For near 8 years we bitched about racial division being used as a political weapon and/or tool.

Are you all going to stand idly by while Donald Trump gives the left the ammunition to convert the Latino vote to their side for the next generation or are you going to stand up & say this is AMERICA, the land where the color of your skin does not dictate your future but only your heritage.

We all came from immigrants. Most legal, some of us probably illegal if we looked close enough.

Deport the illegals. Fine the businesses that hire them. Build the wall. BUT STOP WITH THE BULLSHIT where everyone is lumped together based on the tint of their skin.

The only problem with your little diatribes is that Trump isn't the one lumping everyone together, it's the left saying he is. I guess you're buying the leftist line.

I want the wall.

Pretty much everyone wants a wall, except for people who favor open borders and they are a small minority.

I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.

Sure he wants to suspend the refugee program until we can positively verify who they are, you got a problem with that, I don't.

I want a focus on America first.

Exactly what's wrong with that?

Damn dude, get a grip already and stop listening to MSLSD.
The list that was responded to in BLUE is my agreement with his ideals.
Not sure how that wasn't clear.
"For near 8 years we bitched about racial division being used as a political weapon and/or tool."

Complaining by conservatives that was unwarranted and completely devoid of merit, nothing but a partisan contrivance of the right – a lie and straw man fallacy.
"For near 8 years we bitched about racial division being used as a political weapon and/or tool."

Complaining by conservatives that was unwarranted and completely devoid of merit, nothing but a partisan contrivance of the right – a lie and straw man fallacy.
Just shut up jackass
Trump does the SAME GOD DAMN THING and you all fold like a creased napkin.

You're fucking spineless hypocritical cowards who are no damn different than the ones who've used these very political weapons as a means to an end. You know, the ones both you & I have bitched about for seven years now.

Where's your cloak of personal responsibility now? Did you lose it on the way to your knees?

Do I believe Trump is a racist? NOPE.
Do I believe Trump is using race as a weapon? ABSOLUTELY

All the problems this nation has seemingly boil down to race. Know why? Cause NEITHER side has the courage to call out their own when a line is crossed & demand the accountability that we scream at the opposition for not having. Which in essence secures the asinine race baiting bullshit for the next generation of political insiders.

Trump could have had my vote with a focus on the issues that really matter but he's to interested in stirring the pot for his own personal gain.

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

I want the wall.
I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.
I want a focus on America first.

I don't want Obama 2.0 with the racial bullshit.
Grow a fucking spine & practice what you preach.

What the hell do you want him to do when he's got a La Raza Judge pulling a political hit job on him with two law firms who have given the Clintons close to a million dollars for speaking engagements?

Shut up? Be a Romney or a McCain and not fight back over this?

I get that their may be political implications in this situation but why the fuck is his parents birthplace a God damn issue? WHY?
When Debbie Wasserman does stupid shit we don't blame it on her families heritage. When Weiner was flashing his weiner we didn't invoke his parents.

Trump is playing on your patriotism. Don't be so stupid.

Curiel is LaRaza. Anything goes. La Raza is the Hispanic version of the Aryan Brotherhood for crying out loud.

To be fair, the LaRaza Lawyers Association is not affiliated with the activist group LaRaza, but they are affiliated with other activist groups that aid illegals on their way to the US.
Trump does the SAME GOD DAMN THING and you all fold like a creased napkin.

You're fucking spineless hypocritical cowards who are no damn different than the ones who've used these very political weapons as a means to an end. You know, the ones both you & I have bitched about for seven years now.

Where's your cloak of personal responsibility now? Did you lose it on the way to your knees?

Do I believe Trump is a racist? NOPE.
Do I believe Trump is using race as a weapon? ABSOLUTELY

All the problems this nation has seemingly boil down to race. Know why? Cause NEITHER side has the courage to call out their own when a line is crossed & demand the accountability that we scream at the opposition for not having. Which in essence secures the asinine race baiting bullshit for the next generation of political insiders.

Trump could have had my vote with a focus on the issues that really matter but he's to interested in stirring the pot for his own personal gain.

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

I want the wall.
I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.
I want a focus on America first.

I don't want Obama 2.0 with the racial bullshit.
Grow a fucking spine & practice what you preach.
I agree with everything you want...and if Donald can deliver...I will over look his tactics to win. Ugly...yes. Stupid...yes. Self involved yes. But this is politics. Win at all costs.
Trump does the SAME GOD DAMN THING and you all fold like a creased napkin.

You're fucking spineless hypocritical cowards who are no damn different than the ones who've used these very political weapons as a means to an end. You know, the ones both you & I have bitched about for seven years now.

Where's your cloak of personal responsibility now? Did you lose it on the way to your knees?

Do I believe Trump is a racist? NOPE.
Do I believe Trump is using race as a weapon? ABSOLUTELY

All the problems this nation has seemingly boil down to race. Know why? Cause NEITHER side has the courage to call out their own when a line is crossed & demand the accountability that we scream at the opposition for not having. Which in essence secures the asinine race baiting bullshit for the next generation of political insiders.

Trump could have had my vote with a focus on the issues that really matter but he's to interested in stirring the pot for his own personal gain.

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

I want the wall.
I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.
I want a focus on America first.

I don't want Obama 2.0 with the racial bullshit.
Grow a fucking spine & practice what you preach.

What the hell do you want him to do when he's got a La Raza Judge pulling a political hit job on him with two law firms who have given the Clintons close to a million dollars for speaking engagements?

Shut up? Be a Romney or a McCain and not fight back over this?

I get that their may be political implications in this situation but why the fuck is his parents birthplace a God damn issue? WHY?
When Debbie Wasserman does stupid shit we don't blame it on her families heritage. When Weiner was flashing his weiner we didn't invoke his parents.

Trump is playing on your patriotism. Don't be so stupid.

Curiel is LaRaza. Anything goes. La Raza is the Hispanic version of the Aryan Brotherhood for crying out loud.

Do some proper research. La Raza IS a Hispanic nationalist group, but they are not affiliated with the judges La Raza Lawyers Group. They are two totally separate entities. The lawyers group is no different than any other group of lawyers that form an association based on a commonality.

And..............because the judge was born in Indiana to LEGAL immigrant parents, neither he nor his family would have any problem with Trump's wall. This is just Trump playking to your emotions becaus he's pissed that the judge ordered the documents in the case to be released, because as he said, transparency is needed in this case because Trump is a presidential candidate.

I agree with him. Transparency in this trial is needed.
Trump does the SAME GOD DAMN THING and you all fold like a creased napkin.

You're fucking spineless hypocritical cowards who are no damn different than the ones who've used these very political weapons as a means to an end. You know, the ones both you & I have bitched about for seven years now.

Where's your cloak of personal responsibility now? Did you lose it on the way to your knees?

Do I believe Trump is a racist? NOPE.
Do I believe Trump is using race as a weapon? ABSOLUTELY

All the problems this nation has seemingly boil down to race. Know why? Cause NEITHER side has the courage to call out their own when a line is crossed & demand the accountability that we scream at the opposition for not having. Which in essence secures the asinine race baiting bullshit for the next generation of political insiders.

Trump could have had my vote with a focus on the issues that really matter but he's to interested in stirring the pot for his own personal gain.

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

I want the wall.
I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.
I want a focus on America first.

I don't want Obama 2.0 with the racial bullshit.
Grow a fucking spine & practice what you preach.
Comparing the president to the likes of Trump is as about as idiotic and ridiculous as a conservative can get.
Are you all going to stand idly by while Donald Trump gives the left the ammunition to convert the Latino vote to their side for the next generation or are you going to stand up & say this is AMERICA, the land where the color of your skin does not dictate your future but only your heritage.

We all came from immigrants. Most legal, some of us probably illegal if we looked close enough.

Deport the illegals. Fine the businesses that hire them. Build the wall. BUT STOP WITH THE BULLSHIT where everyone is lumped together based on the tint of their skin.

The only problem with your little diatribes is that Trump isn't the one lumping everyone together, it's the left saying he is. I guess you're buying the leftist line.

I want the wall.

Pretty much everyone wants a wall, except for people who favor open borders and they are a small minority.

I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.

Sure he wants to suspend the refugee program until we can positively verify who they are, you got a problem with that, I don't.

I want a focus on America first.

Exactly what's wrong with that?

Damn dude, get a grip already and stop listening to MSLSD.
The list that was responded to in BLUE is my agreement with his ideals.
Not sure how that wasn't clear.

Maybe it was unclear because your preceding sentence was:

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

Then you appeared to be listing his words, Does that clear it up for ya?
Trump does the SAME GOD DAMN THING and you all fold like a creased napkin.

You're fucking spineless hypocritical cowards who are no damn different than the ones who've used these very political weapons as a means to an end. You know, the ones both you & I have bitched about for seven years now.

Where's your cloak of personal responsibility now? Did you lose it on the way to your knees?

Do I believe Trump is a racist? NOPE.
Do I believe Trump is using race as a weapon? ABSOLUTELY

All the problems this nation has seemingly boil down to race. Know why? Cause NEITHER side has the courage to call out their own when a line is crossed & demand the accountability that we scream at the opposition for not having. Which in essence secures the asinine race baiting bullshit for the next generation of political insiders.

Trump could have had my vote with a focus on the issues that really matter but he's to interested in stirring the pot for his own personal gain.

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

I want the wall.
I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.
I want a focus on America first.

I don't want Obama 2.0 with the racial bullshit.
Grow a fucking spine & practice what you preach.
That is what is being used AGAINST him. Wow.

In 2001, Sonia Sotomayor, an appeals court judge, gave a speech declaring that the ethnicity and sex of a judge “may and will make a difference in our judging.”

Go ahead grand pa. Read that.
Last edited:
Trump does the SAME GOD DAMN THING and you all fold like a creased napkin.

You're fucking spineless hypocritical cowards who are no damn different than the ones who've used these very political weapons as a means to an end. You know, the ones both you & I have bitched about for seven years now.

Where's your cloak of personal responsibility now? Did you lose it on the way to your knees?

Do I believe Trump is a racist? NOPE.
Do I believe Trump is using race as a weapon? ABSOLUTELY

All the problems this nation has seemingly boil down to race. Know why? Cause NEITHER side has the courage to call out their own when a line is crossed & demand the accountability that we scream at the opposition for not having. Which in essence secures the asinine race baiting bullshit for the next generation of political insiders.

Trump could have had my vote with a focus on the issues that really matter but he's to interested in stirring the pot for his own personal gain.

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

I want the wall.
I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.
I want a focus on America first.

I don't want Obama 2.0 with the racial bullshit.
Grow a fucking spine & practice what you preach.

What the hell do you want him to do when he's got a La Raza Judge pulling a political hit job on him with two law firms who have given the Clintons close to a million dollars for speaking engagements? They are using the judiciary to attack him.

Shut up? Be a Romney or a McCain and not fight back over this?

There you go again TD... :alcoholic: --- not only do you never link whatever it is you're talking about but again --- what the fuck does a speaking engagement have to do with a lawsuit over fraudulent business practices?
Trump does the SAME GOD DAMN THING and you all fold like a creased napkin.

You're fucking spineless hypocritical cowards who are no damn different than the ones who've used these very political weapons as a means to an end. You know, the ones both you & I have bitched about for seven years now.

Where's your cloak of personal responsibility now? Did you lose it on the way to your knees?

Do I believe Trump is a racist? NOPE.
Do I believe Trump is using race as a weapon? ABSOLUTELY

All the problems this nation has seemingly boil down to race. Know why? Cause NEITHER side has the courage to call out their own when a line is crossed & demand the accountability that we scream at the opposition for not having. Which in essence secures the asinine race baiting bullshit for the next generation of political insiders.

Trump could have had my vote with a focus on the issues that really matter but he's to interested in stirring the pot for his own personal gain.

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

I want the wall.
I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.
I want a focus on America first.

I don't want Obama 2.0 with the racial bullshit.
Grow a fucking spine & practice what you preach.
That is what being used AGAINST him. Wow.

In 2001, Sonia Sotomayor, an appeals court judge, gave a speech declaring that the ethnicity and sex of a judge “may and will make a difference in our judging.”

Go ahead grand pa. Read that.
Just because race is an issue for her doesn't mean it should be for anyone else.
Are you all going to stand idly by while Donald Trump gives the left the ammunition to convert the Latino vote to their side for the next generation or are you going to stand up & say this is AMERICA, the land where the color of your skin does not dictate your future but only your heritage.

We all came from immigrants. Most legal, some of us probably illegal if we looked close enough.

Deport the illegals. Fine the businesses that hire them. Build the wall. BUT STOP WITH THE BULLSHIT where everyone is lumped together based on the tint of their skin.

The only problem with your little diatribes is that Trump isn't the one lumping everyone together, it's the left saying he is. I guess you're buying the leftist line.

I want the wall.

Pretty much everyone wants a wall, except for people who favor open borders and they are a small minority.

I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.

Sure he wants to suspend the refugee program until we can positively verify who they are, you got a problem with that, I don't.

I want a focus on America first.

Exactly what's wrong with that?

Damn dude, get a grip already and stop listening to MSLSD.
The list that was responded to in BLUE is my agreement with his ideals.
Not sure how that wasn't clear.

Maybe it was unclear because your preceding sentence was:

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

Then you appeared to be listing his words, Does that clear it up for ya?
I separated it. Sorry it confused you anyways.
Trump does the SAME GOD DAMN THING and you all fold like a creased napkin.

You're fucking spineless hypocritical cowards who are no damn different than the ones who've used these very political weapons as a means to an end. You know, the ones both you & I have bitched about for seven years now.

Where's your cloak of personal responsibility now? Did you lose it on the way to your knees?

Do I believe Trump is a racist? NOPE.
Do I believe Trump is using race as a weapon? ABSOLUTELY

All the problems this nation has seemingly boil down to race. Know why? Cause NEITHER side has the courage to call out their own when a line is crossed & demand the accountability that we scream at the opposition for not having. Which in essence secures the asinine race baiting bullshit for the next generation of political insiders.

Trump could have had my vote with a focus on the issues that really matter but he's to interested in stirring the pot for his own personal gain.

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

I want the wall.
I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.
I want a focus on America first.

I don't want Obama 2.0 with the racial bullshit.
Grow a fucking spine & practice what you preach.
That is what being used AGAINST him. Wow.

In 2001, Sonia Sotomayor, an appeals court judge, gave a speech declaring that the ethnicity and sex of a judge “may and will make a difference in our judging.”

Go ahead grand pa. Read that.

Again, I keep laying this out and I keep getting crickets --- what the fuck does "ethnicity" have to do with whether a business is fraud or not? Fraud is fraud is fraud. Doesn't matter who the fuck your parents are.
Trump does the SAME GOD DAMN THING and you all fold like a creased napkin.

You're fucking spineless hypocritical cowards who are no damn different than the ones who've used these very political weapons as a means to an end. You know, the ones both you & I have bitched about for seven years now.

Where's your cloak of personal responsibility now? Did you lose it on the way to your knees?

Do I believe Trump is a racist? NOPE.
Do I believe Trump is using race as a weapon? ABSOLUTELY

All the problems this nation has seemingly boil down to race. Know why? Cause NEITHER side has the courage to call out their own when a line is crossed & demand the accountability that we scream at the opposition for not having. Which in essence secures the asinine race baiting bullshit for the next generation of political insiders.

Trump could have had my vote with a focus on the issues that really matter but he's to interested in stirring the pot for his own personal gain.

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

I want the wall.
I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.
I want a focus on America first.

I don't want Obama 2.0 with the racial bullshit.
Grow a fucking spine & practice what you preach.

What the hell do you want him to do when he's got a La Raza Judge pulling a political hit job on him with two law firms who have given the Clintons close to a million dollars for speaking engagements? They are using the judiciary to attack him.

Shut up? Be a Romney or a McCain and not fight back over this?

I would really like to know what Trumps personal problem in a judge's ruling has to do with his run for POTUS. What is the point of making it a public statement to be tossed around in the media? Why do people think this one judge has the clout to do a "hit job" on Trump as he is closing in on a presidential election? If Donald had kept his mouth shut about it nobody would care. The judge's ruling is really no bigger deal as a failure than any of his bankruptcies or his many divorces. HE is the one calling attention to this thing. The media is just tagging along.
Trump does the SAME GOD DAMN THING and you all fold like a creased napkin.

You're fucking spineless hypocritical cowards who are no damn different than the ones who've used these very political weapons as a means to an end. You know, the ones both you & I have bitched about for seven years now.

Where's your cloak of personal responsibility now? Did you lose it on the way to your knees?

Do I believe Trump is a racist? NOPE.
Do I believe Trump is using race as a weapon? ABSOLUTELY

All the problems this nation has seemingly boil down to race. Know why? Cause NEITHER side has the courage to call out their own when a line is crossed & demand the accountability that we scream at the opposition for not having. Which in essence secures the asinine race baiting bullshit for the next generation of political insiders.

Trump could have had my vote with a focus on the issues that really matter but he's to interested in stirring the pot for his own personal gain.

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

I want the wall.
I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.
I want a focus on America first.

I don't want Obama 2.0 with the racial bullshit.
Grow a fucking spine & practice what you preach.

What the hell do you want him to do when he's got a La Raza Judge pulling a political hit job on him with two law firms who have given the Clintons close to a million dollars for speaking engagements?

Shut up? Be a Romney or a McCain and not fight back over this?

I get that their may be political implications in this situation but why the fuck is his parents birthplace a God damn issue? WHY?
When Debbie Wasserman does stupid shit we don't blame it on her families heritage. When Weiner was flashing his weiner we didn't invoke his parents.

Trump is playing on your patriotism. Don't be so stupid.

Curiel is LaRaza. Anything goes. La Raza is the Hispanic version of the Aryan Brotherhood for crying out loud.

To be fair, the LaRaza Lawyers Association is not affiliated with the activist group LaRaza, but they are affiliated with other activist groups that aid illegals on their way to the US.

I looked up the Lawyers Association and they list the National Council as an affiliate on their website.
Trump does the SAME GOD DAMN THING and you all fold like a creased napkin.

You're fucking spineless hypocritical cowards who are no damn different than the ones who've used these very political weapons as a means to an end. You know, the ones both you & I have bitched about for seven years now.

Where's your cloak of personal responsibility now? Did you lose it on the way to your knees?

Do I believe Trump is a racist? NOPE.
Do I believe Trump is using race as a weapon? ABSOLUTELY

All the problems this nation has seemingly boil down to race. Know why? Cause NEITHER side has the courage to call out their own when a line is crossed & demand the accountability that we scream at the opposition for not having. Which in essence secures the asinine race baiting bullshit for the next generation of political insiders.

Trump could have had my vote with a focus on the issues that really matter but he's to interested in stirring the pot for his own personal gain.

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

I want the wall.
I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.
I want a focus on America first.

I don't want Obama 2.0 with the racial bullshit.
Grow a fucking spine & practice what you preach.

What the hell do you want him to do when he's got a La Raza Judge pulling a political hit job on him with two law firms who have given the Clintons close to a million dollars for speaking engagements? They are using the judiciary to attack him.

Shut up? Be a Romney or a McCain and not fight back over this?

I would really like to know what Trumps personal problem in a judge's ruling has to do with his run for POTUS. What is the point of making it a public statement to be tossed around in the media? Why do people think this one judge has the clout to do a "hit job" on Trump as he is closing in on a presidential election? If Donald had kept his mouth shut about it nobody would care. The judge's ruling is really no bigger deal as a failure than any of his bankruptcies or his many divorces. HE is the one calling attention to this thing. The media is just tagging along.

Pfffft. The media is just tagging along? Kiss my ass. May 27th the Judge released documents to the Washington Post that they requested.
Trump does the SAME GOD DAMN THING and you all fold like a creased napkin.

You're fucking spineless hypocritical cowards who are no damn different than the ones who've used these very political weapons as a means to an end. You know, the ones both you & I have bitched about for seven years now.

Where's your cloak of personal responsibility now? Did you lose it on the way to your knees?

Do I believe Trump is a racist? NOPE.
Do I believe Trump is using race as a weapon? ABSOLUTELY

All the problems this nation has seemingly boil down to race. Know why? Cause NEITHER side has the courage to call out their own when a line is crossed & demand the accountability that we scream at the opposition for not having. Which in essence secures the asinine race baiting bullshit for the next generation of political insiders.

Trump could have had my vote with a focus on the issues that really matter but he's to interested in stirring the pot for his own personal gain.

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

I want the wall.
I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.
I want a focus on America first.

I don't want Obama 2.0 with the racial bullshit.
Grow a fucking spine & practice what you preach.

What the hell do you want him to do when he's got a La Raza Judge pulling a political hit job on him with two law firms who have given the Clintons close to a million dollars for speaking engagements?

Shut up? Be a Romney or a McCain and not fight back over this?

I get that their may be political implications in this situation but why the fuck is his parents birthplace a God damn issue? WHY?
When Debbie Wasserman does stupid shit we don't blame it on her families heritage. When Weiner was flashing his weiner we didn't invoke his parents.

Trump is playing on your patriotism. Don't be so stupid.

Curiel is LaRaza. Anything goes. La Raza is the Hispanic version of the Aryan Brotherhood for crying out loud.

To be fair, the LaRaza Lawyers Association is not affiliated with the activist group LaRaza, but they are affiliated with other activist groups that aid illegals on their way to the US.

I looked up the Lawyers Association and they list the National Council as an affiliate on their website.

Then give us the link. I noticed you didn't put it in your post.
Trump does the SAME GOD DAMN THING and you all fold like a creased napkin.

You're fucking spineless hypocritical cowards who are no damn different than the ones who've used these very political weapons as a means to an end. You know, the ones both you & I have bitched about for seven years now.

Where's your cloak of personal responsibility now? Did you lose it on the way to your knees?

Do I believe Trump is a racist? NOPE.
Do I believe Trump is using race as a weapon? ABSOLUTELY

All the problems this nation has seemingly boil down to race. Know why? Cause NEITHER side has the courage to call out their own when a line is crossed & demand the accountability that we scream at the opposition for not having. Which in essence secures the asinine race baiting bullshit for the next generation of political insiders.

Trump could have had my vote with a focus on the issues that really matter but he's to interested in stirring the pot for his own personal gain.

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

I want the wall.
I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.
I want a focus on America first.

I don't want Obama 2.0 with the racial bullshit.
Grow a fucking spine & practice what you preach.

What the hell do you want him to do when he's got a La Raza Judge pulling a political hit job on him with two law firms who have given the Clintons close to a million dollars for speaking engagements? They are using the judiciary to attack him.

Shut up? Be a Romney or a McCain and not fight back over this?

I would really like to know what Trumps personal problem in a judge's ruling has to do with his run for POTUS. What is the point of making it a public statement to be tossed around in the media? Why do people think this one judge has the clout to do a "hit job" on Trump as he is closing in on a presidential election? If Donald had kept his mouth shut about it nobody would care. The judge's ruling is really no bigger deal as a failure than any of his bankruptcies or his many divorces. HE is the one calling attention to this thing. The media is just tagging along.

Pfffft. The media is just tagging along? Kiss my ass. May 27th the Judge released documents to the Washington Post that they requested.

The judge determined that since Trump is a presidential candidate, then transparency was required in his trial.

I agree.
Trump does the SAME GOD DAMN THING and you all fold like a creased napkin.

You're fucking spineless hypocritical cowards who are no damn different than the ones who've used these very political weapons as a means to an end. You know, the ones both you & I have bitched about for seven years now.

Where's your cloak of personal responsibility now? Did you lose it on the way to your knees?

Do I believe Trump is a racist? NOPE.
Do I believe Trump is using race as a weapon? ABSOLUTELY

All the problems this nation has seemingly boil down to race. Know why? Cause NEITHER side has the courage to call out their own when a line is crossed & demand the accountability that we scream at the opposition for not having. Which in essence secures the asinine race baiting bullshit for the next generation of political insiders.

Trump could have had my vote with a focus on the issues that really matter but he's to interested in stirring the pot for his own personal gain.

Where is the fucking outrage about the racial division he is causing? And don't blame our shitty media. As bad as they are they are only repeating the man's own words.

I want the wall.
I want 0 refugees from dangerous countries.
I want a focus on America first.

I don't want Obama 2.0 with the racial bullshit.
Grow a fucking spine & practice what you preach.

What the hell do you want him to do when he's got a La Raza Judge pulling a political hit job on him with two law firms who have given the Clintons close to a million dollars for speaking engagements? They are using the judiciary to attack him.

Shut up? Be a Romney or a McCain and not fight back over this?

I would really like to know what Trumps personal problem in a judge's ruling has to do with his run for POTUS. What is the point of making it a public statement to be tossed around in the media? Why do people think this one judge has the clout to do a "hit job" on Trump as he is closing in on a presidential election? If Donald had kept his mouth shut about it nobody would care. The judge's ruling is really no bigger deal as a failure than any of his bankruptcies or his many divorces. HE is the one calling attention to this thing. The media is just tagging along.

Pfffft. The media is just tagging along? Kiss my ass. May 27th the Judge released documents to the Washington Post that they requested.
So the judge did what we've all demanded with regards to transparency and this is a problem why?

You qualify for the Obamabot 2.0 award.
Trumps hand has been forced. The left opened that can of worms and that Jeanie cannot be put back in the bottle.

Damn straight. It was "the left" who declared Mexicans to be "rapists". Oh wait.

OK, it was "the left" who went into convulsions mocking a reporter's congenital malady. Oh wait.

OK it was "the left" who played dumb when David Duke endorsed them. Oh wait.

OK it was "the left" who called for banning people on the basis of their religion. Oh wait.

OK it was "the left" who said "black guys counting my money. I hate it. The only guys I want counting my money are short guys who wear yarmulkes every day". Oh wait.

Partisan hacks --- such cat toys.

Gotta tell you about that word though. I'm a Barbara Eden fan too but the word is usually rendered as "Genie".

Know why I find that interesting?
Because it's Arabic. RUN!!

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