For the last time, I'm gonna try to educate the left on GUNS; Can't take ignorance any longer.


this is your head ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ....................... this is your head after a .223 hits it ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

any questions from IDIOTS?

I can hit with a 30.06 at twice the range of the AR...yet liberals are fine with that particular rifle.

and I have a .270 that will out distance a 30.06 ... so what?

.223's are nasty little bastards at closer ranges ... why do you suppose our military carry them?

And what exactly makes you think you can hit further with the .270? Keep in mind I have one of those as well.

any ballistic chart you can find shows a .270 will out distance an .06, given the same load.

sniper rifles are .308 ... they will reach out and hit hard.

a 30.06 will not outdistance a .223 in terms of effective range. They are each around 500 yards. Obviously the .223 will require much more adjustment at that range but only has about 25% less velocity and barely any difference in energy at maximum range.

The .270 on the other hand has the same effective range, but is another league entirely compared to either in terms of energy and velocity. Having nearly double the velocity and FOUR times the energy of the 30.06.

The .270 is also superior to the standard 7.62 NATO round .

Thousand yard shots with the 30.06 are common.
Not so much with the 5.56,and when the round arrives the 30.06 would carry far more energy than the 5.56
Nuclear weapons are NOT defensive - they kill a lot of innocent bystanders. WHY do you approve of the federal government having them?
You can't have a well regulated militia without nukes! :eek:

You can't? Well then how did the founding fathers manage to have militias then, because obviously they didn't have nukes

You dumb fucks will try anything to twist around the 2nd.
Gun control assholes want to take away the rights of law abiding gun owners. The question is why?

Alcohol kills more people than guns but they are not proposing to ban alcohol. Drugs kill thousands but the left wants to legalize drugs. Illegals kill over 3,000 Americans each year yet the left defends illegals pouring into our country.

So why the lefts obsession about banning guns hmmm? I suspect its because they know it pisses off conservatives and there's not much more to it than that. That's just how petty and low the left are.

Smoking kills 25 people for every gun death, and that includes suicides ...

I disagree on the reason though. They only want the State to be armed

They don't want that either, law enforcement is under assault by the left. The left allows criminals to run amok burning communities, rioting, looting, and the left defends this and attacks law enforcement wtf.

The left consistently want no one but government to have guns. But yeah, as you pointed out, they have double standards on everything
My favorite liberal moron moment regarding firearms.



Shove one of those guns you own into one of your orifices. LOL....:ahole-1:

Leave it to an uneducated libtard to immediately talk about deviant sexual behavior. Everything immediately goes to turning any object or topic into some deviant sexual behavior. Every one of you sick bastards need to be permanently restrained in a behavioral health wing.

Remember libtards are NOT familiar with firearms. So he thinks AR-15 are dildos. And he loves them dildos.
My favorite liberal moron moment regarding firearms.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Oh man....that is astounding stupidity. Even by normal Dumbocrat standards. Seriously - it's no wonder these people desire socialism. They couldn't survive without conservatives being forced to care for them.

That's almost as stupid as that negro who was afraid to vote yes to putting more troops in Guam b/c he was afraid the island would tip over :rofl: unbelievable that he actually got elected.

OMG....a million thank you's F&B to drawing my attention to this most unbelievable video. Dumbocrats continue to take dumb to unprecedented levels.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Moron journalist Tom Brokaw called for a ban on the "AR-14" today. MSNBC morons said 2nd amendment covers guns...not "weapons of war". I can't take it anymore. My final attempt to educate them.

Guns: An AR-15 shoots a TINY bullet...a .223. That bullet is HALF THE size of a standard cops pistol bullet...a .45. Plus....pistols have big hollow point bullets...far deadlier. In deadly...they aren't allowed in war. That's right....the hollow point pistol bullet is banned from wars by the 1899 Hague Convention treaty. The .223 bullet an AR shoots? Army and Marine troops complain that they aren't deadly enough in war. They created the 6.8 round to try to fix it....which the standard AR-15 doesn't shoot.

Guns: 30 round magazines for a .223 AR??? GUESS WHAT??? They make 30 round mags for Glocks...that shoot the far larger and far deadlier hollow point bullets. AR15s are almost all semi auto...not full auto. Almost none are full auto.

**A side note: A gunman with a rifle is also FAR EASIER to disarm than one with a pistol. Imagine trying to pry away a broom from a guy vs prying away a fork. The larger gun is by far easier to grab...control...and wrestle away.

2nd Amendment: Libs are now saying the Founders meant muskets....not "Weapons of War". Hey 1776....muskets WERE WEAPONS OF WAR

View attachment 78100

I'll add more later. Can't overwhelm the igorant brains reading this.

You are a lying bastard. The muzzle energy of a .223 is between 999 ft/lbs and 1642 ft/lbs depending on the round. That of a .45 between 244 ft/lbs and 616 ft/lbs.

223 Remington Ballistics Chart | Ballistics 101

45 ACP Ballistics Chart | Ballistics 101

The AR-15, and other such weapons, including pistols with very high capacity magazine, have been and will be the preferred weapon of slaughter in the coming days. And assholes like you and the NRA will continue to make sure that such people have access these weapons of war.
I can hit with a 30.06 at twice the range of the AR...yet liberals are fine with that particular rifle.

and I have a .270 that will out distance a 30.06 ... so what?

.223's are nasty little bastards at closer ranges ... why do you suppose our military carry them?

And what exactly makes you think you can hit further with the .270? Keep in mind I have one of those as well.

any ballistic chart you can find shows a .270 will out distance an .06, given the same load.

sniper rifles are .308 ... they will reach out and hit hard.

a 30.06 will not outdistance a .223 in terms of effective range. They are each around 500 yards. Obviously the .223 will require much more adjustment at that range but only has about 25% less velocity and barely any difference in energy at maximum range.

The .270 on the other hand has the same effective range, but is another league entirely compared to either in terms of energy and velocity. Having nearly double the velocity and FOUR times the energy of the 30.06.

The .270 is also superior to the standard 7.62 NATO round .

Thousand yard shots with the 30.06 are common.
Not so much with the 5.56,and when the round arrives the 30.06 would carry far more energy than the 5.56

By professional shooters while match shooting sure. Maximum range however refers to the maximum range a weapon can effectively and reliably kill , 500 yards or so is the maximum effective range for either weapon. I mean give me a .22 with a hand load and let me snipe from a mile away and with enough practice I could hit a target.

There's a reason the military has so many different weapons platforms. Each has its strenths and weaknesses. The .30-06 is not a long distance weapon platform. Just the same as you don't see soldiers carrying a .50 in CQB situations. Effective weapon for sure, but not in that situation.
Why? How about we eliminate all internet communications so that we don't have to hear the anti-constitutional views of assholes like you? :cuckoo:
You have a right to arms, not any fucking arms ever made. Like, you're not allowed rocket launchers, tank cannons, nukes... So your 2nd Amendment right has never been absolute. You knew that, right?
No, we have a right to every weapon ever made, provided we can maintain it. If I want a rocket launcher, I can have one.

And I will have one, if I want one. Your stupid piddly ass bed wetter gun grabber laws are irrelevant.
So you're saying that anyone in the US can own a nuke? Umm... No.
Yes jack-ass. Yes they can. That very immature and nonsensical libtard response has been well covered. Legally, anyone can own a nuke. Why don't you grow up or go join a juvenile bed-wetter board so that the grown ups can speak here?
The US is trying to stop COUNTRIES from getting nukes, you really think they're just going to let anyone in the US buy one and take it home? :lmao:

Why don't you enlist, faggot. Go serve in one of Obama's illegal and immoral drone campaigns, or pick some shit Muslim country to die in on the ground. Either way - get fucked.
and I have a .270 that will out distance a 30.06 ... so what?

.223's are nasty little bastards at closer ranges ... why do you suppose our military carry them?

And what exactly makes you think you can hit further with the .270? Keep in mind I have one of those as well.

any ballistic chart you can find shows a .270 will out distance an .06, given the same load.

sniper rifles are .308 ... they will reach out and hit hard.

a 30.06 will not outdistance a .223 in terms of effective range. They are each around 500 yards. Obviously the .223 will require much more adjustment at that range but only has about 25% less velocity and barely any difference in energy at maximum range.

The .270 on the other hand has the same effective range, but is another league entirely compared to either in terms of energy and velocity. Having nearly double the velocity and FOUR times the energy of the 30.06.

The .270 is also superior to the standard 7.62 NATO round .

Thousand yard shots with the 30.06 are common.
Not so much with the 5.56,and when the round arrives the 30.06 would carry far more energy than the 5.56

By professional shooters while match shooting sure. Maximum range however refers to the maximum range a weapon can effectively and reliably kill , 500 yards or so is the maximum effective range for either weapon. I mean give me a .22 with a hand load and let me snipe from a mile away and with enough practice I could hit a target.

There's a reason the military has so many different weapons platforms. Each has its strenths and weaknesses. The .30-06 is not a long distance weapon platform. Just the same as you don't see soldiers carrying a .50 in CQB situations. Effective weapon for sure, but not in that situation.

My point is the 30.06 will still carry enough energy to kill.
Out past 550 meters the 5.56 loses to much velocity to fragment thus making it less effective.
Get rid of all assault style weapons. Pretty simple concept really.
Australia confiscated 650,000 guns. Murders and suicides plummeted.
So tell me which one of these is an "assault style" rifle

Is it Rifle A


Or Rifle B

Dumb fuck. Both are. They both have the capability of firing very rapidly, and being reloaded quickly. And both should require special licenses to own, the same one that is required to own a fully automatic .45 Thompson. If you cannot pass the required background check for that license, you have no business with either of the pictured guns.
A 223 bullet for an M-16 or AR-15 are smaller for two reasons.
1. The ability to carry more ammo into combat.
2. Long range hiking means less weight..
The bullet when fired, hits the target and rolls through the body, causing more damage..
Tell that to those who were shot with a 7.62x39 AK round.


Shove one of those guns you own into one of your orifices. LOL....:ahole-1:

Ooooooops, I touched a nerve.

We can buy the AR-15 from these vendors

  1. BCM
  2. Noveske
  3. Knight’s Armament
  4. Lewis Machine & Tool
  5. Daniel Defense
  6. LWRC
  7. Colt
  8. H&K
  9. Midwest Industries
  10. Barrett
Or if push come to shove

da' blackmarket


A few more instances like this, and we will put you in prison if you carry such without a proper license and background check.
Get rid of all assault style weapons. Pretty simple concept really.
Australia confiscated 650,000 guns. Murders and suicides plummeted.
So tell me which one of these is an "assault style" rifle

Is it Rifle A


Or Rifle B

Dumb fuck. Both are. They both have the capability of firing very rapidly, and being reloaded quickly. And both should require special licenses to own, the same one that is required to own a fully automatic .45 Thompson. If you cannot pass the required background check for that license, you have no business with either of the pictured guns.

Hey dumb shit, one of those is a fucking BB gun LOL

Now that wouldn't be nearly as funny except that you fucking liberals came unglued when a police officer didn't immediately recognize a BB gun when a criminal reached for it in his waist band LOL you morons are beyond stupid.
A 223 bullet for an M-16 or AR-15 are smaller for two reasons.
1. The ability to carry more ammo into combat.
2. Long range hiking means less weight..
The bullet when fired, hits the target and rolls through the body, causing more damage..
Tell that to those who were shot with a 7.62x39 AK round.

What he says is accurate. When introduced the M16 was designed specifically to provide a weapon that had light ammunition, that was the entire point. The thinking was 1000 rounds of light ammunition were FAR more effective in a jungle situation than 100 rounds of heavy ammunition.
"I knew trying to educate libs on human weapons would dissolve into a kindergarten level of childish responses"


You're not going to "educate" anyone about guns.

You're among the more ignorant rightists on this board.
That is one of the most retarded analogies I've ever seen. So by your logic, if you think cars should be legal, you are guilty of bank robbery as well.

Check out whatever you have left of a conscience....since you're probably also an evangelical christian. You are COMPLICIT to the crime in advocating that EVERYONE should have that type of weapon.

I'm also curious, where do you get the idea that people who oppose morality laws are "probably also an evangelical christian?" What kind of stupid are you?

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