For the love of aardvark booty!!! Will somebody PLEASE give us the damn EVIDENCE??? Nothing but baseless allegations!!! BASELESS!!!

Do you really thunk they're going to ruin their own court case by disclosing evidence before the court trial?

There are already over 200 eyewitnesses who have signed affidavits under penalty of perjury. And many more coming in each day. Most will testify in court.

Until the evidence is presented in court...YOU'LL GET NOTHING AND YOU'LL LIKE IT!
You people are morons.....

If the police arrested you and threw you in jail....but did it without PRESENTING ANY EVIDENCE TO ANYONE -- would you be ok with it??

Would you say, "oh, they are just withholding the evidence because they don't wanna show their hand"

I swear you people are some authoritarian worshiping sycophants
They've charged these states for conspiring to fraud the federal government electoral system (It becomes a federal case when one on the candidates is a federal official) and the misuse of federal funds to buy equipment with the intent to fraud the federal government.
All cases are handled by pressing charges first and then prepare their case for trial afterward. At the trial that is when the evidence are presented before the judge.

But all cases starts off with charges without showing any evidence. It is like when Clint Eastwood was being sued for not having accommodations for the handicaps at his motels. But he did. He presented photos of his establishment before the judge before the case. And the judge orders him to pay for the court proceedings first so then he will look at those photos. But the start the case for him, the rich? They have to pay over $ 250,000 for the court fees. But the lawyer of the disabled guy offered Clint a settlement of a $150,000 in order to drop the suit. So that he will not have to pay for the court fees. And they have done this to Dennis Rodman's sex assault case. Offered him to dropped the case if he pays them the settlement.
But Clint went on and paid the court fees and fought and won the case.


Do you really thunk they're going to ruin their own court case by disclosing evidence before the court trial?

There are already over 200 eyewitnesses who have signed affidavits under penalty of perjury. And many more coming in each day. Most will testify in court.

Until the evidence is presented in court...YOU'LL GET NOTHING AND YOU'LL LIKE IT!

There will be no more court cases. The evidence that you BELIEVE they have does not exist. If it did, it would have been
provided to the courts already.

Damn. You are gullible.
Dear USMB poster:

Since it is becoming wearisome to tell you all individually that the election is over and Biden won I have prepared this generic response:

Biden won, Trump lost, there was no cheating, grow up.

There is no need to respond except to accept the loss like an adult and move on.

Your friend

Same was said to you Leftards 4 years ago........and we're still waiting
The left never denied the fact that trump won and they didn`t try to remove him from office until he was caught trying to rig the election in Ukraine. I can`t say that I`m not enjoying seeing the butthurt Boogalosers crying like babies and trying and failing to steal this election. It`s over.:icon_cry:

BOOGALOSERS!!! I love it.

Yesterday, I heard the story about how that name " Boogaloo Boys" came about and how the Hawaiian shirts became a thing. Do you know what I am referring to?

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This is all FAKE, right? This guy is LYING!!!

This is a lawsuit file in Georgia citing evidence in other states. It will be tossed I'd bet.

Trump supporter election lawsuit affidavit seems to mix up Michigan and Minnesota
Both states start with an M.

An affidavit filed in a Trump supporter’s case challenging election results in Georgia points to potential voting machine problems in Michigan as evidence of election irregularities.

But as commentators starting with the conservative Power Line blog have pointed out, there’s a bit of a problem with the affidavit: It appears to list Minnesota precincts as being in Michigan as it points out their allegedly high vote totals.
The affidavit was filed by Russell James Ramsland, Jr., of Allied Security Operations Group, a Dallas-area firm that does cybersecurity work and lists a number of precincts as purportedly seeing anomalously high numbers of votes. But those precincts—including distinctively named ones like Monticello P-1—appear to be located in Minnesota, not Michigan.
An attorney for the plaintiff in the case, Georgia voter L. Lin Wood, Jr., didn’t immediately respond to an inquiry from Fast Company.
Wood, who is himself an attorney, saw a judge decline Thursday night to issue a restraining order stopping officials from declaring President-elect Joe Biden the state’s winner. It was one of many recent legal losses for Trump and his allies in their efforts to challenge election results that experts and state officials have repeatedly said are sound. Wood has vowed to appeal.
This is all FAKE, right? This guy is LYING!!!


And anyway, there's one major glaring problem with Trump's claims of fraud in Detroit...

Democrat Joe Biden actually got fewer votes in Detroit than Hillary Clinton got in 2016. And Clinton got some 40,000 fewer votes in Detroit than Barack Obama did in 2012.

Plus, Trump got more votes in Detroit in 2020 than he did in 2016.

If it's fraud, that would certainly be mismanaged fraud.
Would you say, "oh, they are just withholding the evidence because they don't wanna show their hand"

Withholding evidence from who? You?

Do you believe you have standing to see such evidence?

You "WOULD" see it when it's presented in court but I'll bet you a nipple your lying "news" media wont report it.

If you really want to hear the evidence at that time...You'll be forced to listen to Rush Limbaugh :auiqs.jpg:
Hey OP , thanks for the good laugh. For starters that crap you posted as “an affidavit” is not even an affidavit. To call it an affidavit is itself comedy. Did you notice the last page? The “affidavit” was not even notarized, was not signed under oath, contained so much hearsay as to make that person‘s statement not worth the paper it is printed on, and does even contain the proper words to make it an affidavit.

Please escape from your fantasy land where fraudulent ballots dance in your head like lollipops and sugar plums.
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Dear USMB poster:

Since it is becoming wearisome to tell you all individually that the election is over and Biden won I have prepared this generic response:

Biden won, Trump lost, there was no cheating, grow up.

There is no need to respond except to accept the loss like an adult and move on.

Your friend

Same was said to you Leftards 4 years ago........and we're still waiting
The left never denied the fact that trump won and they didn`t try to remove him from office until he was caught trying to rig the election in Ukraine. I can`t say that I`m not enjoying seeing the butthurt Boogalosers crying like babies and trying and failing to steal this election. It`s over.:icon_cry:

They/you sure did deny the legitimacy of the win. Don't you remember 'Russia, Russia, Russia'??? How Trump supposedly colluded with them to interfere in that election for his win??? Or did you forget that so soon, just because after 4 years of investigations, THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE to support those claims???And they were looking for ways to impeach him the day after the election....and that's why they spent those 4 years investigating.....looking for reasons. Whatevahhhhh, I couldn't care less.

But doesn't it seem strange to even you how one night Trump was ahead by a large margin and the very next morning those numbers had not only flipped to Biden, but many states were called in his favor?????? I mean how in the hell does it take all day to count what votes had been posted in Trumps favor, but only a couple of hours (at max) to count sooooo many more for Biden? As if, whatever votes had been counted that morning were ALL for Biden????? Mathematically impossible

Common sense and logical thinking would make anyone question those results and request recounts and validation in all 50 states with oversight just to be sure. Then if Biden wins, then so be it. Most conservatives just want to ensure the integrity of the election, regardless of the actual winner......not just this one, but all elections.
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How 'bout a little re-cap?

Here are the key allegations the lawyers presented:

1. Observers were allegedly prevented from watching mail-in ballots being opened. Giuliani said that many mail-in ballots were opened without observers being able to check that they were properly signed, a key protection against fraud. Those votes, he said, were “null and void,” especially where the envelopes had been discarded, making recounts useless.

2. Allegedly unequal application of the law in Democratic counties. In Pennsylvania, whose state supreme court created new, relaxed voting rules before the election, Giuliani alleged that absentee voters in Democratic counties were allowed to “cure” defects in their ballots, while voters in Republican counties, which obeyed the state law as written, were not.

3. Voters allegedly arrived at the polls to discover other people had voted for them. Giuliani said that many provisional ballots cast in Pittsburgh were submitted by people who showed up to vote in person, only to be told that they had voted already. He alleged that Democrats had filled out absentee ballots for other people, hoping they would not show up.

4. Election officials were allegedly told not to look for defects in ballots, and to backdate ballots. Giuliani cited an affidavit from an official who swore she was told not to exclude absentee ballots for defects, and to backdate ballots so they would not appear to have been received after Election Day, to avoid a Supreme Court order to sequester those ballots.

5. Ballots casting votes for Joe Biden and no other candidates were allegedly run several times through machines. Giuliani said that there were 60 witnesses in Michigan who would attest to ballots being “produced” quickly and counted twice or thrice. He said that a minimum of 60,000 ballots, and a maximum of 100,000 ballots, were allegedly affected.

6. Absentee ballots were accepted in Wisconsin without being applied for first. Giuliani noted that Wisconsin state law was stricter regarding absentee ballots than most other states are, yet alleged that 60,000 absentee ballots were counted in the Milwaukee area, and 40,000 in the Madison area, without having been applied for properly by the voters who cast them.

7. There were allegedly “overvotes,” with some precincts allegedly recording more voters than residents, among other problems. Giuliani said there was an unusually large number of overvotes in precincts in Michigan and in Wisconsin, which he alleged was the reason that Republicans on the Wayne County Board of Canvassers had refused to certify the results there this week. He also alleged that there were some out-of-state voters in Georgia, and people who had cast votes twice there.

8. Voting machines and software are allegedly owned by companies with ties to the Venezuelan regime and to left-wing donor George Soros. Sidney Powell argued that U.S. votes were being counted overseas, and that Dominion voting machines and Smartmatic software were controlled by foreign interests, manipulating algorithms to change the results. Powell noted specifically that Smartmatic’s owners included two Venezuelan nationals, whom she alleged had ties to the regime of Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro. The legal team alleged that there were statistical anomalies, such as huge batches of votes for Biden, that could not be explained except as manipulation — which, they alleged, happened in the wee hours of the morning as vote-counting had stalled. (The companies have disputed these allegations vigorously.)

9. The Constitution provides a process for electing a president if the vote is corrupted. Jenna Ellis argued that the media, had usurped the power to declare the winner of the election. She made the point, citing Federalist No. 68, that the constitutional process of selecting a president had procedural safeguards against corruption and foreign influence.
Giuliani said that the campaign believed that enough votes were flawed — more than double the margins between Biden and Trump in key states — that the president had a path to victory.

Giuliani presented evidence in the form of sworn affidavits, citing two and noting that the campaign had many more from private individuals.

He noted that several lawsuits that had been dismissed had been filed by private individuals, not the campaign directly. He said lawsuits might be filed in Arizona, and that the campaign was also examining irregularities in New Mexico and Virginia, though he said he did not think there were enough disputed votes in the latter.

Giuliani also took on the media, arguing that they had provided misleading information and condoned threats against Trump’s legal team.
Pres. Trump cannot divulge all of the evidence not until the court is in process. It is because they'll be protected by the court and the testimonies will be documented. He knows that the Deep state are on the prowl. Lurking to kill or destroy their witnesses and evidence before it makes it to court. Pres. Trump knows the Deep state has weapons that can't be detected. That it will make a person's death looks like they've died of natural or unnatural causes.
And he wants to prevent the witnesses from receiving death threats before they testify. Because they may get scare and run away.

The Deep state have a weapon that can slightly burn a person. And so if they have a weapon that can shoot out microwaves from a distance. So then they can have a weapon that they can turn up the volume and fried someone to death, and make it seem as if it was something natural that had done it.
But we don't know what this Globalist's army have in stock, since they have control over our money.

And so Pres. Trump is making sure that they will testify in court.
The MSM has been pressuring him to give out that information.'re being played again.

See, if this evidence was the smoking gun they claim it is.....why hasn't the DOJ used it to open a criminal investigation?

This is following the EXACT pattern of the conspiracy pablum fed to the 'Q-Army'. Where vague and unsupported allegations were made with specific predictions.....backed by nothing. And Q's followers imagined a complex game of '3 Dimensional Chess' being played by Trump as he poised to arrest all the imaginary 'pedophile cannibals'.

Turned out to be poorly written fan fiction for dupes.

But this is different, huh?

This is all FAKE, right? This guy is LYING!!!


Trump Ally Confuses Michigan And Minnesota In Affidavit Claiming Voter Fraud

Directly below that claim came statistics showing that the Benville Township precinct had a 350% turnout compared with the number of registered voters.

But Benville Township is not in Michigan—it is in Minnesota, and only has an estimated population of 82 people, meaning that if even a handful of voters registered on Election Day itself, which is allowed in Minnesota, that could easily result in a much higher turnout than what was previously on the voter rolls.'re being played again.

See, if this evidence was the smoking gun they claim it is.....why hasn't the DOJ used it to open a criminal investigation?

This is following the EXACT pattern of the conspiracy pablum fed to the 'Q-Army'. Where vague and unsupported allegations were made with specific predictions.....backed by nothing. And Q's followers imagined a complex game of '3 Dimensional Chess' being played by Trump as he poised to arrest all the imaginary 'pedophile cannibals'.

Turned out to be poorly written fan fiction for dupes.

But this is different, huh?
Most of them were leftovers from the Obama administration. And every time Pres. Trump goes on a firing spree, that the Deep state media will start shouting out that Pres, Trump's administration is in disarray. Or the Deep state will take him to court for firing any members of the Deep state.

Yet, far less is known about Lincoln's cabinet - the men who helped the president accomplish all that he did. Like any president, Lincoln relied on his cabinet members for advice and help. And, like many presidents, Lincoln had difficulties and successes in relying on his cabinet members.


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Problem is all that statistical noise does not prove there was massive voter fraud going on..just asserted 'anomalies' by some guy.
There wasn't massive voter fraud, there were a few massive coordinated manipulations of the totals by inside actors or programmers. It might've worked if the real totals were closer, but the massive numbers needed to flip the outcome to Biden raised multiple red flags to anyone with a functioning brain.








This is all FAKE, right? This guy is LYING!!!



Why haven't trump and his lawyers taken it to court?

So far every court has thrown all the cases out due to no evidence and standing.

So trump must have some very bad lawyers since they haven't taken that to court.

You should let trump know about this.








This is all FAKE, right? This guy is LYING!!!

You can call them lies or you can say he’s mistaken or you can say he is making assumptions of possible fraud and not actually pointing to evidence of fraud. I think all can apply but take your pick

Which is probably why trump's lawyers didn't take it to court.

Nothing substantial.
Do you really thunk they're going to ruin their own court case by disclosing evidence before the court trial?

There are already over 200 eyewitnesses who have signed affidavits under penalty of perjury. And many more coming in each day. Most will testify in court.

Until the evidence is presented in court...YOU'LL GET NOTHING AND YOU'LL LIKE IT!

There will be no more court cases. The evidence that you BELIEVE they have does not exist. If it did, it would have been
provided to the courts already.

Damn. You are gullible.

If that evidence existed, it would have been provided to the DOJ and FBI, as it outlines massive crimes. Hell, the DOJ and FBI would have subpeaned the evidence weeks ago.


And unsurprisingly, the accusations just keep getting more grand an elaborate. Now, per Powell, BERNIE is in on it, and knows that Hillary used the Dominion systems.

Says who? Says Powell, backed by jackshit. Which is good enough for conservatives








This is all FAKE, right? This guy is LYING!!!

You can call them lies or you can say he’s mistaken or you can say he is making assumptions of possible fraud and not actually pointing to evidence of fraud. I think all can apply but take your pick

Which is probably why trump's lawyers didn't take it to court.

Nothing substantial.

Just today the Pennsylvania injunction against certifying the vote was thrown out for....

...wait for it....

Wait. For. It.

Lack of evidence.

"Plaintiffs ask this Court to disenfranchise almost seven million voters,” wrote District Court Judge Matthew Brann. “One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption...That has not happened. Instead, this Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations."









This is all FAKE, right? This guy is LYING!!!

You can call them lies or you can say he’s mistaken or you can say he is making assumptions of possible fraud and not actually pointing to evidence of fraud. I think all can apply but take your pick
Making assumptions?
Did you read what he wrote? He spells out clearly what he believed, in his expert opinion, occurred. I wouldn’t call that an assumption and dismiss it like that. He can’t physically prove it without access to the machines, but he pretty clearly lays out the evidence he has for making the statements he does.
Could he be wrong? Possibly.
Could he be right? possibly.
To just dismiss this as some people seem to do is foolish.








This is all FAKE, right? This guy is LYING!!!

You can call them lies or you can say he’s mistaken or you can say he is making assumptions of possible fraud and not actually pointing to evidence of fraud. I think all can apply but take your pick
Making assumptions?
Did you read what he wrote? He spells out clearly what he believed, in his expert opinion, occurred. I wouldn’t call that an assumption and dismiss it like that. He can’t physically prove it without access to the machines, but he pretty clearly lays out the evidence he has for making the statements he does.
Could he be wrong? Possibly.
Could he be right? possibly.
To just dismiss this as some people seem to do is foolish.

There are a lot of nested assumptions there. For example, the 'Estimated Voters based on Reported Statistics'?

Whose estimates, reported by whom, where and when? Were these estimates from the State? Or from Mr. Ramsland? Some polling agency? What were they based on? When were they made.....are these estimates from 2020, or from 10 years ago? Where were they pulled from? And who reported them?

The 'Estimated Voters based on Reported Statistics' (all strangely capitalized) is the very basis of comparison for the entire statistical analysis laid out in the claims.

But Mr. Ramsland doesn't provide any information about where he got these fundamental numbers.








This is all FAKE, right? This guy is LYING!!!


There are only two ways to prove, with out a doubt, in court, this allegation to be true. An audit of a paper trail, which there are none, and a review of the source code.

Bulldog assures me that he is sure they have gone over the source code. Not sure why he is sure, but he is sure. :113:

Otherwise, everything all the posters on the left are telling you? Is correct.

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