For The NRA Freedom Means Being Heavily Armed And Scared To Death

If I walk down the street and am gunned downed by a guy who drops his AR-15 on the street and it discharges into my face, the gun nuts would blame me for not wearing full body armor.

If you're walking down the street with your AR-15 and a round in the chamber your name is probably Murphy. If you drop it and it goes off hitting you we would just nominate you for a Darwin award. Hope that helps your understanding.

Interesting lesson in handling an AR-15, but you should tell it to someone who ownes one. I got over playing "solider" when I was 7.

Which is why you went into the Navy, so you wouldn't have to actually do any "fighting".
Shut up. Progressives (adults) are talking.
If I walk down the street and am gunned downed by a guy who drops his AR-15 on the street and it discharges into my face, the gun nuts would blame me for not wearing full body armor.

If you're walking down the street with your AR-15 and a round in the chamber your name is probably Murphy. If you drop it and it goes off hitting you we would just nominate you for a Darwin award. Hope that helps your understanding.

Interesting lesson in handling an AR-15, but you should tell it to someone who ownes one. I got over playing "solider" when I was 7.

Which is why you went into the Navy, so you wouldn't have to actually do any "fighting".
Shut up. Progressives (adults) are talking.

There is nothing about you or vandal. You are filled with hatred and bitterness. Besides you can't shut me up.
For The NRA Freedom Means Being Heavily Armed And Scared To Death

I thought it meant subscription dues that are used for political clout?
For The NRA Freedom Means Being Heavily Armed And Scared To Death

Pretty sure you're the snowflake scared to death since you're the ones screaming to ban guns no more dangerous than your average handgun, but they just look scarier.
If I walk down the street and am gunned downed by a guy who drops his AR-15 on the street and it discharges into my face, the gun nuts would blame me for not wearing full body armor.

If you're walking down the street with your AR-15 and a round in the chamber your name is probably Murphy. If you drop it and it goes off hitting you we would just nominate you for a Darwin award. Hope that helps your understanding.

Interesting lesson in handling an AR-15, but you should tell it to someone who ownes one. I got over playing "solider" when I was 7.

Interesting lesson in being a victim. I got over playing THAT the day a murderer attacked me on the street.

Good thing you had your AR-15!!!!!

No, I got lucky. And I'll be damned if I'll EVER play roulette with my life like that again, and certainly not because a bunch of candy-assed leftist needledicks want to disarm me.
But what will our schools look like when we are done? What will our schools feel like? Is this where we are to train and nurture a free society, in the midst of assault rifles and bulletproof armor? Those things signify and communicate something quite other than freedom.

They impose an environment of fear, which can be debilitating to our youth, whom we should want to be confident, open, honest and happy. These are not the kinds of things you see in a free society, but a society at war. How bizarre is it that we would willfully take on the trappings of a society at war, while countless nations around the world — embroiled in real, live civil wars — envy our peace?

This is madness, of course. The NRA’s logic dictates that we should make our schools look like war zones to accommodate unfettered gun rights.

We only have two choices in this matter: Live with mass killings or do something to try and stop them. Trying to go against our Constitution and disarm 300 million Americans will not be the solution because it can't be done.

Disarming the population isn’t possible nor is it desireable, but you can put much tighter restrictions on the sale of weapons which have no purpose other than aggression and murder, and on who can buy a gun. Same with large clips.

You can also require anyone buying a gun to having training, a background check, and err on the side of caution.

And that's going to stop all mass shootings? After all, isn't that what we are talking about here?

What an ignorant, ill-informed comment. This idea that if it doesn’t completely stop mass shootings then it shouldn’t be done.

You cannot prevent every crime or even every shooting. But you can substantially reduce the number of murders and mass shootings just by making guns more difficult to get, and banning assault style weapons.

It’s worked in every country that has banned assault type weapons and large magazines.

Who said "completely"? We'll accept "appreciably", which I think anyone sane can agree that "gun free zones" has not done (just as an example).

And no, you CAN'T substantially reduce the number of murders and mass shootings by making it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to get guns. Nor can you do it by making up scary-sounding buzzwords like "assault-style weapons".

It has NOT worked in every country that has banned any sort of gun, unless your definition of "worked" is "the media doesn't tell us". Out of sight, out of mind wasn't really what we were looking for.

I was responding to a post which said “and that’s going to stop ALL mass shootings?”. (The caps are mine - I have no bold function on my phone.) This comes up frequently when discussing gun control with Americans.

Yes, the only people who have guns here are the police and criminals. That means the police know that the guy with a gun is a criminal, not an honest citizen exercising his “rights”.

It also means that when the police want to get gang bangers off the streets they obtain probable cause warrants, execute massive, before dawn raids across the GTA, and anyone with an illegal weapon is arrested. The last such raid cleared 150 assholes off the steets for a minimum of two years.

This doesn’t eliminate all gun crimes or violence but it substantially reduces it. Toronto is a city of 2.7 million people. Last year there were 61 murders, of which 39 were shooting deaths. Compare that to the 650 murders in Chicago last year.

Reducing access to guns doesn’t eliminate them but it greatly reduced them. Restricting guns makes it easy to get criminals off the street.

List of people who give a shit:

Glad we cleared that up.

Forget it, he's a candy ass who thinks his shit doesn't stink. Like all Progs he knows better than anyone else about everything. Just ask him.
We definitely do know more lol

Of course you do, just ask you.

List of people who give a shit:

Glad we cleared that up.

Forget it, he's a candy ass who thinks his shit doesn't stink. Like all Progs he knows better than anyone else about everything. Just ask him.
We definitely do know more lol

Of course you do, just ask you.
Yeah that’s the only advice I need on the matter

List of people who give a shit:

Glad we cleared that up.

Forget it, he's a candy ass who thinks his shit doesn't stink. Like all Progs he knows better than anyone else about everything. Just ask him.
We definitely do know more lol

Of course you do, just ask you.
Yeah that’s the only advice I need on the matter

Advice? I wouldn't bother, you're too stupid.
But what will our schools look like when we are done? What will our schools feel like? Is this where we are to train and nurture a free society, in the midst of assault rifles and bulletproof armor? Those things signify and communicate something quite other than freedom.

They impose an environment of fear, which can be debilitating to our youth, whom we should want to be confident, open, honest and happy. These are not the kinds of things you see in a free society, but a society at war. How bizarre is it that we would willfully take on the trappings of a society at war, while countless nations around the world — embroiled in real, live civil wars — envy our peace?

This is madness, of course. The NRA’s logic dictates that we should make our schools look like war zones to accommodate unfettered gun rights.

We only have two choices in this matter: Live with mass killings or do something to try and stop them. Trying to go against our Constitution and disarm 300 million Americans will not be the solution because it can't be done.

Disarming the population isn’t possible nor is it desireable, but you can put much tighter restrictions on the sale of weapons which have no purpose other than aggression and murder, and on who can buy a gun. Same with large clips.

You can also require anyone buying a gun to having training, a background check, and err on the side of caution.

Is that what you use to smoke your marijuana? Your ignorance of guns is showing again.

I prefer a bubbler or a vape.

But what will our schools look like when we are done? What will our schools feel like? Is this where we are to train and nurture a free society, in the midst of assault rifles and bulletproof armor? Those things signify and communicate something quite other than freedom.

They impose an environment of fear, which can be debilitating to our youth, whom we should want to be confident, open, honest and happy. These are not the kinds of things you see in a free society, but a society at war. How bizarre is it that we would willfully take on the trappings of a society at war, while countless nations around the world — embroiled in real, live civil wars — envy our peace?

This is madness, of course. The NRA’s logic dictates that we should make our schools look like war zones to accommodate unfettered gun rights.

We only have two choices in this matter: Live with mass killings or do something to try and stop them. Trying to go against our Constitution and disarm 300 million Americans will not be the solution because it can't be done.

Disarming the population isn’t possible nor is it desireable, but you can put much tighter restrictions on the sale of weapons which have no purpose other than aggression and murder, and on who can buy a gun. Same with large clips.

You can also require anyone buying a gun to having training, a background check, and err on the side of caution.

Is that what you use to smoke your marijuana? Your ignorance of guns is showing again.

Large capacity clips are restricted/banned (not sure which), AR’s and similar weapons are restricted, and some other military weapons are banned.

Now if I really, really wanted to get nasty weapons I could. But I have no desire to do so. Big waste of money.

And I say this having lived more than half my life in one of the great multi-cultural cities in the world, where white people make up only 45% of the population. And not once was I ever robbed, mugged or attacked nor did I ever cower at home afraid to go out, despite walking through Chinatown at 3:00 am on a regular basis.

They are called magazines, dumbass!
If I walk down the street and am gunned downed by a guy who drops his AR-15 on the street and it discharges into my face, the gun nuts would blame me for not wearing full body armor.

If you're walking down the street with your AR-15 and a round in the chamber your name is probably Murphy. If you drop it and it goes off hitting you we would just nominate you for a Darwin award. Hope that helps your understanding.

Interesting lesson in handling an AR-15, but you should tell it to someone who ownes one. I got over playing "solider" when I was 7.

Interesting lesson in being a victim. I got over playing THAT the day a murderer attacked me on the street.

Good thing you had your AR-15!!!!!

No, I got lucky. And I'll be damned if I'll EVER play roulette with my life like that again, and certainly not because a bunch of candy-assed leftist needledicks want to disarm me.

Personally, I never go near the chilled beer aisle at Safeway unless I am armed. they like to hang out there, and they are vicious!

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