For the love of aardvark booty!!! Will somebody PLEASE give us the damn EVIDENCE??? Nothing but baseless allegations!!! BASELESS!!!

Bootney Lee Farnsworth

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2017








This is all FAKE, right? This guy is LYING!!!

Dear USMB poster:

Since it is becoming wearisome to tell you all individually that the election is over and Biden won I have prepared this generic response:

Biden won, Trump lost, there was no cheating, grow up.

There is no need to respond except to accept the loss like an adult and move on.

Your friend
Do you really thunk they're going to ruin their own court case by disclosing evidence before the court trial?

There are already over 200 eyewitnesses who have signed affidavits under penalty of perjury. And many more coming in each day. Most will testify in court.

Until the evidence is presented in court...YOU'LL GET NOTHING AND YOU'LL LIKE IT!
Dear USMB poster:

Since it is becoming wearisome to tell you all individually that the election is over and Biden won I have prepared this generic response:

Biden won, Trump lost, there was no cheating, grow up.

There is no need to respond except to accept the loss like an adult and move on.

Your friend

Same was said to you Leftards 4 years ago........and we're still waiting








This is all FAKE, right? This guy is LYING!!!


Or mistaken.

For example....what's the 'Estimated Voters based on Reported Statistics'?

Whose estimates, reported by whom, where and when? Were these estimates from the State? Or from Mr. Ramsland? Some polling agency? What were they based on? When were they made.....are these estimates from 2020, or from 10 years ago? Where were they pulled from? And who reported them?

The 'Estimated Voters based on Reported Statistics' (all strangely capitalized) is the very basis of comparison for the entire statistical analysis laid out in the claims.

But Mr. Ramsland doesn't provide any information about where he got these fundamental numbers.

That's kinda a big deal
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Dear USMB poster:

Since it is becoming wearisome to tell you all individually that the election is over and Biden won I have prepared this generic response:

Biden won, Trump lost, there was no cheating, grow up.

There is no need to respond except to accept the loss like an adult and move on.

Your friend

Dear Prog wokester:

Since it is becoming wearisome to tell you all individually that MSM does not get to call the winner of an election and it is not over yet I have prepared this generic response.

Trump won. In a landslide.
This is all going to come out soon and you will see you have been lied to. Again.
Take it like a... whatever you are.

I don't care about your feelings so there is no need to respond. Period.

Your bestist buddy
Pres. Trump cannot divulge all of the evidence not until the court is in process. It is because they'll be protected by the court and the testimonies will be documented. He knows that the Deep state are on the prowl. Lurking to kill or destroy their witnesses and evidence before it makes it to court. Pres. Trump knows the Deep state has weapons that can't be detected. That it will make a person's death looks like they've died of natural or unnatural causes.
And he wants to prevent the witnesses from receiving death threats before they testify. Because they may get scare and run away.

The Deep state have a weapon that can slightly burn a person. And so if they have a weapon that can shoot out microwaves from a distance. So then they can have a weapon that they can turn up the volume and fried someone to death, and make it seem as if it was something natural that had done it.
But we don't know what this Globalist's army have in stock, since they have control over our money.

And so Pres. Trump is making sure that they will testify in court.
The MSM has been pressuring him to give out that information.

Pres. Trump cannot divulge all of the evidence not until the court is in process. It is because they'll be protected by the court and the testimonies will be documented. He knows that the Deep state are on the prowl. Lurking to kill or destroy their witnesses and evidence before it makes it to court. Pres. Trump knows the Deep state has weapons that can't be detected. That it will make a person's death looks like they've died of natural or unnatural causes.
And he wants to prevent the witnesses from receiving death threats before they testify. Because they may get scare and run away.

The Deep state have a weapon that can slightly burn a person. And so if they have a weapon that can shoot out microwaves from a distance. So then they can have a weapon that they can turn up the volume and fried someone to death, and make it seem as if it was something natural that had done it.
But we don't know what this Globalist's army have in stock, since they have control over our money.

And so Pres. Trump is making sure that they will testify in court.
The MSM has been pressuring him to give out that information.

Do you really thunk they're going to ruin their own court case by disclosing evidence before the court trial?

There are already over 200 eyewitnesses who have signed affidavits under penalty of perjury. And many more coming in each day. Most will testify in court.

Until the evidence is presented in court...YOU'LL GET NOTHING AND YOU'LL LIKE IT!
You people are morons.....

If the police arrested you and threw you in jail....but did it without PRESENTING ANY EVIDENCE TO ANYONE -- would you be ok with it??

Would you say, "oh, they are just withholding the evidence because they don't wanna show their hand"

I swear you people are some authoritarian worshiping sycophants
Dear USMB poster:

Since it is becoming wearisome to tell you all individually that the election is over and Biden won I have prepared this generic response:

Biden won, Trump lost, there was no cheating, grow up.

There is no need to respond except to accept the loss like an adult and move on.

Your friend

Same was said to you Leftards 4 years ago........and we're still waiting
The left never denied the fact that trump won and they didn`t try to remove him from office until he was caught trying to rig the election in Ukraine. I can`t say that I`m not enjoying seeing the butthurt Boogalosers crying like babies and trying and failing to steal this election. It`s over.:icon_cry:
This is all FAKE, right? This guy is LYING!!!
He's not lying, he's just not saying anything that could be considered direct evidence of fraud. Look at how many times the affidavit says he's "believes" something or it "suggests" something. This is a big old nothing burger.
Trumpers don't understand how affidavits work......

And why time and time again -- once inside a court -- the lawsuits keep getting thrown out for lack of evidence...


Affidavits aren't evidence unless they are willing to go under oath with penalty of perjury........

Trump's sexual assault victims signed affidavits -- but you won't see a single Trumper holding that up as proof of his guilt....

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