For near 8 years we bitched about racial division being used as a political weapon and/or tool.

Grampa turn off the TV. You're falling victim to the propaganda machine like thousands of other shmucks.

Here's something you need to understand. The vast majority of American's are not falling for the BS a lot of media outlets are piping out across the airwaves and internets. They are whipping up the emotions of the stupid and uninformed. It's like a giant circle jerk with only a select minority participating.

Relax man, millions aren't buying it...don't be one of the fools
I'm sick of the race bullshit. Your boy just makes it worse.
Trump does the SAME GOD DAMN THING and you all fold like a creased napkin.

You're fucking spineless hypocritical cowards who are no damn different than the ones who've used these very political weapons as a means to an end. You know, the ones both you & I have bitched about for seven years now.

Where's your cloak of personal responsibility now? Did you lose it on the way to your knees?

Do I believe Trump is a racist? NOPE.
Do I believe Trump is using race as a weapon? ABSOLUTELY

All the problems this nation has seemingly boil down to race. Know why? Cause NEITHER side has the courage to call out their own when a line is crossed & demand the accountability that we scream at the opposition for not having. Which in essence secures the asinine race baiting bullshit for the next generation of political insiders.

Trump could have had my vote with a focus on the issues that really matter but he's to interested in stirring the pot for his own personal gain.

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

I want the wall.
I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.
I want a focus on America first.

I don't want Obama 2.0 with the racial bullshit.
Grow a fucking spine & practice what you preach.

What the hell do you want him to do when he's got a La Raza Judge pulling a political hit job on him with two law firms who have given the Clintons close to a million dollars for speaking engagements?

Shut up? Be a Romney or a McCain and not fight back over this?

I get that their may be political implications in this situation but why the fuck is his parents birthplace a God damn issue? WHY?
When Debbie Wasserman does stupid shit we don't blame it on her families heritage. When Weiner was flashing his weiner we didn't invoke his parents.

Trump is playing on your patriotism. Don't be so stupid.

Curiel is LaRaza. Anything goes. La Raza is the Hispanic version of the Aryan Brotherhood for crying out loud.

Do you NOT read what others write here?

The entire political system is a joke and none of your votes matter. The voting machine can easily be rigged and the oversight for voting rules are an unmitigated joke, there is no paper trail but all these idiots believe that their vote actually matters. New boss is always the same as the old boss and they pass more and more draconian executive orders because we are still under a state of emergency since the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933. Has any one of you ever thought about why the president is allowed to bypass Congress? People have lost the ability for critical thinking. They believe every fucking thing they see and hear on the news channel of their choice when the fact of the matter is that six conglomerates control 90 percent of the CIA infiltrated media and six heads of these conglomerates all have seats on the Council on Foreign Relations and the Committee of 300. They are not rivals or enemies, they work hand in hand together to shape the information that they WANT you to have with their own spin. Due to the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 no longer in affect. They can legally spew as much propaganda as they want. Go back and listen to news reports of the 50's and 60's and compare it to the fluff we get today and you will be blown away by the difference.

I have been watching this country slowly swirl the drain since the mid 80's and all the illegal immigration, unfair "Fair Trade" agreements that has fucked over the middle class but these pieces of shit that call themselves "demcrats" see it as a good thing because poor people are easier to control and leave less of a carbon footprint. The globalist agenda has not HAD a better ally than the leftard clown posse of sniveling socialist/commie pussies. They have used the commies that have infested the demcrat party to pass all these rules and regulations that make it hard for the average American to run a business while giving tax breaks to immigrants that start one. They have given free education to immigrants while middle class people have to struggle to put their kids through college in order to find a decent paying job in an ever shrinking job market. They applaud the illegals that flood this country, suck off the public teat, squirt out anchor babies that WE end up paying for because it makes them feel so "liberal". Anyone that dares to stand up against this utter bullshit is demonized and marginalized as being "racist". Fuck that...there is nothing a leftard could ever say that is going to keep me from speaking out because I know more than they could possibly digest. All you idiots that believe that Hitlery is such a damn good choice has never done any vetting of her and what she has done because she has a "D" by her name so that is all that matters. She is a globalist just like Bill "drop trou" was and she will play her part in further tearing down the nationalism and sovereignty of this country just like those that proceeded her while most of you morons will be bitching at each other over shit you have no control over becvause you leave it up to your alleged "leaders" to do it for you.

I have tried really hard to try and wake people up as to what the end game is here on this site but not many even wish to contemplate the predicament that we are in...they always seem to believe that we are just one election cycle away from returning to prosperity. What I have seen is "same shit, different day" regardless of which bought and paid for political party is allegedly in charge.....has anything changed? Has anything gotten better? If you think it has, you are beyond stupid and your head is still stuck in the sand. You want change? Be the change and it starts with questioning the shit that has been done to you instead of pointing fingers.
Trump does the SAME GOD DAMN THING and you all fold like a creased napkin.

You're fucking spineless hypocritical cowards who are no damn different than the ones who've used these very political weapons as a means to an end. You know, the ones both you & I have bitched about for seven years now.

Where's your cloak of personal responsibility now? Did you lose it on the way to your knees?

Do I believe Trump is a racist? NOPE.
Do I believe Trump is using race as a weapon? ABSOLUTELY

All the problems this nation has seemingly boil down to race. Know why? Cause NEITHER side has the courage to call out their own when a line is crossed & demand the accountability that we scream at the opposition for not having. Which in essence secures the asinine race baiting bullshit for the next generation of political insiders.

Trump could have had my vote with a focus on the issues that really matter but he's to interested in stirring the pot for his own personal gain.

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

I want the wall.
I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.
I want a focus on America first.

I don't want Obama 2.0 with the racial bullshit.
Grow a fucking spine & practice what you preach.
So, what do you want us to do? Vote for the Bitch? I'm not a Trump supporter. Granted, he has his flaws, but I would never vote for Clinton. That leaves Trump, since there is no one else who has a chance to beat her.
Hold your nose & vote for who you must but don't be afraid to call them to the mat for the bullshit? They work for you ya know
Granted, but there are no good choices. Are there?
Trump does the SAME GOD DAMN THING and you all fold like a creased napkin.

You're fucking spineless hypocritical cowards who are no damn different than the ones who've used these very political weapons as a means to an end. You know, the ones both you & I have bitched about for seven years now.

Where's your cloak of personal responsibility now? Did you lose it on the way to your knees?

Do I believe Trump is a racist? NOPE.
Do I believe Trump is using race as a weapon? ABSOLUTELY

All the problems this nation has seemingly boil down to race. Know why? Cause NEITHER side has the courage to call out their own when a line is crossed & demand the accountability that we scream at the opposition for not having. Which in essence secures the asinine race baiting bullshit for the next generation of political insiders.

Trump could have had my vote with a focus on the issues that really matter but he's to interested in stirring the pot for his own personal gain.

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

I want the wall.
I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.
I want a focus on America first.

I don't want Obama 2.0 with the racial bullshit.
Grow a fucking spine & practice what you preach.
So, what do you want us to do? Vote for the Bitch? I'm not a Trump supporter. Granted, he has his flaws, but I would never vote for Clinton. That leaves Trump, since there is no one else who has a chance to beat her.
Hold your nose & vote for who you must but don't be afraid to call them to the mat for the bullshit? They work for you ya know
Granted, but there are no good choices. Are there?
Yeah................and others support honesty as well. The La Raza Lawyers Group is not the same as La Raza. They are two totally separate entities.


The Klan Lawyers group is an affiliate of the Klan.


One is a hispanic nationalist group (La Raza), and the other is a small group of lawyers that is united via a commonality (La Raza Lawyer's Group).

They are not connected.

Again you are lying.

Further it is patently stupid to think that the Klan Lawyers group is not connected to the Klan.

It fucking means "The Race."

The lies you leftists tell...

You uh..... you understand that when you make some assertion, and then insert a link... that the link is kind of supposed to support the assertion -- right?

And you understand that anybody can check that link and find out that it doesn't demonstrate the point at all, right?
Trump does the SAME GOD DAMN THING and you all fold like a creased napkin.

You're fucking spineless hypocritical cowards who are no damn different than the ones who've used these very political weapons as a means to an end. You know, the ones both you & I have bitched about for seven years now.

Where's your cloak of personal responsibility now? Did you lose it on the way to your knees?

Do I believe Trump is a racist? NOPE.
Do I believe Trump is using race as a weapon? ABSOLUTELY

All the problems this nation has seemingly boil down to race. Know why? Cause NEITHER side has the courage to call out their own when a line is crossed & demand the accountability that we scream at the opposition for not having. Which in essence secures the asinine race baiting bullshit for the next generation of political insiders.

Trump could have had my vote with a focus on the issues that really matter but he's to interested in stirring the pot for his own personal gain.

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

I want the wall.
I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.
I want a focus on America first.

I don't want Obama 2.0 with the racial bullshit.
Grow a fucking spine & practice what you preach.
Trump is a Republican. Leave him alone. He totally represents the GOP.

What's wrong with Obama? 5% unemployment. 5.8 million jobs available for those who have the skills. Healthcare.
I know, all a GOP nightmare.
Are you all going to stand idly by while Donald Trump gives the left the ammunition to convert the Latino vote to their side for the next generation or are you going to stand up & say this is AMERICA, the land where the color of your skin does not dictate your future but only your heritage.

We all came from immigrants. Most legal, some of us probably illegal if we looked close enough.

Deport the illegals. Fine the businesses that hire them. Build the wall. BUT STOP WITH THE BULLSHIT where everyone is lumped together based on the tint of their skin.

Conservatives were giving Latins no reason to support them long before Drumpf. Hell, take guns. Many Latins come from societies where the only men with guns were police and those that kill police. When they hear Tom DeLay and others worship guns like some worship God, it's a negative reminder
Are you all going to stand idly by while Donald Trump gives the left the ammunition to convert the Latino vote to their side for the next generation or are you going to stand up & say this is AMERICA, the land where the color of your skin does not dictate your future but only your heritage.

We all came from immigrants. Most legal, some of us probably illegal if we looked close enough.

Deport the illegals. Fine the businesses that hire them. Build the wall. BUT STOP WITH THE BULLSHIT where everyone is lumped together based on the tint of their skin.

Conservatives were giving Latins no reason to support them long before Drumpf. Hell, take guns. Many Latins come from societies where the only men with guns were police and those that kill police. When they hear Tom DeLay and others worship guns like some worship God, it's a negative reminder
Trump likes their tacos.
Are you all going to stand idly by while Donald Trump gives the left the ammunition to convert the Latino vote to their side for the next generation or are you going to stand up & say this is AMERICA, the land where the color of your skin does not dictate your future but only your heritage.

We all came from immigrants. Most legal, some of us probably illegal if we looked close enough.

Deport the illegals. Fine the businesses that hire them. Build the wall. BUT STOP WITH THE BULLSHIT where everyone is lumped together based on the tint of their skin.

Conservatives were giving Latins no reason to support them long before Drumpf. Hell, take guns. Many Latins come from societies where the only men with guns were police and those that kill police. When they hear Tom DeLay and others worship guns like some worship God, it's a negative reminder
Could you please post some more tripe? It's tasty. You think Latino immigrants have ANY IDEA what Delay thinks or says or even cares? If so you're dumber than I thought.
Trump does the SAME GOD DAMN THING and you all fold like a creased napkin.

You're fucking spineless hypocritical cowards who are no damn different than the ones who've used these very political weapons as a means to an end. You know, the ones both you & I have bitched about for seven years now.

Where's your cloak of personal responsibility now? Did you lose it on the way to your knees?

Do I believe Trump is a racist? NOPE.
Do I believe Trump is using race as a weapon? ABSOLUTELY

All the problems this nation has seemingly boil down to race. Know why? Cause NEITHER side has the courage to call out their own when a line is crossed & demand the accountability that we scream at the opposition for not having. Which in essence secures the asinine race baiting bullshit for the next generation of political insiders.

Trump could have had my vote with a focus on the issues that really matter but he's to interested in stirring the pot for his own personal gain.

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

I want the wall.
I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.
I want a focus on America first.

I don't want Obama 2.0 with the racial bullshit.
Grow a fucking spine & practice what you preach.

You actually make a good point but how does Trump get an opportunity to talk about the issues when the only thing the media wants to talk about is the all the supposed racist comments he makes.
Are you all going to stand idly by while Donald Trump gives the left the ammunition to convert the Latino vote to their side for the next generation or are you going to stand up & say this is AMERICA, the land where the color of your skin does not dictate your future but only your heritage.

We all came from immigrants. Most legal, some of us probably illegal if we looked close enough.

Deport the illegals. Fine the businesses that hire them. Build the wall. BUT STOP WITH THE BULLSHIT where everyone is lumped together based on the tint of their skin.

Conservatives were giving Latins no reason to support them long before Drumpf. Hell, take guns. Many Latins come from societies where the only men with guns were police and those that kill police. When they hear Tom DeLay and others worship guns like some worship God, it's a negative reminder
Trump likes their tacos.

How is that a racist comment? I like mexican food just like a lot of people in this country. How does saying I like their tacos racist?
"For near 8 years we bitched about racial division being used as a political weapon and/or tool."

Complaining by conservatives that was unwarranted and completely devoid of merit, nothing but a partisan contrivance of the right – a lie and straw man fallacy.

Partisan. Is that another word for anyone who disagrees with your master?
Again, I keep laying this out and I keep getting crickets --- what the fuck does "ethnicity" have to do with whether a business is fraud or not? Fraud is fraud is fraud. Doesn't matter who the fuck your parents are.

That's true Huffer.

BUT that the judge is in the Klan does mean a fair trial is off the table.

Some people think that matters. You only think party matters, but some people actually support justice...

Yeah................and others support honesty as well. The La Raza Lawyers Group is not the same as La Raza. They are two totally separate entities.

One is a hispanic nationalist group (La Raza), and the other is a small group of lawyers that is united via a commonality (La Raza Lawyer's Group).

They are not connected.

The accusation the La Raze is a racist group stems from the fact that La Raze means 'The Race'. La Raza lawyers guild is a lawyer's guild called 'the race'. They may not be directly connected but if one is racist for that reason then the other has to be for the same reason since they have the same name.
Are you all going to stand idly by while Donald Trump gives the left the ammunition to convert the Latino vote to their side for the next generation or are you going to stand up & say this is AMERICA, the land where the color of your skin does not dictate your future but only your heritage.

We all came from immigrants. Most legal, some of us probably illegal if we looked close enough.

Deport the illegals. Fine the businesses that hire them. Build the wall. BUT STOP WITH THE BULLSHIT where everyone is lumped together based on the tint of their skin.

Conservatives were giving Latins no reason to support them long before Drumpf. Hell, take guns. Many Latins come from societies where the only men with guns were police and those that kill police. When they hear Tom DeLay and others worship guns like some worship God, it's a negative reminder
Could you please post some more tripe? It's tasty. You think Latino immigrants have ANY IDEA what Delay thinks or says or even cares? If so you're dumber than I thought.

If they are/were paying attention back then, yes. I don't know much about Santorum but I do know the quotes. it paints a dreadful picture
Are you all going to stand idly by while Donald Trump gives the left the ammunition to convert the Latino vote to their side for the next generation or are you going to stand up & say this is AMERICA, the land where the color of your skin does not dictate your future but only your heritage.

We all came from immigrants. Most legal, some of us probably illegal if we looked close enough.

Deport the illegals. Fine the businesses that hire them. Build the wall. BUT STOP WITH THE BULLSHIT where everyone is lumped together based on the tint of their skin.

Conservatives were giving Latins no reason to support them long before Drumpf. Hell, take guns. Many Latins come from societies where the only men with guns were police and those that kill police. When they hear Tom DeLay and others worship guns like some worship God, it's a negative reminder

"Many Latins come from societies where the only men with guns were police and those that kill police" This is kind of an assumption because a lot of hispanics don't because they were born here.
Trump does the SAME GOD DAMN THING and you all fold like a creased napkin.

You're fucking spineless hypocritical cowards who are no damn different than the ones who've used these very political weapons as a means to an end. You know, the ones both you & I have bitched about for seven years now.

Where's your cloak of personal responsibility now? Did you lose it on the way to your knees?

Do I believe Trump is a racist? NOPE.
Do I believe Trump is using race as a weapon? ABSOLUTELY

All the problems this nation has seemingly boil down to race. Know why? Cause NEITHER side has the courage to call out their own when a line is crossed & demand the accountability that we scream at the opposition for not having. Which in essence secures the asinine race baiting bullshit for the next generation of political insiders.

Trump could have had my vote with a focus on the issues that really matter but he's to interested in stirring the pot for his own personal gain.

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

I want the wall.
I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.
I want a focus on America first.

I don't want Obama 2.0 with the racial bullshit.
Grow a fucking spine & practice what you preach.
Trump is a Republican. Leave him alone. He totally represents the GOP.

What's wrong with Obama? 5% unemployment. 5.8 million jobs available for those who have the skills. Healthcare.
I know, all a GOP nightmare.

" 5.8 million jobs available for those who have the skills" I see you guys are finally conceding that this economy isn't that great.
Again, I keep laying this out and I keep getting crickets --- what the fuck does "ethnicity" have to do with whether a business is fraud or not? Fraud is fraud is fraud. Doesn't matter who the fuck your parents are.

That's true Huffer.

BUT that the judge is in the Klan does mean a fair trial is off the table.

Some people think that matters. You only think party matters, but some people actually support justice...

Yeah................and others support honesty as well. The La Raza Lawyers Group is not the same as La Raza. They are two totally separate entities.

One is a hispanic nationalist group (La Raza), and the other is a small group of lawyers that is united via a commonality (La Raza Lawyer's Group).

They are not connected.

The accusation the La Raze is a racist group stems from the fact that La Raze means 'The Race'. La Raza lawyers guild is a lawyer's guild called 'the race'. They may not be directly connected but if one is racist for that reason then the other has to be for the same reason since they have the same name.

What sterling logic that is.

"Hazelnuts" and "Grape Nuts" both contain the word "nuts". They may not be directly connected but if one involves nuts, then the other has to for the same reason since they have the same name.

Of course, if you take that route, then you have to say that "Justice for All" and "And Justice for All" are the same thing too, and then you're in deeper doodoo. Up to you.
Last edited:
Grampa turn off the TV. You're falling victim to the propaganda machine like thousands of other shmucks.

Here's something you need to understand. The vast majority of American's are not falling for the BS a lot of media outlets are piping out across the airwaves and internets. They are whipping up the emotions of the stupid and uninformed. It's like a giant circle jerk with only a select minority participating.

Relax man, millions aren't buying it...don't be one of the fools
I'm sick of the race bullshit. Your boy just makes it worse.
It's the media outlets brother. They serve up the best horse shit and lies in town. Soon they will be saying Trump hates puppies and babies. Don't get caught up in THEIR stupid.
Grampa turn off the TV. You're falling victim to the propaganda machine like thousands of other shmucks.

Here's something you need to understand. The vast majority of American's are not falling for the BS a lot of media outlets are piping out across the airwaves and internets. They are whipping up the emotions of the stupid and uninformed. It's like a giant circle jerk with only a select minority participating.

Relax man, millions aren't buying it...don't be one of the fools
I'm sick of the race bullshit. Your boy just makes it worse.
It's the media outlets brother. They serve up the best horse shit and lies in town. Soon they will be saying Trump hates puppies and babies. Don't get caught up in THEIR stupid.

Oh, fuck off with that bullshit! Speaking of stupid, you really are one of the stupidest pieces of trailer trash around here. Trump says one racist thing after another, and you say it's the media's fault for covering the story. Do me a favor please: Lay on your back, flip your feet in the air, and suck your own dick. And then choke on it so you can die.
Grampa turn off the TV. You're falling victim to the propaganda machine like thousands of other shmucks.

Here's something you need to understand. The vast majority of American's are not falling for the BS a lot of media outlets are piping out across the airwaves and internets. They are whipping up the emotions of the stupid and uninformed. It's like a giant circle jerk with only a select minority participating.

Relax man, millions aren't buying it...don't be one of the fools
I'm sick of the race bullshit. Your boy just makes it worse.
It's the media outlets brother. They serve up the best horse shit and lies in town. Soon they will be saying Trump hates puppies and babies. Don't get caught up in THEIR stupid.

Oh, fuck off with that bullshit! Speaking of stupid, you really are one of the stupidest pieces of trailer trash around here. Trump says one racist thing after another, and you say it's the media's fault for covering the story. Do me a favor please: Lay on your back, flip your feet in the air, and suck your own dick. And then choke on it so you can die.
He hasn't said one racist thing to date and it's not my fault you get your opinions from the media. Quite the angry beta with that mouth :lol:

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