the machine and that machine includes Trump.

It's not what he said. It's what he has done. In the here and now.

Look if you don't believe that this isn't a political hit job on Trump using the judiciary by all means freaking vote for Hillary.
You want to pretend "you're all that". Something not to be messed with. Quite the political insider.

Yet time after time you imply I would vote for Hillary.

That makes you pretty God damn stupid considering EVERYONE on this board but a couple dumbasses knows I would NEVER VOTE FOR THAT WOMAN.
Grampa turn off the TV. You're falling victim to the propaganda machine like thousands of other shmucks.

Here's something you need to understand. The vast majority of American's are not falling for the BS a lot of media outlets are piping out across the airwaves and internets. They are whipping up the emotions of the stupid and uninformed. It's like a giant circle jerk with only a select minority participating.

Relax man, millions aren't buying it...don't be one of the fools

Are you sure about this? It looks like this flap over the Klan judge may have hurt Trump with independents.

You uh..... you understand that when you make some assertion, and then insert a link... that the link is kind of supposed to support the assertion -- right?

Such as the link I provided showing affiliate organizations such as National Council on La Raza?

And you understand that anybody can check that link and find out that it doesn't demonstrate the point at all, right?

Are you stupid, or just lying again?

Trump's hand was forced?

Someone made him make the judges ethnicity an issue in this campaign? Why couldn't Trump just do the smart thing and say "This is an ongoing case so I won't discuss it publicly"?
That's his excuse for his taxes.

Why does his personal baggage need to be the problem or focus of MY PARTY?

It's not his personal baggage. It's a political hit job plain and simple on Trump and he has to point out that the Judge is La Raza and the lawyers are pro Clinton for crying out loud.
The case is not new. It's been ongoing since before he announced his political aspirations. And this is not the first judge on the case. So when do we dig up the previous judges heritage?

In just the past couple of months Curiel has pulled a couple of major stunts to torpedo Trump. He needs to recuse himself from the case. Curiel has made the case a brand new issue. Not Trump.
Complete bullshit. The judge would be disbarred if he spoke publicly about the case. This is 100% on the machine and that machine includes Trump.

It's not what he said. It's what he has done. In the here and now.

Look if you don't believe that this isn't a political hit job on Trump using the judiciary by all means freaking vote for Hillary.

Let me start by pointing out your double negative. :p If you don't believe that this isn't a political hit if you believe it is a political hit job, vote for Hillary? :lol:

Are the only available options to vote for Trump or to vote for Clinton?

Wasn't the suit against Trump University filed before Trump declared his intention to run for president?

What sterling logic that is.

"Hazelnuts" and "Grape Nuts" both contain the word "nuts". They may not be directly connected but if one involves nuts, then the other has to for the same reason since they have the same name.

Of course, if you take that route, then you have to say that "Justice for All" and "And Justice for All" are the same thing too, and then you're in deeper doodoo. Up to you.

You may be a hack Huffer, but you're dumb as a fucking lamppost. :thup:
Grampa turn off the TV. You're falling victim to the propaganda machine like thousands of other shmucks.

Here's something you need to understand. The vast majority of American's are not falling for the BS a lot of media outlets are piping out across the airwaves and internets. They are whipping up the emotions of the stupid and uninformed. It's like a giant circle jerk with only a select minority participating.

Relax man, millions aren't buying it...don't be one of the fools
I'm sick of the race bullshit. Your boy just makes it worse.
It's the media outlets brother. They serve up the best horse shit and lies in town. Soon they will be saying Trump hates puppies and babies. Don't get caught up in THEIR stupid.

Oh, fuck off with that bullshit! Speaking of stupid, you really are one of the stupidest pieces of trailer trash around here. Trump says one racist thing after another, and you say it's the media's fault for covering the story. Do me a favor please: Lay on your back, flip your feet in the air, and suck your own dick. And then choke on it so you can die.
He hasn't said one racist thing to date and it's not my fault you get your opinions from the media. Quite the angry beta with that mouth :lol:

I doubt you could make me angry. It's just not my style. Maybe if you did something skeevy, like direct moderators to use their positions to press your own slanted political agenda through selective rules enforcement and general fuckery. But you'd never do anything like that, right?

Watching news outlets air video footage of Trump's flagrant race baiting does not constitute receiving one's opinions from the media. That's just a fucking asinine thing to say. Every single time someone makes a comment like that it proves that the only value to your existence is feeding you twinkies and sending you to slaughter so that your fat can be harvested for soap. You rely on media outlets to provide you information just like everyone else. So stop being such a faggot.
Ha! Yeah right. Every word that falls out of your filthy trap is dripping with media talking points. You're a race baiting beta with anger issues.
Grampa turn off the TV. You're falling victim to the propaganda machine like thousands of other shmucks.

Here's something you need to understand. The vast majority of American's are not falling for the BS a lot of media outlets are piping out across the airwaves and internets. They are whipping up the emotions of the stupid and uninformed. It's like a giant circle jerk with only a select minority participating.

Relax man, millions aren't buying it...don't be one of the fools

Are you sure about this? It looks like this flap over the Klan judge may have hurt Trump with independents.
Trump has amassed 1.4 Million more votes that any Republican in history, I think that stat speaks for itself ;)
Again, I keep laying this out and I keep getting crickets --- what the fuck does "ethnicity" have to do with whether a business is fraud or not? Fraud is fraud is fraud. Doesn't matter who the fuck your parents are.

That's true Huffer.

BUT that the judge is in the Klan does mean a fair trial is off the table.

Some people think that matters. You only think party matters, but some people actually support justice...

Yeah................and others support honesty as well. The La Raza Lawyers Group is not the same as La Raza. They are two totally separate entities.

One is a hispanic nationalist group (La Raza), and the other is a small group of lawyers that is united via a commonality (La Raza Lawyer's Group).

They are not connected.
national council of la raza isn't THE "la raza"?
Trump's hand was forced?

Someone made him make the judges ethnicity an issue in this campaign? Why couldn't Trump just do the smart thing and say "This is an ongoing case so I won't discuss it publicly"?
That's his excuse for his taxes.

Why does his personal baggage need to be the problem or focus of MY PARTY?

More than likely the judge's rulings were so outrageous that only someone with a conflict of interest could concoct them.

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So, basically the judge is an affiliate of the nationalist group, but trump called him a Mexican instead of saying he was an extreme activist?

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